Calling all brainstormers! Are you ready for social creativity?  
alpha test and informal social experiment / collaborative brainstorming club


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    The agenda:

                          Eudemonia in our time
                                 Dialectic and action



    Gentle reader, unmet friend:
    No, I don't want your money or your devotion. And I might not have what you want. But dare we seek for it together?
    Only ask yourself: What is it you desire?
    What do you want, and realistically, what will it take?

    And exactly what and how much can you feel happy in (expending your ongoing time, effort and attention) doing about it?

    These simple and obvious but daunting and demanding questions in life, all too often and consistently remain so blithely skirted.
         • The Top 10 Things People Want In Life But Can’t Seem To Get - - I can't get no...”



    Moreover: The correct indefinite pronoun denoting society can never be it, but only We.

    Therefore: the very expression: Why doesn't/can't it...? may generally pose entirely the wrong question.
    Rather, the interesting and responsible question remains: Why don't/can't We?




    Online or Offline, and for better or worse, in the lives of sapient human beings (unlike even the most sensitive dogs and cats), relationship and particularly the forging of attachments of genuine and true friendship possible only under autonomy, all arises only as an awkward, nerdy and unpopular byproduct of of truly purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication.

    And believe it or not, never otherwise.
    Moreover, as John Mason Good observes: “Happiness consists in activity. It is a running stream, not a stagnant pool.” For to quote Alain de Botton: “One of the best protections against disappointment is to have a lot going on.”
    Therefore, in whatever all too often frustrated yearning for any life less ordinary, find herein the master plan and open invitation into the inception of ongoing concurrent synergistic collaborative dual endeavor in tandem online, of the most exalted and productive creative solution finding. And all via the sharing indeed of a unique concurrent synergy, on the one hand, into the vibrant aspiration of authorship, and on the other hand, into the cherished ambition of entrepreneurship. Thus of pure creativity for its own joy, indeed into synergy with purposefully applied creativity named: innovation. Not merely either one or the other, but actually both, concurrently.
    And all, as herein extolled, as exalted Eudemonia, indispensable happy core intellectual and relationship values for hitherto all too often misunderstood, bored, lonely and alienated, intelligent people as I and thou, gentle reader, unmet friend. Eudemonia to be striven towards throughout a heady and open ended process of rapport building indeed on the one hand via pure creativity in collaborative brainstorming online into the most scintillating dual application of narrative. Indeed all, firstly, in order to cultivate and explore such exhilarating flights of fancy into the production of extremely original and high quality serious collaborative fiction writing output. But on the other hand also, concurrently and synergistically, then proceeding along the path of innovation, into research in order to develop, flesh out and expand via collaboration among equals in creative solution finding and diligent feasibility study, the entirety of business/project planning and management team formation. Again, not merely either one or the other, but actually both, concurrently.
    Because after all, a business or project plan remains merely another kind of convincingly likely story. Indeed, no less exiting and informative presentation of sweeping drama and bold conjecture. But beyond mere Science Fiction speculation, together into scenario futuring of rigorous prediction and exploration of projected outcomes from proposed, intentional and deliberate action. And therefore beyond mere willing suspension of disbelief, so crucial for any ripping yarn, into real world feasibility for managing risks in any capable and responsible endeavor proposed. And always as ever with the devil in the details.
    And then in due course, if all goes extremely well, eventually, all the way through to capitalization and implementation and just perhaps, throughout the steep learning curve of rapid and agile serial failure, one fine day, success in new venture creation (various business startup). And all ever as applicable into for profit or nonprofit, and even the most subversively disruptive Social Entrepreneurship and grassroots politics. But not to get ahead of ourselves.
    Therefore, find herein provided all manner of tools and guides, along with, indeed concurrently, on the one hand, a curated selection of sample original unfinished stories of dramatic Science Fiction, writing prompts and provocations, and on the other hand, a wide ranging short compendium of wildly subversive and disruptively innovative most embryonic first concept proposals in new venture creation (various business startup). Either or both kind of unfinished idea narratives alike, for participants together more fully to develop, flesh out and expand upon. 
    And also, do just go ahead and pitch whatever your own brilliant notions! Because creative people love to share their work with one another, here on, self promotion, indeed dual promotion, is to be encouraged! After all, the greatest and most noble mission of all self-promotion, remains in sharing ones greatest gifts in order to advance the wellbeing of others in seizing probortunity. For as signified in the very portmanteau: ‘probortunity’ as derived from the two words: ‘problem’ and ‘opportunity,’ nothing less than golden opportunity remains inherent within the most urgent problems. And the more dire, the more propitious.
    Indeed, Look for the Solution within the Problem!

    And to whatever possible collaborative endeavor, fiction writing, business/project planning, or any other conceivable purpose, indeed for any cooperation in the production and evolution of documents, technology has advanced even beyond entirely serviceable, time tested and adequate modes of asynchronous text communication, such as traditional email and electronic message posting forums, groups and the like. For there now exist also highly sophisticated online platforms and collaborative writing tools to choose amongst as need arising, even free of charge. Many incorporating such features as versioning, commenting, and change tracking capabilities to support iterative processes. And thereby facilitating multiple participants in close collaboration to simultaneously access and edit an ever evolving narrative. And this shall remain key. But more, anon.

    And in accordance with ancient wisdom of the greatest sages of old as rediscovered on the bleeding edge of modern happiness science, of evolutionary neuroscience and the grand afterthought of Cultural Anthropology: to test the very bold conjecture, that no one can remain unfulfilled, bored, lonely and alienated, when so optimally reciprocally, pleasurably and meaningfully engaged, so freely and ebulliently together telling stories and working out plans, in creative solution finding and perhaps even collaborative brainstorming.

    And all so unprecedentedly, to be accomplished intentionally, systematically, transparently, repeatably, regularly and at will, online. Indeed, as to be guided and inspired by the most disruptively innovative design thinking into the ever subversive social engineering of social and intellectual stimulus struggle. And more, anon.  

    And hence the piecemeal social engineering design challenge at hand, such that in due course, all such grand endeavor as herein propounded, perhaps yet may nurture most practically by advancing gradually throughout the incremental institution of intentional community, or initially and more modestly, intentional social circle or group formation, thence forward momentum into a trustworthy culture of helping and autonomy supportive social support. Indeed, any nescient infrastructure forging a steering committee coalescing in deliberation upon the priorities and order of business, managing the general course of successive pending operations across the long haul.

    Because, as John Cleese expounds: “Creativity is not a talent: it's a way of operating.” Moreover, to site Martin Seligman's celebrated happiness formula of Positive Psychology: Only Pleasure + engagement + meaning = intrinsic fulfillmentAnd in the incisive perception of Henry Ford: “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”

        Post to the for others to weigh in, oremail to: aaronagassi@comcast.netif it's private.
    The work ethic  and pragmatically crucial moral dimension to probortunity at hand.
    Why? Because of how task interdependency refers to circumstances wherein any particular tasks must be accomplished first, and within what time frame, in order for other tasks to even become possible in turn, and then accomplished efficiently on schedule. Therefore participants become responsible to one another. Indeed, even in adversity, as in the incisive perception of Henry Ford: “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” And all coming only in meeting ones needs for capable interaction with responsible others, making progress every day, with reciprocal acceptance and respect in the course of anything compelling.
    In the endeavor of entrepreneurship for the rest of us, starting from scratch, participant must begin with few other resources to marshal or else to squander, than quite simply, one another. And together forging a trustworthy culture of helping and autonomy supportive social support. Indeed, wherein, effective teamwork may demand that anyone assisting beyond the range of solitary division of labor, thereby becomes, for the moment, more important than you are! -Reciprocally...
    Into the probortunity at hand, of collaboration among equals here on, then optimally, every time you need something, face a problem or recognize an opportunity the entire venture (and every other participant) must revolve around you. But likewise, reciprocally, every time any other participant needs something, faces a problem or recognizes an opportunity the entire venture (and you especially), must revolve around him or her.  
    Like The Three Musketeers: “All for one, and one for all!” Or else, all for naught.

    Alas then all the more, that in any event of such lamentably misplaced trust, because it reflects so poorly, as of howsoever networking a good contact to a bad one, one thereby risks alarming and alienating the good contact, often so fragile and even tenuous a connection. Unless whomever aforesaid good contact will agree to such risk, be a fast friend, and forgive such all too common and easy misfortune. Therefore, instead to mitigate that nigh inevitable danger, all participants together must all explicitly prepare and contingency plan to persevere, endure and move on from all too common bullying betrayal and falling out, in order then to re-strategize together, support one another, and begin anew, rising undaunted to all challenge of crisis, shock and disappointment, and salvage their work, as best one may. And all notwithstanding, if ultimately nevertheless all goes extremely well, then eventually, all the way through to implementation, just perhaps, throughout the steep learning curve of rapid and agile serial failure, one fine day, at long last arriving at success.

    Only imagine then, hard nosed and empowering close collaboration among equals in together telling stories and working out plans attempting anything really cool together. And testing the prediction that completely honest, hard nosed and fully engaged Socratic Dialectical feasibility study, analytic yet strategic, as herein right here and now invited for all comers, all interested parties, upon precisely all such agenda of creativity, ambition and daunting challenge, nevertheless will already begin lifting spirits together in true creativity and the will to power. Because in the words of Arthur H. Vandenberg: “It is less important to redistribute wealth than it is to redistribute opportunity.”

    Indeed, as John Mason Good observes: “Happiness consists in activity. It is a running stream, not a stagnant pool.” For to quote Alain de Botton: “One of the best protections against disappointment is to have a lot going on.” And as so iconically ponders Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche: “What is happiness? The feeling that power increases - that resistance is being overcome.” And to reiterate, such happiness comes only in meeting ones needs for capable interaction with responsible others, making progress every day. For, again to reiterate, in the incisive perception of Henry Ford: “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”






    The whys and wherefores of collaborative Eudemonia in creative solution finding right here on

    To whatever personal yearnings or objectives, it has been said that to get a social life, first just get a life! Meaning that before one may, for whatever purposes, in order to build, attain or improve a better social life for oneself, indeed in order to be genuine and meaningfully engage with others, to network and forge bonds of attachment, to actively build relationships, one must first prioritize one’s own wellbeing, interests, and individual fulfillment. And only all thereby becoming that much more interesting to oneself, let alone and consequently interesting to anyone else, and thereby at last to begin drawing closer. And only all thus better capable of forming meaningful connections and social circles with others. All so very much easier said than done, of course. And letting alone every daunting challenge of effective outreach and breaking social isolation. But, more anon.

    And notwithstanding no end of pervasive and repetitive common wisdom, such as may be, (the core value and fervent undue conformist reverence towards customary and unspoken expectations), indeed of extremely bad social advice under the ever popular and ubiquitously entrenched cult of socialization (all amounting to such toadying heteronomy to hierarchically predictive social cognition of an utter tool swaying every which way the wind blows), nevertheless, beware!
    For lo and behold, no matter how mightily, cheerfully, determinedly and unflaggingly one strives and struggles to imbibe, completely absorb and internalize, at long last fully to master whatever highly nuanced subtext of toxic soul crushing bogusly facile social skills or hierarchically predictive social cognition, virtue signaling, agreeably vapid, dullardly pointless small talk and witless recreation (that shabby travesty of hedonistic play and fun), nevertheless the unthinkable taboo ugly truth to power endures:
    That Online or Offline, and for better or worse, in the lives of sapient human beings (unlike even the most sensitive dogs and cats), relationship and particularly the forging of attachments of genuine and true friendship possible only under autonomy, all arises only as an awkward, nerdy and unpopular byproduct of of truly purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication.
    And believe it or not, never otherwise.

    Why Nerds Are Unpopular: Because nerds invest their precious time, not in the extensive and complicated dance of popularity, but cultivating genuine interests and values of their own. And yet, mere interests and diversions in common, indeed so frequent among misguided criteria of group membership, remain perhaps among the least of determinants of personality profiling and compatibility and all that human beings actually yearn for from one another.

    Alas then the sorry state of collaborative fiction writing at large online. For indeed, by and large, except for the all important exchange of critique, serious fiction writing remains solitary, and by and large collaborative fiction writing online, remains such a travesty.

    And that similarly, as things stand, there remains precious little viable entry level autonomy supportive opportunity entrepreneurship for the rest of us, all from scratch at large online, for collaboration among equals joining into even the most embryonic first concept disruptively innovative new business venture creation in a trustworthy culture of helping and social support.

    After all, in the words of Arthur H. Vandenberg: “It is less important to redistribute wealth than it is to redistribute opportunity.” And in those immortal words of Henry Ford: “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” Indeed, as John Mason Good observes: “Happiness consists in activity. It is a running stream, not a stagnant pool.” For to quote Alain de Botton: “One of the best protections against disappointment is to have a lot going on.”

    Alas then, such ever more widespread and prevailing anti-intellectualism (hostility and mistrust towards intellect, intellectuals, intellectualism, and deprecation of culture whatsoever) but perhaps more precisely designated as: anti-intraception (a discomfort or opposition in very principle, toward the subjective, the imaginative, the tender minded).  

    Alas indeed, how in accordance with wide spread and emotionally impoverished social norms of Ideocracy, any shared bad habit may be deemed as adequate and even excellent! For extreme example, not even whatever traditional stolid cultivation of biochemical tolerance, or prevailingly expected chemical assistance in even getting laid, much less anymore enduring connection, but the typical frat boy social life as remaining predicated upon actually maximal public intoxication. Typically leaving the earnest and sober so frustrated and isolated. For such remains the the ever lamentable loneliness of boredom prone intelligent people. Of course, for any less physiologically destructive example, indeed chemically free and easier on the liver, there remains interminably banal small talk and witless recreation (that shabby travesty of hedonistic play and fun), all no less to rot the mind in such emotional starvation.

    Indeed, Online or Offline, and for better or worse, in the lives of sapient human beings unlike even the most sensitive dogs and cats, relationship and particularly the forging of attachments of genuine and true friendship possible only under autonomy, all arises only as an awkward, nerdy and unpopular byproduct of of truly purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication. And believe it or not, never otherwise.

    Indeed, to quote Russell Brand: “Society is collapsing and people are starting to recognize that the reason they feel like they’re mentally ill is that they’re living in a system that’s not designed to suit the human spirit.” For as things stand, the masses ever languish at the mercy of the Terrible Trivium, the more alienated with every breath, lonely enough to die, and just bored to tears. Instead, any better design thinking innovation into more advanced social engineering solution finding, must no longer fail duly to consider social and intellectual stimulus struggle.

    For stimulus struggle is what every living thing is doing all of the time. And often to much frustration. Indeed, as in accordance with the Arousal Theory of motivation, all living beings are perpetually engaged in stimulus struggle, which is the name coined by anthropologist Desmond Morris in 'the human zoo' October 1 1969, for the perpetual striving of all living things, to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of stimulation and arousal from the surrounding environment.

    And by extension, social and intellectual stimulus struggle herein denotes the no less often frustrated perpetual striving of every self aware human psyche, to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of most optimal reciprocally engaged social and intellectual stimulation and arousal from the immediate social environment, indeed from one another. Because everything that we do is in order thereby to modify subjective experience thereby altering consciousness itself.

    And in repeatable experimental observation as published by Dr. Matthias Mehl, capable and Happy People are Empirically observed extrovertedly to reach out in purposeful interaction and substantive communication, exerting effort in order to actively make things happen. Yes, capable and creative happy people, who Talk More Seriously and make  less small talk, known to choose creative effort, attentively pursuing new understanding.
    Although, the thought occurs: Which comes first, the behavior set or the affect? Conceivably, both and each all at once, compel the other. Thereby to perpetuate most wondrous virtuous cycle! Indeed, precisely such may be the case, for such blessedly Happy People, worthies apparently best adapted and even so productively fulfilled in social and intellectual stimulus struggle; and therefore as whom we may all do best to rôle model and to emulate, if only we could ever fathom precisely how. Indeed, even just to Talk More Seriously and choose creative effort. And there's the rub! //A question analytic yet strategic, bridging abstract (generally why) and concrete  (specifically how). A bold investigation from such an obvious question nevertheless ever even explicitly articulated, only here on
    And huzzah! For a feasible path emerges, indeed as extolled herein. Because, in accordance with the wisdom of those greatest sages of old, as rediscovered on the bleeding edge of modern happiness science, of evolutionary neuroscience and the anomalously democratic grand afterthought of generally hierarchical and authoritarian Cultural Anthropology:
    Ever has it come to pass, that in such rare precious respite even amid the hapless corporate workaday grind of oppressive employment (all replete with pandemic serial bullying, not to mention consistently traumatizing formal education, all as on any other occasion so relentlessly stripping us all of every dignity and agency), Empirically, members in whatever sort of tribe, community or any manner of social institution, may (during whatever arising crisis or windfall), however infrequently find themselves called upon (even by whatever generally overbearing powers that be) under whatever temporary relaxation of authority into near hierarchical distance, to participate and together experience some infrequent fleeting glimmer of joy, so scarce, infrequent and fondly remembered, in that transcendently heady experience unique to the human condition, of creative solution finding together in collaboration among near equals.
    Therefore, in taboo unprecedented and innovative design thinking into subversive and disruptive social engineering of more optimal social and intellectual stimulus struggle...
    Can instead such as above salutary experience of collaboration and Eudemonia be reproduced intentionally, at will, transparently, more regularly and at all on demand? Just perhaps. For as John Cleese expounds: “Creativity is not a talent: it's a way of operating.”

    And yet why, well may one protest, must creativity as herein so incessantly extolled, so arduous and complicated, ever remain so indispensable to happiness and wellbeing? That is the question! And the answer: Wakeup, sheeple! Yes, just about any regularly scheduled even remedial group activity or chores, even arbitrarily, can be behaviorally structured towards continual interaction and manufactured propinquity into the long term. Thus bringing people together regularly, and all but forcing them to cooperate and interact.

    And thus creativity itself, indeed challenge to curiosity at all, will all be dismissed as superfluous and merely ornamental at best. But then, what will be the point? Such as the latter contrivance, though simpler and more orderly, alas thereby only shambling through the motions, remains such sadly impoverished remedy so poorly addressing those actually so vastly underserved and unfulfilled intrinsic social and intellectual stimulus appetites, so characteristic of human nature.

    Alternatively, in the words of Sir Karl Popper: “The piecemeal engineer knows, like Socrates, how little he knows. He knows that we can learn only from our mistakes. Accordingly, he will make his way, step by step, carefully comparing the results expected with the results achieved, and always on the look-out for unavoidable unwanted consequences of any reform: and he will avoid undertaking any reform of a complexity and scope which makes it impossible for him to disentangle causes and effects, and to know what he is really doing.... Holistic or Utopian social engineering, as opposed to piecemeal social engineering...aims at remodeling the 'whole of society' in accordance with a definite plan or blueprint.” For such the latter remains of fanatical ideology ever biting off more than they can chew, and then ending in perpetually escalating disaster.

    And hence the piecemeal social engineering design challenge at hand, such that in due course, all such grand endeavor as herein propounded, perhaps yet may nurture most practically by advancing gradually throughout the incremental institution of intentional community, or initially and more modestly, intentional social circle or group formation, thence forward momentum into a trustworthy culture of helping and autonomy supportive social support. Indeed, any nescient infrastructure forging a steering committee coalescing in deliberation upon the priorities and order of business, managing the general course of successive pending operations across the long haul.

    So famously to quote George Bernard Shaw: “Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress, therefore, depends on unreasonable people.” And in the celebrated words of Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Therefore, together bridging abstract and concrete in heady exchange of ideas, change our conversation, reset the agenda, and just maybe, change our world!
    Nevertheless, at least initially, rather than sweeping the world out from leftfield, any bold and radical paradigm shift into liberating and empowering subversion of hierarchy, not unlike taboo forbidden love, necessarily nurtures in microcosm. Indeed even building somewhat covertly and conspiratorially, when any two or more individuals interacting and taking initiative, even in  small reversible steps, must finally innovate: at long last to begin significantly doing things differently and howsoever more capably together and persist.
    Because society is not any entity in its own right, but in aggregate, an interaction along ongoing and defining relationship among people. With subtext of tacit coercion, an all too often abusive and terrifying relationship. A restrictive but ultimately malleable and dreamlike constructed and ultimately chimerical social reality or culture, virtually augmented from time immemorial, no maya or samsāra, but merely the society of the spectacle, the real world Matrix!

    Therefore, in the genesis of any new movement, it may come to pass that the star first follower or ally so desperately sought for, becomes the true leader by example: An influencer, a rôle model blazing the trail, demonstrating how better to relate by together taking initiative even somewhat conspiratorially to innovate, and indeed at long last to begin significantly doing things differently, howsoever more capably together, and to persist.

    Because creativity is more than merely any individual trait, characteristic or mode of expression, but rather, actually a social interaction. Indeed once again, as John Cleese expounds: “Creativity is not a talent: it's a way of operating.” Indeed, creativity motivates an elevated and by far more evolved culture of social interactivity, happier and far more evolved than the dullardly antics of such glorified pack mammals as We, the Sheeple!  

    And when all of the ongoing and appealing fun to be had can at long last and readily be seen in action online and known, recruitment shall only begin to expand accordingly. Because not only that Creativity can and Should be Social, but Creativity Can and Should be Popular and one fine day, not merely valued, but charming, engaging and attractive, duly celebrated and no longer isolating, dorky, awkward, bullied and routinely persecuted.

        Post to the for others to weigh in, oremail to: aaronagassi@comcast.netif it's private.




    The real Axiological lede?

    The lead or lede comprises from the first few lines emphasizing the most important key salient aspects or points of any story. Or else maybe just the hook or grabber, the most interesting and surprising details to arrest reader attention. No need therefore, of sweating the devil in the details. And never wax philosophical. Nobody cares. Alas as in the wry assessment of Jonathan Swift: “Reasoning will never make a Man correct an ill Opinion, which by Reasoning he never acquired.” Or in the biting wit of Dorothy Parker: “You can lead a whore to culture, but you can't make her think.” 
    Indeed, as we are all admonished per the venerable maxim of journalism: Never bury the lede! Get right to the point. Who, what, where and when, and only then, if ever at all to provide context: why. So, don't build up an argument like some sort of academician! After all, as Mitch Courtenay in the Science Fiction novel 'The Space Merchants' by Frederik Pohl and C.M. Kornbluth, explains: Logos, the appeal to intellect, remains most notoriously the least persuasive among all advertising tactics. A matter of course, however Existentially Absurd, for the perhaps somewhat archetypical/stereotypical and resolutely cynical fictional character of, notwithstanding indeed such inner wry cynicism, so company and industry staunchly loyal advertising executive and rising star Mitch Courtenay.
    And yet, as real world marketer Simon Sinek contends in his Golden Circle model of marketing value proposition, compelling branding that truly differentiates, begins not with who, what, where or even how, but indeed, rather, in perhaps the true and so often buried lede: why? Yes: From amongst all of Kipling's Six Honest Serving Men, not last or least but first and foremost: Why, oh why? Indeed, to understand and to embrace whatever value proposition and to know whatever compelling and meaningful reason and purpose. After all, like any good sales pitch, the present offering seeks to excite the reader by offering hope. But also, together to advance beyond merely tickling the ears. Because, method and action must derive from purpose why, in order that resultant call to action might ever be seen likewise to align with purpose and meaningful reason why.
    Indeed, to site Martin Seligman's celebrated happiness formula of Positive Psychology: Only Pleasure + engagement + meaning = intrinsic fulfillment.    

    And yet why, well may one protest, must creativity as herein so incessantly extolled, so arduous and complicated, ever remain so indispensable to happiness and wellbeing? That is the question! And the answer: Wakeup, sheeple! Yes, just about any regularly scheduled even remedial group activity or chores, even arbitrarily, can be behaviorally structured

    And thus creativity itself, indeed challenge to curiosity at all, will all be dismissed as superfluous and merely ornamental at best. But then, what will be the point? Such as the latter contrivance, though simpler and more orderly, alas thereby only shambling through the motions, remains such sadly impoverished remedy so poorly addressing those actually so vastly underserved and unfulfilled intrinsic social and intellectual stimulus appetites, so characteristic of human nature.
    Welcome then to, the ever more subversive website hypertext of unprecedented design thinking into disruptive social engineering of more optimal social and intellectual stimulus struggle along with new and more upliftingly effective modes of social interaction, particularly as pertaining to creative solution finding together online.
    What unfolds herein, as shall be seen here on, consists in detailed explanation of how and why, to reiterate, are provided all manner of tools and guides, but especially including hyperlinked unfinished drafts in each of two specific subjects and ongoing concurrent synergistic collaborative endeavors in tandem online, of the most exalted and productive creative solution finding in concurrent synergy of authorship and entrepreneurship. All requiring full explanation how-to, anon. But first and directly following, is provided, exposition upon whys and wherefores, ways and means, and every crucial importance all whereof, to ongoing authentic wellbeing: 

    Indeed, for any cooperation in the production and evolution of documents, even beyond entirely serviceable modes of asynchronous text communication, traditional email and electronic message posting forums, groups and the like, there now exist also highly sophisticated online platforms and collaborative writing tools to choose amongst as need arising, even free of charge. Many incorporating such features as versioning, commenting, and change tracking capabilities to support iterative processes. And thereby facilitating multiple participants in close collaboration to simultaneously access and edit an ever evolving narrative. And this shall remain key. But more, anon.

    Surely however, not discourse, but connections, ever remain key to success and wellbeing in every walk of life. Or is anything actually so simple? Indeed, might there be any crucial causal interaction between discourse and whatever process of connection and even quality thereof? For the true cultural path ever so steadily and inexorably into real world Idiocracy, is only amplified by technology. And likewise any hoped for escape. And perhaps there is a clue to be discovered in the notable words of Barbara Sher, that: “Isolation is the true dream killer, not your attitude.” For indeed, no matter how mightily, cheerfully, determinedly and unflaggingly one strives and struggles to imbibe, completely absorb and at long last fully to master whatever nuanced and toxic soul crushing bogus and facile social skills or hierarchically predictive social cognition, virtue signaling, agreeably vapid, dullardly pointless small talk and witless recreation, that shabby travesty of hedonistic play and fun, nevertheless the unthinkable taboo ugly truth to power endures: For in the uncompromising admonition of Number Six: They have joined the enemy against themselves.
    Because Online or Offline, and for better or worse, in the lives of sapient human beings unlike even the most sensitive dogs and cats, relationship and particularly the forging of attachments of genuine and true friendship possible only under autonomy, all arises only as an awkward, nerdy and unpopular byproduct of of truly purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication. And believe it or not, never otherwise.
    After all, according to truism, in order to build any kind of a social life, first just get a life! Meaning that before one may, for whatever purpose, actively build relationships and engage with others socially, one must prioritize one’s own wellbeing, interests, and personal fulfillment. Because, essentially, by establishing such a life that one can in that way enjoy on one’s own part, one becomes that much more proximate and interesting to others as indeed to oneself. And therefore, thus better capable of forming meaningful connections with others. All so much easier said than done. And therefore, your mileage may vary.
    And perhaps any of such above, is precisely why Empirically, in repeatable experimental observation as published by Dr. Matthias Mehl, capable and Happy People, Talk More Seriously making less small talk, and choose creative effort, attentively pursuing new understanding. Indeed capable and Happy People, are Empirically observed extrovertedly to reach out in purposeful interaction and substantive communication, exerting effort in order to actively make things happen. Yes, Happy People whom we may all do best to emulate, to rôle model, if only we could ever fathom precisely how, at the very least, together to Talk More Seriously and choose creative effort. But for all fairly widespread reportage even replete with any vague and transient musings upon which is cause and which is the resultant effect, the behavior set or the affect, only on is even posed any explicit very question of deliberate application, what to do about any of it: Actually just perhaps, of what kind of action ever to take. And there's the rub!
    Which returns us to the notable elation of collaboration in creative solution finding and the probortunity at hand. For as signified in the very portmanteau: ‘probortunityas derived from the two words: ‘problem’ and ‘opportunity,’ nothing less than golden opportunity remains inherent within the most urgent problems. Indeed, the more dire, the more propitious.

    Indeed, as so iconically ponders Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche: “What is happiness? The feeling that power increases - that resistance is being overcome.” And such happiness comes only in meeting ones needs for capable interaction with responsible others, making progress every day. All by far easier said than done. And therefore, life can be so vexing, lonely and boring. But must it ever be so? Such emerges as the hitherto squandered probortunity at hand, in the design thinking of social engineering of more optimal social and intellectual stimulus struggle.

    And the probortunity at hand: We are all brought up to admire, but never taught how to emulate, those stalwart lone men and women of destiny, in whatever new mythic incarnation. And now, the successors to Plato's philosopher king, Nietzsche's Ubermensch, the new Soviet person and Mazlow's self realized individual, never mind self enamored narcissistic hackers and Heinlein's self-sufficient jack-of-all-trades competent man, watch out! Here comes Matthias Mehl's Empirically gregarious capable Happy People, Talking More Seriously and making less small talk.
    And as shall be seen, beyond so lofty and ambiguously yet more of the same vast abstraction and glittering generality, actually that might be progress. Because Dr. Mehl's Empirical discovery is real, at all more accessible, social and readily conceivable, and not just lofty fantasy of unique characterization and singular extreme lone enlightened ability. Indeed in the latter, such straight-faced fables of leadership so lonely at the top, all rising to overcome oppressive social environment. And never because of any nurture therein. All the more sly and sycophantic a propaganda notion, so extravagant, impossible, irrelevant, diversionary and discouraging. And if you don't like just towing the line, why then you remain perfectly free to bootstrap for yourself until, if you are indeed worthy, you can seize control. Bullshit!
    Who is Number One?! You are Number Six!Who is Number One?! You are, Number Six!  
    Indeed, so blithely led about by the nose and flagrantly manipulated, we have all found ourselves ever yet again summarily abandoned each and all to our own devices. “Follow your bliss! The graduation blandishment rings hollow. Always such useless and needless encouragement at the starting line, so quickly dissipating long before help is actually required or desired. Bah, humbug! There must be a better way. Anything that can ever actually be rendered at all the more transparent and accessible.
    Because Empirically, members in whatever sort of tribe, community or any manner of social institution, may however infrequently find themselves called upon by whatever generally overbearing powers that be, under whatever temporary relaxation of authority into near hierarchical distance, to participate and together experience some scarce and infrequent fleeting glimmer of joy, so scarce, infrequent and fondly remembered, in the heady experience of creative solution finding together in collaboration among near equals. Indeed, precious respite even amid the hapless corporate workaday grind of oppressive employment, replete with pandemic serial bullying, not to mention consistently traumatizing formal education, all as on any other occasion always stripping us all of every dignity and agency.
    Hence, in order ever to join the ranks of those gregariously capable Happy People, Talking More Seriously etc., there remains, in accordance with the anomalously democratic grand afterthought of generally hierarchical and authoritarian Cultural Anthropology, the scarce and infrequent elation of creative solution finding together, even as ever popular, such social creativity techniques as collaborative brainstorming, that could and should be made more regular, frequent and ongoing, indeed most readily, online.
        Post to the for others to weigh in, oremail to: aaronagassi@comcast.netif it's private.
    The How-To of collaborative Eudemonia in creative solution finding right here on

    Because: Writing is like photography: Easy to do but difficult to do well. Writing is rewriting, patient hard work and never a waste of time. And after all, a business or project plan remains merely another kind of likely story, beyond mere Science Fiction, into scenario futuring of rigorous prediction, feasibility study and exploration of projected outcomes from proposed intentional and deliberate action. And no less exiting and informative a presentation all thereof. Indeed of sweeping drama, bold conjecture, indeed tantalizing futuring scenario, thorough out research and laboriously task interdependent and objective real world feasibility study.

    Indeed, business plans are well understood as the single most important document and narrative into the intensive interdisciplinary collaboration of new venture creation (various business startup). And all beginning from most embryonic first concept "kitchen table" stage or phase. A tale to be told, no less compellingly redolent with drama and conjecture. And yet, prudently constrained, beyond  mere plausibility and willing suspension of disbelief, by all duly rigorous feasibility study investigating external Empirical objective reality. A narrative of prediction and recommendation laboriously smoothing over all obvious and surreal plot holes. Or so one might only hope.

    To quote Sir Francis Bacon: “Truth is so hard to tell, it sometimes needs fiction to make it plausible. However, whereas, barring the surreal outright, any good story or ripping yarn, in order to sustain that all-important willing suspension of disbelief, only needs indeed to seem at all plausible, by contrast business or project planning remains a matter of Science Fiction scenario futuring, of rigorous prediction, feasibility study and exploration of projected outcomes from proposed intention into options for taking deliberate action.

    To reiterate, for any cooperation in the production and evolution of documents, even beyond entirely serviceable modes of asynchronous text communication, traditional email and electronic message posting forums, groups and the like, there now exist also highly sophisticated online platforms and collaborative writing tools to choose amongst as need arising, even free of charge. Many incorporating such features as versioning, commenting, and change tracking capabilities to support iterative processes. And thereby facilitating multiple participants in close collaboration to simultaneously access and edit an ever evolving narrative. And this shall remain key.
    Because what now at last follows, consists as promised, in detailed explanation of how and why here on, are provided all manner of tools and guides, but especially including hyperlinked unfinished drafts in each of two subjects and ongoing concurrent synergistic collaborative endeavors in tandem, of perhaps the most exalted and productive of all creative solution finding. And believe it or not, if, gentle reader, you are ever anything like me in this regard, key to all that you have been missing:

    On the one hand, 1) the pure creativity for it's own joy, of serious original and high quality collaborative fiction writing, and on the other hand, 2) the dazzling and intensive interdisciplinary innovation (applied creativity) of compelling embryonic first concepts in disruptive new business venture creation. Not just either but both concurrently and in synergistic tandem. And all along a steep learning curve intended for the entire range of knowledge and skill, beginners and experts alike and together, a bare beginning in together seizing any sense of control, and in vindication of all such hitherto broken promise.

    Indeed, in those wise words of Henri-Louis Bergson: “Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought.”

    And for any bare modicum of wherewithal in serious collaborative fiction writing may yet pay any service into new business venture creation. Perhaps eventually arriving at any principle of fertile conjecture, any range of creative solution finding, synthesis bridging abstract (generally why) and concrete  (specifically how). Indeed, progress along what is called: the Backwards Ladder of Abstraction. So named being the steady retreat from utter fantasy and willing suspension of disbelief, gradually via ever more defensible bastion of barest possibility, until at last arriving into at all actual feasibility.

    Just for example, as beginning from the stock Science Fiction fantasy of defensive force fields, engineers thereof inspired, finally arrived at the invention of active shielding, the life saving innovation of implanting shaped charges into tank armor, for the purpose upon impact, of dispersing the explosive force from enemy shells. Thus indeed, steady retreat from utter fantasy and willing suspension of disbelief, gradually via ever more defensible bastion of barest possibility, until at last arriving into at all actual feasibility. 

    And all as extolled herein, throughout the elated sharing of a proposed vibrant fusion of two poignantly difficult, isolated, wide spread and culturally ingrained yet all hitherto so vastly underserved dreams of creativity and individual power: Those of authorship and of entrepreneurship. And all in order together to brainstorm, cultivate and explore even beyond whatever exhilarating flights of fancy. Indeed, to research, develop, flesh out and expand via collaboration among equals in diligent feasibility study throughout business/project planning, rapport building and management team formation. And all therefore, also, do just go ahead and pitch whatever your own brilliant notions.
    Because creative people love to share their work with one another, here on, self promotion is to be encouraged! Just so long as it also remains topic relevant. Because today's wants to join you! Indeed, seeking for common ground as in the promotional exchange strategy that has been dubbed: dual promotion, engages the creativity to relate ones own passions to those of others. After all, the greatest and most noble mission of all self-promotion, remains in sharing ones greatest gifts in order to advance the wellbeing of others.

    And if all goes extremely well, at long last, all the way through to implementation and just perhaps, throughout the steep learning curve of rapid and agile serial failure, eventually at long last, actually success. And all ever as applicable into for profit or nonprofit, even Social Entrepreneurship and grassroots politics. But not to get ahead of ourselves.

    And all because, to site Martin Seligman's celebrated happiness formula of Positive Psychology: Only Pleasure + engagement + meaning = intrinsic fulfillment.

    And all thus, via the most disruptively innovative design thinking into the ever subversive social engineering of social and intellectual stimulus struggle, unprecedentedly, intentionally, systematically, transparently, repeatably, regularly and at will online:  

    And again to reiterate, all thus, in accordance with ancient wisdom of the greatest sages of old as rediscovered in the bleeding edge of modern happiness science, evolutionary neuroscience and the grand afterthought of Cultural Anthropology: to test the very bold conjecture, that no one can remain unfulfilled, bored, lonely and alienated, when so optimally reciprocally, pleasurably and meaningfully engaged, so freely and ebulliently together telling stories and working out plans, in creative solution finding and perhaps even collaborative brainstorming.

    And all thus at long last, in hitherto squandered probortunity at hand, to assuage the ever lamentable loneliness of boredom prone intelligent people at long last taking action into the real world Hero's Journey attempting anything really cool together.

    Indeed, what can there be so heady as joining into collaboration among equals into innovative new business venture creation? That is, until alas, one way or another, pipedream or cult like scam, it all just peters out or just blows up in your face! Alas, even the greatest idea can only be no better than the execution. And to quote Frederick Law Olmsted: “After all is said and done, much is said and little is done.”
    To quote Karan Gaur: “Effort is the best indicator of interest.” All the more therefore, beware herein the solicitation to hardship. Because nothing is easy.

    Moreover, in any event of such lamentably misplaced trust, because it reflects so poorly, as of howsoever networking a good contact to a bad one, one thereby risks alarming and alienating the good contact, often so fragile and even tenuous a connection. Unless whomever aforesaid good contact will agree to such risk, be a fast friend, and forgive such all too common and easy misfortune. Therefore, instead to mitigate that nigh inevitable danger, all participants together must all explicitly prepare and contingency plan to persevere, endure and move on from all too common bullying betrayal and falling out, in order then to re-strategize together, support one another, and begin anew, rising undaunted to all challenge of crisis, shock and disappointment, and salvage their work, as best one may. And all notwithstanding, if ultimately nevertheless all goes extremely well, then eventually, all the way through to implementation, just perhaps, throughout the steep learning curve of rapid and agile serial failure, one fine day, at long last arriving at success.

    Because even in adversity, happiness requires acceptance and respect in the course of anything compelling. After all, starting from scratch, participant must begin with few other resources to marshal or else to squander, than quite simply, one another. And together forging a trustworthy culture of helping and autonomy supportive social support. Indeed, wherein, effective teamwork may demand that anyone assisting beyond the range of solitary division of labor, thereby becomes, for the moment, more important than you are! -Reciprocally... In the probortunity at hand, here on, optimally, the entire venture must revolve around you, every time you need something, face a problem or recognize an opportunity; and likewise, reciprocally, the entire venture must revolve around each participant in turn, any time at all, they need something, particularly from you, face a problem or recognize an opportunity.

    Moreover, such virtue is little more than vested interest and job description. Everyone must be the boss, in their own specialty, and subordinate to the others, each in each their respective expertise. And all in eager good will, never festering resentment. Therefore every grievance as arising, must be aired openly, then quickly and fully resolved in all good faith.

    All in all, in the genesis of any new movement, it may come to pass that the star first follower or ally so desperately sought for, becomes the true leader by example: An influencer, a rôle model blazing the trail, demonstrating how better to relate by together taking initiative even somewhat conspiratorially to innovate, and at long last to begin significantly doing things differently, howsoever more capably together, and to persist.

    Indeed, as for any attempt at serious collaborative fiction writing, indeed of Science Fiction, the Literature of ideas, and of drama, hailed by Socrates as most philosophical among the arts, together opening every vista of exploration and pure creativity for its own joy: Alas as collaborative endeavor, all typically and similarly doomed to creative difference, strife and dissolution. Or else to the most dreary and mediocre superficial harmony and sophomoric steady output of eye wateringly Ghawd awful badfic. For such remains the sorry state of collaborative fiction writing at large online.

    And all in accordance with knee-jerk authoritarian perception, expectation and just perhaps, self-fulfilling prophesy, indeed to the effect that without behavioral structure of consensus and conformity under whatever acting authority, there can only remain strife and chaos. Thus indeed a mindset wherein free collaboration among equals, remains quite literally inconceivable.

    Returning once again to new business venture creation, entrepreneurial success is well understood to depend not upon stolid and plodding unanimous slavish obedience, but rather upon agile and rapid serial failure. Of relentless trial and error, wherein as Aesop tells us: slow and steady, at out own genuine pace of all due dilligence, wins the race. No foot dragging, and no hurried hustle either. Either no less toxic, dishonest and manipulative, sometimes even criminal scams outright.

    Alas then how opportunities appear so slowly, far and few between. Hence the need a community, a Dialectical engine in the inception of all such collaboration among equals, indeed towards innovative new business venture creation, but primed and actuated by serious collaborative fiction writing for all important rapport and team building. Such remains the tortured and frustrated vision of

    Because as things stand, there remains precious little viable entry level autonomy supportive opportunity all from scratch at large online, for collaboration joining into even the most embryonic first concept disruptively innovative new business venture creation in a trustworthy culture of helping and social support. All wherein  Because in the words of Arthur H. Vandenberg: “It is less important to redistribute wealth than it is to redistribute opportunity.”

    And in those immortal words of Henry Ford: “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” Indeed, as John Mason Good observes: “Happiness consists in activity. It is a running stream, not a stagnant pool.” For to quote Alain de Botton: “One of the best protections against disappointment is to have a lot going on.”

    So famously to quote George Bernard Shaw: “Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress, therefore, depends on unreasonable people.” And in the celebrated words of Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Therefore, together bridging abstract and concrete in heady exchange of ideas, change our conversation, reset the agenda, and just maybe, change our world!

    Because, to reiterate, in the genesis of any new movement, it may come to pass that the star first follower or ally so desperately sought for, becomes the true leader by example: An influencer, a rôle model blazing the trail, demonstrating how better to relate by together taking initiative even somewhat conspiratorially to innovate, and at long last to begin significantly doing things differently, howsoever more capably together, and to persist.

    And in due course, all such grand endeavor as herein propounded, perhaps may nurture most practically by advancing gradually throughout the incremental institution of intentional community and infrastructure even coalescing into a trustworthy culture of helping and social support conducive to probortunity at hand: Collaboration not only in pure creativity of serious creative writing, but also even into disruptive innovation of entrepreneurship for the rest of us. Indeed, all as hitherto so daunting and obscure for the masses. Or at least initially, more modestly, intentional social circle, club or group formation. Perhaps even an open yet responsible working group and steering committee ever striving to bring all such bold vision into fruition.

    Indeed, as so iconically ponders Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche: “What is happiness? The feeling that power increases - that resistance is being overcome.” And such happiness comes only in meeting ones needs for capable interaction with responsible others, making progress every day. All by far easier said than done. And therefore, life can be so vexing, lonely and boring. But must it ever be so? Such emerges as the hitherto squandered probortunity at hand, in the design thinking of social engineering of more optimal social and intellectual stimulus struggle.

    For stimulus struggle, is what every living thing is doing all of the time. And often to much frustration. Indeed, as in accordance with the Arousal Theory of motivation, all living beings are perpetually engaged in stimulus struggle, which is the name coined by anthropologist Desmond Morris in 'the human zoo' October 1 1969, for the perpetual striving of all living things, to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of stimulation and arousal from the surrounding environment.

    And by extension, social and intellectual stimulus struggle herein denotes the no less often frustrated perpetual striving of every self aware human psyche, to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of most optimal reciprocally engaged social and intellectual stimulation and arousal from the immediate social environment. Indeed, everything that we do is in order thereby to modify subjective experience thereby altering consciousness itself.

    Perhaps best key whereof remaining creative solution finding and even brainstorming, in collaboration among equals, actually somewhat taboo, indeed literally inconceivable to authoritarianism. All known and well understood, to bring such great and vociferous shared elation in creativity, Eudemonia and even the will to power. Indeed, in crisis or windfall, however rarely though nevertheless in accordance with repeated Empirical observation informing the anomalously democratic grand afterthought of generally hierarchical and authoritarian Cultural Anthropology.

    Because, members in whatever sort of tribe, community or any manner of social institution, may however infrequently find themselves called upon by whatever generally overbearing powers that be, under whatever temporary relaxation of authority into near hierarchical distance, to participate and together experience some scarce and infrequent fleeting glimmer of joy, so scarce, infrequent and fondly remembered, in the heady experience of creative solution finding together in collaboration among near equals. Indeed, even for the hapless corporate workaday grind of oppressive employment, replete with pandemic serial bullying, not to mention consistently traumatizing formal education, normally stripping us all of dignity and agency.

    Moreover, by very antithesis to everything that we have all have had so perniciously drummed into us, such as above toxic socialization only plumbs the very stygian depths of Ecclesiastically futile sore travail. For thus remains indoctrination that none dare call: brainwash, into the ever popular and entrenched cult of socialization, the core value and fervent undue conformist reverence towards customary and unspoken expectations. All amounting to such toadying heteronomy to hierarchically predictive social cognition of an utter tool swaying every which way the wind blows.

    And yet the unthinkable taboo truth endures: Relationship and particularly the forging of attachments of genuine and true friendship possible only under autonomy, all arises only as an awkward, nerdy and unpopular byproduct of truly purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication. And believe it or not, never otherwise.

    Alas then how the standardized routine and ever more stifling efficiency of traditional mass marketing promotion and Public Relations manipulation, exists in order absolutely to minimize advertiser effort and engagement, actual human interaction on the part of whatever huckster or benighted online guru, with hapless individuals of whatever target demographic. And above all, to advance and propagandize delusional willful positivity, Anti-Critical superficial harmony and the shallow cynically adaptive ideological cult of socialization to agreeably vapid, dullardly small talk and witless recreation, that shabby travesty of hedonistic play and fun.

    And all in a milieu of relentless peer pressure, bullying, intimidation, prevailing anti-intellectualism (hostility and mistrust towards intellect, intellectuals, intellectualism, and deprecation of culture whatsoever) but perhaps more precisely designated as: anti-intraception (a discomfort or opposition in very principle, toward the subjective, the imaginative, the tender minded).

    Whereas by contrast, as proposed, design thinking into the ever subversive social engineering of social and intellectual stimulus struggle and real change, strives at value maximization and thereby to optimize reciprocal engagement into Eudemonia. Because whereas the former ever advances safe, bland mediocrity, promoting the collective and deviously oppressing the individual, instead the later fosters vibrant endeavor, interaction and arête.

    Therefore, towards any life less ordinary, should we so choose, gentle reader, explicitly propounding an intentional and systematic optimization of reciprocal engagement in identifiable modes of human interaction, are the novel and unprecedented proposed measures as already expounded herein. And therein such scarce forbidden fruit so typically out of reach, that we may each at long last partake, but only together and never all alone. And thus exalted peak experience of human flourishing called: Eudemonia and even will to power.

    And all in order unprecedented, intentionally, systematically, transparently, repeatably, regularly and at will, at long last together, first to arouse and then to fulfill, such vastly underserved and utterly frustrated intrinsic stimulus appetites, of social and intellectual stimulus struggle: Social and intellectual stimulus struggle herein denoting the perpetual striving of every self aware human psyche, to regulate, to obtain and maintain, whatever kind and degree as most optimally reciprocally engaged, of social and intellectual stimulation and arousal from the immediate social environment. And all thereby to modify subjective experience, thus altering consciousness itself.

    And when all of the ongoing fun to be had can be seen in action online, recruitment can only expand accordingly. Because not only that Creativity can and Should be Social, but Creativity Can and Should be Popular and one fine day, not merely valued, but charming, engaging and attractive, duly celebrated and no longer isolating, dorky, awkward, bullied and routinely persecuted. Because creativity is more than merely any individual trait, characteristic or mode of expression, but rather, actually a social interaction. Indeed as John Cleese expounds: “Creativity is not a talent: it's a way of operating.” Indeed, creativity motivates an elevated and by far more evolved culture of social interactivity, happier and far more evolved than the dullardly antics of such glorified pack mammals as We, the Sheeple!  

    But in the genesis of any new movement, it may come to pass that the star first follower or ally so desperately sought for, becomes the true leader by example: An influencer, a rôle model blazing the trail, demonstrating how better to relate by together taking initiative even somewhat conspiratorially to innovate, and at long last to begin significantly doing things differently, howsoever more capably together, and to persist.

    And indeed, as shall be seen, such dual application of narrative as herein extolled, remains such ideal creative endeavor: serious collaborative fiction writing, writing hitherto and traditionally so staunch and solitary a discipline (solitude broken only via the ongoing and indispensably invited exchange of criticism that is called: Literary critique), concurrently with entrepreneurship for the rest of us, indeed, as hitherto so daunting and obscure for the masses, and similarly often so isolated and lonely, so individualistic without preexisting resources of longstanding corporate community.
    And alas, the sorry state of collaborative fiction writing at large online, has remained so blithely entrenched in the rigid manufacture of such determinedly eye watering badfic drivel that has bestowed such a very bad name upon any regular ongoing practice online, of collaborative fiction writing at all.
    Indeed, so many serious fiction writers eschew ongoing collaborative fiction writing online, because of those notorious online communities of pompous and willfully inept collaborative fiction writing, too serious and yet not serious enough. Indeed, all puffed up with a searing contempt for expertise in general, let alone capable writing. And all as characteristic of a growing anti-intellectual malagenda even as of an Anti-elitist reverse snobbery sometimes referred to as the Cult of the Amateur.
    For those blockheaded thin-skinned hypersensitive Anti-Critically Biased esthetic relativists, remain entirely convinced most generally, that as the saying goes, there is no disputing taste, and therefore no possibility whatsoever, of individual critical thinking, criteria of esthetics, skill, quality or learning, good or bad, in any art whatsoever, let alone fiction writing in particular. And for that matter, similarly, what rational investor, would want to commit resources to the endeavors of would-be entrepreneurs who resent criticism and deny on very principle, objectively real capability forestalling dangerous ineptitude? 
    And all notwithstanding the many Literary masterpieces, in drama and Science Fiction, born of brilliant writing collaboration. Not to mention no less ingenious, groundbreaking and well researched viable business plans, likewise product of intensive interdisciplinary collaboration.  
        Post to the for others to weigh in, oremail to: aaronagassi@comcast.netif it's private.


    Only look around you: Society is not your friend. Society is the enemy. Society is the oppressor. Society is not nurturing. Alas, quite to the contrary, there remains a user hostile outcomes gap. Instrumentality equals zero: Meaning that there can be no relationship between performance and outcome or even enjoyment aside from tangible results. It all makes no difference. A dire situation whereof the individual ought not to be deemed at all personally responsible, beyond no more than for whatever their own part, and never for everything vastly beyond ones own personal control. For in the words of Barbara Sher, “Isolation is the true dream killer, not your attitude.” Embracing common cause as herein extolled, let us then at long last, break isolation together into taboo collaboration among equals.

    And all throughout, staunchly eschewing any cognitively dissonant untrustworthy dishonest and manipulative socialization that none dare call: oppression or brainwash. Because all such flagrant denial and repression, can only exacerbate ever mounting ambivalence and inner conflict. Which will be most unpleasant. And besides, there can be no solitary rugged self-reliant self-made bootstrap DIY (Do-It-Yourself) "well-formed plans." For in the words of Barbara Sher, “Isolation is the true dream killer, not your attitude.” So much then, for all of that callow Behaviorist motivational grift and strident false hope, of typically inane pep talks. Of delusional willful positivity and Anti-Critically Biased superficial harmony, such heartbreaking insult to the intelligence. And thus all as yet again so blithely led about by the nose, flagrantly manipulated and then finding ourselves summarily abandoned each and all to our own devices.









    A trenchant parable of lonely togetherness: Imagine a seminar upon of all things, and strained metaphor just for contrivance of illustration, how to form a regulation Bedrock barefoot bowling team. The great regulation bowling team formation guru, perhaps none other than The Dude Lebowski (Lebrockski? Lebstoenski?), regales the acolytes enthralled, with great purls of wisdom! And the attendees assembled together share all manner of sensitive personal disclosure, reciprocally sworn to silence once the seminar adjourns. Because what happens and all that is said at the regulation bowling team formation seminar, stays at the regulation bowling team formation seminar.

    And from the very dawn of time, so solemnly vow do they all. And from the regulation bowling team organizing guru, indeed no less than The Dude Lebowski, even in such preposterous cartoon preincarnation, they all learn the purportedly foolproof secrets towards each their similar objectives.

    In precisely all such enduring antediluvian ritual, thus has it ever been, thus shall it ever be!


    Afterwards, eyes henceforth forever averted, they all quietly disperse, each once again alone, filing out into the dark night of the soul, never to interact again, each having girded their loins for the solitary and arduous networking and recruitment outreach at hand. Yes, once again so blithely led about by the nose, flagrantly manipulated and then finding ourselves summarily abandoned each and all to our own devices.

    And nobody at all even seems to have noticed that there were exactly enough people in the room right then and there, for the formation of a regulation bowling team! Easier said than done of course, but then, what isn't?

    As in penetrating dialogue scripted by Bobcat Goldthwait for Robin Williams in the rôle of Lance Clayton in World's Greatest Dad:“I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It’s not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone.” Indeed in all fixative  commitment to such manic and desperate pep rallies encouraging one another, a darker subtext typically lurks beneath all such bludgeoning emphatic superficial harmony: An infliction of such reciprocal shunning and contempt! And what precious little succor will ever actually muster and penetrate such abysmal defeat and indolent covert masochism?


    Because we all need to do better together. And that can be more demanding. 








    Rôle modeling happy people together?
    If You Desire Anything You've Never Had, Try Something You've Never Done


    “I had an intuition I couldn’t survive corporate America. I hated the hierarchy and just wanted to work with my friends.”

      — David Kelley, IDEO cofounder



    Attention, please:

    Alas, ever more clearly, we endure in such a maddening Existentially Absurd monological world, teeming with glorified pack mammals, self-sufficiently Solipsistic bleating sheeple, some quite famous and highly regarded, even venerated. Who only talk and never listen. Not to what anyone else struggling, might be trying so hard to say. Indeed, not even to their own thoughts (indeed as perhaps soliloquizing), much less to one another, to anyone else. With no Point Of View to offer, the inattentive craving attention, void unto void, making interminably vapid small talk, talking with nothing to say about anything whatsoever in the entire universe. Indeed, all said, ever bypassing, denoting the situation or circumstances of talking past one another in blithe and chronically unaware reciprocal communications failure and incomprehension. And indeed Solipsistic with no concept of anyone to say it to anyhow. So: Is that indeed Solipsism, soliloquy? Or is it just me?
    Gentle readers, unmet friends: No, I don't want your money or your devotion. For nowadays more that ever, in the immortal words of Simone Weil: “Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.” And to quote Herbert Simon: “What information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention, and a need to allocate that attention efficiently among the overabundance of information sources that might consume it. Finding ourselves as each we all, situated in an overstressed attention economy, ever shorter attention ever spread so very thin.  And personal happiness may largely depend upon reciprocally optimal and productive exchange of attention, in best sustainable quantity, quality, type and suitability to the needs of participants engaged therein. Alas then how in the words of Jean Boudrillard: “We live in a world where there is more and more information, and less and less meaning.”

    And as herein extolled as cure, for your consideration, the novel and unprecedented objective of analytic yet strategic design thinking, investigation and implementation into the social engineering of more optimal reciprocally engaged social and intellectual stimulus struggle. For stimulus struggle to begin with, remains what every living thing is doing all of the time. Indeed, as in accordance with the Arousal Theory of motivation, all living beings are perpetually engaged in stimulus struggle, which is the name coined by anthropologist Desmond Morris in 'the human zoo' October 1 1969, for the oft times frustrated perpetual striving of all living things, to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of stimulation and arousal from the surrounding environment. And by extension, social and intellectual stimulus struggle herein denotes the no less often frustrated perpetual striving of every self aware human psyche, to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of most optimal reciprocally engaged social and intellectual stimulation and arousal from the immediate social environment. Indeed, everything that we do is in order thereby to modify subjective experience thereby altering consciousness itself. And click here to know more...



    Problem definition and situation analysis

    So famously to quote George Bernard Shaw: “Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress, therefore, depends on unreasonable people.” And in the celebrated words of Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Therefore, together bridging abstract and concrete in heady exchange of ideas, change our conversation, reset the agenda, and just maybe, change our world!

    And in due course, all such grand endeavor as herein propounded throughout, perhaps may nurture most practically by advancing gradually throughout the incremental institution of intentional community and infrastructure even coalescing into a trustworthy culture of helping and social support conducive to probortunity at hand: Collaboration not only in pure creativity of serious creative writing, but also even into disruptive innovation of entrepreneurship for the rest of us. Indeed, all as hitherto so daunting and obscure for the masses. Or at least initially, more modestly, intentional social circle, club or group formation. Perhaps even an open yet responsible working group and steering committee ever striving to bring all such bold vision into fruition.

    In the genesis of any new movement, it may come to pass that the star first follower or ally so desperately sought for, becomes the true leader by example: An influencer, a rôle model blazing the trail, demonstrating how better to relate by together taking initiative even somewhat conspiratorially to innovate, and at long last to begin significantly doing things differently, howsoever more capably together, and to persist.

    Because the social skills and shared core values of autonomy, forever vibrant and new, can only remain entirely distinct from those of ever effete, moribund and toadying heteronomy. And this pertains especially to quite leaderless close collaboration among equals, a social phenomenon quite literally inconceivable from entrenched and tragically misguided heteronymous worldview and perception that without firm and resolute guiding authority, there can only ensue aimless strife and chaos. And click here to know more...

    And yet, notwithstanding any such tragically misguided authoritarian convictions, and instead in accordance with ancient wisdom of the greatest sages of old as rediscovered in the bleeding edge of modern happiness science, evolutionary neuroscience and the grand afterthought of Cultural Anthropology: to test the very bold conjecture, that no one can remain unfulfilled, bored, lonely and alienated, when so optimally reciprocally, pleasurably and meaningfully engaged, so freely and ebulliently together in creative solution finding and perhaps even collaborative brainstorming.

    And precisely such joyful experience is what makes people happy...

    And just imagine: All henceforth to be undertaken continually and systematically, repeatably and at will, indeed that one hitherto all too scarce, tightly controlled  and transient respite from the doldrums and dystress of heteronomy to hierarchically predictive social cognition by which so slavishly to gage and conform to peer expectations.

    And instead, hard nosed and  empowering close collaboration among equals in together telling stories and working out plans attempting anything really cool together. And testing the prediction that completely honest, hard nosed and fully engaged Socratic Dialectical feasibility study, analytic yet strategic, as herein right here and now invited for all comers, all interested parties, upon precisely all such agenda of creativity, ambition and daunting challenge, nevertheless will already begin lifting spirits together in true creativity and the will to power.

    Indeed, as John Mason Good observes: “Happiness consists in activity. It is a running stream, not a stagnant pool.” For to quote Alain de Botton: “One of the best protections against disappointment is to have a lot going on.” And as so iconically ponders Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche: “What is happiness? The feeling that power increases - that resistance is being overcome.” And such happiness comes only in meeting ones needs for capable interaction with responsible others, making progress every day. Indeed, in the incisive perception of Henry Ford: “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” So be interested, be interesting. Stay interested. Include me.

    All hence for serious people ever finding one another at long last, as in first baby steps upon Laozi's fabled Journey of a Thousand Miles, embarkation ensues upon the all too uncertain and often discouraging real life Hero's Journey forging authentic attachment of true friendship by attempting anything really cool together. Thence entering into whole hearted and trustworthy culture of helping and good faith. And wherein each and all take initiative as arising, then to follow and assist one another, reliably and reciprocally without secretive hesitation or sly reservation. Surely all such portends nothing less than Eudemonia on the path to excellence called: arête!

    All therefore, gentle readers, unmet friends: No, I don't want your money or your devotion. Rather, asking then of others what no one else dares ask, find extolled herein, that which only dares even strive to offer:

    Find then herein most heady Eudemonia and arête of optimal reciprocal engagement in social and intellectual stimulus struggle via...
    A most cordial invitation gentle reader Find then herein most heady Eudemonia and arête of optimal reciprocal engagement in social and intellectual stimulus struggle via...
    A most cordial invitation.   gentle reader
    -- for your attentive and diligent participation and input online via asynchronous text communication in novel and unprecedented entrepreneurial and Literary close collaboration among equals and management team rapport building:
    Indeed, into very specific and synergistic dual endeavor expounded herein: In part, the pure creativity for its own joy of 1) dramatic Science Fiction writing collaboration. But together and concurrently with collaborative innovaton in applied creativity that is 2) new venture creation (various possible business startup all from scratch). Not just either but both. These divergent and convergent applications of narrative, empowering close collaboration among equals in together telling stories and working out plans. All remaining such ideal outlet for liberation into heightened social creativity all as herein extolled:  purposeful interaction and substantive communication, forging attachments in values of true friendship in autonomy, attempting anything really cool together.  
    Indeed, even beyond entirely serviceable modes of asynchronous text communication, traditional email and electronic message posting forums, groups and the like, there now exist also highly sophisticated online platforms and collaborative writing tools to choose amongst as need arising, even free of charge. Many incorporating such features as versioning, commenting, and change tracking capabilities to support iterative processes. And thereby facilitating multiple participants in close collaboration to simultaneously access and edit an ever evolving narrative. 

    All thus at long last to assuage the ever lamentable loneliness of boredom prone intelligent people, nothing less of novel and unprecedented intention, than the following dual endeavor, consisting of:

    1) an open ongoing genuine fiction writers' bull session online,

    but together entering into creative solution finding and synergy in combination also with

    2) an innovative entrepreneurial (pre-)incubator likewise right here on

    Thus, among extensive resources provided here on, included toward each above purpose, find provided respectively, two distinctly different collections of purpose tailored working content drafts:

    Indeed, all coming replete with 0) various tools and guides, on the one hand, for pure creativity and art for its own joy, find as creative point of departure, not only

    1) a scintillating curated compendium of imaginative unfinished stories, writing prompts and provocations,

    but also, on the other hand, towards innovation, which is applied creativity, discover as well, a fascinating aggregation of

    2) sample embryonic first concept proposals in disruptive new venture creation (various possible business startup all from scratch).


    Join right in then, on the one hand, into nothing less than dynamic open, intensive and ongoing

    but also, on the other hand, concurrently and synergistically, subversive entrepreneurial innovation of

    2) disruptive new venture creation together (various possible business startup from scratch).


    Not merely one or the other, but open and ongoing dynamic collaborative interplay online, between pure creativity, art for its own joy, and innovation which is applied creativity. For such remain divergent and convergent powerful and synergistic dual application of narrative: Pure creativity for its own joy, and applied creativity of disruptive innovation.  

    Collaborative fiction writing so excellently serving as convivial open and standing invitation and entry point for all comers, all interested parties, indeed to participate together as herein extolled, into an invigorating ice breaker and team building exercise together, as only ideal for building rapport, preliminary to new venture creation together (various possible business startup all from scratch).

    And all beginning even above and beyond the vital exchange of criticism and Literary critique, or even the most crucial feasibility study and faliblistic ongoing error detection and course correction, all indeed towards nothing less Eudemonic, exalted  and elating, than visionary modification, variation, expansion and improvement, back and forth, creative exploration in depth together, ever more fully to flesh out story and business or project ideas alike, into finished stories and plans respectively. For the entire perpetuated cyclical nature of writing and rewriting, empowers continual refinement, expansion and ongoing re-imagination of shared narrative.

    Because: Writing is like photography: Easy to do but difficult to do well. Writing is rewriting, patient hard work and never a waste of time. And after all, a business plan remains merely another kind of likely story: A tale to be told, no less compellingly redolent with drama and conjecture. And yet, prudently constrained, beyond  mere plausibility and willing suspension of disbelief, by all duly rigorous feasibility study investigating external Empirical objective reality. A narrative of prediction and recommendation laboriously smoothing over all obvious and surreal plot holes. Or so one might only hope.

    Perhaps eventually arriving at any principle of fertile conjecture transcending mere drama into any range of creative solution finding, synthesis bridging contradiction of abstract (generally why) and concrete  (specifically how), even into the real world. Indeed, progress along what is called: the Backwards Ladder of Abstraction. So named being the steady retreat from utter fantasy and willing suspension of disbelief, gradually into ever more defensible bastion of real purpose and beyond barest possibility, at all actual feasibility. Indeed, in those wise words of Henri-Louis Bergson: “Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought.”

    And all as well informed by analytic yet strategic social engineering design thinking regarding whatever conceivably more optimally gratifying social and intellectual stimulus struggle, intrinsic fulfillment, authentic wellbeing and Eudemonia. Because all nourishing and sustaining intrinsic joy together in the doing immediately, must precede any deferred gratification of extrinsic reward. Indeed, not to get ahead of ourselves.

    Because there shall ever remain far to go, much to say and much to do, and a steep leaning curve besides, long before the timorous sheer effrontery of ever pressing anybody in their right minds, to risk and invest! Indeed, perhaps even ever in due course of resilient serial failure and quick recovery, at long last, ever to arrive at success.

    Post to the for others to weigh in, oremail to: aaronagassi@comcast.netif it's private.

    And all serious replies received, shall be answered promptly.

    Indeed, should anything all therein be found at all thought provoking, then join right in! Do not hesitate to respond. And by all means, gentle reader, also go ahead and pitch whatever your own inspired notions as well!

    Because creative people love to share their work with one another, here on, self promotion is to be encouraged! Just so long as it also remains topic relevant. Indeed, seeking for common ground as in the promotional exchange strategy that has been dubbed: dual promotion, engages the creativity to relate ones own passions to those of others. After all, the greatest and most noble mission of all self-promotion, remains in sharing ones greatest gifts in order to advance the wellbeing of others.

    Because after all, as Socrates so famously declares: “An unexamined life is not worth the living for a human being. And thus, all of the preceding convincingly explains why capable and Happy People Talk More Seriously. Indeed Empirically, in repeatable experimental observation as published by Dr. Matthias Mehl, choosing creative effort in the course of talking more seriously, is how happy people interact. Indeed, in deliberation as herein, bridging abstract and concrete. And yes, capable and Happy People, whom we may all do best to emulate, to rôle model, if only we could ever fathom precisely how. And there's the rub!

    Indeed arguably, the unique and distinct challenge of the human condition, can be defined in terms of social and intellectual stimulus struggle. For stimulus struggle to begin with, remains what every living thing is doing all of the time. Indeed, as in accordance with the Arousal Theory of motivation, all living beings are perpetually engaged in stimulus struggle, which is the name coined by anthropologist Desmond Morris in 'the human zoo' October 1 1969, for the perpetual striving of all living things, to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of stimulation and arousal from the surrounding environment. And by extension, social and intellectual stimulus struggle herein denotes the perpetual striving of every self aware human psyche, to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of most optimal reciprocally engaged social and intellectual stimulation and arousal from the immediate social environment. Indeed, everything that we do is in order thereby to modify subjective experience thereby altering consciousness itself. And click here to know more...

    All hence, as herein proposed, the bold, novel and unprecedented participatory agenda of the social engineering of more optimal social and intellectual stimulus struggle. Indeed, all such as actually to contrive the deliberate introduction of specific social and intellectual stimuli and indeed intellectual social interaction, into whatever immediate social environment, entirely in order better to optimize social and intellectual stimulus struggle. And all towards more sustainable, productive and together more truly validatingly heightened individual peak experience. An analytic yet strategic design thinking investigation and systematic and repeatable implementation of whatever ones own unique and absorbing individual triggers, all repeatable at will. And click here to know more...

    And all hence so dazzling a vision of an hitherto so tightly restricted and infrequent but fondly remembered genuinely fulfilling and welcoming peak social and intellectual experience. Indeed, no longer so starved, but at long last rendered frequent and repeatable at will. And click here to know more...

    Discover all therefore, in all such as thus far envisaged, vibrant remedy not only to the present sorry state of fiction writing collaboration at large online, but also addressing the difficulty of actually finding any functional entry level from scratch, into even at all any quality discourse pursuant to true entrepreneurial collaboration and ever into disruptive innovation of new venture creation (various business startup).
    However, in fair warning, beware the grueling solicitation to hardship! Least of all, to begin with, as herein proposed, even into creative writing collaboration just for fun. Because: Writing is like photography: Easy to do but difficult to do well. Because, writing is rewriting, patient, perpetually fulfilling hard work and never a waste of time. Indeed, this applies not only to the pure creativity for its own joy, in the joint authorship of drama and Science Fiction, but no less and with far more at stake, into the production of business plans, well understood as the single most important document into the intensive collaboration of new venture creation (various business startup).
    Indeed eventually, in so far as resultant quality of social and intellectual stimulus struggle (as defined presently), on any path of interdisciplinary collaboration throughout (pre-)incubation, research, due diligence, feasibility study, recruitment and planning, one must expect in due course, difficulty, complexity and effort.
    Indeed, dystressful hard work on spec, grueling hardship with no wages upfront, long odds and overwhelming despair in unknown daunting obstacles, with needless folly and betrayal at every turn. And click here to know more...  

    But why then anything whatsoever so arduous, complicated and fully engaged? — Let alone, specifically and particularly, such Literary and entrepreneurial collaborative dual endeavor as herein extolled... And for that matter, what remains so toxic and misguided in more conventional notions of whatever key to life and path? Well may one ask. And the answer arises from understanding and full appreciation of such key aspects of the human condition as social and intellectual stimulus struggle. Which remains why not just any arbitrary pretext for bringing people together into ongoing interaction, even at all successfully, will thereby consistently yield happiness rather than frustration and emptiness. And click here to know more...

    All hence, as herein proposed, the bold, novel and unprecedented participatory agenda of the social engineering of more optimal social and intellectual stimulus struggle. Indeed, all such as actually to contrive the deliberate introduction of specific social and intellectual stimuli and indeed intellectual social interaction, into whatever immediate social environment, entirely in order better to optimize social and intellectual stimulus struggle. And all towards more sustainable, productive and together more truly validatingly heightened individual peak experience. An analytic yet strategic design thinking investigation and systematic and repeatable implementation of whatever ones own unique and absorbing individual triggers, all repeatable at will. And click here to know more...

    And in one proposed implementations of the above principles, indeed as to be fully expounded and extolled anon, open invitation online, together into as aforementioned heady key Literary and entrepreneurial dual endeavor. But why? After all, various and more simple even intentional projects in common, may actually be found at all effective in helping to promote and sustain reciprocal engagement in ongoing conversations. All thereby helping to connect and nourish all manner of relationship, thereby to combat boredom and loneliness. Or so one might only hope.

    However, at what individual sacrifice and aggravation with the Terrible Trivium? Indeed, as alas all too common, debilitating superficiality and knee-jerk suspicion, simply in unending insecure desperation and vigilance only in order to fit in socially? Because, as it actually turns out, all unflagging determination notwithstanding, not just any half-baked project or chores arbitrarily whatsoever, will turn out genuinely fulfilling and welcoming. Let alone ever bringing forth arête and Eudemonia via most optimally reciprocal engaged social and intellectual stimulus struggle.

    But just conceivably, there can yet be anything so much better. Indeed, most specifically, and to reiterate, in open invitation online, together into heady key Literary and entrepreneurial dual endeavor, as herein delineated, in together telling stories and working out plans attempting anything really cool together. All as to be further expounded and extolled, anon.

    And all because, to site Martin Seligman's celebrated happiness formula of Positive Psychology:

    And hence, here on,:

    [Fiction + entrepreneurship] of [equals + collaboration] [creative solution finding (brainstorming)] modern Eudemonia.

    For to reiterate, in accordance with ancient wisdom of the greatest sages of old as rediscovered in the bleeding edge of modern happiness science, evolutionary neuroscience and the grand afterthought of Cultural Anthropology, no one can remain unfulfilled, bored, lonely and alienated, when optimal reciprocally so pleasurably and meaningfully engaged, so freely and ebulliently together in creative solution finding, or perhaps even collaborative brainstorming. Indeed, hard nosed and fully engaged Socratic Dialectical feasibility study, analytic yet strategic, empowering close collaboration among equals in together telling stories and working out plans attempting anything really cool together. And click here to know more...

    And further to reiterate, all hence, as to be fully expounded and extolled anon, open invitation online, together by analytic yet strategic design thinking and repeatable implementation into such key Literary and entrepreneurial dual endeavor as heady ideal focus for all as above.


    Worse than you think

    Only look around you: Society is not your friend. Society is the enemy. Society is the oppressor. Society is not nurturing. Society is less of a conduit, and more of a filter, an obstacle course. A dire situation whereof justly the individual ought not to be deemed at all personally responsible, only no more than for whatever their own part, and not for everything vastly beyond ones own control. Indeed, to quote Russell Brand: “Society is collapsing and people are starting to recognize that the reason they feel like they’re mentally ill is that they’re living in a system that’s not designed to suit the human spirit.” Indeed, alas how as things stand, the masses ever languish at the mercy of the Terrible Trivium, the more alienated with every breath, lonely enough to die, and just bored to tears.

    For the unthinkable taboo truth remains in how by very antithesis to all that we have been taught, relationship and particularly the forging of attachments of true friendship possible only in autonomy, arises only for those nerdy unpopular serious people, entirely as the forbidden byproduct of most frowned upon and reviled seriousness. Indeed all entirely as a byproduct of truly purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication. And believe it or not, never otherwise. 

    And all no matter how mightily, determinedly and unflaggingly one strives and struggles to imbibe, completely absorb and at long last fully to master whatever bogus and facile social skills of heteronomy, membership identity and peer expectations. Remaining all as ever desperately bored, lonely, toxic, meaningless and futile indeed as unseen faith itself. And click here to know more...

    Alas then, as things stand, so famously to quote Edward Bernays: “We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.” But not all of them so unsung. Indeed, across the ages, an impressive degree of terrified and phobic creativity has been invested and expended into so oppressively undermining not only individual liberty, but indeed so brutally stifling creativity itself. Moreover, to quote Bertrand Russell: “Most people would sooner die than think; in fact, they do so.” Perhaps because as John Dewy wrote in: Experience and Nature’: Let us admit the case of the conservative [...] If we start thinking no one can guarantee what will be the outcome, except that many objects, ends and institutions will be surely doomed. Every thinker puts some portion of an apparently stable world in peril, and no one can wholly predict what will emerge in its place.  Indeed, to quote Ashley Viola in How America Keeps Its Citizens Uneducated’: “If we wise up, we rise up.” Whereas, a less intelligent population remains more readily manipulated, preyed upon, pitted against one another and then abandoned each to our own devices.

    Indeed, all of that is how and why even most anciently in the curriculum of Plato's Academy, mind numbing boredom was deliberately inflicted upon students as a conservative measure to test in favor of heteronomy and conformity by weeding out boredom prone original thinkers and innovators, purveyors of dangerous novelty, from ever rising to influential positions in society. And as it turns out, just as from time immemorial, even most extreme and disciplined tolerance for boredom remains ever essential in all well approved subservient heteronomy ever doubling down into conformism.

    And all in a milieu of relentless peer pressure, bullying, intimidation, prevailing anti-intellectualism (hostility and mistrust towards intellect, intellectuals, intellectualism, and deprecation of culture whatsoever) but perhaps more precisely designated as: anti-intraception (a discomfort or opposition in very principle, toward the subjective, the imaginative, the tender minded).

    Indeed, following in precisely that time honored and malignantly oppressive tradition, so magnanimously bequeathing us all our enduringly  unhappy system of formal education and mass indoctrination of heteronomy into conformism, that great and good Captain of Industry, John D. Rockefeller so famously declared: I don't want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of of workers.” Of Marching Morons, of veritable Borg drones, so happy to comply! And all in the purest ideological holy name of collective efficiency. And what a racket! Efficiency perhaps, but even so, for whom and to what end or priority? There remains no fine line, but indeed a vast gulf, an abyss, between the lucid materialism of scientific rationalism, and the anti-philosophical ideology and value-destruction of soul crushing crass materialism: How Existentially Absurd for each to do our part in even the most tangible and needful collective practical objectives, and yet thereby so poorly to serve the drives of each living and breathing end user.

    And all hence the entire consistently futile norms and ever debilitating malagenda of everything that we have been taught, one way or another, about remaining so staunchly cheerful, agreeable, upbeat and bland. And all so desperately in order to gain peer acceptance. Indeed all as acceding to that entire gamut and prevailing big lie of Anti-Critical Biased bad social advice. Yes, the great and good boon of heteronymous socialization into the Terrible Trivium of interminably vapid and non threatening small talk, along with  recreation as so-called. Yes, recreation, that shabby travesty of hedonistic play and fun, actually nothing more or less than the crushingly standardized desperate effort and struggle to recover, on ones own time and expense, from the debilitating learned helpless sheer exhaustion, fear and loathing, of every efficiently routine sore travail. And click here to know more...

    A system that is user-friendly, is one by design, easier to use and helpful to the end user. But a system that is user-hostile, perhaps even deliberately, remains ever frustrating, difficult to figure out and to operate, and actually obstructive art every turn.

    Alas, in our lives, there remains a user hostile  outcomes gap. Instrumentality equals zero: Meaning that there can be no relationship between performance and outcome. It makes no difference. Nor is it any fun, but only boring and lonely, indeed even somewhat invasive, completely senseless, dystressful and alienating. 

    Indeed, leave us face the ugly truth: Tautologically, there can be no unilateral self-help, no reliable solitary rugged self-reliant self-made bootstrap DIY (Do-It-Yourself) "well-formed plan" for interaction among more than one individual. And no secret magic of fineness, either. Nothing works, simply because, inherently, it cannot work.

    Alas then how we are each and all exhorted and tantalized: Follow your bliss!” Existentially Absurd empty commencement blandishment, hand waving and broken promise all easier said than done. As we are all then summarily abandoned each and all to our own devices, setup for failure and sore travail.
    But now, gentle reader, unmet friend, at last we have found one another. Therefore as the old saying goes, let no burden be shouldered alone, but shared and halved, whilst every joy shared and doubled. And no dream need remain solitary.

    Firstly: The correct indefinite pronoun denoting society can never be it, but only We.

    Therefore: the very expression: Why doesn't/can't it...? may generally pose entirely the wrong question.
    Rather, the interesting and responsible question remains: Why don't/can't We?


    Because bonding and attachments of true friendship wherein psychological visibility at long last penetrates psychological asymmetry, believe it or not, arises never by any rat-race of extrinsic societal reward and punishment in the course of inane small talk, Anti-Critically Biased willful positivity, superficial harmony. Nor via any fearfully conflict avoidant and debilitating headgames, racket and rat-race of social skill and sycophantic toadying skilled incompetence. And let alone so called recreation, that shabby travesty of hedonistic play and fun, actually nothing more or less than the crushingly standardized desperate effort and struggle to recover, on ones own time and expense, from the debilitating learned helpless sheer exhaustion, fear and loathing, of every efficiently routine sore travail.

    Instead, Creativity can and Should be Social. Creativity as a by far superior and elevated mode of social interaction, will always better serve and intrinsically fulfill, than any blithely prevailing and oppressive systematic stifling of everything free and genuine in the human condition. Moreover, Creativity Can and Should be Popular. Not merely valued, but charming, engaging and attractive, duly celebrated and no longer dorky, awkward, bullied and routinely persecuted. Because creativity is more than merely any individual trait, characteristic or mode of expression, but rather, as John Cleese expounds: “Creativity is not a talent: it's a way of operating.” 

    Therefore creativity must no longer shame and socially isolate creative people. Indeed, not only can and should creativity be social, but creativity ought actually even to make creative people popular, if only, in gloriously subversive and disruptive paradigm shift actually in social infrastructure, one fine day collaboration among equals in creative solution finding ever becomes more widely practiced, public, with nonconformity all therein and thereby, at long last better appreciated.

    Moreover, appreciated and invited criticism and controversy remain inherently friendly, valuable, an expression of abiding respect. And all of that is how, in the emotional maturity of ever striving to take things in spirit as intended, even people who disagree even however strongly, heatedly and vociferously, and yet entirely without acrimony, are often the best at cooperation even quite without sycophantic toadying skilled incompetence or needless and slavish ongoing heteronomy to social cognition and hierarchical dominance so oppressively quelling all dissent, honesty and creativity. And click here to know more...

    Indeed, even reciprocal incomprehension outright, need constitute any barrier, roadblock or menace of perfidious unknown intention. But only a barest beginning from Socratic Wisdom and the ongoing Dialectic of collaborative miscommunication detection and repair. For indeed ongoing Dialectical collaborative miscommunication detection and repair, and nothing less, has been discovered to remain ever crucial and key to conversationally adequacy at all. And click here to know more...

    Gentle readers, unmet friends: I might not have what you want, but dare we seek for it together?
    Only ask yourself:
    What do you want, and what will it take?

    And exactly what and how much can you feel happy in (expending your ongoing time, effort and attention) doing about it?

    For in the words of Barbara Sher, “Isolation is the true dream killer, not your attitude.” Indeed, as George Orwell observes in Conversation with a Pacifist,’ even at all thinking clearly, becomes increasingly difficult in bored and lonely isolation without expression: your thoughts are never entirely your own. The secret freedom which you can supposedly enjoy [in oppressive isolation] is nonsense, because your thoughts are never entirely your own. Philosophers, writers, artists, even scientists, not only need encouragement and an audience, they need constant stimulation from other people. Indeed, to quote Mark R. J. Lavoie: “Life dies inside a person when there are no others willing to befriend him.

    For in the words of John Storrs Hall: Ideas should compete, bodies should cooperate. Indeed, coming together and choosing the best ideas, by engaging in controversy, the welcome and appreciated free exchange of genuine criticism, remains nothing to fear, nothing threatening or hostile.

    Because criticism remains inherently friendly, valuable, an expression of abiding respect. And that is how even people who disagree even however strongly, heatedly and vociferously, and yet entirely without acrimony, are often the best at cooperation even quite without needless and slavish ongoing heteronomy to social cognition and hierarchical dominance so oppressively quelling all dissent, honesty and creativity.

    And let that the truth will out in very antithesis of all unthreatening but interminably vapid small talk as ever pandering to the most malignantly thin-skinned Anti-Critical Bias. And indeed, in defiance of all such irrelevant Terrible Trivim among all other conventional heteronymously toadying social skills in the ever venial rat-race of social success and popularity. For the competent and capable social skills of autonomy remain entirely different. Indeed, as it turns out, in sheer Peripeteia to all toxic common expectation: Indeed, that building team rapport in a culture of helping, the forging of attachments of true friendship possible only under genuine and authentic autonomy, all most vibrantly to challenge insight and creativity, therefore arises only and entirely as a byproduct of fully aware purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication. And believe it or not, never otherwise. And that is why Happy People Talk More Seriously.

    And hence the present outreach by social engineering design, ever bearing in mind not only that Creativity can and Should be Social, but moreover that Creativity Can and Should be Popular. Not merely valued, but charming, engaging and attractive, duly celebrated and no longer dorky, awkward, bullied and routinely persecuted.

    After all, one way or another, at least initially, rather than sweeping the world out from leftfield, any any bold, liberating and empowering subversion of hierarchy, not unlike forbidden love, necessarily nurtures in microcosm. Indeed even somewhat covertly and conspiratorially, when any two or more individuals interacting and taking initiative, must finally innovate: at long last to begin significantly doing things differently and howsoever more capably together and persist.

    To wit, as according to peer reviewed Empirical experimental results as published by Dr. Matthias Mehl: Choosing creative effort in the course of talking more seriously, is how happy people interact. Yes, happy people, whom we may all do best to emulate, to rôle model, if only we could ever fathom precisely how. And there's the rub!








    And now, for anybody not already frightened off, then, as promised:
    A directory of select project proposals
    Showcased here on find a select short compendium, for applied creativity, of sample innovative embryonic first concept entrepreneurial new venture business startup proposals. Ideas for the organization and inception of original game changing businesses and other projects. New ideas, innovations to address so vastly underserved needs and fill market gaps. These are presented for ongoing exploration, criticism/critique, attack and defense, modification, variation, elaboration, expansion and improvement, continually in vociferous and ebullient Dialectic, back and forth, collaboration among equals in brainstorming towards creative solution finding. Therefore, read and respond. Or by all means gentle reader, go ahead and pitch your own! Any questions? Any objections? Any takers? You are all invited! Gentle reader, I am counting on you! Dare we together take action? As observed of capable and happy people, let's talk more seriously!  
        In response, post to the for others to weigh in, oremail to: aaronagassi@comcast.netif it's private.

    As envisaged in endless possibility and proposed herein, the outreach agenda in endless possibility of new venture creation (various business startup) indeed all the way from (pre) incubation, pertains to the heady ambitious and complex multitask interdependent interdisciplinary process of developing and transforming whatever new idea, innovation or technology, into a business of whatever kind (profit or nonprofit, traditional, Social Entrepreneurship or even grassroots politics and activism. Indeed perhaps even at long last, filling the yawning gap in support for entrepreneurship for the rest of us neophytes and wannabes at our own pace), that can even conceivably succeed, and therefore just might possibly even begin attracting investment of the very earliest Venture Capital.

    But first of all, outreach in any such a vibrant project proposal must inspire and help recruit a varied range of trustworthy capable talent, knowledge and skill sets, in mutual respect, to join in and participate on spec and all from scratch. Yes, even from the most embryonic first concept inception or: "kitchen table" stage or phase, through management team formation, business or project planning and feasibility study, indeed if all goes well, through successive rounds of Venture Capitalization and all the way to successful implementation and marketing. Embarkation thus upon the all too uncertain real life Hero's Journey, forging true friendship attempting  anything really cool together, entrepreneurship for the rest of us.



    Get involved: Enter the Virtual (pre-)Incubator

    As aforementioned, a key component in dual collaboration among equals for Eudemonia as herein extolled, serious collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming circle: Provided for pure creativity, art for its own joy, sweeping drama and unfettered Science Fiction speculation, a vibrant anthology of sample highly original unfinished stories, writing prompts and provocations. Creativity Can and Should be Social: In endless possibility of subversive proposal in pursuit of fulfillment via intentional creative culture by design, focused upon entrepreneurship for the rest of us, innovative new venture creation (various business startup) in interstitial synergy concurrently with serious collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming Science Fiction.

    Creativity can and should be Popular: Everyone who loves brainstorming, innovation, and creative solution finding, imagines a dream job at anything the likes of the much renowned IDEO design company. But just in case any such prized position remains tantalizingly beyond reach, Creativity can and Should be Social is an entirely feasible proposal for an intentional creative solution finding social circle engaged in collaborative fiction writing together with subversive and disruptively innovative new venture creation (various business startup) (pre-)incubator. One might expect that as well as fulfilling intrinsic motivations, association within any similar creative corporate culture of helping the likes of IDEO, would also enhance access to more optimal social embedment, extended networking, contacts and the cultivation of quality relationships. Likewise, Creativity can be Popular raises the question of how best intentionally to maximize such social benefits for collaboration among equals on the part of cofoundes in Creativity can and Should be Social. An outreach herein is further proposed, called: Creativity can and should be Popular, under the premise that if participation in an intentional creative group or social circle as herein proposed, Creativity can and Should be Social, indeed comes to be perceived by any wider public to produce more gratifying social interaction, then others will be attracted to join in and participate. The question of Creativity can be Popular then will be: how best to leverage Creativity can and Should be Social not only for recruitment, but more importantly in order to improve for participants, individual interpersonal networking and new relationships.

    Planet Frolic TM  As proposed, an enriched immersive playspace environment also for adults! Curious? Know more...

    Project Kriosgrad:  A subversive and disruptive new business model in rehabilitation of Cryonics, the ultimate heroic measure, via lateral integration and strategic partnership with organ donation in such deadly short supply and grizzly pillage. Because the option of becoming an organ donor helps people feel worthy of the prospect of living again! Free Cryonic Neurosuspension for post mortem cadaverous donors. From reviled taboo into greatest blessing. It's a win-win.  Know more...

    Automated Sociometry: The concept of a universal filter of artificially Intelligent sophisticated compatibility profiling for all manner of recommendations, secure and private, constantly gathering and analyzing new information from end user activity and interaction online and at home, ever asking more and different questions, all for purposes of matching of individuals to others individuals and to groups or social circles, fostering improved social embedment, as well as offering all manner of other precision accurate recommendations of activities, purchases and more, a universal information filter ever learning and tailoring itself to individual needs, for every conceivable purpose, personal or professional, forging connection in order to foster improved social embedment, and optimally compatible friendship towards human flourishing and authentic wellbeing. In the future, everyone will be influential! Know more...

    CliqueBusters TM Until the advent of automated Sociometry into widest availability as the universally preferred mode and conduit of social life, what can remain feasible in the here and now CliqueBusters TM remains the most radical and subversive known proposal of low guile in combating threatening dangerous pandemic serial bullying and cronyism that so dangerously undermines social connection in our times. The appalling destructiveness of serial bullying always arises eventually to thwart every conceivable constructive endeavor, and urgently must be addressed. Know more ...

    The Green Pro-Space Agenda: Asteroids: Menace from above or tantalizing resource? What is Astro-Environmentalist Activism? Know more..

    Solar furnace An audacious concept from Inventor/engineer: Jerry Scovel for cost effective climate regulation, clean water and power by way of lasers diffracted and focused from orbit about the sun! Solar hydrogen power from outer space.

    Real meat without animal suffering? Is it possible yet? A piecemeal engineering low tech solution.

    Zinc Alpha 2 Glycoprotein: Not a hoax, not a dream, not an imaginary story! Pandemic obesity and complications is needless, and can be eradicated now! The thin pill has long been discovered, completely effective and safer than diet and exercise, indeed actually a potentially life saving breakthrough in medical safety, and yet for fifty years or so languishing in obscurity, is still withheld from the public by the clearly indispensable yet ever dysfunctional Food and Drug Administration, with no human trials in sight. And now there is also nannobubble water. Know more...

    Time travel venture: A barest feasibility study. Can such a thing as traveling backwards in time, ever even at all become possible? And what meager beginnings even dare we to ponder in the here and now? 

    An innovative and pioneering new social engineering design process proposed: Nothing less than the individually unique
    veritable orchestration of your happiness!

    Rotating Moderation is a highly effective and very open method of community outreach and organization in Israel, in omni purpose highly informal bricolage of Socratic method and parliamentary process. 

    Rotating Moderation as a vehicle for the Master Plan: The Master Plan remains much reliant upon asynchronous text communication online. Therefore, raising the Master Plan to agenda under Rotating Moderation, may require preliminarily a motion to adapt and make available Rotating Moderation for asynchronous text communication online, in order thence to proceed.

     Lifestyle reciprocal peer coaching.

    Love bombing de-weaponized? We am Bizarro uncult!







    This  HyperGlossary constitutes hypertext glossary for the present hypertext,, hyperlinking varied key precepts.
    To reiterate: Put forth to agenda for discussion by all interested parties, Creativity can and Should be Social as proposed, is conceived of, most concretely, as the inception of ongoing concurrent and vibrant dual endeavor, endless possibility of innovative new venture creation (various business startup), entrepreneurship for the rest of us, on the one hand, in concurrent synergy interstitial with, on the other hand, pure creativity, art for its own joy, in novel and unprecedented ongoing serious collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming. Moreover, new venture creation herein shall be taken to include both profit and nonprofit, indeed Social Entrepreneurship, doing well by doing good, and even just perhaps adventures into grassroots politics and activism.
    The term: "Creativity can and Should be Social" hyperlinks to a presentation upon the proposal so named. While the term: "new venture creation" hyperlinks to a short list of innovative sample proposals for further development together. But by all means, pitch your own! It hardly seems in dispute, that aspiring entrepreneurs often meet with isolation, inertia and frustration. Therefore the term: "entrepreneurship for the rest of us" hyperlinks to a social engineering design exposition upon proposed intentional community or at least initially, more modestly, smaller intentional social circle or group, with provision and code of conduct towards the frustrated and unmet needs of more transparent and ready entry, even for the novice aspirant and experienced old pro together, into precisely such manner of collaboration among equals.
    And the term: "fiction writing" hyperlinks to a resource upon creativity most broadly, along with brainstorming, dramatic  fiction writing and Science Fiction speculation, including also a list of sample unfinished stories, writing prompts and provocations, indeed, for collaboration in fiction writing together. For which, find online message posting forum provided. And by all means, do pitch your own story ideas. And the distinct pre-qualifier: "serious" hyperlinks to an exposition upon the nature of serious fiction writing, exchange of critique, and the venerable discipline of the writing craft from time immemorial. All as in the traditionally solitary practice of serious fiction writing, plus the speculative element and unfettered conjecture of Science Fiction and futuring scenario. All as alas hitherto so absent from prevailing half-assed philistine dilettante gawdawfull fiction writing collaboration travesty online, in such ideological contempt towards writing competency and literacy. A wanker travesty alas so hypersensitive and resentful of all critique.
    The term: "Creativity can and Should be Social!" hyperlinks to the one proposal to bind them all! Creative people need one another. Practice of hitherto unprecedented serious fiction writing collaboration can and should instead become available as a mode of social interaction, indeed even as herein proposed, indeed in endless objectively real world possibility, ancillary to innovative new venture creation (various business startup), entrepreneurship for the rest of us; a vision of unprecedented dynamic interstitial synergy concurrently between pure creativity on the one hand, and innovation on the other hand, via concurrent dual creative endeavors all as herein proposed.   
    The term: "Creativity Can and Should be Popular!" hyperlinks to a page of discourse upon even zany outreach and recruitment strategy for Creativity can and Should be Social named: Creativity Can and Should be Popular, and not just nerdy and awkward. Creativity should actively bring people together, not stigmatize and isolate us.

    For the term: "Social Engineering" hyperlinks indeed to a brief entry upon Social Engineering. (Disambiguation, no: Not hackers scamming and phishing for passwords.) And probortunty ensues regarding novel and unprecedented Social Engineering by design, of  stimulus struggle. For in accordance with the Arousal Theory of Motivation, the expression: "stimulus struggle" endures as the name coined by anthropologist Desmond Morris in the human zoo  October 1 1969, for the perpetual striving of all living things, to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of stimulation and arousal from the surrounding environment. And the term: "stimuli" hyperlinks internally to crucial and salient disambiguation of present usage. It's a fine point that matters. And the term: "arousal" hyperlinks externally to a brief entry upon arousal. All highly relevant in the never ending strife and striving against ongoing pandemic boredom from lonely under stimulation. And the term: "design" hyperlinks to an exposition (to put it without false modesty!) upon an innovative and pioneering new Social Engineering design process proposed indeed towards nothing less than the veritable orchestration of your happiness by actual design of uniquely individual gratification, via embedment indeed of tailored social and intellectual stimuli into intentional social environment.

        In response, post to the for others to weigh in, oremail to: aaronagassi@comcast.netif it's private.









    ..Subversion refers to any even deliberate process, for good or ill, and even howsoever devious, whereby the values and principles of any system in operation may be undermined, contradicted or reversed throughout endeavor even most proximately, to transform whatever homogenous established social order under whatever authoritarian frameworks of power, heteronomy, authority, and especially social norms. And most especially, subversion of hierarchy, autonomy and interaction in defiant circumvention of whatever prevailing chain of command.

    Because, as the saying goes: "Old ways won't open new doors." Dare we imagine different? Life doesn't have to always be the way that it has always been. Nevertheless, rather than sweeping across the world out of nowhere, subversion necessarily begins in microcosm, via the even secret intimacy of collusion, wherein any two or more defiant souls initiate and persist together through interaction howsoever different, even taboo. Indeed perhaps actually most taboo of all, instead of just going with the flow, setting against the grain and violating expectation by acting purposefully, worse doing so not just individually but in concert, co-validating.

    Because even such little can become profoundly subversive, one step forward in any yearning for a life at all less conventional, bored and lonely. So often even in sly defiance of conformism and pandemic serial bullying. And what can there be more important?


    For in our deepest heart of hearts, like Hamlet's everyman "slave to passion," everyone individually fashions in their very own most secret most transgressive thoughts, true Eros and yearning for understanding, for psychological visibility, indeed some even barest subversive social engineering design fantasy even hypothetically of whatever fulfilling situation might conceivably best fill that gap, especially if whatever one yearns for does not even seem already manifest and existent, much less readily accessible to all. And here is a rousing tale untold, a seed perhaps ever at last finding fertile soil in the ready minds and shared core motivation so characteristic of countless others, desperately sought for unmet friends.

    Rather than sweeping the world out of nowhere, much like unto forbidden love, subversion necessarily begins in microcosm, when any two or more individuals interacting and taking initiative, even somewhat covertly and conspiratorially, must finally innovate: to begin doing things differently and howsoever more capably together and persist. For such will be the first germ of interaction perhaps even as proposed herein, within even a small intentional social circle let alone any grander intentional community, amongst ourselves together, disruptively leaderless subversion of hierarchy, turning away from the social rat-race, and perhaps even together reaching out in the world at large but even at all actually on our own terms.







    In the words of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.” And to quote Sir Isaac Newton: “You have to make the rules, not follow them.” Find then proposed agenda herein, nothing less than paradigm shift into the most liberating and uplifting conceivable focus, regimen, circumstances or situation, of collaborative brainstorming and solution finding for the probortunity at hand. A problem so dire and so redolent with opportunity into the very meaning of life, with our work therefore so well cut out for us:

    Individually unique, true to thine own self, and false to no one, all as according to programmer Gary Hamilton’s not unoften cited rules in social engineering by design thinking, for guiding all to rights in undertaking whatever ones' own conceivable and unique game of life:

    If the game is rigged so you can’t win, find another game or invent your own.

    If you’re not winning because you don’t know the rules, learn the rules.

    If you know the rules but aren’t willing to follow them, there’s either something wrong with the game or you need to change something in yourself.

    Don't play the game in a half-baked way. Either get all the way in or all the way out.

    It shouldn’t be necessary for others to lose in order for you to win. If others have to lose, re-evaluate the game’s goals.

    And all hence then here on, the striving at the imagination and inception, as above delineated, of any new and better game of life. In such parlance, anything passing beyond Postmodern Existential Absurdism and any purely performative notion of life as a grand gesture. Indeed, actually learning whatever applicable rules, expectations and just real causality that simply cannot be escaped. But no less importantly, in attaining the self-knowledge of what shall be discovered to be individually personally amenable, whole heartedly.

    But precisely how might all such as above ever actually be accomplished?

    Answer: First of all, in every due feasibility study towards any conceivable non-zero sum scenario for all, wherein indeed, no one has to loose.

    But with no guiding agenda or vision indeed from intrinsic motivation, there can only be only confusion and resistance. And with no plan of action and no action  agenda, there can only be ill conceived, ill prepared and ultimately preemptive false start.

    Our work cut out for us: Look for the Solution within the Problem!  Indeed, surely there remain as many categories of social dysfunction (society existing only as a relationship among participants, after all), as there are kinds of dysfunctional relationships to begin with. And likewise, there may also arise better observable and conceivable alternatives, progress, and even in paradigm shift, corresponding Transactional Antithesis to whatever preceding malaise.  

    Alas however, and there's the rub! that Hamilton's vaunted rules might easily come across as just a little glib. Because, beyond whatever kind of veritable solitaire just to pass the time, indeed perhaps any disciplined lone slacker hobbies and learning, all the best games require capable outreach for other players. Ever a daunting challenge!

    After all, tautologically, there can be no unilateral self-help, no reliable solitary rugged self-reliant self-made bootstrap DIY (Do-It-Yourself) "well-formed plan" for interaction among more than one individual. All therefore, as to practical execution as per Hamilton's rules, who has ever actually achieved such nigh dharmic arête of Eudemonia, and precisely just how?

    One might expect that as well as fulfilling intrinsic motivations, association within any similar creative corporate culture of helping the likes of IDEO, the world renowned ultra progressive design thinking work place, indeed by social engineering design thinking as herein extolled, would likewise also enhance access to more optimal social embedment, extended networking, contacts and the cultivation of all manner of quality relationships.

    Likewise, just in case any such prized position remains tantalizingly beyond reach, the ancillary exploration: Creativity can be Popular raises the question of how best intentionally to maximize such social benefits for collaboration among equals on the part of cofounders participating in the primary proposal: Creativity can and Should be Social.

    Indeed, outreach herein further proposed, called: Creativity can and Should be Popular, ensues under the premise that if participation in an intentional creative group or social circle as herein proposed, Creativity can and Should be Social, indeed comes to be perceived by any wider public to produce more gratifying social interaction, then others will be attracted to join in and participate. Moreover, the interaction brought about in the progress of Creativity can and Should be Social  will bring new people into socially and intellectually stimulating contact and arousal. The question of Creativity can and Should be Popular then will be: how best to leverage Creativity can and Should be Social not only for recruitment, but more importantly in order to improve for participants, individual interpersonal networking and new relationships.

    And as shall be made plain in all whys and wherefores, anon, the probortunity at hand in collective decision and action, remain, not IDEO but DIO (Do-It-Ourselves) entrepreneurship for the rest of us, social engineering design thinking indeed actually efficacious even beyond playful Existential Absurdist life as a grand gesture.

    Because together crafting the best possible game of life, remains in setting the most optimal brainstorming and creative solution finding agenda. The invitation for all comers, all interested parties, gentle reader, into deliberation, analytic yet strategic, all whereupon.

    An what shall become the focus of such as above proposed Eudemonistic deliberation? Answer: Nothing less than an agenda of collaboration among equals in entrepreneurship in tandem with creative writing, indeed as shall be seen directly, all towards best possible intentionally optimized social and intellectual stimulus struggle: Namely, the heady experience of brainstorming and the eustress, the sustainable euphoria of creative tension, in creative solution finding together.


    Because indeed in collaboration among equals in brainstorming and creative solution finding, a fondly remenered and needlessly infrequent experience so joyful and uplifting for participant therein...

    Whereas fiction writing, indeed of Science Fiction, the Literature of ideas, and of drama, hailed by Socrates as most philosophical among the arts, together open every vista of pure creativity for its own joy...

    Many endless possibilities in entrepreneurial new venture creation (various business startup) may yet serve as the very fulcrum from scratch, for action together towards actual realization of imagined bold innovation.

    And because in the never ending  battle with boredom, loneliness and alienation...

    Whereas stimulus struggle remains the ongoing and perpetual striving of all living things, to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of stimulation and arousal from the surrounding environment...

    And by extension, more species specific, social and intellectual stimulus struggle in particular, remains the ongoing and perpetual striving of every aware human psyche, to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of social and intellectual stimulation and arousal from whatever immediate social environment.

    And thereby to modify subjective experience, thus altering consciousness itself.


    To quote Karan Gaur: “Effort is the best indicator of interest.” All the more then, beware herein the solicitation to hardship: Because eventually, in so far as resultant quality of stimulus struggle at all even most broadly, let alone social and intellectual stimulus struggle specifically, on any true path of entrepreneurial new venture creation (various business startup) even in endless possibility as presently herein extolled, one must expect, in due course, even actually dystressful hard work on spec, no wages upfront, long odds and overwhelming despair in unknown daunting obstacles at every turn. Gruelingly concurrent, collaborative and extensively voluminous, complicated and convoluted deliberation, interstitial and interdisciplinary research and due diligence, throughout (pre-)incubation, feasibility study, planning and organization. And click here to know more...

    Indeed, if all goes well, ever onward and upward into endless possibility of the entire known gamut of subversive and disruptive innovative new venture creation (various business startup). Yes, all the way through to ongoing recruitment, management team formation, multiple rounds of capitalization, implementation, growth and then exit strategy, where and as ever applicable.

    But for serious people ever finding one another at long last, as in first baby steps upon Laozi's fabled Journey of a Thousand Miles, indeed embarkation upon the all too uncertain and often discouraging real life Hero's Journey forging true friendship and authentic human connection attempting anything really cool together. Indeed, perhaps among most optimally fulfilling of possibilities in social and intellectual stimulus struggle, in the heady experience of creative solution finding together, brainstorming in collaboration among equals.  

    Therefore, find herein standing and open invitations for all comers, all interested parties, before plunging right into all entrepreneurial and Literary collaboration in earnest, perhaps first into even whatever even most preliminary discussions and questions as in due course arising. And only then:

    Standing open invitation right here on, for all comers, all interested parties, on the one hand, 1) together to pursue and undertake as herein proposed, in any among the multifarious glowing and ever popular dreams of entrepreneurship: Indeed, in heady pursuit of autonomy, creativity, freedom and power in, as herein conceived, an ongoing open (pre-)incubator online nurturing innovative new venture creation (various business startup) and entrepreneurship for the rest of us. For the possibilities remain endless!

    Also as concurrent and interstitial as herein expounded directly, additionally and distinctly with, on the other hand, invitation into pure creativity, art for its own joy, via 2) entry as herein directly proposed, into an unprecedented open ongoing and extended genuine and intensive fiction writer's bull session online, replete with high quality and imaginative serious collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming of drama and Science Fiction.

    The the latter excellently serving as convivial open and standing invitation and entry point for all comers, all interested parties, indeed to join together as herein extolled, into an invigorating ice breaker and team building exercise together, as only ideal for building rapport, preliminary indeed to the former!

    And let new venture creation (various business startup) herein be taken to include either for profit or nonprofit, indeed Social Entrepreneurship, doing well by doing good, and even just perhaps adventure into grassroots politics and activism. The possibilities remain endless!

    And pertaining in the present standing invitation for all interested parties, along with various tools and guides, as a crucial initial facilitation, find provided both a select short compendium, for applied creativity, of innovative sample entrepreneurial new venture proposals, and concurrently also for pure creativity, art for its own joy, a curated selection of sample original unfinished stories, writing prompts and provocations.

    With each of either likewise presented similarly, as herein proposed and extolled, for publicly invited further open collaborative exploration, modification, variation, expansion and improvement, back and forth, in asynchronous text communication. Therefore, openly discuss: Read and respond. Then read whatever replies, and begin discussion. And by all means gentle reader, go ahead and pitch your own inspired ideas!

    Because, in those wise words of Henri-Louis Bergson: “Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought.” For as John Mason Good observes: “Happiness consists in activity. It is a running stream, not a stagnant pool.” Indeed, to quote Alain de Botton: One of the best protections against disappointment is to have a lot going on.”  

    However, just to lower the stakes at least initially, and better in every life lesson and wisdom of drama and dharma, plus the unfettered conjecture of Science Fiction and futuring scenario, to accustom and all better prepare us each as creative collaboration partners among equals, participants might, at least initially, all have that much more fun and be far better off, precisely as herein publicly invited, in serious collaborative fiction writing of drama and Science Fiction, in an open ongoing genuine and intensive fiction writer's bull session online. Indeed only to consider, in endless objectively real world possibility, new venture creation (various business startup), indeed entrepreneurship for the rest of us, at all later on and in due course.

    Alas despite the renown of the best works of authorial collaboration, and not withstanding massive and meticulously encyclopedic projects of collaborative World Building and shared continuity online, there remains such lamentable dearth of ongoing serious collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming either as such, online. Only a glut of endless travesty. But more, anon. And hence the present outreach.

    And resources for entrepreneurship, barring all manner of scams, even howsoever reputable, only seem actually to begin for established, advanced and successful serial entrepreneurs, after all, who can pay. Those rugged individuals overcoming all obstacles before them. And not catering at all, to any whatever howsoever somewhat quite different needs by contrast, ever as experienced by any of us softy frustrated wannabes! But more, anon. And hence the present outreach.

    Moreover, not only indeed can and should Creativity be Social, but moreover, Creativity Can and Should be Popular. Not merely valued, but charming, engaging and attractive, duly celebrated and no longer dorky, awkward, bullied and persecuted throughout the entire conventional, lonely, alienated, boring and ever dystressful rat-race and racket of stultifyingly superficial popularity and social success that throttles and undermines all better value.
    Therefore, in subsidiary proposed initiative, the ancillary concept of Creativity Can and Should be Popular explores the most probortune prospect of outreach by social engineering design thinking, towards better and more rewarding individual social life and more productive interpersonal networking, indeed as pivoting upon Creativity can and Should be Social as better alternative indeed to the entire conventional, lonely, alienated, boring and ever dystressful rat-race and racket of stultifyingly superficial popularity and social success that throttles and undermines all better value.

    Now, Creativity can and Should be Social as conceived, if ever achieved, could surely deliver nothing less than all remaining truly best in life! Indeed, at last to provide any ready alternative to the entire dreary and soul crushing conventional, lonely, alienated, boring and ever dystressful rat-race and racket of stultifyingly superficial popularity and social success, in every walk of life.

    Surely endeavor interesting and worthy of ratification to agenda of creativity and deliberation together, herein, pertinent to discovery and implementation indeed, of all that can be best in life.

    And so in resumption of outreach herein and probortunity at hand, asking of others what no one else asks, and offering in return, all of that which only offers: Only imagine in due course, similar creative process as herein extolled in creative writing, but soon after repurposed together in cultivation also of subversively disruptive entrepreneurial innovation, all as merely another different application of the same power of narrative and critical thinking.

    To quote Sir Francis Bacon: “Truth is so hard to tell, it sometimes needs fiction to make it plausible. However, whereas, barring the surreal outright, any good story or ripping yarn, in order to sustain that all-important willing suspension of disbelief, only needs indeed to seem at all plausible, by contrast business or project planning remains a matter of Science Fiction scenario futuring, of rigorous prediction, feasibility study and exploration of projected outcomes from proposed intentional and deliberate action. And no less exiting and informative a presentation all thereof. Indeed of sweeping drama, bold conjecture, tantalizing futuring scenario, thorough research and laboriously task interdependent and objective real world feasibility study, all beginning from most embryonic first concept "kitchen table" stage or phase.

    Indeed, so often cited as the single most important document produced in the course of new venture creation, various business startup in endless possibility, a business or project plan must present any realistic likely story, conjecture to persuade candidate recruits on spec and prospective investors alike, of uplifting adventure dawning and glowing profit potential. Yes, embarkation upon the real life Hero's Journey attempting anything really cool together.  

    Therefore, before investment, even if not of money but any other asset, especially as of sweat equity (part ownership purchased by contribution of time and work) on spec (towards hoped and risked for future profit participation), to keep things honest and rational, always insist to review, or indeed to participate and help to produce, whatever business plan or prospectus, rigorously to ferret out the devil in the details of meritable feasibility and foreseeable and avoidable unfeasibility. Let alone anything actually dodgy or just silly and dull.

    Thus ever oppressive and downright unprofessional self deception of willful positivity all be damned. Because skeptically and credulously filtering out the unfeasible and unprofitable, steering away the unwary, from doomed ventures, may be the most important purpose of business or project planning. And for would-be entrepreneurs, also including all questions not only of skills and aptitudes, but concomitant temperament and thence expected experience of whatever expected activity as foreseeably entailed in whatever proposed participation, subjectively pleasant or unpleasant.

    Moreover, many a savvy investor will prefer a mediocre idea backed by a terrific management team, to a terrific idea but backed only by a mediocre management team, let alone actually a bad one.

    What skills then are first requisite to whatever action, interaction, rôle, function and duties undertaken and expected according to plan? What extensive background knowledge and experience? Indeed, what are the rational expectations including all realistic investment? Is there indeed the wherewithal? To reiterate, what will the experience actually be like? And what best results must one be willing to settle for?

    All as taking priority only behind the values of criticism, error detection, and ongoing course correction, that has ever brought about eventual success: Indeed, all as remaining the crucial product of every due caution, named: pessimistic realism, the positive power of negative thinking!







    In greater depth
    As signified in the very portmanteau: probortunity as derived from the two words: problem and opportunity, nothing less than golden opportunity remains inherent within the most urgent problems. Indeed, the more dire, the more propitious: As case in point, any prospect of resolution of whatever dystressful shortage into any conceivable euphoric abundance.

    Indeed, Heaven remains an imagined condition of plenty of whatever has been most scarce in any given life experience: The pleasant watery oasis deep into the desiccating parched desert, a celebratory vibrant explosion of color and joy into a sad and drab world, the haven of respect in a bastion of ever more oppressive contempt. And Heaven on Earth would consist in any thriving association wherein all manner of individual needs are routinely available, accessible and fulfilled, right before ones eyes, rather than remaining forever frustrated and deprived.

    In The Conquest Of Happiness Chapter 1: What makes people unhappy? Bertrand Russell writes: The typical unhappy man is one who, having been deprived in youth of some normal satisfaction, has come to value this one kind of satisfaction more than any other. But perhaps Russell is too quick to dismiss as mere fixation, whatever one's favored, most valued and cherished kind of unmet satisfaction. Instead, there might be therein an important self-knowledge of what one craves most dearly.

    Alas then as has ever come to pass, how so many people deep down feel one way or another deprived of some or other very personal, specific and favorite but all too scarce, infrequent and sorely missed social and intellectual trigger in reliable elicitation of most treasured peak life experience. Or indeed, even so little as an intelligent conversation!

    Most broadly then, for combating loneliness and boredom, social needs to be met depend first upon security safe from fear; but then include power, achievement, attention, meaning, value, connection, community, but all hopefully without undue intrusion upon privacy and self. However, most optimally, in any spirit of true friendship with humanity, remaining free from the malignancy of undue peer pressure and conditionality, all must pivot seductively, with no strings attached, upon the inviting and beguiling arousal of social and intellectual stimulus appetites.

    In any better alternative then, to all learned helplessness into prevailing sanctimony of lowered expectations, turd polishing and exhortation to Zen futility, then simply giving up and making do: Can individually unique various satisfactions be duly investigated and diligently categorized? And can they then be deliberately introduced into whatever social environment, intentionally instigated and triggered? —Indeed, all so, in accordance with design thinking actually into the social engineering of more optimally gratifying social and intellectual stimulus struggle, intrinsic fulfillment, authentic wellbeing and Eudemonia... That is the question!

    Because, believe it or not, as fully expounded anon in accordance with ancient wisdom of the greatest sages of old as rediscovered in bleeding edge happiness science, evolutionary neuroscience, and the grand afterthought of Cultural Anthropology: No one can remain unfulfilled, bored, lonely and alienated, when so pleasurably and meaningfully engaged, optimally and reciprocally in such eustress as manifest ebulliently together in creative tension of brainstorming and solution finding in close collaboration among equals. Indeed, why not open to all, ongoing, more regularly and frequently?

    Because thus, in the alleviation of all such profound dissatisfaction, would ensue purposeful and real difference in all our lives of such hitherto frustrated creativity. Indeed therein and thereby, nothing less than a most vigorous pursuit of human flourishing and the best way of life, indeed undertaken via fully engaged Socratic Dialectical Literary and entrepreneurial close collaboration among equals.

    And all even to test the very bold conjecture at hand, intentional, experimentally repeatable and reproducible at will, of entirely mad bleeding edge happiness science in such fervent rediscovery of ancient wisdom from the greatest sages of old. To wit: That completely honest, hard nosed and fully engaged Socratic Dialectical feasibility study, analytic yet strategic, as herein right here and now invited for all comers, all interested parties, upon precisely all such agenda of creativity, ambition and daunting challenge, nevertheless will already begin lifting spirits together in true creativity and the will to power

    And all even entirely without irritation of cognitive dissonance as resultant from any of the usual ever untrustworthy dishonestly manipulative socialization, brainwash, callow Behaviorist motivational grift and false hope, of typically inane pep talks, so heartbreakingly insulting to the intelligence.

    Because that Moloch must be denied! For the only thing to sacrifice, must be sacrifice itself. And the only prod that should ever spur one on, should be whatever howsoever worthy endeavor and experience thereof, all in and of itself. 

    And all to be undertaken as replete with analytic yet strategic social engineering design thinking regarding whatever conceivably more optimally gratifying social and intellectual stimulus struggle, intrinsic fulfillment, authentic wellbeing and Eudemonia. Because all nourishing and sustaining joy together in the doing immediately, must long precede any deferred gratification of extrinsic reward.

    Indeed, not to get ahead of ourselves. Because, to reiterate, there shall ever remain far to go, much to say and much to do, and a steep leaning curve besides, long before the timorous sheer effrontery of ever pressing anybody in their right minds, to risk and invest! Indeed, perhaps even ever in due course of resilient serial failure and quick recovery, at long last, ever, if ever, to arrive at success.






    Why specifically such dual endeavor as herein extolled?

    What then do both Science Fiction writing and innovation of new venture creation (various possible new business startup) each bear in common? What renders them so subversively disruptive, complementary and synergistic indeed for most optimally heady and convivial collaboration among equals in brainstorming and ongoing creative solution finding?

    Answer: Redolent in human drama, they each similarly though differently resort to a rigorous cultivation of even the most extreme and fantastic imagination, and yet seriously, rationally and realistically, stretching the boundaries of possibility. Hence indeed such untapped prospect for tremendous and convivial synergy in collaborative dual endeavor, precisely as herein extolled.

    Wherein, as John Cleese expounds: “Creativity is not a talent: it's a way of operating.” Because, beyond any mere individual trait, characteristic or mode of expression, not authority and oppression, but free creativity, remains a key aspect of more optimal social and intellectual stimulus struggle and authentic wellbeing.  

    After all, story telling and business or project planning each remain merely differing application of the same invigorating power and inspiration of narrative. Indeed, to quote Sir Francis Bacon: “Truth is so hard to tell, it sometimes needs fiction to make it plausible.” And yet, whereas, barring the surreal outright, any good story or ripping yarn, into the willing suspension of disbelief, only needs indeed to seem at all plausible, by contrast business or project planning remains a challenge to Science Fiction scenario futuring, an exercise in skeptical and rigorous but flexible prediction, feasibility study and exploration of likely projected outcomes from proposed intentional course of action replete with ongoing error detection and course correction.

    Indeed, so often cited as the single most important document produced in the course of new venture creation, various business startup in endless possibility, a business or project plan must present any realistic likely story, conjecture to persuade candidate recruits on spec and prospective investors alike, of uplifting adventure dawning and glowing profit potential.

    Therefore, before investment, even if not of money but any other asset, especially as of sweat equity (whatever sense of part ownership as purchased by contribution of time and effort) on spec (towards hoped and risked for future profit participation), to keep things honest and rational, always insist to review, or indeed to participate and help to produce, whatever business plan or prospectus, rigorously to ferret out the devil in the details of meritable feasibility and foreseeable and avoidable unfeasibility. Let alone anything actually dodgy or just silly and dull.

    Alas, both writing and entrepreneurship, normally remain ever so bereft of such institutional or corporate social support generally associated with whatever assigned tasks and responsibilities of employment or even throughout formal education: writing typically so cloistered and entrepreneurship similarly often no less independant and isolating. Nevertheless, neither said aspiration inherently need remain so solitary, friendless, lonesome, and thereby continually thwarted.

    And fortunate indeed, remain those for whom the above does not apply. Indeed, in the words of Barbara Sher: “Isolation is the true dream killer, not your attitude.” And to quote Mark R. J. Lavoie: “Life dies inside a person when there are no others willing to befriend him. Indeed, as George Orwell observes in Conversation with a Pacifist,’ even at all thinking clearly, becomes increasingly difficult in bored and lonely isolation without expression.

    Alas then status quo, wherein of such dire neglect and crushing doldrums, remain the masses of humanity in quiet desperation, all at the whims, in whatever context, of whomever our controlling societal betters. Indeed, who set the agenda for us all, one way or another routine workaday and status quo whether one likes it or not. Whomever those subjugating petty authorities who utilize and indulge creativity and opportunity among the the rank and file, only as and when as so graciously suits their largesse. Which is to say: Only as and when nigh unavoidable in rising to otherwise insurmountable and vast unusually significant crisis or windfall.

    And such then remains probortunity at hand, the more dire, the more propitious: Nothing less subversive and disruptive than than even the somewhat conspiratorial instigation of wholesale paradigm shift









    The work ethic
    If You Desire Anything You've Never Had, Try Something You've Never Done

    An online solution finders' brainstorming paradise for Literary and lifestyle entrepreneurial collaboration


    In the words of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: “Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.” And to quote Sir Isaac Newton: “You have to make the rules, not follow them.” Find herein a novel, bold and unprecedented lifestyle entrepreneurship proposal in open ongoing collaboration into two distinctly different fields of endeavor: On the one hand, the entire conceivable range of innovative new venture creation (various business startup), along with, on the other hand, the boundless pure creativity of serious collaborative fiction writing, art for its own joy and no less heady.

    Now, in any sort of traditional business proposal, the expected pragmatic emphasis shall pivot upon tangible projections of expected feasibility and profitability. And for that matter, beyond merely the ever vital ongoing exchange of critique in serious writing groups, in the prospectus of any sort of more ambitious writing workshop, the expected emphasis must pivot upon value of intended learning growth, and upon quality of expected resultant writing output. And even ever burning hopes of publication and success. Not to digress, however.

    By contrast, in any sort of lifestyle entrepreneurship most broadly, all pragmatic questions, even while remaining indubitably so crucial to sustainability, shall be discovered taking the proverbial back seat to Eudemonia and authentic wellbeing in the pursuit of intangible intrinsic gratification and fulfillment as most important and highest priority rising up before all else, as indeed to be addressed herein, throughout.

    That and how otherwise, how tenuous, pointless and miserable our lives so interminably drag on, whenever individual happiness remains so blithely and routinely sacrificed. Because as Socrates so famously declares: An unexamined life is not worth the living for a human being.”

    All therefore, gentle reader, unmet friend, make no mistake and never fear: I am just another loser, stuck in a rut, a maladroit wanna-be with a cable modem, ever mouthing off online. And as my own boss, I have fired myself for utter failure and incompetence in the sore travail of life!

         • The Top 10 Things People Want In Life But Can’t Seem To Get - - I can't get no...”

    And yet, if there shall be found no Promethean fire kindled in my very heart of hearts, then kindly refrain from lighting one up under my feet! For there must be no quota, needlessly urgent deadline or other such domineering high pressure facile and frenetic flimflam or cretin conjob of hot hurried hustle and deceptive manipulation. Nor passive hostile power plays of stalling and foot-dragging, such pointless betrayal and disappointment, proverbially pulling out the figurative rug metaphorically out from under with empty promises never meant to be kept. And then there always remains skilled incompetence, cult mimesis and pretense outright! Various sheer pointless collective cosplay and delusion of whatever desired way of life, pipedreams that so many will ever swear by.
    Beware then all such bad faith: For the world remains ever so very full of exactly all such dullards, knaves and ninnies taking the helm, the dysfunctionally bizarre, erratic, mistrusting and untrustworthy, alas so wholly unreliable. All prior vested hope and effort must be written off as bad investment, until if ever unlikely, whomever such an offender changes their ways and redeems themselves. There can be no work around. Let the ball then remain in their court so long as they shirk all honest effort and thereby disappoint. No one will ever get through to them. And they'd better not have your money!

    By contrast to whatever so destructive headgames, instead responsibly proceeding in true collaboration among equals, steadily at our own pace in small reversible steps, is always most happy and wise. Far as Aesop tells us: Slow and steady wins the race. Indeed, baring privileged resources and/or amazing talents, honest and hard nosed adult conduct and disposition remains the only advantage for the unsung and unknown coming together in any lofty and imaginative ambition. Because a culture of helping pivots upon realism together in active pursuit of even the most crazy dreams! And more anon.    

    Moreover, building team rapport in a culture of helping, the forging of attachments of true friendship possible only under genuine and authentic autonomy, therefore arises only and entirely as a byproduct of purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication and believe it or not, never otherwiseAnd more anon.

    For such shall ever remain chief among the true values and bedrock of competent capability and of Eudemonia in authentic fulfillment. And not just the utopian wishful fantasy of dime novel epics. Indeed, in lifestyle entrepreneurship as in any other context.

    And all therefore: No, I don't want your money or your devotion. Because I am no untrustworthy dishonest penny ante conniving Behaviorist, no bogus formulaic callow motivational grifter even believing their own lies, here to tickle your ears, psyche you up, and then leave you in the lurch, abandoned once again to our own devices and set up for failure.  And ever at the mercy of mediocre and lonely boredom, meaningless futile vexation and alienation, endlessly jockeying in the interminably joyless rat-race of popularity and social success.

    On the contrary, and to reiterate:

    Gentle reader, unmet friend, I might not have what you want, but dare we seek for it together?



    Applications of narrative
    to probortunity at hand

    Yes, even aspiring writers no less than even wannabe entrepreneurs, must prize and guard each our very own individual integrity. But then and therefore, must writers, never mind entrepreneurs, ever remain so solitary? After all, serious writers ever embrace the discipline of the writing craft as ever premised upon the principles of drama and also the speculative element of true Science Fiction.

    Alas however, that indeed except for the indispensable exchange of Literary critique, by and large, serious writing remains solitary, with fiction writing collaboration remaining at best occasional for serious writers, and by no means any regular event or practice. Indeed, despite the renown of particular great works of writing collaboration. And so serious fiction writing becomes insolated and forgotten amid all ever more prevailing conformity and contempt for expertise in general as characteristic of a growing movement sometimes referred to as the Cult of the Amateur.

    And in the face of such colossal and arrogant ignorance, the discipline of the writing craft, a valuable body of knowledge, culture and capability so long open to everyone, instead of being effectively promoted and transmitted, looses all traction amid the great unwashed online. They who will never accept that writing is like photography: Though easy to do, nevertheless so difficult actually to do well. Indeed, writing is rewriting, patient, perpetually fulfilling hard work and never a waste of time.

    And what squandered opportunities therefore remain, not only for salient and informative interaction across levels of proficiency, but for more optimal social and intellectual stimulus struggle for all involved. For social and intellectual stimulus struggle remains the perpetual striving of all human consciousness, to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of social and intellectual stimulation and arousal from the social environment.

    Indeed, nothing less than the authentic wellbeing flowing from heightened creativity under Eudemonic alternation between solitary contemplation and self expression in collaborative brainstorming. Hence, addressing by and large such blithely unaware and therefore so vastly underserved need, find open invitation herein for entry into brand new ongoing serious collaborative fiction writing as herein extolled.

    Moreover, pure creativity as afforded in serious collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming, presents such an excellent management team rapport building exercise towards the applied creativity and endless possibility inherent to disruptive innovation of new venture creation (various business startup).

    And the reason remains because of how business or project planning endures as merely another application of narrative, another persuasive mode of story telling: Indeed, applied creativity of disruptive innovation, in case/feasibility study yet exceeding mere plausibility. Indeed thereby transcending the mere willing suspension of disbelief (barring the outright surreal) ever remaining so essential for motivated drama, not to mention grifting or propaganda.

    And all because whereas any good story or ripping yarn, only needs to seem at all plausible, business or project planning remains a matter of rigorous, prediction, feasibility study and exploration of projected outcomes from proposed intentional action. And no less exiting and informative a presentation all thereof. Indeed of sweeping drama, bold conjecture, tantalizing futuring scenario, thorough research and laboriously task interdependent and objective real world feasibility study, all beginning from most embryonic first concept "kitchen table" stage or phase.

    Indeed in capable recruitment of suitable collaboration partner candidates on spec, management team formation, to be followed in due course, and if all goes well, with prospective rounds of Venture Capitalization bringing all into readiness for implementation and marketing, with the devil in the details. Such remaining probortunity at hand, the more dire, the more propitious, of Do-It-Ourselves entrepreneurship for the rest of us.

    One way or another, at least initially, rather than sweeping the world out from leftfield, any any bold, liberating and empowering subversion of hierarchy, not unlike forbidden love, necessarily nurtures in microcosm. Indeed even somewhat covertly and conspiratorially, when any two or more individuals interacting and taking initiative, must finally innovate: at long last to begin significantly doing things differently and howsoever more capably together and persist.

    Indeed, only imagine all therein, if you can, any more readily available meaningful and pleasurable optimally reciprocally engaged and fulfilling alternative in social life, to the present conventional, learned helpless, Nihilistic, alienated, oppressive, toxic, stultifyingly superficial and predatory rat-race of popularity and social success, and of failed conventionality in every walk of life.



    Wake up, Sheeple!

    Stimulus struggle remains the ongoing and perpetual striving of all living things, to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of stimulation and arousal from the surrounding environment. And by extension herein, and more species specific, social and intellectual stimulus struggle in particular, remains the ongoing and perpetual striving of every aware human psyche, to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of social and intellectual stimulation and arousal from whatever immediate social environment. And thereby to modify subjective experience, thus altering consciousness itself.

    Alas, ever thwarting uniquely human intrinsic needs of social and intellectual stimulus struggle, indeed from prehistory and up to the present day, remains every boring and dystressful hierarchical structure and oppression historically as derived in authoritarian heteronomy to that of the clan or extended family.

    To wit: Cultural Anthropology studies human relationships consistent with rôles of relative social standing, degrees of kinship and rank, all predicated upon competencies and aptitudes of hierarchically predictive social cognition for We, the Sheeple,  glorified pack mammals all, by which to anticipate the responses of others, merely via the recognition of members of one's own social group in order to form direct relationships consistent with rôles of relative social standing, degrees of kinship and rank, recognition of third-party social relationships and prediction of future behavior and in order to know what one is expected to do and how to behave. 

    In short, that malignant subtext of only conditional acceptance: Consensus and superficial harmony in acquiescence to tacit threat of rejection and bullying. Indeed, in prevailing oppression replete with dishonest manipulative socialization, brainwash and invalidation. All as under heteronomy to hierarchical dominance, so routinely and systematically quashing all curiosity and creativity.

    And yet, hope endures. Because, however rarely though nevertheless in accordance with repeated Empirical observation informing the anomalously democratic grand afterthought of generally hierarchical and authoritarian Cultural Anthropology, members in whatever sort of tribe, community or any manner of social institution, may however infrequently find themselves called upon by whatever generally overbearing powers that be, to participate and together experience some fleeting glimmer of joy, so scarce, infrequent and fondly remembered, in the heady experience of creative solution finding together. Indeed as of necessity undertaken via the temporary relaxation of authority into near hierarchical distance, indeed into howsoever transient collaboration among near equals.

    So, how might we all be thus so much better fulfilled, precisely so pleasurably and meaningfully engaged, at all much more frequently, more regularly, optimally, reciprocally and over longer periods of time? And what stops us? That is the question!

    Indeed, only imagine, if you can, any more readily available meaningful and pleasurable optimally reciprocally engaged and fulfilling alternative in social life, to the present conventional, learned helpless, Nihilistic, alienated, oppressive, toxic, stultifyingly superficial and predatory rat-race of popularity and social success, and of failed conventionality in every walk of life.

    Because of not only how Creativity can and Should be Social, but even that Creativity Can and Should be Popular. Not merely valued, but charming, engaging and attractive, duly celebrated and no longer dorky, awkward, bullied and persecuted.

    All therefore as herein, the sheer audacity of collaborative brainstorming and creative solution finding in social engineering design thinking, striving at optimal reciprocal engagement, something exiting, new and different, to attract eager participation online. Something very special, that upon discovery would immediately entice and inspire site visitors to investigate and to join right in online, upon unambiguous observation of clear and ongoing benefit, creativity, productivity, conviviality, and gratification all as accruing for interaction among participants.

    Indeed, gentle reader, all to test the very hypothesis that completely honest, hard nosed and fully engaged Socratic Dialectical feasibility study, analytic yet strategic, as herein right here and now invited for all comers, all interested parties, upon precisely all such agenda of creativity, ambition and daunting challenge, nevertheless will already begin lifting spirits together in true creativity and the will to power. The very path to Eudemonia as suggested by the Empirical observations as herein expounded. Indeed even entirely without cognitive dissonance from any of the usual motivational grift of inane pep talks, so heartbreakingly insulting to the intelligence. 







    Serious people coming together

    In the words of Andrew Keen: “Those who know most can be persecuted by those who know least.” But people in the know, serious writers and serious aspiring entrepreneurs alike, indeed serious people at all, therefore seek and value criticism, tough honest substantive feedback, not just pleasing compliments and encouragement. Indeed even beyond writing, the value of criticism constraining endless possibility, likewise takes every bearing upon information for entrepreneurship, new venture creation (various business startup), life in general and indeed, Epicurean freedom, friendship and thought. And more, anon.

    But to quote Herbert Simon: What information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention, and a need to allocate that attention efficiently among the overabundance of information sources that might consume it. Finding ourselves as each we all, situated in an overstressed attention economy, ever shorter attention ever spread so very thin. And in the words of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: “Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.” Alas then, in the words of Jean Boudrillard: “We live in a world where there is more and more information, and less and less meaning. All therefore, thank you gentle reader. Because nowadays more that ever, in the immortal words of Simone Weil: “Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.

    Indeed,  for anyone with free time on their hands and the secure technological wherewithal of survival under comfortable physical existence, any most important practical and philosophical question on their minds, of the best life to lead and perhaps indeed even meaning in any deeper sense, then ensues.

    For as the saying goes, life is the journey, the yearned for experience along the way, and not merely whatever the destination, extrinsic reward, objectives or tangible end result. Indeed, as Epicurus declares: “Not what we have but what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance.” For Epicurus ever extols the pleasures and virtues of autonomy in freedom, friendship and thought. Indeed, to site Martin Seligman's celebrated happiness formula of Positive Psychology:

    But none of the above, all fine sentiments however well reasoned, shall ever suffice until somehow brought into strategic action from deliberation analytic yet strategic.

    For as Benjamin Disraeli declares: Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action.” And hoped for results, which is to say: purpose, does matter.

    Indeed, as so iconically ponders Friedrich Nietzsche: “What is happiness? The feeling that power increases - that resistance is being overcome.” And such happiness comes in meeting ones needs for capable interaction with responsible others, making progress every day. Indeed, in the incisive perception of Henry Ford: “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” Indeed, to quote Karan Gaur: “Effort is the best indicator of interest.”

    Alas then all anti-intellectual taboo indeed against bridging abstract and concrete. Of doers and thinkers ever consumed in reciprocal contempt and expert superiority. For thus ensues dubious practicality and concrete application (specifically how) bereft of all guiding abstract principle (generally why), and ivory tower abstraction uninformed by Empirical practicality and observation. A heedlessly divisive and deviously incapable conservative memplex forstaling all progress and substantive change.

    Instead, in those wise words of Henri-Louis Bergson: “Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought.” For as John Mason Good said: “Happiness consists in activity. It is a running stream, not a stagnant pool.” Indeed, to quote Alain de Botton: “One of the best protections against disappointment is to have a lot going on.”

    But  tautologically, there can be no unilateral self-help, no reliable solitary rugged self-reliant self-made bootstrap DIY (Do-It-Yourself) "well-formed plan" key to outreach towards any such cherished vigorous interaction and cooperation between multiple individuals. No, that, so we are told, ultimately remains the prize conferred by the star first follower or ally.

    And all therefore, so many remain: Desperately seeking the star first follower or ally! For the star first follower or ally to emerge as the true leader and influencer, a rôle model blazing the trail, a volunteer leading by example, showing others how, by capable imitation, not only to join in participation, but how to relate.

    Indeed, the star first follower or ally appears as a reoccurring and popular figure throughout legend and history, and in our time, the very principle of the star first follower or ally, with such great flourish and fanfare all courtesy of publisher Derek Sivers, emerges into the zeitgeist, the spirit of our time, as a popular concept gone viral across the Internet.

    For in the genesis of any new movement, the star first follower or ally, so desperately sought for, rises as the first person coming forth to publicly recognize and vindicate, by fully engaging and interacting with, the hitherto misunderstood and isolated lone nut dissident innovator with the guts to stand alone and appear so ridiculous. Indeed, to quote Anton Chekhov: “... only he is an emancipated thinker who is not afraid to write foolish things.”

    Yes, via precisely above said principle of mob psychology and PR, ancillary then to Creativity can and Should be Social as herein expounded, the ancillary proposal: Creativity Can and Should be Popular therefore explores any prospect of somehow enacting and putting on public display, all the doings of Creativity can and Should be Social, in order thereby to entice more new participants to join in and help create a buzz.

    Fame, fortune, love and understanding. All striving  towards every value so cherished and elusive in life, society and the human condition, beginning indeed with probortunity ever at hand, the more dire, the more propitious. Again to quote Henry Ford: “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”

    Find then herein submitted to agenda for discussion by all interested parties, by social engineering design thinking, a "kitchen table" stage or phase most embryonic first concept of optimally synergistic dual foci most productive toward eustress, the dramatic and suspenseful sustainable euphoria and creative tension of collaborative brainstorming and creative solution finding.

    Indeed objective all whereof ultimately remaining as expounded in the capability approach of Sen and Martha Nussbaum, being the idea that true freedom is resultant from real and practical empowerment to attain that which one has ones own reasons to value as important to do or to be or become.

    And all such as above revealed as most conducive to most optimal social and intellectual stimulus struggle, the perpetual striving of all human consciousness, to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of social and intellectual stimulation and arousal from the social environment. A phenomena and intrinsic need completely unique to the human psyche. But more, anon.

    Hence proposed initiative dubbed Creativity can and Should be Social, conceived of as the inception of ongoing concurrent and vibrantly interconnected dual endeavor as indeed herein propounded.

    And rising to such heady but vastly underserved needs, entrepreneurship for the rest of us remains most embryonic first concept of demystification towards practical intentional community and infrastructure of social support, by social engineering design thinking. Or at least initially, more modestly, intentional social circle or group formation onto the path of endless possibility, of innovative new venture creation (various business startup).







    Planning for capable strategic interaction
    with responsible others

    As it turns out, creativity, alas ever squandered and rebuffed, remains so much more than merely any solitary individual talent, trait, characteristic or mode of expression. Rather, indeed towards more optimal social and intellectual stimulus struggle, Creativity can and Should be Social. For as John Cleese expounds: Creativity is not a talent: it's a way of operating.” ⁠With operation herein defined as organized activity in any social context. Moreover, Creativity Can and Should be Popular, not only valued, but charming, engaging and attractive, duly celebrated and no longer dorky, awkward, bullied and persecuted.

    And that is why, in ancillary proposed initiative, Creativity Can and Should be Popular explores the most probortune prospect of outreach by social engineering design thinking, towards better and more rewarding individual social life and more productive interpersonal networking, as pivoting upon all the above. And all as remaining subject to an unprecedented subversively innovative and disruptive step by step design thinking process for human interaction tailor made best for optimization of individual social and intellectual stimulus struggle, the perpetual striving of all human consciousness, to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of social and intellectual stimulation and arousal from whatever immediate social environment.

    To wit: So famously to quote George Bernard Shaw: “Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress, therefore, depends on unreasonable people.” And in the celebrated words of Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Indeed, as Henry Ford so incisively attests: “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”

    Therefore, change our conversation, reset the agenda, and just maybe, change our world! Because Happy People Talk More Seriously. Even though, to quote Anton Chekhov: “... only he is an emancipated thinker who is not afraid to write foolish things.” Even into analytic yet strategic design thinking investigation and social engineering systematic and sustainable implementation of whatever ones own unique individual triggers for joy.

    Alas then, to quote Frederick Law Olmsted: “After all is said and done, much is said and little is done.” Indeed, and especially when it comes to every difficulty and challenge so typical of innovative new venture creation (various business startup), in endless possibility, all so much easier said than done. And never plain sailing, no mater whatever ambitious endeavor. And all therefore, in all brutal honesty, alas that the most searing ambivalence seems all but guaranteed. Indeed with every grounds for pessimistic realism losing heart.

    For to quote Robert Burns: “The best laid schemes o' mice an' men / Gang aft a-gley.” (Go often awry.) For in the famous words of Helmuth von Moltke the Elder, noted disciple of Carl von Clausewitz: “No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy.” -nor, for that matter, whatever other sort of antagonist, true to life dramatic obstacle or complication.

    And that is why, to quote Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower: Plans are nothing, planning is everything.” For plans remain static, but the Dialectic exploration of the planning process, of necessity becomes ever more dynamic, connective and informative. And participants together gain far greater scope of insight and rapport building, than any meager wisdom in whatever fixed ideas and even the best work product.

    Moreover, with no guiding agenda or vision indeed from intrinsic motivation, there can only be only confusion and resistance. And with no plan of action and no action  agenda, there can only be ill conceived, ill prepared and ultimately preemptive false start.

    Indeed, as widely attributed to Alan Lakein: “Failing to plan, is planning to fail.” For as per summary aggregation of all known among the various and notoriously alliterative multiple p's: Properly Purposeful Pre-Planning and Prior Preparation Prevents Preemptive Production of Painfully Piss Poor Performance. And disruptive innovation so perfectly primarily perennially proactively pivots upon new mistakes instead of ever the same old ones. Even despite all due and comprehensive contingency planning for every foreseeable possibility. Indeed rapid fire serial failure until, at last, if ever, success.

    Because, as Aesop tells us: Slow and steady wins the race! And all such probortunity of bold, tantalizing and discouragingly difficult ambition, herein submitted to agenda for deliberation together, for all comers, all interested parties.

    And all to test the very hypothesis that completely honest, hard nosed and fully engaged Socratic Dialectical feasibility study, analytic yet strategic, upon precisely all such agenda of ambition and daunting challenge, nevertheless will already begin lifting spirits together in true creativity and the will to power.






    The scourge of superficiality

    Why bother? Most specifically: Why go to such lengths in particular, as herein extolled? After all, as most commonly attributed to Burt Lance: If it ain't broke, don't fix it! Because the program never fails. You fail the program! And how's that been goin' for ya, folks? Bah, humbug!

    Just what will it take to shake such blithe and blind faith? There are many reasons for all the bother instead, of going to all such lengths as herein extolled. Indeed, as beginning with recognition of the sheer extent of probortnity at hand, as ever, the more dire, the more propitious.

    For the unthinkable taboo truth remains in how by very antithesis to all that we have been taught, the forging of attachments of true friendship in autonomy, arises only for those nerdy unpopular serious people, entirely as the forbidden byproduct of most frowned upon and reviled seriousness. Indeed specifically, of truly purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication. And believe it or not, never otherwise. 

    And that may be how and why, as so famously to quote Hennery David Thorough, “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.” And in the words of Brad Meltzer: “Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.”  

    For as Barbara Sher declares: “Isolation is the true dream killer, not your attitude.” And as Mark R. J. Lavoie attests: “Life dies inside a person when there are no others willing to befriend him." Indeed, as George Orwell observes in Conversation with a Pacifist,’ even at all thinking clearly, becomes increasingly difficult in bored and lonely isolation without expression.

    All therefore make no mistake: Psychotherapists see two kinds of patients because, with  scarce exception only of those uncommonly happy few, by and large and to begin with, there remain distinctly two kinds people: Those so desperately unhappy, because of just not fitting in socially, and those no less desperately bored, lonely and dystressed,  because they dare never be genuine and truly known. Indeed fitting in socially and consummately so. And miserable because of it. Indeed, because of every sacrifice, ever so phony, chameleonic and closeted under such ego dystonic conditionality of the popularity rat-race.

    Indeed, as per dialogue scripted by Bobcat Goldthwait for the fictional character of Lance Clayton as portrayed by actor Robin Williams in World's Greatest Dad:’ I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It’s not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone.”

    Damned then if you will, but damned if you won't! Alas that only a happy few indeed so well adjusted or merely fortunate, have ever actually escaped this very dilemma in order to belong to neither quietly desperate and unhappy population.  

    Alas that what is all too often most wonting to begin with, remains mere transparency. Indeed, it may often be that the usual prevailing common sense unserious bad social advice extolling all those dreary chores purportedly requisite to popularity, social success and meeting new people, beg all much the same questions as in any business or project planning in order to make any kind of rational and serious projections and expectations:
    What skills are first requisite? What extensive background knowledge and experience? What are the expectations? What is the realistic investment? Is there the wherewithal? What will the experience actually be like? And what best results must one be willing to settle for?
    For example: How many personals posting must be answered and followed up, even to get that first cup of coffee? At what cost in time and money, much less self esteem? And in truth, the skill sets and expectations are even more unspoken, particular and extensive, than in any lifetime employment or career experience.
    It was once that fortitude in whole hearted and sincere unflagging effort and dedication just fitting in by performing and living up to social expectation, all in order to get along, where praised, lauded and expected. But now they are become obscured, yes: in traumatized indolence with every sore travail, and consequently then in utter denial and defeat. Alas that nowadays, the pertinent tacit knowledge is taboo, never made plain, expectations therefore imparted and poorly expressed by the blithely least self-aware and empathetic most blithely people pleasing conformists and utter tools, and only inductively by evasive and dishonest manipulative socialization that none dare call: indoctrination, Behavioral Conditioning or most honestly: brainwash and invalidation.

    Indeed, we have all been lied to, and in every walk of life, nothing seems to work, not even for good little girls and boys, approval seeking eager beavers, who all stick with the program or else prevail despite and not because of all that supposed tough love. Because society is no conduit, no primrose path, but an obstacle course, a filter to weed out the inventive, the rebellious and the unfit, all alike, to find our place in the process of falling by the wayside. Again, brutality once embraced for whatever greater good, but now confused and obscured as so unpleasant.

    “The very language we use to describe the self-made ideal has these fault lines embedded within it: To “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” is to succeed by dint of your own efforts. But that’s a modern corruption of the phrase’s original meaning. It used to describe a quixotic attempt to achieve an impossibility, not a feat of self-reliance. You can’t pull yourself up by your bootstraps, anymore than you can by your shoelaces. (Try it.) The phrase’s first known usage comes from a sarcastic 1834 account of a crackpot inventor’s attempt to build a perpetual motion machine.”

    The Self-Made Man

    The story of America’s most pliable, pernicious, irrepressible myth.
    —  By John Swansburg

    In truth, any even partial and imperfect achievement of indeed rightly admired social success dharma, especially as in any conceivable harmony at all also with intrinsic wellbeing and happiness, remains subtle, opaque, baffling, complicated and often oversimplified and thereby distorted under heteronomy to the ever pervasive cult of socialization.

    Alas then, that not indeed those howsoever admirable and truly well adjusted, reasonable and rational, but merely they who by their shining example of operant behavior and adaptation, either by such emotionally broken, eager, unwavering and toadying compliance so convenient to whatever self-righteous and overbearing powers that be, or else of rugged lone independence entirely to spare all others any bother or concern, are held up to redeem an inept, unaccommodating, unsupportive and exploitatively domineering dysfunctional and broken down system, such incompetence and Neoliberal crushing oppression without qualm. Because if indeed they the most industriously compliant can succeed, then why won't the rest of us pathetic indolent wretches? Yes, cut the foot to fit the shoe! Bah, humbug!

    And what a racket! A racket, no matter how reputable, can be any dishonest scheme or ongoing transaction, all not as it contrives to present itself and as is tacitly accepted or endured by the majority of those involved, but in actuality, indeed, a myth, scam or fraud of heteronomy, a deceptive domineering practice of coercion and manipulation conducted for whatever benefit of a few cronies at the expense of the many. Any Absurd Big Lie to enflame dependency and the adoration of Big Brother, and thence retreat into that mythic embodiment of whatever soulless Borg collective, and thus to turn us each and all away from one another as individuals.

    All therefore pandemic alienation, boredom and loneliness in perpetually ambivalent cognitive dissonance, ever mounting inner conflict, in ideological struggle, rightthink and crimestop, all in order to meet conventional expectations in an ever changing world. Alas that heteronomy to conventional socialization and toadying hierarchically predictive social cognition, falls so far short of real motivating intrinsic human fulfillment.

    And all because popularity and relentlessly facile distant social success ever remain antithetical to true friendship, because friendship is genuine, substantive and intimate, even sometimes intense, being predicated upon free and unguarded and reciprocal psychological visibilityAlas that all to often, substance and purpose remain actually shameful, awkward, nerdy, uncool, socially unacceptable and so taboo.

    And all in a milieu of relentless peer pressure, bullying, intimidation, prevailing anti-intellectualism (hostility and mistrust towards intellect, intellectuals, intellectualism, and deprecation of culture whatsoever) but perhaps more precisely designated as: anti-intraception (a discomfort or opposition in very principle, toward the subjective, the imaginative, the tender minded).

    Thus the stultifying rat-race of popularity, people pleasing and approval seeking all notwithstanding, indeed contrary to all of that thuddingly dull obdurate superficiality of prevailing common sense bad social advice: As Eve Tushnet expounds in Eros and Education,’ Eros which is transport in liberating union with alien difference, moreover the forging attachments of true friendship in autonomy, capable human relationship, and psychological visibility to begin with, indeed meaning in the very deepest sense, Eudemonia, optimal reciprocal engagement... All these and so much more, arise entirely as byproduct indeed of authentic attention, of often tabooed and sometimes emotionally risky purposeful interaction and/or no less so, substantive communication. And categorically, never otherwise. Therefore accept no substitutes!

    But neither purposeful interaction nor substantive communication can ever be any objective, desired result, payoff or extrinsic reward howsoever to ever be permitted, obtained or achieved. Rather intentionally purposeful interaction and/or intentionally substantive communication are, much the same as with adequate and respectful social support, building team rapport in a culture of helping, not any hoped for objective or reward, but the only viable beginning as vital as the breath of oxygen to the heat of fire. Indeed a precondition to human thriving, intrinsic and integral to personal disclosure, psychological visibility and interpersonal relationship. Otherwise, all important and much lionized social integration remains unduly conditional, even therefore invalidating if not actually somewhat Faustian, bitter, disappointing, empty and Existentially irrelevant, pointless and Absurd.

    Furthermore, in the words of John Storrs Hall: Ideas should compete, bodies should cooperate. And so, rather than allowing ourselves to be pitted against one another, instead coming together and choosing the best ideas, by engaging in controversy, the welcome and appreciated free exchange of genuine criticism, remains nothing to fear, nothing threatening or hostile. Because criticism remains inherently friendly, valuable, an expression of abiding respect. And that is how even people who disagree even however strongly, heatedly and vociferously, and yet entirely without acrimony, are often the best at cooperation even quite without needless and slavish ongoing heteronomy to social cognition and hierarchical dominance so oppressively quelling all dissent, honesty and creativity.

    Instead of heavy handed maximal authority simply for keeping everyone in line as mindless drones, by direct contrast, among the cherished values of democracy, first and foremost remains freedom under only most minimal authority and coercion absolutely necessary. Only imagine then, flipping the script. Rather than stifling and oppressive heteronomy to hierarchical dominance as prevailing norm, indeed as per the grand afterthought of Cultural Anthropology, resorting only temporarily to near egalitarian solution finding finding only as and when completely indispensable, only imagine the very antithesis or sheer Peripeteia of any such closed society. A better liberated situation or circumstances named by Karl Popper as: the open society.

    Indeed, even somewhat conspiratorial, subversive and disruptive paradigm shift into ongoing collaborative brainstorming and creative solution finding together among equals as the norm, with appeal to authority serving only as ever actually needed or helpful.

    All therefore, let us together stop just going with the effluent flow of our shitty little lives, and instead set any meaningful agenda and begin moving with any purpose, and good reason why. For as the wise and venerable old saying goes: No question is too stupid to ask, and no answer too wise to be given.  

    Because indeed as so disastrously acceding to that entire gamut of onerous and erroneous common sense as constituting prevailing bad social advice... All towards the great and good boon of heteronymous socialization... And all so desperately in order to gain acceptance:

    Everything that we have been taught, one way or another, about remaining so staunchly cheerful, agreeable, upbeat and bland...  All of that stands so blatantly exposed and debunked as yet another sad, pointless and pernicious propaganda manipulation

    And all therefore remaining why, at long last, something  must be done differently. However, at least initially, rather than sweeping the world out from leftfield, any any bold, liberating and empowering subversion of hierarchy, not unlike forbidden love, necessarily nurtures in microcosm. Indeed even somewhat covertly and conspiratorially, when any two or more individuals interacting and taking initiative, must finally innovate: at long last to begin significantly doing things differently and howsoever more capably together and persist.

    And then collective endeavors of intentional community, or at least initially and more modestly, intentional social circle or group formation, can actually be organized by social engineering design thinking, no longer for petty intimidation and domination, but instead only so as to foster whatever most desired and dynamic interaction between participants, intentionally.

    All hence, as herein proposed, the social engineering of most optimal social and intellectual stimulus struggle, would contrive by social engineering design thinking, the deliberate introduction of specific social and intellectual stimuli and social interaction, into an accessable social environment, in order better to optimize uniquely human social and intellectual stimulus struggle. And such remains the probortunity at hand: 



    The value proposition              

    Fame, fortune, love and understanding. All striving towards every value so cherished and elusive in life and society, begins indeed with probortunity ever at hand, the more dire, the more propitious.

    Again so famously to quote Hennery David Thorough, “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.” And in the words of Brad Meltzer: “Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.”

    And whereas in all our lives, there remain those constants, the true to life dramatic themes, ever repeating, that we can all relate to, of struggle and frustration in every walk of life, only imagine instead, a subversively innovative and disruptive step by step social engineering design thinking process for human interaction and most optimal social and intellectual stimulus struggle, all tailor made to individual gratification, happiness and any life less ordinary.

    And all beginning from something exiting, new and different, to attract eager participation online. Something very special, that upon discovery would immediately entice and inspire site visitors to investigate and to join right in online, upon unambiguous observation of clear and ongoing benefit and gratification as accruing for interaction among participants. Indeed, the unique and vibrant branding of, and purpose, all beginning with that certain spark.

    Desperately seeking all therefore, the star first follower or ally! For the star first follower or ally shall emerge as the true leader and influencer, a rôle model blazing the trail, leading by example, showing others how, by imitation, to join in and participate.

    Not merely because Creativity can and Should be Social, but because Creativity Can and Should be Popular, indeed not only valued, but charming, engaging and attractive, duly celebrated and no longer dorky, awkward, bullied and persecuted. 

    And all therefore, towards ever more optimal social and intellectual stimulus struggle, indeed even in all of the most daunting and grandiose ambition, even then in pitched confrontation with the Existentially Absurd, and yet towards the most simple and most modest beginning, forming an open yet responsible working group and steering committee, gentle readers you are all invited! 

    Let us together, yes: who and how else but I and thou, and thou, gentle readers, authentically strive and undertake even such minimal initiative as the inception and perpetuation of ongoing and unflinching Dialectic and deliberation together over probortunity at hand.

    And so, indeed pursuant to agenda at hand, of freedom and responsibility, Eudemonia and authentic wellbeing via the eustress and sustainable euphoria of creative tension, to make uncertainty your friend, Look for the Solution within the Problem!

          Martin Seligman's celebrated happiness formula of Positive Psychology:

    Indeed, in accordance with ancient wisdom of the greatest sages of old as rediscovered in the very forefront of bleeding edge modern happiness science bridging abstract and concrete: No human being can remain woebegone, unappreciated, uninspired, unimpressed, powerless, unproductive, frustrated, unfulfilled, bored, lonely and alienated when (alas as so routinely and systematically oppressed, and therefore all far too scarcely and infrequently in the human condition) optimally and reciprocally so ebulliently sharing eustress and sustainable euphoria of creative tension in collaborative brainstorming and creative solution finding together. And that is how.

    And thus in heady subversion of all prevailing and stultifying hierarchically predictive and toadying heteronomy to hierarchically predictive social cognition, instead pleasurably and meaningfully engaged and fulfilled freely together among equals. The very key to ever more optimal social and intellectual stimulus struggle on the journey of life and exploration. And hence authentic wellbeing named: Eudemonia.

    But precisely why, of all things, is ongoing Dialectical collaboration among equals in brainstorming and creative solution finding, imaginative yet rigorous and realistic feasibility study, even for the wildest ideas and loftiest ambitions, cited herein as key to success in no lesser endeavor than than the attainment together of Eudemonia?

    Well, first of all, because of how said interaction precisely, Dialectical collaboration among equals in brainstorming and creative solution finding, alas so vastly underserved, scarce and infrequent in the human condition, is Empirically observed to bring about such ebullient high spirits. And even out from the most abysmally oppressive doldrums of heteronomy to even the most stifling hierarchically predictive social cognition.

    Indeed, as so iconically ponders Friedrich Nietzsche: “What is happiness? The feeling that power increases - that resistance is being overcome.” In other words, that via creative solution finding, remedies to improve even adverse situation, are being devised for implementation.






  hereby proudly extends actionable public invitation 

                  to lively ongoing collaborative brainstorming and creative solution finding among equals:


    Join the creative conspiracy: Madness, yet method in't!


    To quote George Orwell: A genuinely unfashionable opinion is almost never given a fair hearing.” Thence lost, ridiculed and silenced opposition message herein ensues, in response to ideology and conduct so commonplace as to escape notice. Indeed, in any practice of controversy and Socratic Dialectic, the welcome and appreciated exchange of criticism among equals, in any ebullient contest of argumentative and free critical thinking, open disagreement presents no obstacle but the entire point. Whereas cagey passive hostile silence and obstruction, even censorship and Relational Bullying outright, remains the Anti-Socratic enemy of expressive Epicurean freedom, friendship and thought. And therefore of autonomy supportive social support in any conceivable culture of helping and of  creativity as human interaction beyond mere individual trait, characteristic or mode of expression.

    Responsible and feasible piecemeal engineering for the rest of us: Indeed all may be readily accomplished even without the uncommon power and influence to bring about broadest sweeping social change. In the words of Sir Karl Popper: “The piecemeal engineer knows, like Socrates, how little he knows. He knows that we can learn only from our mistakes. Accordingly, he will make his way, step by step, carefully comparing the results expected with the results achieved, and always on the look-out for unavoidable unwanted consequences of any reform: and he will avoid undertaking any reform of a complexity and scope which makes it impossible for him to disentangle causes and effects, and to know what he is really doing.... Holistic or Utopian social engineering, as opposed to piecemeal social engineering...aims at remodeling the 'whole of society' in accordance with a definite plan or blueprint.” For such the latter remains of fanatical ideology ever biting off more than they can chew, and then ending in perpetually escalating disaster.  

    All as bearing in mind the above, therefore, at least initially, rather than sweeping the world out from leftfield, any bold and radical paradigm shift into liberating and empowering subversion of hierarchy, not unlike taboo forbidden love, necessarily nurtures in microcosm. Indeed even building somewhat covertly and conspiratorially, when any two or more individuals interacting and taking initiative, even in  small reversible steps, must finally innovate: at long last to begin significantly doing things differently and howsoever more capably together and persist. And that is how! Because society is not any entity in its own right, but but in aggregate, an interaction along ongoing and defining relationship among people. With subtext of tacit coercion, an all too often abusive and terrifying relationship. A restrictive but ultimately malleable and dreamlike constructed and ultimately chimerical social reality or culture, virtually augmented from time immemorial, no maya or samsāra, but merely the society of the spectacle, the real world Matrix!
    And yet again to reiterate, no human being can remain so woebegone, powerless, frustrated, unfulfilled, bored, lonely and alienated when, alas as all far too  infrequently in the human condition, circumstances or situation, pleasurably and meaningfully engaged and fulfilled together among equals; indeed, optimally and reciprocally so ebulliently sharing eustress and sustainable euphoria of creative tension in brainstorming and creative solution finding. Indeed as in accordance with the grand afterthought of Cultural Anthropology, an all too infrequent peak experience that the masses, as it turns out, under such oppressive status quo, yet remain so badly starving for. And therefore the Master Plan strives explicitly to elicit and engage these specific modes of interaction between participants, in order thereby more readily and immediately, to offer precisely such alas currently all too infrequent peak experience to anyone so inclined. Who, what, where, when, and above all: Why, oh why!
    And all well within the power of individuals together, intentionally and persistently. Indeed, entirely feasible within any coalition of the willing, however informal. Indeed, all even in such microcosm so conspiratorially, to render the currently infrequent peak experience of collaboration among equals in brainstorming towards creative solution finding, henceforth more readily accessible, frequent and routine for anyone so inclined. All epitome whereof, intentionally by social engineering design, as to be  more regularly and abundantly supplied in a genuine ongoing turnkey solution as indeed extolled herein.

    Creativity is more than merely any individual trait, characteristic or mode of expression, but rather, as John Cleese expounds: “Creativity is not a talent: it's a way of operating.” Therefore creativity must no longer shame and socially isolate creative people. Indeed, not only can and should creativity be social, but creativity ought actually even to make creative people popular, of only, in gloriously subversive and disruptive paradigm shift, one fine day collaboration among equals in creative solution finding ever becomes more widely practiced, public and better appreciated. But in the meantime, let us proudly come together amongst ourselves for precisely that joy.  

    Indeed, as Empirically observed in scientific experiments, respectful, trustworthy, capable and happy people, whom we may all do best to emulate, to rôle model, if only we could ever fathom precisely how (And there's the rub!), who are sociable, extroverted, known to reach out and thrive, Talk More Seriously, and all with so much less of all that inane, incessant, boring and superficial small talk, such a happiness killer! Indeed, happy people remain more likely to choose creative activities, seek new achievements, and thereby uplift their own thoughts and emotions, and actually known to achieve greater success and even to make more money. And all by meeting the need for capable interaction with responsible others.

    Little wonder then, how gifted students, bright, insightful and emotionally sensitive, among their own true gifted peers, mysteriously no longer require that great and good boon of heteronymous socialization, unwelcoming, toxic and sanctioned, that emotional violence and neglect which none dare call: indoctrination, Behavioral Conditioning or most honestly: brainwash. Indeed, the conventionally submissive and  expected distant and disingenuous willful positivity, patiently keeping everything light and innocuous, all simply in order to escape notice from bullying, by hiding ones light under a bushed and thereby such complacent mediocrity all so blandly merely in order to fit in socially, can be excruciatingly bored and lonely, painful and harmful, for sensitive, intelligent creative people. And so, just perhaps, instead of so brutally dumbing down our best and brightest for your own good, dear! can there be no better alternative? Might it not be so much more noble, productive, happier, and in defiance of the ever pervasive and ubiquitous cult of socialization, better to do exactly the opposite throughout life, and continually immerse even the most ordinary people into such interaction as so characteristic of the gifted? — Indeed, thereby cultivating, welcoming and drawing forth each ones own inner giftedness... And just perhaps, there can be a way. An actual detailed and specific implementation strategy. What then even at all beginning in the fairly short term, can actually be done better and differently, dare say and so to speak: more giftedly, even merely amongst ourselves, I and thou, and thou? Our work cut out for us!
    Why Nerds Are Unpopular: Because nerds invest their precious time, not in the extensive and complicated dance of popularity, but cultivating genuine interests and values of their own. And yet, mere interests and diversions in common, indeed so frequent among misguided criteria of group membership, remain perhaps among the least of determinants of personality profiling and compatibility and all that human beings actually yearn for from one another.

    The probortunity at hand: Can it be possible to meet such underserved needs of hideous inbred deformity and freakishly engorged human cerebrality (evolutionary neurology consequent under The Survival of the Sickest), intentionally by social engineering design, by any conceivable readily available turnkey solution? Indeed, a unique, novel and unprecedented new social institution, a place to turn to and join right in for inspired brainy gifted polymath interaction as above extolled, a proposed entirely different kind of intentional community online. Or at least initially and more modestly, smaller intentional social circle, group, club or ongoing sustained interaction.

    But with no guiding agenda or vision indeed from intrinsic motivation, there can only be only confusion and resistance. And with no plan of action and no action agenda, there can only be ill conceived, ill prepared and ultimately preemptive false start. Our work cut out for us. Look for the Solution within the Problem!  Indeed, surely there remain as many categories of social dysfunction, which is a relationship after all, as there are kinds of dysfunctional relationships to begin with. And likewise, there may also arise better observable and conceivable alternatives, progress, and even in paradigm shift, corresponding Transactional Antithesis to whatever preceding malaise.

    And so, how would any of this ever actually even work? What to do? Suffice how this very text moves from the general to the specific, and from the declarative to the imperative: First whatever desirable circumstances must be described, and then proposal advanced as to how to bring such desirable circumstance about, intentionally. Indeed, the Master Plan explicitly strives to elicit and engage exactly whatever desired salient interaction between participants, indeed, optimally and reciprocally so ebulliently sharing eustress and sustainable euphoria of creative tension in brainstorming and creative solution finding, in order thereby to offer that very experience to anyone so inclined. Indeed, every such interaction as herein extolled, remains well within the power of individuals together, intentionally and persistently. Indeed, entirely feasible within any coalition of the willing, however informal. But if only we can organize and stop just going with the flow.  
    Indeed, even online and around the world, Eudemonia and authentic wellbeing via optimal reciprocal engagement together ever heightening eustress, sustainable euphoria and creative tension of social and intellectual stimulus struggle, not by any ever shorter attention endless instant gratification and time-suck of bleeding edge Virtual Reality, but even simply via the time tested electronic low tech and readily accessible power and enduring literacy of asynchronous text communication. Thus affording the leisure to compose one's thoughts, followed up with the hitherto unprecedented quick turn around for timely dialogue in written correspondence. Thus congenial, uplifting and productive alternation between the fulfilling outreach and extroversion of Dialectical collaboration and the introversion and retreat of solitary reflection and inspiration that so refreshes the mind. First whatever desirable circumstances are described, and then proposal is advanced how to bring such desirable circumstance about, intentionally. Indeed, the Master Plan explicitly strives to elicit and engage exactly that salient interaction between participants, in order thereby to offer that very experience to anyone so inclined. Indeed, every such interaction as herein extolled, remains well within the power of individuals together, intentionally and persistently. Indeed, entirely feasible within any coalition of the willing, however informal. But if only we can organize and stop just going with the flow.
    And what if I told you that such Eudemonia of Dialectical collaboration in endless possibility of creative solution finding, as herein conceived, must pivot upon dual concurrent endeavor of subversive and disruptively innovative new venture creation (various business startup) undertaken concurrently with highly original serious collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming?  
    Indeed the Master Plan strives at nothing less than Eudemonia via immersive heady regimen of collaboration among equals, indeed, optimally and reciprocally so ebulliently sharing eustress and sustainable euphoria in endless possibility of creative tension in brainstorming and creative solution finding, specifically in unprecedented asynchronous dual endeavor online, a novel innovative and subversive model of new venture creation (various business startup) (pre-)incubation and collaboration among equals, derived from drama and the and the hitherto largely solitary discipline of the writing craft: subversive and disruptively innovative new venture creation (various business startup) undertaken concurrently with highly original serious collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming. Thus both format and content for ongoing intensive close Socratic Dialectical collaboration among equals, any two or more people, indeed in brainstorming and creative solution finding. A concrete implementation right here online, complete with tools, guides and directories of challenging unfinished drafts in either field: Or by all means gentle readers, go ahead and pitch your own! Many metaphorical irons in that proverbial fire, figuratively to hammer out, render, expand and perfect together. Because, in the words of  Alain de Botton: “One of the best protections against disappointment is to have a lot going on.” Indeed, a most admirable and sublime capability so much easier praised and recommended than actually cultivated by any individual for themselves, let alone by any concievable social engineering design, systematically provided for the masses. But just perhaps, there is a way:
    The Master Plan for addressing the probortunity at hand for unprecedented Eudemonia and more optimal reciprocal engagement in social and intellectual stimulus struggle online, pivots upon hitherto so cherished but alas so infrequent collaboration among equals in brainstorming and creative solution finding. Something so much fun to do together from the beginning, outcome as may, later on. Because, prior to any long deferred extrinsic reward and punishment and, if ever, even tangible material success, cherished but alas so infrequent collaboration among equals in brainstorming and creative solution finding remains meaningful intrinsic stimulus appetite, trigger and arousal of social and intellectual stimulus struggle, being: the perpetual striving of any human consciousness to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of social and intellectual of stimulation and arousal from the enfolding social environment. All such joy of peak experience so very elusive. The gap to be filled, the vastly unmet need that participation here on seeks to address.      


    Expanding upon the principal numbered foci of proposed concurrent creative endeavor
    as herein comprising the Master Plan
    But how and why particularly, and of all things, new venture creation (various business startup) concurrently with serious collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming? Answer: By optimal reciprocal engagement. By Epicurean freedom, friendship and thought. Via profound and immersive close Socratic Dialectical collaboration among equals in endless possibility, in heady, convivial and freewheeling creative process even for novice aspirant and experienced old pro together, consisting in ongoing exploration, criticism/critique, attack and defense, exploration, modification, variation, elaboration, expansion and improvement, continually in vociferous and ebullient Dialectic, back and forth. And all as well facilitated with comprehensive tools and guides, in dual concurrent endeavor together fleshing out both fiction ideas and new venture first concepts alike. Post to the forum for others to weigh in, or email if it's private. What follows then, are the three principal numbered foci of proposed concurrent creative endeavor, a novel innovative and subversive model for new venture creation (various business startup) (pre-)incubation and collaboration among equals, derived from drama and the hitherto largely solitary discipline of the writing craft, plus an initiative of social engineering design thinking  

    1) On the one hand, in entrepreneurship for the rest of us, and for disruptive innovation which is applied creativity, creativity and the will to power brought to bear in open collaboration among equals in brainstorming and creative solution finding, a wide ranging short compendium is featured, of embryonic and wildly subversive and disruptive entrepreneurial new venture first concept proposals: New ideas for business startups to address underserved needs and fill market gaps. Proposals for the organization and inception of original game changing new businesses and other projects. Indeed, disruptively innovative new venture creation (business startups) herein shall be taken to include both profit and nonprofit, indeed Social Entrepreneurship, doing well by doing good, and even adventures into grassroots politics and activism. Or by all means, go ahead and pitch your own ideas! Might any of that become productive? Any questions? Any objections? Any takers? You are all invited! Gentle reader, I am counting on you! Dare we together take action? Can we talk?

    2) And in synergy concurrently, on the other hand, for pure creativity, art for its own joy, sweeping drama and unfettered Science Fiction speculation, a sellect vibrant anthology is featured, of sample highly original unfinished stories, writing prompts and provocations for an open ongoing genuine and intensive writer's bull session online. But also as an initial self-sufficient team-building exercise. Or by all means, go ahead and pitch your own ideas! Does any of that sound like fun? Any questions? Any objections? Any takers? You are all invited! Gentle reader, I am counting on you! Dare we together take action? Can we talk?
    All important question: But precisely why such specific dual endeavor of collaboration among equals in brainstorming towards creative solution finding, as above delineated? How and for that matter, why , in such endless possibility, a model for new venture creation (various business startup) (pre-)incubation and collaboration among equals, derived from drama and the and the hitherto largely solitary discipline of the writing craft?

    The reason then that purely creative serious collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming presents such an excellent management team building exercise towards the applied creativity called: disruptive innovation of new venture creation (various business startup), remains because of how business or project planning, case/feasibility study endures as only another application of narrative, another persuasive mode of story telling, to reiterate: applied creativity called: disruptive innovation, endless possibility yet exceeding and transcending the mere willing suspension of disbelief (barring the outright surreal) ever remaining so essential for motivated drama, grifting or propaganda.

    Because whereas any good story or ripping yarn only needs to seem plausible, any business or project plan rigorous prediction, feasibility study and exploration of future outcomes from proposed intentional action. An exiting and informative presentation all thereof. Indeed of sweeping drama, bold conjecture, tantalizing futuring scenario, thorough research and laboriously task interdependent and objective real world feasibility study, all beginning from most embryonic first concept "kitchen table" stage or phase. Indeed first in recruitment of collaboration partner candidates on spec, management team formation, and then in due course, and if all goes well, prospective rounds of Venture Capitalization bringing all into readiness for implementation and marketing, with the devil in the details. Such remaining probortunity at hand, the more dire, the more propitious, of Do-It-Ourselves entrepreneurship for the rest of us.

    Now, as promised, desirable circumstances are described, and proposal advanced how to bring such desirable circumstance about, intentionally. Indeed, the Master Plan explicitly strives to elicit and engage exactly that very salient interaction between participants, in order thereby to offer that experience to anyone so inclined. Indeed, every such interaction as herein extolled, remains well within the power of individuals together, intentionally and persistently. Indeed, entirely feasible within any coalition of the willing, however informal. But if only we can organize and stop just going with the flow.  

    Indeed, all in the very least of ever relevant demonstration of one salient criteria and likely story or conjecture, prediction first of all to persuade candidate recruits on spec, and then later on prospective investors, to share whatever vision: That any mere idea even to whatever greater purpose or motivating aspiration, might even ever possibly bear not only realistically feasible profit potential but pleasurably engaged fulfillment and meaning along the way. And therefore sustainability and traction, throughout nothing less than the real life Hero's Journey into whatever proposed organization and implementation. But of course, speaking of story telling, indeed of spinning tall tales, beware grifters! Not to digress, however.

    And whether for stories or business/project plans or anything else, writing is rewriting, continual research and hard work, never a waste of time. Indeed, in the words of Henry Ford: Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason so few engage in it.” Actually, writing, not unlike friendship, is often struggle for expression, difficult and complicated. Alas then, that especially as entrenched in willfully positive cheerful attitudes and platitudes, many never find the motivation for anything much more than utter denial, both too serious and yet, not serious enough. Because writing is easy to do, but difficult to do well. And all of that is why there will never be found any shortage in malagenda of determinedly co-validating clueless unaware incompetence as that of delusional half assed gawdawful group badfic online, any more than in no less willfully positive and ever cheerful upbeat business pipedreams, hand waving and scams, bereft of all skeptical credulity.

    Moreover, in boldest paradigm shift flouting shopworn taboo, and pending any future advent of extremely sophisticated and widespread advanced automated Sociometry (again, not to digress), in the interim to fill the gap, some other innovatively congenial, capable, empowering and effective process is needed in order to improve for individual participants, interpersonal outreach, extended networking, more optimal social embedment, autonomy supportive social support, widest access to resources, contacts and the cultivation of quality relationships of every kind and for any human purpose. Indeed, all envisaged as an additional beneficial side effect for participants, of purposeful interaction and substantive communication in the course of ongoing collaboration, brainstorming and creative solution finding in dual concurrent endeavor as herein extolled. Because this too figures within the agenda of First whatever desirable circumstances are described, and then proposal is advanced how to bring such desirable circumstance about, intentionally. Indeed, every such interaction as herein extolled, remains well within the power of individuals together, intentionally and persistently.
    All therefore, in the smallest most modest conceivable and yet still dangerous initial sweat equity investment, to risk those most tangible beginning first baby steps upon Laozi's fabled Journey of a Thousand Miles: let us commence even simply by together testing the very hypothesis, that at all to begin with, even merely the inception of sustained Socratic Dialectical full engagement in analytic yet strategic conversation to the following proposed agenda, realistic yet undaunted, will quickly discover true hope and already begin lifting spirits in convivial will to power. And thus indeed already doing things differently, even initially just amongst ourselves. And never fear! Because, notwithstanding how those reactionary conservative zealots, so faithless to democracy, tend so to value all stability, even at any cost, over any progress at all, nevertheless the proverbial boat, or ship of state, will never so easily capsize when so gently rocked as simply by at all talking things over! At least not unless it really so very badly needs to be! And no mere words shall bring madness except to those already quite mad! Any questions? Any objections? Any takers? Dare we together take action? As observed of capable and happy people, let's talk more seriously!
    Indeed, every such interaction as herein extolled, remains well within the power of individuals together, intentionally and persistently.
    Alas, to quote Robert Burns: “The best laid schemes o' mice an' men / Gang aft a-gley.” (Go often awry.) For in the famous words of Helmuth von Moltke the Elder, noted disciple of Carl von Clausewitz: “No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy.” -nor, for that matter, whatever other sort of antagonist, true to life dramatic obstacle or complication. And that is why, to quote Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower: Plans are nothing, planning is everything.” For plans remain static, but the Dialectic exploration of the planning process, of necessity becomes ever more dynamic, connective and informative. And participants together gain far greater scope of insight and rapport building, than any meager wisdom in whatever fixed ideas and even the best work product. Indeed, as per summary aggregation of the notoriously aliterative multiple p's: Properly Purposeful Pre-Planning and Prior Preparation Prevents Preemptive Production of Painfully Piss Poor Performance. Indeed, as widely attributed to Alan Lakein: Failing to plan, is planning to fail. And disruptive innovation pivots upon new mistakes instead of ever the same old ones. Rapid fire serial failure until, at last, if ever, success.
    3) Optionally, an introduction to the design exercise extolling a proposed innovative and pioneering new subversive social engineering design brainstorming and creative solution finding process beginning by the investigation of unique individual triggers, arousal and stimulus appetites, satisfactions so often frustrated and underserved intrinsic social needs so essential to authentic wellbeing. All better to inform the previous above detailed dual concurrent endeavor and deliberation. Indeed, whatever most preferred personal interaction, relationship and communication individually most highly valued and that therefore best elevate individual emotional state. The very opposite of relentlessly manipulative Behavioral Modification ever so conniving and desperate to press the individual into conforming and fitting in. Instead, nothing less than personally tailored optimization of social and intellectual stimulus struggle, indeed, quantitatively and qualitatively optimal investment and exchange of time and attention together that we all so crave, in synergy so crucial to authentic well being. And all thereby rewriting ones own story in the veritable orchestration of your happiness! Because this too figures within the agenda and discourse under the Master Plan. First whatever desirable circumstances must be discovered, and then proposal advanced how to bring such desirable circumstance about, intentionally. Indeed, every such interaction as herein extolled, remains well within the power of individuals together, intentionally and persistently.
    For the term: "social engineering" hyperlinks indeed to a brief entry upon social engineering. And probortunty ensues regarding the social engineering by design of  stimulus struggle. For in accord with the Arousal Theory of Motivation, the expression: "stimulus struggle" endures as the name coined by anthropologist Desmond Morris in the human zoo October 1 1969, for the perpetual striving of all living things, to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of stimulation and arousal from the surrounding environment. And yes, social and intellectual stimulus struggle specifically, remains uniquely probortunity at hand of the human condition and consciousness as addressed all herein. And the term: "stimuli" hyperlinks internally to crucial and salient disambiguation of present usage. It's a fine point that matters. And the term: "arousal" hyperlinks externally to a brief text upon arousal. All highly relevant in the never ending strife and striving against ongoing pandemic boredom from lonely under stimulation and therefore under arousal. And the term: "design" hyperlinks to an exposition (to put it without false modesty!) upon an innovative and pioneering new social engineering design process proposed indeed towards nothing less than the veritable individually unique orchestration of your happiness by actual design of uniquely individual gratification, via embedment indeed of tailored social and intellectual stimuli into intentional social environment.
    Dual endeavor as indeed expounded and extolled herein, remaining after all, only one possible strategy. Any questions? Any objections? Any takers? You are all invited! Gentle reader, I am counting on you! Dare we together take action? As Empirically observed of capable and happy people, let's talk more seriously! Every such interaction as herein extolled, remains well within the power of individuals together, intentionally and persistently.        
    Along with if any whatever findings from such as the above social engineering design process if and as undertaken, problematic content on both above lists are presented as vibrant interstitial beginnings and brainstorming point of departure for further open creative collaboration among equals and capable team building therein. Or by all means gentle reader, also go ahead and pitch your own ideas, venture and/or fiction, for further development together in convivial collaboration! To reiterate, a heady and freewheeling creative process consisting in ongoing exploration, criticism/critique, attack and defense, exploration, modification, variation, elaboration, expansion and improvement, continually in vociferous and ebullient Dialectic, back and forth, fleshing out both fiction ideas and new venture proposals alike. In fundamental paradigm shift and subversion of hierarchy, a perpetual hotbed in barest beginning, for ongoing disruptive game changing innovation. An invigorating life changing experience together. Any questions? Any objections? Any takers? You are all invited! Gentle reader, I am counting on you! Dare we together take action? As observed of capable and happy people, let's talk more seriously! Got a better idea? Do tell! And even for any given better idea, even so, what better conceivable (pre-) incubator?

        In response, post to the for others to weigh in, oremail to: aaronagassi@comcast.netif it's private.




     What if creativity could be sociable, engaging and appealing,
                                                instead of just intellectually dry, nerdy and awkward?                
    A very personal outreach agenda

    According to the Dead Internet Theory, the Internet is by now little more than an endless vast charade perpetrated by legions of 'bots teaming across the cyberspace, a deceptive pervading simulation co-opting all living perception and isolating everyone from one another amid an all consuming noise drowning out all genuine live signal. But I for one, remain so obviously flesh and blood. Debacle as of my existence just can't be simulated! Therefore, as my own boss, I have fired myself for utter failure and gross incompetence in the sore travail of life! In my own defense however, the responsibility remains daunting. Tautologically, there can be no self-help, no reliable solitary rugged self-reliant unilateral self-made bootstrap "well-formed plan" for interaction among more than one individual. As the saying goes: It takes two to tango. Nor any secret sycophantic magic of facile socially skilled fineness and interminably empty and banal small talk either, ubiquitously oppressive, impractical and uncongenial social expectations all be forever damned. In the face of entrenched pervasive institutional indifference, how can anyone fare any better? That's the rub to set the present agenda. But does agenda remain ever abstract, or indeed, ultimately, mustn't agenda become personal? For those for whom salient agenda only becomes intelligible in relatable real life motivated characterization, see me, hear me, here I stand, warts and all.

    Radical power is never solitary. And in the words of Mark R. J. Lavoie: Life dies inside a person when there are no others willing to befriend him. Alas, no one ever cooperates with me, no matter what the stakes. Not love, money or life and death! No exaggeration. I cannot save myself, much less anyone I care for. But no one should be held accountable to responsibility beyond ones power in an indifferent universe, the Existentially Absurd real world of banal evil and folly from which the hapless individual remains ever inextricable. As Edward Snowden observes, oppressors who restrict our options, then pretend that we consent. And indeed, throughout the Dead Internet, such pretense may take the form of short attention manipulative Totalitarian Interactivity, hypertext clickbait that scarcely diverges before rapidly converging, seemingly personalized comprehensive webforms and questionnaires with only only one true intention, all illusion of choice while being lead safely about by the proverbial nose. And under any and all such devious oppression and propaganda, the salient moral yet practical questions remain those of how to organize, engage and conspire in subversive action and to what end. Any questions? Any objections? Any takers? You are all invited! Gentle reader, I am counting on you! Dare we together take action? As observed of capable and happy people, let's talk more seriously! Life is a test of autonomy. There can  be no reliance upon spontaneous propinquity.

    In the bold interrogative irony of one time Vice Presidential candidate Admiral James Bond Stockdale: Who am I, why am I here? 

    Obviously, and in case anyone cares, I myself am no such celebrated public figure or reputable expert. Quite the contrary, I am just another failure, stuck in a rut, a maladroit wanna-be with a cable modem, ever mouthing off online.
    And so, more importantly, why then am I here? To what purpose here on In answer: Like so many, I yearn to become an artist and Entrepreneur, in short a persistent serial failure, perseverant until at last ever meeting at all with success. For such of course, endures well renowned, as the way of the often solitary Entrepreneur. Failure is not an option. Repeated failure is inevitable. And such adversity is said to promote character growth.
    But as so often affirmed, success, far from enduring in stifling isolation and solitude, comes as a product of teamwork, indeed life long learning together at our own pace. Because I don't much care for the protracted betrayal of being endlessly stalled, nor should I cravenly remain silent while being "boot camp" hurried and dubiously hustled, either. For as Aesop tells us: Slow and steady wins the race! But I can't go it alone, nor would I wish to! 
    In the words of Arthur H. Vandenberg:  It is less important to redistribute wealth than it is to redistribute opportunity. Alas, therein remains a serious gap to be filled, thwarted outreach, a dire need to be addressed. For I find myself isolated and forever frustrated by the scarcity and unavailability of access to participation in trustworthy collaboration among equals in creative solution finding and innovation as expounded anon.
    And not only so scarce, but typically unsustainable, unserious, unreliable and of overall poor quality. My own greatly preferred modes of ongoing  creative endeavor together, as yet remain by and large out of reach for me without better support in playing to my own self perceived strengths, also potentially most useful to others and better appreciated.
    For in the words of Barbara Sher: Isolation is the true dream killer, not your attitude. And to quote Mark R. J. Lavoie: “Life dies inside a person when there are no others willing to befriend him." Indeed, as George Orwell observes, even at all thinking clearly, becomes increasingly difficult in bored and lonely isolation without expression. As it turns out, inner freedom by itself alone, is no freedom at all.

    Philosophers, writers, artists, even scientists, not only need encouragement and an audience, they need constant stimulation from other people. It is almost impossible to think without talking. If Defoe had really lived on a desert island, he could not have written Robinson Crusoe, nor would he have wanted to. Take away freedom of speech, and the creative faculties dry up.”

      — Conversation with a Pacifist by George Orwell

    Perhaps then human connection may be best cemented through high ambition, endless possibility and great doings. On the one hand, power, capability and freedom towards success through applied creativity, innovative new venture creation (various business startup), entrepreneurship for the rest of us, interstitial concurrent synergy, on the other hand, with unprecedented ongoing serious collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming, art for its own joy. Therefore, let us together test the prediction that even so complicated, arduous and daunting the task, our work so well cut out for us, nevertheless, even in merely the most preliminary sustained ongoing honest and serious analytic yet strategic conversation and feasibility study, will already become more uplifting that any ultimately debilitating bogus motivational grift or soul crushing manipulative Behavioral Modification. Because capability, important close human relationship with psychological visibility, Eros which is transport in liberating union with alien difference, thus forging attachments of true friendship in autonomy, building team rapport in a culture of helping. arises entirely as a byproduct even of  in purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication, and never otherwise. This remains the challenge and probortunity of motivated characterization propelling any Hero's Journey in real life, forging true friendship attempting anything really cool together, no less than in compelling drama, and certainly here on  
    Indeed, as according to the Arousal Theory of Motivation, all living beings are perpetually engaged in stimulus struggle, which is the name coined by anthropologist Desmond Morris in 'the human zoo' October 1 1969, for the perpetual striving of all living things, to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of stimulation and arousal from the surrounding environment. In short, social and intellectual stimulus struggle remains the endless struggle with loneliness and boredom. And because happy people whom we might all do well to emulate, are Empirically observed extrovertedly to reach out, Talking More Seriously, fully engaged in purposeful interaction and substantive communication, and make less small talk, exerting effort in order to actively make things happen, attentively pursuing new understanding. All, however, so much easier said than done. Nevertheless, it remains that the all to infrequent peak experience of collaboration among equals in creative solution finding, makes people ebulliently happy for the duration of such interaction, and thereafter desire to repeat it more often. Hence the social engineering design challenge, the probortunity at hand, of Intentional community or initially and more modestly, intentional social circle or group formation, for suitable ongoing endeavor and collaboration among equals in endless possibility of creative solution finding; and more specifically, applied creativity, innovative new venture creation (various business startup), entrepreneurship for the rest of us, interstitial concurrent synergy, on the other hand, with unprecedented  ongoing serious collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming, art for its own joy.
    At least initially, rather than sweeping the world out from leftfield, any bold, liberating and empowering subversion of hierarchy, not unlike forbidden love, necessarily nurtures in microcosm. Indeed even somewhat covertly and conspiratorially, when any two or more individuals interacting and taking initiative, must finally innovate:  at long last to begin significantly doing things differently and howsoever more capably together and persist.  And then collective endeavors of intentional community can be organized and designed so as to foster most desired interaction between participants.
    Gentle reader, can you relate? If so, then let's talk!

        Post to the for others to weigh in, oremail to: aaronagassi@comcast.netif it's private.

    Paradigm Shift
    in flagrant subversion of hierarchy

    The probortunity at hand indeed stands revealed in tantalizing glimpse of an ideal or optimal situation or circumstance arising in accordance with the anomalously democratic grand afterthought to the generally hierarchical and authoritarian paradigm of Cultural Anthropology: For, lo it shall come to pass, in whatever special circumstances at the judgment of whatever great and good powers that be, that even the lowly rank and file, perhaps corporate employees or students in formal education, shall be enlisted and tasked with collaborative solution finding for any particular probortunity of the moment, crisis or windfall as ever arising. For such will ever be those those rare, exceptional and special times of probortune collaboration in creative solution finding, necessarily and characteristically egalitarian in nature. Because routine heteronomy systematically and intrinsically stifles all such human brilliance so uplifting in freedom, power, productivity, progress and elation, and therefore must be only carefully suspended, lest the masses, enjoying ourselves too much, then rise up in permanent liberation. But to begin with, why so privileged, or else otherwise for most so scarce and infrequent and event? And must it ever be so?

    Because, what if there was truly a strategy in very antithesis, utter reversal, indeed sheer Peripeteia of all heteronomy to hierarchical dominance? Indeed, an actionable plan for flouting taboo, actually for open and productive, non-zero-sum fully engaged uplifting and egalitarian low hierarchical distance of collaborative creative solution finding, somehow perhaps one day even going viral, in order become instituted as the ongoing default, and whatever kind of responsible authority the special case, a fall back position reserved for and resorted to only as and when the need whereof ever actually arising? And no longer merely, as all too often, any transitory event of collaboration among equals in creative solution finding, such as any one time assigned task afterwards abandoned, or any sort of short term scheduled workshop, contest or seminar, typically concluding and vanishing entirety without any trace. Indeed even any sort of frantic and intensive "boot camp" ending in exhaustion with no debrief, no path any further, nor any follow up at all. There is a vastly underserved need for any long term ongoing alternative. Success never comes quick or easily. And therefore, the effort had better be be gratifying in and of itself, with relative ease of entry. Any questions? Any objections? Any takers? You are all invited! Gentle reader, I am counting on you! Dare we take action? As observed of capable and happy people, let's talk more seriously! To quote Karan Gaur: “Effort is the best indicator of interest.”
    Imagine then therein, a new social contract and social order, a fundamental paradigm shift into collaboration among equals in brainstorming and solution finding as the ongoing default, and whatever kind of responsible authority, even however ad hoc, the special case, a fall back position reserved for and resorted to only as and when the need whereof ever actually arising. Thus an end to routine status quo of hierarchical dominance, that allows so poignantly and fondly remembered collaboration under low hierarchical distance (near equality) in creative solution finding, only ever at all, temporarily and all too  infrequently, when deemed absolutely necessary to transient crisis or opportunity. Or workshops and such that end with no continuity or follow up. What is needed the instead, is new and lasting and ongoing institution and paradigm shift, perhaps even such as herein delineated. First whatever desirable circumstances such as above, are described, and now proposal is advanced how to bring such desirable circumstance about, intentionally. Indeed, the Master Plan explicitly strives to elicit and engage exactly that salient interaction between participants, in order thereby to offer that very experience to anyone so inclined. Indeed, every such interaction as herein extolled, remains well within the power of individuals together, intentionally and persistently.  
    After all, a notable key tenet of TRIZ, the much renowned Russian theory of inventive solution finding, remains in the observation of how aside from entirely new scientific discoveries, the rarest most important, fertile and powerful innovations arise in the transfer and reapplication of knowledge and methods across disciplines. And such also must remain friendly and egalitarian, in order to prevent competing experts from jockeying for power instead of learning and cooperating. It has even been inferred from the much celebrated discovery of the wisdom of crowds, that human reasoning evolved along with the human brain and society, for deliberation together, comparing individual reasons. Even only if, as to quote C.S. Lewis: “Two heads are better than one, not because either is infallible, but because they are unlikely to go wrong in the same direction.” Indeed, in the words of Barbara Sher: “Isolation is the true dream killer, not your attitude.”  And to quote Mark R. J. Lavoie: “Life dies inside a person when there are no others willing to befriend him." Indeed, as George Orwell observes, even at all thinking clearly, becomes increasingly difficult in bored and lonely isolation without expression. Alas that both hopeful entrepreneurs and aspiring fiction writers much alike, are often and notoriously self-reliant and solitary, indeed especially in their respective vocations, if not, also, to begin with, in personality or character. Because individual creativity, indeed so often bullied, shunned and persecuted, remains so bereft of autonomy supportive social support towards capability, under prevailing heteronomy.
    Which is such a shame. Because in either endeavor, new venture creation (various business startup), fiction writing, and so much greater endless possibility, most arousing and stimulating to creativity and productivity, again according to prediction from Empirical observation of the very latest cutting edge science in rediscovery of ancient wisdom from the greatest sages of old, there shall be notable uplifting ebullience in scarce opportune occasion of collaboration among equals in brainstorming and creative solution finding together socially. And so, not withstanding all social awkwardness and marginalization in conventionally constructed social reality, why can't all we wanna-be creators and prime movers intentionally together partake even online, in such productive free exchange in which we so excel, more regularly and more often? Why dare we never seize command of our own values and socialization? Such remains the present subversive disruptive social engineering design objective and the vastly underserved probortunity at hand.
    Why then do the masses,We, the Sheeple, so abjectly fail to coordinate and rise to responsible initiative together, indeed intentionally, merely for the joy of brainstorming in Dialectical collaboration among equals towards creative solution finding more frequently and regularly? To begin with, why not I and thou, gentle reader(s)? And precisely how to go about it? By what presence of mind or proactive wherewithal? And by what outreach in a world of such festering social isolation? Indeed, again in the words of Barbara Sher: “Isolation is the true dream killer, not your attitude. How then, even most proximately, to break isolation by coming together via social engineering design, into intentional community or at least initially, more modestly, smaller intentional social circle or group, in order to institute drastic paradigm shift: As herein proposed, the very antithesis, utter reversal, indeed sheer Peripeteia of all heteronomy to hierarchical dominance. For heteronomy to hierarchical dominance remains situation such wherein egalitarian collaboration in creative solution finding occurs if at all, only as all too infrequent fun and fondly remembered rare exception. But in imagined antithesis, Peripeteia, utter reversal indeed sheer Peripeteia of all norms of prevailing heteronomy to hierarchical dominance, instead egalitarian collaboration in creative solution finding becomes predominant as the invigorating new norm, with any appeal or resort to whatever responsible authority arising only as need ever actually arising. And how better for team building, than by ongoing and vibrant dual endeavor of disruptively innovative new venture creation (various business startup), entrepreneurship for the rest of us, on the one hand, in concurrent synergy interstitial with, on the other hand, pure creativity, art for its own joy, in unprecedented ongoing highly original serious collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming? Any questions? Any objections? Any takers? You are all invited! Gentle reader, I am counting on you! Dare we together take action? As observed of capable and happy people, let's talk more seriously! Indeed, every such interaction as herein extolled, remains well within the power of individuals together, intentionally and persistently.
    It may bear mention at this juncture how the very term: 'Individualism,' was only coined as a pejorative in disparagement towards a perceived trend of retreat from civic-virtue, favoring instead whatever responsibility merely to each ones own more proximate relationship networks. But what reason for such a trend? Perhaps what is more capable and operant, less superficial and more mature and genuinely happy, is actually to be found in Emotional Intelligence, the vulnerable empathy of  to one another first, I and thou, one to one, before even worrying about finer points and challenges of group dynamics, let alone whatever Social Intelligence and social skills or aptitudes in such desperate and toadying sycophantic quest of broader approval and social integration with every coveted reward of status, power and better more preferential access to vital resources in society. For that matter, here on, CliqueBusters TM advocates unique organized nonviolent resistance against even the most quasi-legislative bullying, such civil disobedience likewise unthinkable unspeakable indoctrinated crimestop taboo subversion of such hierarchy as so deplorably advocating and instituting, for all intents and purposes, knee-jerk dysfunctional submission and legitimization of whatever jumped up authority as imposed by bullying, indeed by any bullies at all under any circumstances whatsoever. For the cronyism and quasi-legislative power of bullying amounts to the ability of bullying cliques for all intents and purposes to fabricate, rationalize and to enact rules and expectations even quite without any sort of legal or constitutional legitimacy, indeed hypocritically self-serving, self-righteous and blithely immoral intimidation and abuse in disregard of individual rights, endangerment and harm to the targets of bullying and to whatever community at large.
    In the words of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: “Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.” And to quote Sir Isaac Newton: “You have to make the rules, not follow them.” Therefore: What then if instead failed conventionality of heteronymous priorities and hierarchically predictive social cognition could be completely flipped in radical social contract revision, and in paradigm shift, utter subversion of hierarchy,  permanently turned upon their head? Indeed, only imagine in utter reversal, indeed sheer Peripeteia, of all conventional heteronymous priority and domineering hierarchically predictive social cognition so familiar within the generally authoritarian paradigm of Cultural Anthropology. Only imagine instead setting collaboration in creative solution finding, hitherto the highly infrequent more democratic sensibility and special exemption, hence forth, as the new default, the new norm. With recourse beyond merely  rule and domination, to intervention of legitimate responsible authority, rational and accountable, true leadership in service, even however ad hoc. And most importantly, only as fall back position reserved for and resorted to only howsoever as and when real need whereof in due course ever actually arising.
    Even with no need of steady and authoritative ongoing control so long as informal and friendly collaboration among equals runs smoothly on its own most of the time, even add hoc formal moderation may be called upon however occasionally for guidance in resolution of persistent deadlock, or for maintaining order in the face of intractable disruption, as in cases of hostile flaming and bullying. But better still Transactional Antithesis. After all, hostility is rightly ruled out of bounds in the practice of controversy, so vital to to brainstorming free exchange in solution finding and collaboration among equals. Controversy is just such Dialectical fun! For the Socratic Dialectic, the even vociferous practice of controversy, remains the welcome and appreciated exchange of criticism and rebuttal, conjecture and refutation. Because for together choosing the best ideas, controversy, the welcome and appreciated free exchange of genuine criticism, remains nothing to fear, nothing threatening or hostile. Because criticism remains inherently friendly, valuable, an expression of abiding respect. And that is how even people who disagree even however strongly, but entirely without acrimony, are often the best at cooperation even quite without needless ongoing hierarchical dominance so oppressively quelling all dissent, honesty and creativity. For the latter remains maximal authority simply for keeping everyone in line as mindless drones. By contrast, among the cherished values of democracy, first and foremost remains freedom under only most minimal authority and coercion. For as the wise and venerable old saying goes: No question is too stupid to ask, and no answer too wise to be given.
    To reiterate: In better alternative in the first place to present heteronymous status quo, so very clearly, paradigm shift towards autonomy supportive social support in a culture of helping, Epicurean freedom, friendship and thought! Accept no substitute. Indeed, paradigm shift favoring rather than routine and perhaps even fairly benign well meaning exercise of authority, let alone worse, instead ongoing Dialectical collaboration among equals in brainstorming towards creative solution finding. Indeed, reserving recourse to whatever mode of authority as the even somewhat rare exception, as ever need actually arising. Because ongoing Dialectical collaboration among equals in brainstorming towards creative solution finding, continues to be discovered as most conducive not only primarily to Eudemonia, to authentic wellbeing, of such paramount intrinsic value and fulfillment, but thereby indeed also excellence called: arête. Indeed perhaps even extrinsic value of networking and material success, but actually through doing what you love. And all because Eudemonia, capability, important close human relationship with full complicity in psychological visibility in order to penetrate psychological asymmetry, evokes Eros which is not so much co-validation in whatever even superficial similarity, as as just the opposite, collusion and transport of liberating union with alien difference. And thus the forging of attachments of true friendship in autonomy, arises entirely as a byproduct of purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication and believe it or not, never otherwise. Accept no substitutes! After all, psychological asymmetry simply means that we are not so odd, but only strangers. And so we wallow each in our own pervasive and inexhaustible reservoirs of secret anxiety and vulnerability, never suspecting much the same of others beneath ever crumbling facade of exterior presentation.
    Of course, any such notion of routine and ongoing collaboration among equals as characteristic of open societies, all in such flagrant subversion of hierarchy, remains strictly taboo, completely unspeakable, utterly unthinkable, under the restrictions of heteronomy and closed society. Although many taboos, none the least of which including all manner of subversion of hierarchy, feature special exemptions and occasions that across the ages may become forgotten. So many taboos have at their very root, the taboo under heteronomy, upon subversion of hierarchy. Indeed, to begin with of course, most ancient, most universal, and most appalling of all known taboo, remains that of incest, the first subversion of the first hierarchy from which all other hierarchy evolves, namely that of family. Can it be that dread of incest remains deep dark secret inspiration for knee-jerk awe even towards even the most petty, inept and ginned-up trappings of authority? Or is that just too Freudian?
    But for timidity and reservation in the face of taboo, hawking such a cherished dream of scarce satisfaction, of blazing a trail to freedom in an unfree world, should be like peddling dopamine! Indeed, the marketing gurus all concur that in order to persuade, it remains vitally necessary to appeal to desire. And far be it from me to dispute them. Despite that responsibly thinking for oneself about such proposals as the one at hand, also prompts as larger question as to whatever desires: What then becomes the objective? Is it feasible? How so? And what action shall be required of oneself? Therefore, who are you, gentle reader, what do you love to do and why?
    Desire and endless possibility, motivation so often leveraged in career marketing appeal, remains high ambition and the will to power, intrinsic creative fulfillment and arête or: excellence. Many yearn for the individual freedom and independence to become entrepreneurs, in challenge of applied creativity called, to innovate and strive at new venture creation (new business startup). Indeed ventures of every kind even conceivable, profit or nonprofit, traditional, Social Entrepreneurship or even just perhaps, grassroots politics and activism. And then again, many aspire to pure creativity, art for its own joy, as in becoming artists and authors, indeed fiction writers of evocative high drama and brilliantly speculative Science Fiction. But why be limited? Why go it alone? Why choose? Why not reach for it all, and together leverage dual endeavor bringing to bear the entire full range of each our interests, passions and life long learning?

    Never otherwise

    Beware the cult of socialization and  the scourge of superficiality!

    For everything that we have been taught, one way or another, about remaining so staunchly cheerful, agreeable, upbeat and bland, indeed as acceding to that entire gamut and prevailing big lie of Anti-Critical Biased bad social advice, yes, the great and good boon of heteronymous socialization into the Terrible Trivium of interminably vapid and non threatening small talk, and all so desperate in order to gain acceptance, remains consistently futile and ever debilitating.

    For the unthinkable taboo truth remains in how by very antithesis to all that we have been taught, the forging of attachments of true friendship in autonomy, arises only for those nerdy unpopular serious people, entirely as the forbidden byproduct of most frowned upon and reviled seriousness. Indeed specifically, of truly purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication. And believe it or not, never otherwise. No matter how mightily one struggles to master whatever craven, bogus, toadying and facile social skills of heteronomy and membership identity.

    There remains a user hostile outcomes gap. Instrumentality equals zero: Meaning that there can be no relationship between performance and outcome. It makes no difference. Nor is it any fun, but only boring and lonely, indeed even somewhat invasive, completely senseless, dystressful and alienating. Indeed, leave us face the ugly truth: Tautologically, there can be no unilateral self-help, no reliable solitary rugged self-reliant self-made bootstrap DIY (Do-It-Yourself) "well-formed plan" for interaction among more than one individual. And no secret magic of fineness, either. Nothing works, simply because, inherently, it cannot work.

    Everything that we have been taught, one way or another, about remaining so staunchly cheerful, agreeable, upbeat and bland, indeed as acceding to that entire gamut of prevailing bad social advice, yes, the great and good boon of heteronymous socialization, all so desperate in order to gain acceptance, all can only arrive inevitably at no more than ever the same most user hostile outcomes gap and meaningless futility. All standing so blatantly exposed with all concomitant righthink debunked as yet another sad and pernicious tragic big lie!  

    Loneliness might make it harder to establish a true sense of connection with others. Having to socialize with others without achieving a sense of connection might feel particularly draining and meaningless, damaging one's psychological well-being.”

     Alone in a Crowd: Is Social Contact Associated with Less Psychological Pain of Loneliness in Everyday Life?Olga Stavrova and Dongning Ren of Tilburg University in the Netherlands.

    Indeed, as per dialogue scripted by Bobcat Goldthwait for the fictional character of Lance Clayton as portrayed  by actor Robin Williams in World's Greatest Dad:’ The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone.”

    Not everyone so blithely comes to associate social interaction in general, with comfort and safety. Nevertheless, many remain ever so staunchly and Pollyanna determined to Fake It Till You Make it. But not everyone.

    In truth, traumatic rejection and hostility, especially in upbringing, may tend adversely to shape lifelong insights, perceptions and expectations even most generally regarding social interactions at all. And one way or another, even merely the lack of acceptance, quite without bullying active hostility or reproach, indeed even short of overt shunning and mobbing, can become tantamount to rejection and therefore debilitating and only all the more lonely.

    In those most famous words of Henry David Thoreau: The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. And indeed psychotherapists generally treat two kinds of patients, because with such enviable rare exception, there remain two kinds of people: Those so desperately unhappy, because they just don't fit in socially, and those no less desperately bored, lonely, unknown and dystressed, precisely indeed, because, ever so  chameleonic, closeted and "well adjusted" in realistically lowered expectations, they do fit in so very well indeed, socially. But only under such ego dystonic conditionality and following an even somewhat robotic expected Transactional life script. Because of the masks that must be worn, and constant dedication to peer co-validation and the social rat-race to the exclusion of all else. Phoniness or else social isolation, is no acceptable choice for any human being. Catch-22, the only winning move is not to play! But its the only game in town! Hence the dire need of anything truly new and different, indeed perhaps even such as extolled herein.

    Emphatically, upbeat superficial people can indeed become ever more popular and yet remain only even more desperately lonely, when they can never be honest and appropriately grieve. Popularity and relentlessly facile distant social success ever remain antithetical to true friendship, because friendship is genuine, substantive and intimate, even sometimes intense, being predicated upon free and unguarded and reciprocal psychological visibilityAlas that all too often, substance and purpose remain actually shameful, awkward, nerdy, uncool, socially unacceptable and so taboo. And all in a milieu of relentless peer pressure, bullying, intimidation, prevailing anti-intellectualism (hostility and mistrust towards intellect, intellectuals, intellectualism, and deprecation of culture whatsoever) but perhaps more precisely designated as: anti-intraception (a discomfort or opposition in very principle, toward the subjective, the imaginative, the tender minded).

    Moreover, to quote Dr. Matthias Mehl: [In experimental Empirical observation of happy people] ...substantive conversation seemed to hold the key to happiness for two main reasons: both because human beings are driven to find and create meaning in their lives, and because we are social animals who want and need to connect with other people." Indeed as Socrates so famously declares: An unexamined life is not worth the living for a human being.” Because capable human relationship, especially true friendship, indeed meaning in the very deepest sense, psychological visibility, Eudemonia, optimal reciprocal engagement, all these and so much more, arise as byproduct indeed of authentic attention, of often tabooed and sometimes emotionally risky purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication. And categorically, never otherwise. Accept no substitutes!

    After all, psychological asymmetry simply means that we are not so odd, but only strangers. And so we wallow each in our own pervasive and inexhaustible reservoirs of secret anxiety and vulnerability, never suspecting much the same of others beneath ever crumbling facade of exterior presentation. And therefore, so very far from interminably vapid small talk, instead capable human relationship, especially true friendship, indeed meaning in the very deepest sense, full complicity in psychological visibility in order to penetrate psychological asymmetry, Eros remaining not so much co-validation in whatever even superficial similarity as instead, quite the opposite, Eudemonia of transport in liberating union with alien difference. Indeed, most especially as into attachments of true friendship. And even, perhaps most frightening of all, nothing so heartless, forcedly cheerful and upbeat, but instead compassion for the appropriateness of grief. All these and so much more, arising only as byproduct of authentically attentive optimal reciprocal engagement in often tabooed and sometimes emotionally risky purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication. And categorically, never otherwise. Therefore, accept no substitutes! And thence the responsibility to help one another in reaching out and talking more seriously in substantive communication setting agenda towards purposeful interaction regarding such probortunity as at hand herein on     

    After all, at least according to truism, in order to build any kind of a social life, first just get a life! Meaning that before one may, for whatever purpose, actively build relationships and engage with others socially, one must prioritize one’s own wellbeing, interests, and personal fulfillment. Because, essentially, by establishing such a life that one can in that way enjoy on one’s own part, one becomes that much more proximate and interesting to others as indeed to oneself. And therefore, thus better capable of forming meaningful connections with others. All so much easier said than done. And therefore, your mileage may vary.

    Of course, in accordance with wide spread and emotionally impoverished social norms for so many, social life as remaining predicated upon public intoxication, is deemed as adequately filling that gap! Which typically leaves the earnest  and sober so frustrated and isolated. Not to digress, however.

    At least initially, rather than sweeping the world out from leftfield, any bold, liberating and empowering subversion of hierarchy, not unlike taboo forbidden love, necessarily nurtures in microcosm. Indeed even building somewhat covertly and conspiratorially, when any two or more individuals interacting and taking initiative, must finally innovate: at long last to begin doing things differently and howsoever more capably together and persist. And that is how! Because society is not any entity in its own right, but but in aggregate, an interaction along ongoing and defining relationship among people.

    And community is truly strengthened not by any so blithely alienated, distant and fraudulent sycophancy and self censorship so desperately fitting in, but instead by more deeply connecting with one another. Indeed, community is better forged not in any heteronomy so terrified, mindless and idle, but most competent and simply in making plans together and then keeping them. Even to begin with, merely in setting agenda and then initiating and sustaining ongoing discussion. And all because, as it turns out, true friendship in autonomy, arises entirely as a byproduct of purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication and indeed believe it or not, never otherwise.
    And this plain truth well puts the big lie to all such toxic craven exhortation so foisted upon us all under the ever pervasive and ubiquitous cult of socialization, to socially skilled popularity and facile social success though superficial harmony, empty headed and even somewhat drunken  forced good cheer. And all whilst submissively knowing thy place. A chore and a bore. A sore travail. Bah humbug then, to all such oppressively irrelevant Terrible Trivium and unwholesome travesty of togetherness! Of persistently striving to incrementally improve performance within such a toxic paradigm in the first place. All said them, what then can be done indeed better and differently, even, to reiterate, merely amongst ourselves? An answer at last, The Master Plan
    The most obvious objection to any plan of action, will be either that it cannot work, or else that it remains unnecessary. And the most obvious rebuttal comes, if whatever is already and routinely being done does not achieve desired results. And this in turn will be resisted by faith in order to stay the course. Either with every effort, or just by lip service. Indeed by utter denial, and even by taking blame for interim failure. It's only natural to cleave to the tried and true. To value tradition. As most commonly attributed to Burt Lance: “If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

    Correlation is not causation. And all manner of deceptive bias is often known to arise by ignoring or overlooking often howsoever obscure failures and counterexamples likewise bearing in common whatever purported hallmarks or strategies of success often actually somewhat coincidental. Might then this very principle apply no less, to social skills, social success and popularity? It's never simple. It's always complicated.

    Alas then how we have all been lied to! Propaganda Orwellian rightthink and crimestop have overwhelmed and cast into doubt as quite unthinkable, all individual experience of Empirical reality. Thus, from top to bottom, indeed at every strata and walk of life, to quote Russell Brand: “Society is collapsing and people are starting to recognize that the reason they feel like they’re mentally ill is that they’re living in a system that’s not designed to suit the human spirit.” Alas, in Existentially Absurd social reality, there remains such dystressing Sisyphusian user hostile outcomes gap, wherein instrumentality equals zero, meaning, even causally and deterministically, no relationship between performance and outcome, no real hope, no results no matter what one does, other than mounting frustration and defeat. So much then, it might seem, for individual real world freedom and capability. In every walk of life, in every sphere of endeavor, personal or professional, society is no conduit to success, but a filter of the incompetent and noncompliant alike and without distinction, a crushing and threatening obstacle course to be overcome, an unremitting chore and a bore, each and all abandoned to our own devices and setup for failure. Thus to self-esteem, a proverbial death by a thousand cuts. And any claims to the contrary, are just part of the racket. Indeed, from any end user standpoint, the existing system has remained broken from time immemorial. Alas the masses abide in false hope from blinding propaganda myth. And what a racket! A racket, no matter how reputable, can be any dishonest scheme or ongoing transaction, all not as it contrives to present itself and as is tacitly accepted or endured by the majority of those involved, but in actuality, indeed, a myth, scam or fraud of heteronomy, a deceptive domineering practice of coercion and manipulation conducted for whatever benefit of a few cronies at the expense of the many.

    To wit: It may be generally accepted that common and even niche interests and passions remain a key factor in building relationships. But in actuality, interests in common may turn out to be the least predicator in interpersonal compatibility. Just another superficial granfaloon chimera of membership identity! Indeed, interests in common need not correlate with shared core values or character, by far more profound. And alas even more shallow and facile, it may be generally accepted that people make friends as a result of chance propinquity and by spending casual time with one another. But don't you believe that either! Alas in truth, given protractedly limited options and endemic emotional distance, folly and superficiality, people often at last just timidly make do, even with toxic relationships, fear and isolation as all under a prevailing extol of lowered expectations and normatively glorified alienation. Don't expect too much! So we are admonished. A sore travail and disappointment.
    For as it turns out, hobbies, interests, whatever such interests or passions in common stand revealed as the least predicators of interpersonal compatibility. Just another superficial granfaloon chimera of membership identity! Indeed, just such interests in common need not correlate with shared core values or character, by far the more profound.
    After all, a notable key tenet of TRIZ, the much renowned Russian theory of inventive solution finding, remains in the observation of how aside from entirely new scientific discoveries, the rarest most important, fertile and powerful innovations arise in the transfer and reapplication of knowledge and methods across disciplines. And similarly, Eudemonia, capability, important close human relationship with full complicity in psychological visibility in order to penetrate psychological asymmetry, evokes Eros which is not so much co-validation in whatever even superficial similarity or casual contact and leisure, as just all the opposite, collusion and transport of liberating union with alien difference. And thus the forging of true friendship in autonomy, arises entirely as a byproduct of purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication and believe it or not, never otherwise. Accept no substitutes! And what shall so seldom come about spontaneously and organically by chance propinquity, may yet and more reliably begin intentionally. Because the usual failed conventionality and Terrible Trivium of guarded superficiality, superficial harmony and relentlessly banal small talk, all remain so vastly excruciatingly bored and lonely!
    Just the opposite, to the very antithesis, indeed as Empirically observed in scientific experiments, respectful, trustworthy, capable and happy people, whom we may all do best to emulate, to rôle model, if only we could ever fathom precisely how (And there's the rub!), who are sociable, extroverted, known to reach out and thrive, Talk More Seriously with less small talk. Indeed, happy people remain more likely to choose creative activities, seek new achievements, and thereby uplift their own thoughts and emotions, even improving their circumstances and situation by freely centering their lives around sharing whatever pleases them most. Indeed, happy people, that minority whom we all may all do best to emulate, to rôle model, if only we could ever fathom precisely how (And there's the rub!), are actually known to achieve greater success and even to make more money. And all with so much less of all that inane, incessant, boring and superficial small talk, such a happiness killer!
    Pending then any future advent of extremely sophisticated and widespread advanced automated Sociometry (not to digress), in the interim to fill the gap, some other innovatively congenial, capable, empowering and effective process is needed in order to improve interpersonal outreach, extended networking, more optimal social embedment, autonomy supportive social support, widest access to resources, contacts and the cultivation of quality relationships of every kind and for any human purpose. Indeed, all envisaged as an additional beneficial side effect for participants, of purposeful interaction and substantive communication in the course of ongoing collaboration, brainstorming and creative solution finding as herein extolled and expounded in such detail. But any such revolution ensues only in paradigm shift by straying outside the box, if need be even flouting shopworn taboo.
    Thence growing ever more actionable and specific, indeed most revolutionary of all, in subversion of routine hierarchical dominance, to reiterate: No human being can remain so woebegone, powerless, frustrated, unfulfilled, bored, lonely and alienated when (alas so routinely and systematically oppressed and therefore as all far too  infrequently in the human condition) circumstances or situation, pleasurably and meaningfully engaged and fulfilled together among equals; indeed, optimally and reciprocally so ebulliently sharing eustress and sustainable euphoria of creative tension in brainstorming and creative solution finding. And all in accordance with the grand afterthought of Cultural Anthropology. And ultimately consequent from evolutionary neurology of freakishly engorged human cerebrality. Indeed, hideous inbred mutation under nature's witless and merciless trial and error, The Survival of the Sickest Not to digress.
    Thus knowing now and better understanding full well the desirable change to be brought about, what must be done, and then by whom none other than I and thou, and thou, gentle readers, and even why precisely, the question remains: Just how? By what means? To reiterate: At least initially, rather than sweeping the world out from leftfield, any bold, liberating and empowering subversion of hierarchy, not unlike taboo forbidden love, necessarily nurtures in microcosm. Indeed even building somewhat covertly and conspiratorially, when any two or more individuals interacting and taking initiative must finally innovate: at long last to begin doing things differently and howsoever more capably together and persist. And that is how! Because society is not any entity in its own right, but but in aggregate, an interaction along ongoing and defining relationship among people.
    And beware, for while any well established corporation or the like, might possess the wherewithal to survive all manner of self inflicted wounds and endure the drain and recourses to spare for getting the job done at all, any business startup or other new venture in formation will thereby likely be well nipped in the bud. And this may be one salient reason why all to often, to quote Olmstead: After all is said and done, much is said and little is done.” Even given all the virtues of preventative pessimistic caution, all purpose of evasion or withholdance will not merely reduce efficiency or injure morale, but paralyze and then dash any hopeful project that much more quickly and decisively. For no matter advance in connective communication and information technology, the challenge remains to the in depth quality of human interaction with autonomy and respect. There can be no hope of success in untrustworthy manipulative passive hostility at whatever conceivable cross-purpose or conflict of interests. Beware indeed the irrational bullying passive hostility of devious cross-purpose and betrayal. To quote Augustine, such "Resentment is like taking poison and hoping the other person dies.” But Augustine is mistaken: The self-destructive resentment of one remains toxic for all others involved. Indeed, by contrast, even grifters outright at least might be understood in any terms of one sided rational advantage. Make no mistake: In entrepreneurship for the rest of us, task interdependency and therefore, beyond mere solitary division of labor, actually working together closely in reciprocal support, ever remain crucial. Like The Three Musketeers: “All for one, and one for all!” Or else, all for naught. 

    And so, for better or worse, the very hope of self reinvention together, of rewriting our personal stories, all begins as above delineated, in free exchange, in open discussion and deliberation upon dual endeavor precisely as herein expounded and extolled, facilitated herein via subversively interstitial provision of various helpful action  agenda tools and guides thereto, none the least remaining those two lists provided above. And beware: For writing remains easy to do, but difficult to do well. Any questions? Any objections? Any takers? You are all invited! Gentle reader, I am counting on you! Dare we together take action? As observed of capable and happy people, let's talk more seriously!   

    Alas then the cult of socialization, yes: socialization and indoctrination that none dare call: brainwash, and mortal terror so vested all therein. All such panic and mendacity remaining as they do, Terrible Trivium nigh tautologically antithetical to the genuine close involvement ever essential of autonomy, values and true friendship. And these agonizingly inattentive petty small minded evils, even short of serial bullying and worse abuse, include: heteronomy, futility, meaningless mediocrity, craven social skills and hierarchically predictive social cognition of an utter tool, ever facile calculating sycophancy of emotionally distant simple minded popularity and social success. Ever such persists as the vacuous inrush only filling the Existentially Absurdfutile and meaningless void so hatefully bereft of tabooed creative purpose and substance.   

    It may be generally accepted that common interests and passions remain a key factor in building relationships. But in actuality, interests in common may turn out to be the least predicator in interpersonal compatibility. Indeed, interests in common need not correlate with shared core values or character, by far more profound. And also, it may be generally accepted that people make friends as a result of chance propinquity by spending casual time with one another. But clearly, this latter precept remains no less erroneous than the former. Alas in truth, given protractedly limited options, people often timidly make do, even with toxic relationships, fear and isolation under lowered expectations. A sore travail.  

    And for most, employment, ever mounting anxiety of wage slavery ever less secure, and much like formal education in such submissive disciplined preparation and investment all thereto, and all on ones own time and expense with usurious compounding interest, remains most prevalent among dire options of interminably protracted burden and sore travail of failed conventionality. And ever at all alleviated only by that shabbily travesty of hedonistic play called: recreation, the desperate effort and struggle to recover, on ones own time and expense, from such endless debilitation. By contrast, even wholehearted play enfolds uplifting purpose and substance all of its own.

    The reader may therefore forgive and forbear longwinded exposition, because there remain so many distinct begged questions. And the present work is no mere linear document, but branching hypertext with direction freely to choose. Therefore gentle reader, indeed do feel free to return to to the proposal at hand. But first, well may one ask: What purpose actually if any? Might not the proposal at hand constitute yet another typical solution in search of a problem? And why anything so radical? Because too many even among those who so abjectly reject and denounce whatever status quo, often find no clear agenda and see no particular path forward, not even of any coherent discussion towards any serious planning of action in order ever to unite and rise to overcome whatever such dire adversity.

    Indeed, as for Eudemonia as herein extolled, indeed close human relationship with full complicity in psychological visibility in order to penetrate psychological asymmetry, Eros which is less co-validation in whatever even superficial similarity, as just the opposite, transport in liberating union with alien difference, thus forging true friendship in autonomy, precisely why never otherwise than as arising entirely as a byproduct of purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication? Why such contrarian rejection and condemnation, such scorn so heaped upon all time tested practice? Are there not already all manner of fairly cut and dry procedures already extensively provided in society, for finding ones way in life without need of proverbially reinventing the metaphorical wheel? For precisely that is indeed what many even somewhat in indignation, actually do tend to believe simply as a matter of course. And yet, everyday, more and more become frustrated, disaffected, disillusioned and just fed up. And especially the suffering targets of serial bullying. Not to digress.
    Question: As regarding Eudemonia as herein extolled, indeed close human relationship with psychological visibility, Eros which is transport in liberating union with alien difference, thus forging true friendship in autonomy, precisely why never otherwise than as arising entirely as a byproduct of purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication? (Let alone, more specifically, Dialectical collaboration among equals in brainstorming toward creative solution finding. Or even most specifically, via disruptively innovative and subversive new business venture creation, entrepreneurship for the rest of us, and undertaken concurrently with highly original serious collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming.)
    Answer: To reiterate, because popularity and relentlessly facile distant social success ever remain antithetical to true friendship, because friendship is genuine, substantive and intimate, even sometimes intense, being predicated upon free and unguarded and reciprocal psychological visibilityAlas that all too often, substance and purpose remain actually shameful, awkward, nerdy, uncool, socially unacceptable and so taboo. And all in a milieu of relentless peer pressure, bullying, intimidation, prevailing anti-intellectualism (hostility and mistrust towards intellect, intellectuals, intellectualism, and deprecation of culture whatsoever) but perhaps more precisely designated as: anti-intraception (a discomfort or opposition in very principle, toward the subjective, the imaginative, the tender minded).
    And that is how purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication are stifled under heteronomy.
    Indeed, and to further reiterate, Eudemonia, which is important meaningful close human relationship with psychological visibility, Eros which remains less of co-validation in whatever even superficial similarity, as quite the opposite, transport in liberating union with alien difference, thus forging true friendship in autonomy, arises entirely as a byproduct of purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication and believe it or not, never otherwise. Accept no substitutes! Because that is why, as Empirically observed in scientific experiments, happy people, whom we may all do best to emulate, to rôle mode, if only we knew how, talk more seriously and thrive in autonomy, prosper and succeed, together engaging in creative endeavor. And all with less small talk, ever so interminably banal. Indeed, beware interminably irksome, obstructive  and pointlessly belabored empty vacant superficial boring small talk, a happiness killer, so often forced and awkward, only leaving one actually the more depleted, empty and discontent, all urgent need of truly important expression still mute and frustrated. That is why people secretly hate small talk.
    And rightly so!

    After all, a notable key tenet of TRIZ, the much renowned Russian theory of inventive solution finding, remains in the observation of how aside from entirely new scientific discoveries, the rarest most important, fertile and powerful innovations arise in the transfer and reapplication of knowledge and methods across disciplines. And such also must remain friendly and egalitarian, in order to prevent competing experts from jockeying for power instead of learning and cooperating. Because controversy remains the welcome and appreciated exchange of criticism and rebuttal. And for together choosing the best ideas, controversy, the welcome and appreciated free exchange of genuine criticism, remains nothing to fear, nothing threatening or hostile.

    Because criticism remains inherently friendly, valuable, an expression of abiding respect. Ensure then that everyone finds voice, and let them shine. Because Eudemonia and autonomy, best in life, remains the best meaningful and wise investment of individual time, attention and even creativity, into optimal reciprocal engagement, straightforward helpful and free flowing non-zero-sum Transaction that consistently accrues the pleasurable highest return in like kind: value maximization in individual time, attention and creativity, for everyone involved and with highest signal to noise ratio.

    Alas, superiority, invalidation, thin skinned Anti-Critical Bias and bitter disrespect, only guarantee passive hostility, sabotage, headgames, protracted dysfunction, interminable primate politics, ever more devious cross-purpose and betrayal. Moreover, fragile and ill tempered hostility towards salient criticism only makes for denial of reality and rash action as surely as it does merely bad writing. Therefore the embrace of writing critique creatively cultivates the value of criticism first with only art and discipline at stake.

    Indeed, in the words of Barbara Sher: “Isolation is the true dream killer, not your attitude.” And to quote Mark R. J. Lavoie: “Life dies inside a person when there are no others willing to befriend him." Indeed, as George Orwell observes in Conversation with a Pacifist,’ even at all thinking clearly, becomes increasingly difficult in bored and lonely isolation without expression.

    It has even been inferred from the much celebrated discovery of the wisdom of crowds, that human reasoning evolved along with the human brain and society, for deliberation together, comparing individual reasons. Even only if, as to quote C.S. Lewis: “Two heads are better than one, not because either is infallible, but because they are unlikely to go wrong in the same direction.”



    Not IDEO, but DIO:
    Our Own Private IDEO?
    Alas that only a fortunate few ever experience job satisfaction or enthusiasm in learning. For most, employment, ever mounting anxiety of wage slavery ever less secure, and much like formal education in such submissive disciplined preparation and investment all thereto, and all on ones own time and expense with usurious compounding interest, remains interminably protracted burden and sore travail, squandering the better part of time, attention and effort. And ever at all alleviated only by that shabbily travesty of hedonistic play called: recreation, the desperate effort and struggle to recover, on ones own time and expense, from such endless debilitation. The yearning for fulfillment in creative collaboration and solution finding, is the reason why there are so many of us so dearly wishing that instead of whatever present humdrum existence, they could be working at IDEO, the world renowned ultra progressive design work place. However of course, such highly desirable and coveted positions of exaltation in convivially creative employment, remain privileged, in tremendous demand, short supply, extremely qualified, scarce, tantalizing out of reach. Certainly not entry level.
    But wait: Can access and supply even conceivably ever be improved? One might even foresee that association within any creative corporate socially supportive culture of helping perhaps at all even in emulation of IDEO or in any situation, perhaps even online, adequately similar, could also greatly enhance social life, more optimal social embedment, interpersonal outreach, extended networking, widest access to resources, contacts and the cultivation of quality relationships of every kind and for any human purpose. All in all, perhaps the best conceivable circumstances pending advances in automated Sociometry, the anticipated next revolution in social technology (not to digress). And such remains the objective in the here and now, of the outreach as conceived, Creativity can be Popular, towards better social life by such above criteria for social engineering design, everything falling into place.
    The answer then, can never be IDEO nor DIY (Do-It-Yourself), but DIO: Do-It-Ourselves. And in difficult striving together even in loftiest ambition, and all from scratch, it will indeed be any sense of intrinsic fulfillment, indeed Eudemonia, that affords any congenial persistence and fighting chance, even from most vastly underserved and neglected embryonic first concept kitchen table stage or phase of innovative new venture creation (various business startup), in endless possibility of entrepreneurship for the rest of us.
    Entrepreneurship for the rest of us as herein conceived, entails the entire vast scope in endless possibility of disruptive new venture creation (various business startup) undertaken concurrently with highly original serious collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming. Because of the interstitial synergy between the two creative endeavors: between innovation on the one hand, which is applied creativity, and on the other hand, pure creativity for its own joy. Because business or project planning is only another application of narrative, another mode of story telling, however yet transcending the mere willing suspension of disbelief (barring the outright surreal) ever remaining so essential for motivated drama, grfting or propaganda.
    Because whereas any good story or ripping yarn only needs to seem plausible, indeed despite how business or project planning only begins from such thrilling unfettered speculation as nurtured in ever metastasizing Science Fiction futuring scenario, Nevertheless innovation must exceed and transcend mere fictive plausibility into objective real world feasibility. Not to get ahead of ourselves, however. The portmanteau: 'probortunity' signifies opportunity as inherent to problems, the more dire, the more propitious. And as ever, to the probortunity at hand: Look for the Solution within the Problem!

    The probortunity in particular, indeed of the very human condition, begins in ubiquitous desperate and Existentially Absurd panic stricken mortal terror management strategy of sycophantic socially skilled toadying skilled incompetence and pervasively toxic cutthroat anti-introspective anti-intellectual unrelenting popularity contest for facile and distant social success amidst the Sheeple, ever remaining precisely antithetical to true friendship. Because far from the usual bogus bullshit exhortations to willful positivity and small talk ever keeping things light, quite to the contrary, true friendship is genuine, substantive, intimate, and predicated upon autonomous, free, candid, unguarded and reciprocal psychological visibility. Moreover, the Dialectical practice of controversy, which is the open, free and invited exchange of criticism/critique, inherently friendly, valuable, an expression of abiding respect. For such remains Socratic enlightenment by refutation in the crucible of truth, subversive, ever less wrong: hypothetico deductive reasoning wherein, without shame, strife or acrimony, errors are not to be avoided beforehand, but detected and course corrected as arising. Because how else do we learn, grow, progress and ultimately even ever possibly succeed? For: “Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” - Proverbs 27:17 (KJV) Indeed, friendship among  serious people, Ecclesiastically far superior for purpose of mortal terror management, remains the only effective and ever subversive antidote to loneliness and boredom, even if not mortalityAll therefore, capability, important close human relationship with full complicity in psychological visibility in order to to penetrate psychological asymmetry, Eros which remains less of co-validation in whatever even superficial similarity, than quite the opposite, transport in liberating union with alien difference, and particularly as into friendship, arises entirely as a byproduct of optimal reciprocal engagement in purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication, and never otherwise. And this explains much. Therefore, accept no substitutes!

    After all, psychological asymmetry simply means that we are not so odd, but only strangers. And so we wallow each in our own pervasive and inexhaustible reservoirs of secret anxiety and vulnerability, never suspecting much the same of others beneath ever crumbling facade of exterior presentation. Therefore,  ongoing purposeful and substantive communication, let alone purposeful interaction, is no prize, reward, objective or desired end result of compliance and diligent social skills of good little girls and boys. Rather, substantive communication, let alone purposeful interaction, remains a barest beginning or starting point under autonomy, whence ever at all follows anything much more. Alas instead, so many, remaining ever emotionally invested in false promise of prevailing common sense and heteronomy, amounting only to manipulative empty pandering propaganda for the very status quo monopolizing our lives, good little girls and boys therefore balk at the Empirically obvious, the failure of all the lies that we all have been told, myth stubbornly ignoring objective reality, only forever to soldier on in such abject futility.
    Even intentional community or at least initially, more modestly, smaller intentional social circle, institution or group project, with clear agenda objective merely of sustaining propinquity through sense of involvement in any specific ongoing interaction, even however arbitrarily, and all simply in order to draw participants together, by itself easily remains at best only partial solution, inadequate without stimulating creativity.
    Because boring, meaningless and alienating sore travail of mediocrity ever persist in the face of Existentially Absurd mortality. Moreover, by very nature, creative inquiry and expression, so pivotal to Eudemonia as herein extolled, by far exceeds any merely solitary individual trait or characteristic. For again as John Cleese expounds: “Creativity is not a talent: it's a way of operating.” Indeed, creative expression remains social and intellectual stimulus appetite and arousal. Therefore creativity remains wasted and unfulfilled as any mere lonely individual character trait. And for more optimal gratification in social and intellectual stimulus struggle, creativity, beyond even at last becoming social, should actually become popular, not only valued, but charming, engaging and attractive, duly celebrated and no longer nerdy, awkward, bullied and persecuted.
    And speaking of bullying, alas mean spirit and the decline of civility. Because far better than all such fawning sycophantic social skills, hierarchically predictive social aptitudes and cynical popularity contest, remains any true social grace of honest, trustworthy and creditable Menschlichkeit whereof there remain 15 purported signs. And in the words of George MacDonald: To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.
    Therefore beware the 18 Easy Ways to Destroy trust. Indeed, in dedication to lofty consummate dharma and right action of Chivalric values, gaining élan and repute, artfully by saving face for others who stumble, as must we all eventually. A far cry from, so much kinder and more noble, a far, far better thing than any of the usual pointlessly toxic bullying power plays of entrapment and humiliation. And new beginnings in autonomy, freedom and individual will to power over ones own life, become possible, practical and practicable in outreach together intentionally choosing how and why to interact and relate to one another. And no one else need approve.
    The probortunity of entrepreneurship for the rest of us:
            A matter of prime probortunity in invitation for collaborative brainstorming among equals in creative solution finding.

    What needs to be done: Nothing can be too preliminary. No matter how early in whatever process one thinks to begin, one may yet rightly ponder, vex and imagine precisely at all how to get to whatever that ostensible starting position in the first place. Indeed gentle reader(s), how to even get you here reading this! Let alone to respond.

    The ever daunting "kitchen table" stage or phase of entrepreneurial new venture creation, business startup all from scratch, refers to the most baffling and vastly underserved tentative and embryonic first concept inception, of aspirant visionaries actually gathering around that proverbial kitchen table. And the aphorism: For the rest of us has long entered into ever more common usage once popularized by the famous Microsoft advertising campaign slogan claiming to fill whatever gap and meet whatever crying need for greater user friendliness and thus wider accessibility for the masses, in marketing their various product and service innovations. Others have summarily followed suit in appropriation and reapplication of the memorable and venerable catch phrase similarly in order to advance promotional claims of  pragmatic demystification and wider access to all manner of hitherto obscure and indeed daunting utility and endeavor.

    But entrepreneurship and new venture creation (various business startup), such popular aspiration in endless possibility, of individual self determination and autonomy, nevertheless remain no less daunting and obscure for the masses. Reputable but stifling and entirely unsuitably heteronymous formal education and all manner of indeed quite rightly disreputable bogus and exploitative scam success "opportunities" alike, all notwithstanding. Alas indeed, that currently, there remain virtually no services, recruitment and support for, or even beyond mere mention and barest lip service, whatsoever literature concerning, the most tentative and embryonic first concept inception or "kitchen table" stage or phase of new venture creation (various business startup).

    Instead therefore, only imagine a metaphorical deluxe "kitchen table," an open invitation to come together online. All that, and an open ongoing online creative writing bull session to boot! Outreach in organization and implementation, inclusive to all and free of charge, right here on By subversive social engineering design, intentional community or at least initially, more modestly, intentional social circle or group formation; heeding together the call to adventure, embarkation upon the all too uncertain real life Hero's Journey, forging true friendship forging true friendship attempting anything really cool together. Indeed, all the way through management team formation, business or project planning and feasibility study, indeed if all goes well, through successive rounds of Venture Capitalization and all the way through successful organization and implementation. All so much easier said than done, our work cut out for us. Any questions? Any objections? Any takers? You are all invited! Gentle reader, I am counting on you! Dare we together take action? As observed of capable and happy people, let's talk more seriously!

    To all such lofty ambition, to reiterate, collaborative dramatic Science Fiction fiction writing and brainstorming, may provide for creative people, an excellent inspiration and management team building exercise, towards business planning, in endless objectively real world possibility, for innovative new venture creation (various business startup), for old pro and newbie aspirant alike and together, indeed barest beginning and hotbed of entrepreneurship for the rest of us. Creativity can and Should be Social! Any questions? Any objections? Any takers? You are all invited! Gentle reader, I am counting on you! Dare we together take action? As observed of capable and happy people, let's talk more seriously!

    Indeed of course the only true and best reason why even bother, gentle reader, all that matters most in the human condition, remains not only in psychology, but Axiology: real life drama, exploration of whatever individual driving motives entirely of one's own uniquely. Indeed, personal interests and priorities interactively to navigate personal path through the present copiously dense hypertext, nonlinear thought given sprawling form. And thence into substantive discussion. And perhaps at long last, even as often frustrating, proverbially like unto herding cats(!) to any meeting of minds on common ground in common cause of true unmet friends. Gentle reader, is right for you?  Let's find out.

    What must be anticipated and expected in any particular endeavor? As feasibility study reveals, what becomes so discouraging, and indeed just perhaps even rightly so? What remains so very difficult, really and truly just too much trouble? Easier, for example, than the effort and focus of browsing and engaging with this very website, and then concerted effort of discussion amongst ourselves? Seriously? Do tell! What easier alternatives, if any? How joyless? Too difficult and too much trouble to what end? What remains important? How important? And how to gain the wherewithal? Success seldom arrives quickly or easily. And therefore, the effort had better be found gratifying in and of itself, and better still, with any at all relative ease at all of entry.

    And beware, for while any well established corporation or the like, might possess the wherewithal to survive all manner of self inflicted wounds and endure the drain and recourses to spare for getting the job done at all, any business startup or other new venture in formation will thereby likely be well nipped in the bud. And this may be one salient reason why all to often, to quote Olmstead: “After all is said and done, much is said and little is done.” Even given all the virtues of preventative pessimistic caution, all purpose of evasion or withholdance will not merely reduce efficiency or injure morale, but paralyze and then dash any hopeful project that much more quickly and decisively. For no matter advance in connective communication and information technology, the challenge remains to the in depth quality of human interaction with autonomy and respect. There can be no hope of success in untrustworthy manipulative passive hostility  at whatever conceivable cross-purpose or conflict of interests. Beware indeed the irrational bullying passive hostility of devious cross-purpose and betrayal. To quote Augustine, such "Resentment is like taking poison and hoping the other person dies.” But Augustine is mistaken: The self-destructive resentment of one remains toxic for all others involved. Indeed, by contrast, even grifters outright at least might be understood in any terms of one sided rational advantage. Task interdependency refers to circumstances wherein any particular tasks must be accomplished first, and in a timely manner, in order for other tasks to even become possible in turn, and then accomplished. Indeed, efficiently in any timely manner. Therefore participants become responsible to one another. And make no mistake: In entrepreneurship for the rest of us, task interdependency and therefore, beyond mere solitary division of labor, actually working together closely, ever remain crucial. Like The Three Musketeers: “All for one, and one for all!” Or else, all for naught.   

    The possibilities remain endless when Eudemonia accrues through genuine autonomy in meeting ones needs for the dignity of capable interaction with even adequately responsible others, and making progress every day as indeed, in the iconic parlance of Friedrich Nietzsche, power increases with resistance  overcome. Hence the crying need for capable respectful culture of helping and autonomy supportive social support for entrepreneurship, even for the rest of us neophytes and wannabes, beginning by nurturing the most vulnerable and vastly underserved tentative and embryonic first concept inception or "kitchen table" stage or phase of new venture creation (various business startup), and proceeding steadily at our own pace. And if all goes well, ever further outreach, recruitment, management team formation, all the way through to Venture Capitalization, all to climax finally in implementation and marketing to be followed in turn by whatever dénouement of exit strategy ever as applicable. A steep learning curve together. Any questions? Any objections? Any takers? You are all invited! Gentle reader, I am counting on you! Dare we together take action? As observed of capable and happy people, let's talk more seriously! 



    “The very language we use to describe the self-made ideal has these fault lines embedded within it: To “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” is to succeed by dint of your own efforts. But that’s a modern corruption of the phrase’s original meaning. It used to describe a quixotic attempt to achieve an impossibility, not a feat of self-reliance. You can’t pull yourself up by your bootstraps, anymore than you can by your shoelaces. (Try it.) The phrase’s first known usage comes from a sarcastic 1834 account of a crackpot inventor’s attempt to build a perpetual motion machine.”

    The Self-Made Man

    The story of America’s most pliable, pernicious, irrepressible myth.
    —  By John Swansburg

    The mere act of writing can be solitary. And anyone, even alone, can write. But not everyone writes capably. Writing is like photography: Easy to do but difficult to do well. Writing is rewriting, patient hard work and never a waste of time. Not everyone masters the disciple of the writing craft, much less the soul of art to beckon the Muse. Not everyone succeeds in whatever objectives of writing in and of itself, let alone criteria of effective communication and persuasion, captivating an audience, let alone whatever career or other aspirations thence. No, not everyone is indeed a writer. By contrast, doing business to begin with, requires reaching accord between multiple parties. And business failure will be costly. Not everyone can capably engage in business at all, much less succeed. There is a learning curve. Therefore: Who can be an entrepreneur, indeed a serial entrepreneur? Who can create new ventures, business or other startups, all from scratch? Indeed some are advantaged with considerable financial resources and connections. Others display great talents. Some have needed both just to get off the ground! But surely not all. And yet, as the saying goes: if just anyone could, everyone would!

    In personality psychology, locus of control refers to the degree to which an individual feels a sense of agency in regard to his or her life. Someone with an internal locus of control will tend to believe that the things that happen to them are greatly influenced by their own abilities, actions, or mistakes. And Neoliberalism endorses even somewhat extreme locus of control. Blaming and disparaging the unemployed, laissez faire Social Darwinist Neoliberalism extols willful positivity and self-made individual responsibility for whatever ones own fate, without regard to external circumstances or situation. Neoliberalism so virulently opposes all public support and restriction upon employers; extolling instead the virtues of rugged individualism to accept whatever employment and terms thereof, that the infinite wisdom of  so-called free market, even often somewhat monopolistically dishes out. Moreover, according to the fraudulent propaganda false promise of Neoliberalism, precisely such compliant slave mentality shall be nothing less than the first masterful step upon the golden path of entrepreneurship, riches and success. In truth however, a Neoliberal, unless a submissive dupe, remains vastly over privileged hypocritical textbook example, in the words of  Joseph Conrad, of: "a moralist, who, generally speaking, has no conscience except the one he is at pains to produce for the use of others."   

    Rugged self-reliance ever remains so ardently celebrated under the callous and domineering extol of success or failure as entirely just deserts of character and determination and never merely happenstance or situation. Indeed, of happiness and  as merely individual choice. Precisely all such oppressive victim blaming propaganda often serves socially to rationalize and excuse the manner in which we typically each and all find ourselves abandoned to ones own devices. As Edward Snowden so penetratingly observes, oppressors who restrict our options, then pretend that we consent. Only the oppressor extols of the masses never to think, doubt or complain. Alas then that support at all remains typically conditional upon participation within institutions. Support instead for sallying forth on one’s own, following ones bliss, remains so often scarce. Better support could open the way for more people with much to contribute. A vastly wasted human resource! And in realistic and effective solution finding, a congenial solution must suit both the individual and circumstances or situation. Under the capability approach, any current mismatch between individual need or preference and circumstances or situation may be recognized, quite without blame.

    Alas to reiterate, that as things stand, there are virtually no services, recruitment and support for, or even beyond mere mention and barest lip service, whatsoever literature concerning, even in endless possibility, the most tentative and embryonic first concept inception or "kitchen table" stage or phase of new venture creation (various business startup). Because, even as a point of pride in escape velocity from any academic ivory tower of abstraction and glittering generality, the market only caters to the practicality of already successful entrepreneurs who therefore can pay.

    Indeed, while there exist actually burgeoning industries of training, services and vast bodies of literature within thriving and productive industries in support indeed of successfully established serial Entrepreneurs who can pay, the rest of us wana-bes, in any field novice and expert alike, remain as each and all ever abandoned to our own devices and thereby set up for failureA Darwinian ordeal of dubiously rugged self reliance and mythic right action in consummate dharma, as ever each and all abandoned once again to ones own devices for anything that actually counts. And we call it: socialization, the proverbial school of hard knocks and experience. All remaining so unfortunate, because in the words of Arthur H. Vandenberg: It is less important to redistribute wealth than it is to redistribute opportunity. A matter of all that the individual may ever more capably bring to bear and contribute, but only first when better served in true autonomy supportive social support. Hence the dire need of forging collaboration community perhaps at all harkening back to the original comfortable and informal student run education of the Renaissance indeed bridging abstract and concrete, before domineering conformist co-opting and stratification at the hands of medieval authorities.
    Nevertheless, as in accordance with the Arousal Theory of Motivation, all living beings are perpetually engaged in stimulus struggle, which is the ongoing striving of all living things, to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of stimulation and arousal from the surrounding environment. Indeed, quantitatively and qualitatively optimal investment and exchange of time and attention together that we all so crave, in synergy so crucial to authentic well being. And as propounded in the grand afterthought of Cultural Anthropology in concurrence with evolutionary neuroscience, hideous inbred mutation, engorged human cerebrality, The Survival of the Sickest, no human being can remain so woebegone, powerless, frustrated, unfulfilled, bored, lonely and alienated when (alas as so routinely and systematically oppressed and therefore all far too  infrequently) so pleasurably and meaningfully engaged among equals; indeed, optimally and reciprocally so ebulliently together sharing eustress and sustainable euphoria of creative tension in brainstorming towards creative solution finding forging true friendship, Eudemonia and authentic wellbeing in attempting anything really cool together.
    For yet again, as John Cleese expounds: “Creativity is not a talent: it's a way of operating.” Indeed, by very nature, creativity by far exceeds any merely solitary individual trait or characteristic. First of all, there is no investigation so concrete as to become penetrable without abstraction and creativity. All science begins with hypothesis, sheer conjecture, only then subject to critical preference, let alone Empirical reality testing. But more to the point, creativity, playful, pleasurably engaged and meaningful creativity as epitomized in collaborative brainstorming and solution finding, ever persists as uniquely gregarious and intelligent human motivating social and intellectual stimulus appetite indeed of hideous inbred mutation, engorged human cerebrality. All indeed as consequent in The Survival of the Sickest. But also concurrent with the the grand afterthought of Cultural Anthropology.
    Indeed for building team rapport, inspiration, and to sustain high spirits along the entrepreneurial path of disruptive innovation, what better than the pure creativity of collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming? Because, believe it or not, and as fully expounded anon in accordance with ancient wisdom of the greatest sages of old as rediscovered in bleeding edge happiness science, evolutionary neuroscience,  and the grand afterthought of Cultural Anthropology: No one can remain unfulfilled, bored, lonely and alienated, when so pleasurably and meaningfully engaged, optimally and reciprocally so ebulliently together in brainstorming towards creative solution finding. As focus whereof, dual endeavor as herein extolled, remaining so optimal and yet alas taboo for the masses of sorry sad sack ambivalent worker drones. Threatening and exciting, all at once!
    All as herein premised, even unreconciled in defiance of Existentially Absurdity, upon one flagrantly mad observation in meta-discussion (discussion about discussion). Indeed, the perfectly unreasonable and uncompromising subversively taboo mad hypothesis to test: that even so little as ongoing intentional deliberation together, Dialectic analytic yet strategic, attachment and connection forged together in the creation of meaning, might already begin filling that ever maddening abyss ever gazing   back, of boredom and loneliness. Or else, and speaking of true utter madness! Might one actually prefer to continue languishing within the mad control group of status quo? Pshaw! Never! Discourse upon the present subversive conspiratorial agenda of Eudemonia and the probortunity at hand, and upon the present modest proposal and piecemeal guerilla mad social engineering design initiative. Thus to help sustain ongoing optimal reciprocal full engagement. Any takers? Don't all crowd up at once!
    “Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought.”  Henri-Louis Bergson
    But why all as preceding? And to what end? Answer: Because as propounded even however abstractly in the grand afterthought of Cultural Anthropology in concurrence with evolutionary neuroscience, no human being can remain so woebegone, powerless, frustrated, unfulfilled, bored, lonely and alienated when (alas as so routinely and systematically oppressed and therefore all far too  infrequently) so pleasurably and meaningfully engaged among equals in brainstorming towards creative solution finding forging true friendship attempting anything really cool together. For in hope and will to power, solution finding serves to address issues occurring each at any time within the world. The six steps of solution finding begin with problem definition and proceed through problem analysis, development of possible solutions, selecting any solution(s), and finally implementation and then evaluation of whatever outcomes.
    In such endeavor assembled together and thusly heated by the mythopoetic fire of the mind, the great boon to humanity, elevation and  salvation out from dull witted humdrum triviality. Yes, dazzling fire of the mind stolen at great cost by the benevolent trickster genius Prometheus from the petty and jealous gods keeping us all downtrodden in fated confusion and defeat. Unreconciled to the latter Existentially Absurd situation, optimally and reciprocally ensues transport so ebulliently together sharing eustress and sustainable euphoria of creative tension. And thence out from cold and grubby darkness, Eudemonia and autonomy, best in life, remaining the meaningful and wise investment of individual time and attention, non-zero-sum Transaction. For thence consistently accrues the pleasurable highest return in like kind, in quality and quantity, indeed of individual time and attention. And thus, to reiterate, capability, important close human relationship with psychological visibility, Eros which is transport in liberating union with alien difference, and particularly deep attachments of true friendship, arising entirely as a byproduct of optimal reciprocal engagement in purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication, and never otherwise. Accept no substitutes!   
    The ubiquitous desperate panic stricken terror management via sycophantic socially skilled toadying skilled incompetence and pervasively toxic cutthroat anti-introspective anti-intellectual unrelenting popularity contest for facile and distant social success amidst the Sheeple, ever remains precisely antithetical and inimical to true friendship. Because friendship is genuine, substantive, intimate, and predicated upon autonomous, free, candid, unguarded and reciprocal psychological visibility. And friendship among  serious people, remains the only effective and ever subversive antidote to loneliness. All wherein ongoing purposeful and substantive communication, let alone purposeful interaction, is no prize, reward, objective or desired end result of compliance, diligent hierarchically predictive social aptitudes and cynical approval seeking popularity contest of good little girls and boys, utter tools all. Indeed, much the latter as all too often renders cagey and distant social success no less desperately lonely, miserably isolated and bored silly, than as from social exclusion and Relational Bullying. For the closed mindset of autonomy remains ever distinct and contrasted from those more enlightened expectations of heteronomy. Because substantive communication, let alone purposeful interaction, remains a barest beginning or starting point under autonomy, whence ever at all follows anything much more.
    Animals are to be rightly admired, because for furry and feathered social animals, attachment remains ever so simple and pure, and long term bonds so profound. Thus has it ever been! And isn't it just adorable? Only human beings, even among all other primates, have so muddled, perplexed and undermined the unreasoning animal simplicity of love itself, so convolutedly. But such is the price for human complexity and depth. And for such as we human beings, ever romanticized simple minded innocence remains so vastly overrated.
    And all of that is why, as Empirically observed in scientific experiments, happy people, whom we may all do best to emulate, to rôle mode, if only we knew how, talk more seriously and thrive in autonomy, prosper and succeed. Happy people remain more likely to choose creative activities, seek new achievements, and thereby uplift their own thoughts and emotions, even improving their circumstances by centering their lives around sharing whatever pleases them most. Not surprisingly then, unlike those bogus gurus and posers, happy people are actually known to achieve greater success and even to make more money. And who knows? Maybe they even get laid! 
    And all with less small talk, ever so interminably banal, a happiness killer, so often forced and awkward, only leaving one actually the more depleted, empty and discontent; all urgent need of truly important expression still mute and frustrated. And that is why people secretly hate small talk. And rightly so! Happiness follows in the Menschlichkeit of meeting ones needs for the dignity of capable interaction with even adequately responsible others, making progress every day.
    Whence all as preceding, emerges the very probortunity of the human condition, the entire point of living as intelligent social animals. Indeed the crucial agenda of, objectives to be accomplished. And all because Creativity Can and Should be Social. Indeed, by very nature, creative inquiry and expression, so pivotal to Eudemonia as herein extolled, by far exceeds any merely solitary individual trait or characteristic. For as John Cleese expounds: “Creativity is not a talent: it's a way of operating.” Indeed, creative expression remains social and intellectual stimulus appetite and arousal. Therefore creativity remains wasted and unfulfilled as any mere lonely individual character trait. And for more optimal gratification in social and intellectual stimulus struggle, creativity, beyond even at last becoming social, should actually become popular, not only valued, but charming, engaging and attractive, duly celebrated and no longer nerdy, awkward, bullied and persecuted.

    Who then shall emerge as the star first follower or ally, the true leader by example? And thus providing social "proof," informational social influence over sequential behavior, being the cascade of one action to the next in social context, figuratively getting the proverbial ball metaphorically rolling. Yea verily, first bold recruit among collaboration cofounder candidates, and more than this: steadily forging a steering committee coalescing in deliberation upon the priorities and order of business, managing the general course of successive pending operations across the long haul of uplifting and engaging trial and error, of inspired perseverant serial failure unto eventual success.

    Who then shall be first to stand before all others, and subversively enter into the inception of ongoing and vibrant dual endeavor and deliberation, in endlesss possibility, of disruptively innovative new venture creation (various business startup), entrepreneurship for the rest of us, on the one hand, in concurrent synergy interstitial with, on the other hand, pure creativity, art for its own joy, in unprecedented ongoing highly original serious collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming, an open ongoing writers bull session online?  Any questions? Any objections? Any takers? You are all invited! Gentle reader, I am counting on you! Dare we together take action? As observed of capable and happy people, let's talk more seriously!  Got a better idea? Do tell!


    Daunting challenge
    Who are you? What do you want? Where are you going? But who do you serve, and who do you trust? Don't you know? Then I will go with you. 
    — ‘Babylon 5: Crusade (paraphrase)
    Alas then how it might just seem that even browsing and deliberation together upon the content of this very website, much less helping to question and improve anything remaining howsoever unclear, in short, when things get strange and complicated, the meticulous practice and application of philosophical habits of clear thinking, even towards beta reading or copy/language editing, all shall be deemed entirely too much bother! And dangerous besides! But as compared to what else? And to what end? The devil is in the details. Nothing is easy. Anything  purportedly simple, easier and popularly tailored to the convenience of short attention therefore often remains somewhat dubious, if at all only superficially friendly, and by contrast anything else at all more serious, indeed conscientious and and caring, tends so quickly to become therefore by far more arduous, involved and complicated. And where to begin?
    For serious people, nothing can be too preliminary. No matter how early in whatever process one thinks to begin, one may yet rightly ponder, vex and imagine precisely at all how to get to whatever that ostensible starting position in the first place. Indeed gentle reader(s), how to even get you here reading this! Let alone to respond. And relevantly, please. And so, how even when it all feels like burial alive, figuratively to get in on the proverbial ground floor, by metaphorically digging up from whatever metaphorically abysmal subbasement strata? And can we work together? No one has to agree, but since I've given this any thought, then so can you! Let us together have respect. Let us eschew cocksurety and embrace Socratic Wisdom: In any event of tantalizing desires and dauntingly challenge of unknown feasibility and difficult effort in whatever prospective endeavor, some despair and just give up, while others lapse into denial and pipedream. All only triggered and exacerbated even by any prospect of serious and realistic deliberation.
    Therefore, I am not cajoling anyone into anything. And anyone who pretends otherwise, probably is. But even without spending so much as a dime, anyone at all autonomous and responsible, needs to reach any sort of projected personal feasibility and estimate of expected and required sweat equity investment in any proposed undertaking or even into mere deliberation, as necessary towards whatever desired end result or even simply whatever desired experience just in the doing. And then all of that needs to be compared to whatever level of interest, risk tolerance, effort and difficulty, all as ever may seem comfortable.
    Hence to distinguish from all the rest: I might not have what you want gentle reader, but dare we seek for it together? The entire range of cut and dry conventional ready options or paths in life may often by so many of us only be found aggravating, unsatisfactory, daunting and expensive. And all guarantees are evaporating. Even doing as expected, like good little girls and boys, only becomes ever more uncertain and costly. If then risk we must, whence then any life howsoever grander, less ordinary, better egosyntonic (conduct consistent with preferred self image), and less vexing of integrity in core values? Even setting aside the most flagrant cult scam and pipedream for self selection only by the most desperately gullible and generally delusional, the internet teems with all manner of ideology, movement, experts, gurus or hucksters, dubious or reputable, yet all to such little avail. Indeed there seems ever no end of discourse, grand design and recommendation, often ancient, recycled and repetitive, upon the meaning of life, Eudemonia, path to happiness, wellbeing, any conceivable values and desires, and even material success, obstacles any thereto, and various causes of unhappiness and/or failure. Inclusive also of, and in remedy of human suffering, whatever conceivable condition or situation of intrinsic fulfillment and authenticity, path and obstacles thereto. Indeed exhortation to truest friendship, autonomy, and whatever at all conceivable very opposite or antithesis to boredom and loneliness.
    Lo and behold then, the very latest peer reviewed bleeding edge Empirical happiness science arriving at rediscovery of the most enduring wisdom from the greatest sages of old. And yet here on, precisely thence emerges anything quite original, unprecedented, fun and surprising that the reader will never already discover elsewhere so many times before: Endless possibility, new initiative and innovation analytic yet strategic, agenda and bold plan of action and interaction in detail submitted to agenda for open discussion and deliberation, analytic yet strategic, with invitation and solicitation free of charge and open to all: Eudemonia in getting serious about collaboration among equals in brainstorming, creative solution finding and innovation together, along the path of disruptively innovative and subversive new venture creation (various business startup) concurrently with highly original serious collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming. But how and why those two particular endeavors, specifically? Because as shall be seen, they together neatly embody a compelling dream of even actually systematic fulfillment in vibrant shared creativity. If You Desire Anything You've Never Had, Try Something You've Never Done. Indeed, as Polonius asides of Hamlet: Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.

    What then emerges as most sound and worthy personal investment of precious time and attention?

    What and how much might one personally invest, simply in order to achieve better gratifying and more fulfilling human connection? And what would one not? And how to work out  more optimal investment strategy? Increase all such interaction as to enhance value, and decrease such as remains only wasteful or actually detrimental. To begin with, quite simply, people could just be a lot more friendly! If only we dared! If only we knew whom to trust.

    To reiterate: Eudemonia and autonomy, best in life, remains the meaningful and wise investment of individual time, attention and even creativity, into optimal reciprocal engagement, straightforward helpful and free flowing non-zero-sum Transaction that consistently accrues the pleasurable highest return in like kind: Specifically, value maximization in time, effort, attention and even creativity, for everyone involved and with highest signal to noise ratio. Indeed, the very opposite of boredom and loneliness. Hence the most sound investment of precious attention in one another.

    But how? In answer, to quote Dr. Matthias Mehl: [In experimental Empirical observation of happy people] “...substantive conversation seemed to hold the key to happiness for two main reasons: both because human beings are driven to find and create meaning in their lives, and because we are social animals who want and need to connect with other people." Indeed as Socrates so famously declares: “An unexamined life is not worth the living for a human being.” Because capable human relationship, especially true friendship, indeed meaning in the very deepest sense, psychological visibility, Eudemonia, optimal reciprocal engagement, all these and so much more, arise as byproduct indeed of authentic attention, of often tabooed and sometimes emotionally risky purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication. And categorically, never otherwise. Accept no substitutes!

    This holds true as manifest and self-evident. And all because of certain lamentable hallmarks definitional of the cult of socialization and mortal terror so vested therein. All  such panic and mendacity remaining as they do, nigh tautologically antithetical to the genuine close involvement ever essential of autonomy, values and true friendship. And these agonizingly inattentive petty small minded evils include: heteronomy, futility, meaningless mediocrity, craven social skills and hierarchically predictive social cognition, ever facile calculating sycophancy of emotionally distant simple minded popularity and social success. Ever such persists as the inrush only filling the void so hatefully bereft of tabooed purpose and substance. Plain dysfunction obfuscated by unquestioned social expectation under the spell of dull witted propaganda. All in a milieu of prevailing anti-intellectualism (hostility and mistrust towards intellect, intellectuals, intellectualism, and deprecation of culture whatsoever) but perhaps more precisely designated as: anti-intraception (a discomfort or opposition in very principle, toward the subjective, the imaginative, the tender minded). Nattering and folly all whereof, or so we must resolve, that those who matter pay no mind, and those who do mind, don't matter.

    Under autonomy, there may be less resistance to change as such, than resistance to being changed by coercion and manipulation. Everyone compares themselves to others, whatever ones own situation to that of others, even merely as any sort of a bench mark. But who might best serve as the most salutary subject for such comparison? Precisely whom might one most productively compare oneself with?

    Rôle modeling happy people?So much easier said than done!By contrast with average ordinary nebbish mopes the likes of I and thou, Empirically, cutting edge experimental observation reveals that trustworthy and respectful happy people whom we would all do so very well to emulate, if only we knew how somehow to function that much more capably. But can even these happy people themselves explain it?
    Perhaps. For as John Cleese expounds: “Creativity is not a talent: it's a way of operating.” Indeed happy people have been Empirically discovered to talk more seriously and thrive in autonomy, prosper and succeed. Individual, opinionated, together Dialectically engaging in creative endeavor, prioritizing all that brings them greatest happiness. And as according to painstaking objective experimental measurement, all with significantly less small talk. Clearly. such happy people are indeed canny investors of time and attention together. Subversive tantalization all thereby, of true paradigm shift perhaps one day even going viral:

    Because everything as above that has been learned about the doings of such happy people, so flagrantly flies in the face of prevailing common wisdom in expectations towards chameleonic braindead superficial popularity and social success. Clearly, popularity and social success are actually so profoundly bored, lonely, alienated and unfulfilled, even when behaviorally operant on their own cretin terms. Indeed, by and large, psychotherapists see two kinds of patients: Those who remain unhappy because they just don't fit in, and those who are so unhappy because of the ego dystonic price that they must pay in order to fit in. All so onerously that they must attend to, and all so dear that they must foreswear.

    Therefore, to quote W. W. Jacobs: “Be careful what you wish for, you may receive it.” For as Terry Pratchett ads: “You never know who will be listening.” Or in the words of Yasmin Mogahed: “Be careful about wanting what others have. There is always a price. Perhaps God didn’t give it to you, because He knew you wouldn’t be able to pay it.” Indeed as Laurie Halse Anderson cautions: “There's always a catch.” Moreover, as Colin Cunningham further cautions: “Be even more careful what you work for because you will get it even more quickly.” And make no mistake, indeed superficial harmony remains alienating Ecclesiastical vanity and sore travail! And so, to continue in quest of better and less dire investment of time and attention, instead more congenial towards authentic wellbeing:

    In organization and implementation, collective endeavors of intentional community, or indeed initially any more modestly, intentional social circles or groups, can be socially engineered, organized and designed even into paradigm shift, so as to foster whatever most desired interaction between participants, perhaps one day even going viral. That is, first of all, as we have just seen, in so far as such cherished values will be known and decided. Alas, all too often mythologized and blithely assumed. Thence a tragic history of dogmatic lunatic ideology, doctrine, faith, dedicatedly persistent error and colossal failure. And indeed there's the rub! And ubiquitously desperate truism of social success and popularity be damned.
    For in such prevailing ignorance of ever mysterious Eudemonia and the inestimable fine fortune and right action of those aforementioned happy people, such remains the calamity, as Socrates so famously declares, of the unexamined life, not worth the living for a human being. Because even the barest due diligence at systematic doubt, criticality, research and thinking things through, makes every difference on so many levels. Indeed, as it turns out, and believe it or not, in accordance indeed with such ancient wisdom from the greatest sages of old, all as rediscovered by bleeding edge happiness science, thinking converges upon one salient point: And to Hell with all knee-jerk heteronomy to the cult of socialization! For as it turns out, most heady and best in life, may well be such vibrant autonomy as uniquely expressed in Dialectic of collaborative brainstorming among equals towards creative solution finding. Actually, its a blast! And surely the more so, embracing the values of drama, endless possibility and disruptive innovation. Thus in particular application to new venture creation (various business startup) undertaken concurrently with highly original serious collaborative fiction writing. All as according to hypothesis and social engineering proposal herein advanced to the agenda. Any takers?
    Hypothesis of greatest probortunity

    Why do we serve one another so poorly, if we don't like it? Why in such Absurd Existential futility must we cast about for connection in the great wide world, when here we are, I and thou? To quote Ralph Waldo Emerson: “The only way to have a friend is to be one.” Purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication are intentional and can't be faked by going through the motions or by any counterfeit of conditional strokes, because purposeful interaction and substantive communication are intrinsically motivated by meaningfully engaged attention. Because we live in such a tightly strained attention economy. And hence, the probortunity at hand: The problem most dire, therefore presenting the opportunity most propitious. And thank you, gentler reader. Because now more than ever, in the words of Simone Weil: “Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.”

    People may hunger for sympathetic supportive community and even guidance. But not all such is the same, and often amounts to very little and pointless. Therefore, for anything different and better than what we have already known, let us then together test the very hypothesis that even full engagement in analytic yet strategic deliberation together as proposed herein, will already begin to lift thriving spirits. Because Eudemonia and autonomy, best in life, remains the meaningful and wise investment of individual time, attention and even creativity, into optimal reciprocal engagement, straightforward helpful and free flowing non-zero-sum Transaction that consistently accrues the pleasurable highest return in like kind: Specifically, value maximization in time, effort, attention and even creativity, for everyone involved and with highest signal to noise ratio. Indeed, the very opposite of boredom and loneliness. Hence the most sound investment of precious attention in one another. A true paradigm shift perhaps one day even going viral.  And because moreover, philosophical pure creativity of story telling expands the mind, while subversive innovation, which is applied creativity of disruptive entrepreneurial new venture creation (various business startup), directly complicates and advances the sprawling plot of real life drama throughout our world. But even all such heady exaltation alone, private inner freedom and adventure of lofty original thought, soon pales to emptiness, with no one with whom to share the adventure of implementation in reality, embarkation upon the all too uncertain real life Hero's Journey, forging true friendship in endless possibility of attempting anything really cool together.
    But whereas fiction writing, remaining entirely hypothetical and imaginary, only needs to seem valid (plausible and logically consistency to premise, an Epistemological Methodological criteria of critical preference in Scientific Method), innovation, plan of action or futuring scenario, bridging abstract principle (generally why) and concrete application (specifically how), in deliberation analytic yet strategic, all further turn upon rigorous feasibility study in Empirical objective reality. Because validity alone, defined as logical inner self consistency of proposition, can never become transitive to truth, truth being defined by Sir Karl Popper as correspondence to reality in assertions. And as G. E. Moore contends: “You can't get an 'is' from an 'ought.'” And yet, it remains a sly trope of manipulative and deceptive propaganda, to fob of evocative illustration and rationalization, as though evidentiary as practical demonstration. But as Lau Tzu observes, beautiful but pernicious lies and myths become more persuasive than ugly truth. Nevertheless, even if vivid narrative depiction seems to make appealing sense, it still might not actually be so. Pollyanna willful positivity be damned! Pleasure Principle and wishful thinking must be governed by Reality Principle. And after critical preference, comes reality testing, indeed planning and feasibility study.
    Because well before any prayer of responsible Capitalization, outreach in any such a vibrant project proposal must inspire and help recruit a varied range of trustworthy capable talent, knowledge and skill sets, in mutual respect, to join in and participate on spec and all from scratch. Yes, even from the most embryonic first concept inception or: "kitchen table" stage or phase, through management team formation, business or project planning and feasibility study, indeed if all goes well, through Capitalization and all the way to successful implementation and expansion. To be followed by whatever dénouement of exit strategy ever as applicable. A steep learning curve together. Thus genuine autonomy in meeting ones needs for the dignity of capable interaction with even adequately responsible others and thereby together changing our story. Hence entrepreneurial serial failure, trial and error unto success. All perseverant bold and unreconciled before even the most Postmodern Existential Absurdity.

    The cult charlatanry of Pollyanna willful positivity and thin skinned Anti-Critical Bias, are by no means constrained to aspiring entrepreneurship and life coaching. Indeed, precisely such willful malignant optimism remains of course the magical mainstay of all religion. But especially online, there exist also what amount to bogus support groups of unflagging encouragement for fiction writers, a travesty wherein salient critique is vehemently deplored and actively discouraged, indeed even actually forbidden and penalized. Ever` strident malagenda: Utter denial, both too serious and yet, not serious enough. Fortunately, there are also many fine serious fiction writers' groups, wherein those aforementioned serious albeit ever self-reliant and solitary writers ever so studiously break isolation in order indeed to exchange critique and advance their venerable art, the discipline of the writing craft. But while there has been an impressive flowering online, of even encyclopedic collaborative World Building, shared setting and background for individual fiction writing, otherwise there appear to be precious few if any communities for hitherto unprecedented serious collaborative fiction writing actually as such. No open ongoing genuine and intensive writer's bull session online as herein proposed anon, let alone likewise any brainstorming the more ambitious and directly consequential. Only those insular co-validating ninnies who have together afflicted collaborative fiction writing with such a poor reputation among those aforementioned notoriously solitary and self-reliant serious fiction writers. And serious people generally, will only find ourselves one way or another, all the more isolated amid membership of those thin skinned wishy-washy conformist consensus communities, granfalloons of the unserious, the cult of socialization, no matter whatever shared interest or in any field of endeavor. Thus does resistance so readily become helpless, so eagerly co-opted by culture of oppression, dull witless dishonesty, cruelty and weakness.

    The possibilities remain endless! Concurrently with highly original serious collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming, entrepreneurship for the rest of us as envisaged and proposed herein, the outreach agenda of new venture creation (various business startup) and (pre) incubation, pertains to the heady ambitious and complex multitask interdependent interdisciplinary process of developing and transforming whatever new idea, innovation or technology, into a business of whatever kind (profit or nonprofit, traditional, Social Entrepreneurship or even just perhaps grassroots politics and activism), indeed even at long last, filling the yawning gap in support for entrepreneurship for the rest of us neophytes and wannabes at our own pace, that can even conceivably succeed, and therefore just might ever possibly attract trustworthy capable talent, let along ever investment of Venture Capital.

    For to quote Benjamin Disraeli: Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action.”  Indeed, not just the wish, but the will, in deliberation analytic yet strategic all in accordance with ancient wisdom of the greatest sages of old as rediscovered in bleeding edge happiness science, stands in staunch advocacy of authentic wellbeing as to be purposefully brought about via interstitial social engineering design. Actually as pursuant to overarching agenda of considered and intentional human interaction. Indeed, of peak experience achievable via open Dialectical collaboration among equals in brainstorming toward creative solution finding. And thus
    Eudemonia of optimal social and intellectual stimulus struggle.
    For as John Cleese expounds: “Creativity is not a talent: it's a way of operating.” Indeed, by very nature, creativity by far exceeds any merely solitary individual trait or characteristic. First of all, there is no investigation so concrete as to become penetrable without abstraction and creativity. All science begins with unjustified hypothesis, sheer unfounded conjecture, only then subject to critical preference, let alone then Empirical reality testing. But more to the point, creativity, playful, pleasurably engaged and meaningful creativity as epitomized in collaborative brainstorming and solution finding, ever persists as uniquely gregarious and intelligent human motivating social and intellectual stimulus appetite of hideous inbred mutation, engorged human cerebrality. (All as consequent in The Survival of the Sickest. Not to digress.)
    Because, as in accordance with the Arousal Theory of Motivation, all living beings are perpetually engaged in stimulus struggle, which is the ongoing striving of all living things, to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of stimulation and arousal from the surrounding environment. Indeed, quantitatively and qualitatively optimal investment and exchange of time and attention together that we all so crave, in synergy so crucial to authentic well being. And as propounded in the grand afterthought of Cultural Anthropology in concurrence with evolutionary neuroscience, no human being can remain so woebegone, powerless, frustrated, unfulfilled, bored, lonely and alienated when (alas as all so routinely and systematically oppressed and therefore far too  infrequently) so pleasurably and meaningfully engaged among equals; indeed, optimally and reciprocally so ebulliently together sharing eustress and sustainable euphoria of creative tension in brainstorming towards creative solution finding forging true friendship attempting anything really cool together.
    Imagine then therein, a new social contract and social order, a fundamental paradigm shift in such flagrant subversion of hierarchy into as collaboration among equals in brainstorming and solution finding as the ongoing default, and whatever kind of responsible authority, even however ad hoc, the special case, a fall back position reserved for and resorted to only as and when the need whereof ever actually arising. Thus an end to routine status quo of hierarchical dominance, that allows so poignantly and fondly remembered collaboration under low hierarchical distance (near equality) in creative solution finding, only ever at all, temporarily and all too  infrequently, when deemed absolutely necessary to transient crisis or opportunity. Or workshops and such that end with no continuity or follow up. What is needed the instead, is new and lasting and ongoing institution and paradigm shift, perhaps even such as herein delineated.
    Eudemonia pivots upon expression
    In the words of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: “Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.” Indeed, Eudemonia, which is important meaningful close human relationship with psychological visibility, Eros which is transport in liberating union with alien difference, thus forging attachments of true friendship in autonomy, arises entirely as a byproduct of purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication and believe it or not, never otherwise. And that is why, even so contrary to all blithely prevailing calamitous social expectations to keep conversation light, and yet as Empirically observed in scientific experiments, the distinct truth remains that: Happy people, whom we may all do best to emulate, to rôle model, if only we knew how, talk more seriously and thrive in autonomy, prosper and succeed, together engaging in creative endeavor. And all with less small talk. Any questions? Any objections? Any takers? You are all invited! Gentle reader, I am counting on you! We can take action. As observed of capable and happy people, let's talk more seriously!
    For any lonesome frustrated desire tells a story, needs a plan, and calls out for allies, outreach for unmet friends. Desperately seeking all therefore, the star first follower or ally to lead by example! Yea verily, first bold recruit among collaboration cofounders, steadily forging a steering committee coalescing in deliberation upon the priorities and order of business, managing the general course of successive pending operations across the long haul.
    So famously to quote George Bernard Shaw: “Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress, therefore, depends on unreasonable people.” Change our conversation, reset the agenda, and just maybe, change our world! Even into analytic yet strategic design thinking investigation and social engineering systematic and sustainable implementation of whatever ones own unique individual triggers for joy. For in the celebrated words of Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Hence in any more ambitious and intentional paradigm shift away from status quo and into Eudemonia, capability and greater expectations of ourselves and of one another will become most desirable. Thus better investment of time and attention together. In short, freely and responsibly to relate to one another, instead of fitting in socially to all manner of repressive, isolating and toxic expectations.
    Such palpably urgent need of anything so radical and divergent as Eudemonia expounded herein, if anyone pays attention, arises from the inherent failure so typical of heteronomy to such a hoary host of flagrantly well refuted conventional expectations, ideology and propaganda. One way or another, Hell is other people. But so is bored and lonely isolation. What must be done? Existential Absurdity, futility, real life drama and suffering, all obtain not only from existence in a dangerously indifferent universe, but perhaps even worse, from the hapless folly and cruelty of human nature. And whereas our tangible existence remains predicated in Ontological objective physical reality, by contrast social reality is only an aggregate of relationship interaction among individuals, all as continually reinforced, reshaped and redefined therein. Social reality is entirely made up by us, decided by us, in the course of interaction. And thus collectively maintained or modified, subtly or blatantly, minute by minute. And even to begin wresting back control of our lives, complacency must be overcome. Otherwise, we're all just fucked! And not in the nice way
    A person is a conscious entity. Corporations and zygotes are not people! No matter, indeed as per the famous admonition of Voltaire, how compellingly believed absurdities and thence committed atrocities, the truth will out! Alas, whenever the most evident and valid objective reality is evaded and discounted or even dismissed as mere opinion, while mere convention is so abjectly surrendered to as if concrete and real. For such remains the baffling antinationalism of banal and ubiquitous authoritarianism. As for prime example, in the treatment of obesity and complications, when any long unjustly and imprudently unapproved though well demonstratedly safe and effective experimental option shall be blithely dismissed as unrealistic, while remaining conventional options, however obviously dubious, remain accepted uncritically. And this should come as little surprise from Medical Doctors who have actually been taught that they are not scientists! Fortunately, at least some disbelieve. Or else we'd have no medical researchers. Alas the taboo against bridging abstract and concrete. Thus dubious practicality bereft of abstract principle, and ivory tower abstraction uninformed by Empirical practicality. Thus politics so ignorant of science and out of touch with reality.




        rising to the ever angst ridden
    probortunity of Existential Absurdity:

    Indeed to begin with, Why in our sick sad world, well may one insist, of all things, innovation in disruptive new venture creation (various business startup) undertaken concurrently with serious collaborative fiction writing? For what rhyme or reason? What conceivable purpose might be served by a novel innovative and subversive model for new venture creation (various business startup) (pre-)incubation and collaboration among equals, derived from drama and the hitherto largely solitary discipline of the writing craft, plus an initiative of social engineering design thinking? For as Simon Sinek contends, compelling branding that truly differentiates, begins not with what or even how, but why? Yes: From amongst all of Kipling's Six Honest Serving Men, not last or least but first and foremost: Why, oh why?

    Alas, perhaps for purpose of outreach and collaboration cofounder recruitment, endeavor at all, towards rational persuasion or even in emotional appeal, only amounts figuratively to barking up the proverbially wrong tree. For those amenable, are already persuaded, and those not, so timid and yet so adamant, never will be. For in the wry assessment of Jonathan Swift: Reasoning will never make a Man correct an ill Opinion, which by Reasoning he never acquired. Or in the biting wit of Dorothy Parker: “You can lead a whore to culture, but you can't make her think.

    And yet, perhaps such dismissal remains at all somewhat unfair. Because, in truth, there ever remains indeed sound reason for despair. But crying out to God only remains futile. Because there can be no good answer, no justice or benevolent purpose in the inevitability of needless suffering and vicissitude, frustration so famously condemned by pioneering Existentialist Albert Camus as: The Absurd. For Existential Absurdity remains manifest, not only in the dangerously indifferent universe, not merely from ill fortune and Entropy, but perhaps worse, in human folly, confusion and cruelty. All nevertheless, again to quote Benjamin Disraeli: Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action.” And Camus would agree, but perhaps for different reason. Because whereas Disraeli remains ever courageous and hopeful of happiness from positive results and success in life, Camus only motivated by mortal terror management, simply wants to get in any fun before death. For Camus, in condemnation of comforting of religious delusion, never imagined credible scientific and technological Emortalism. Nor indeed of Cryonics alas so Absurdly thwarted, not in any objectively real scientific or engineering feasibility beyond all capacity of creative solution finding, but because of needless and Absurd human incompetence and perversity quite aside from and additionally to the Existential Absurdity of objectively real mortality. Indeed, such blithely disorganized clueless hand waving within the beleaguered community and neglected field of Cryonics: rank and hapless denial, ineptitude in confronting passive-hostile obstruction, persecution, institutional non cooperation and virulent taboo in constructed social reality. Quelle Absurd!

    How then, indeed so long and howsoever as we shall live, to undertake any conceivably worthy rôle or even grand gesture in creation of meaning even unreconciled in defiance of mortal terror and Existentially Absurd futility? How best to optimize social and intellectual stimulus struggle? Which is to say: How to wrest any redeeming control of ongoing interaction and experience thereof along the way, in the proverbial journey of life? And let alone whatever figurative destination short of annihilation: results and hoped for success that can never be guaranteed. Not even by Emortality, indefinite longevity, assured survival, and all the time in the world, if only such a thing can ever at last be had. And yet, surely the ultimate probortunity!

    Who wants to live forever? What, don't we allSelf loathing mortals, too ashamed to go on living? What can there be more Existentially Absurd than that?!

    Seriously, too abstract? Except for survival itself, what can there be more important and concrete that Eudemonia?! Where is the Nietzscheian will to power? Just what is our slavishly paralytic major malfunction and defeatism, if not quite simply mortal terror in the face of the Existentially Absurd? Why else do the masses so fail to rise to responsible initiative together, specifically in order quite simply to brainstorm in Dialectical collaboration among equals towards creative solution finding, more frequently and regularly? —Indeed  most heady and alas currently all too infrequent collaborative brainstorming as perhaps best facilitated via such most conducive, productive and enduring dual creative foci as herein extolled. Any questions? Any objections? Any takers? You are all invited! Dare we together take action? As observed of capable and happy people, let's talk more seriously!

    In the near future, emphatically no, not Existentially Absurd futility of Bio-Psychiatry in quest of bio-happiness, not ever more adept and precise psychopharmacology in mortally terrified and fraudulent treatment of mythically endogenous neuro-chemical imbalance, but instead something entirely different and indeed life affirming: Advanced automated Sociometry, Artificially Intelligent and sophisticated personality profiling and matching for optimal compatibility, an innovative and disruptive new social technology subversively infiltrating every walk of life and endeavor, may bring about radical improvement of interpersonal connectivity and interaction. Moreover, improved social embedment, will assure for each individual access to every human and material resource of the wider social network. Thus: In the future, everyone will be influential! Or so the theory goes. Indeed, a likely story, conjecture to persuade candidate recruits on spec and prospective investors alike, of glowing profit potential. But don't all crowd up at once!

    However, remaining in the here and now, Eudemonia, which is important meaningful close human relationship with full complicity in psychological visibility in order to penetrate psychological asymmetry, Eros which remains less of co-validation in whatever even superficial similarity, than quite the opposite, transport in liberating union with alien difference, thus forging attachments of true friendship in autonomy, arises entirely as a byproduct of purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication and believe it or not, never otherwise. Therefore, accept no substitutes!

    After all, psychological asymmetry simply means that we are not so odd, but only strangers. And so we wallow each in our own pervasive and inexhaustible reservoirs of secret anxiety and vulnerability, never suspecting much the same of others beneath ever crumbling facade of exterior presentation.

    How Absurd then, all such ubiquitously clueless disposition to hobble and thwart most cherished value! And how Absurd all the more, so clearly the greatest good so blithely squandered! Wake up, Sheeple! Indeed, anything less than Eudemonia as above propounded, all shabby and Existentially Absurd subterfuge as so routinely foisted upon us all,We, the Sheeple, the labor pool of mindless worker drones, remains nothing more or less than a classic blithe propaganda big lie, a surreal fucking fairytale! Indeed, an insult to the intelligence, futile and Existentially Absurd. And that's not your fault! In the alternative, a better theory, indeed a far more likely story or conjecture towards better investment of time and attention: crucial peak experience of Eudemonia, bonding in a life of meaning, through engrossingly purposeful interaction together, convivially substantive communication and even playful psychological visibility, all are elicited nigh unavoidably in the course of heady collaboration among equals, brainstorming in creative solution finding. Any questions? Any objections? Any takers? You are all invited! Dare we together take action? As observed of capable and happy people, let's talk more seriously! 

    And yes, to reiterate: an imperative, a recommendation, even though in any part couched in assertion, which is to say: declarative statement, Ontological claim, salient Empirical observation. So, if all of this still doesn't seem so urgent, then perhaps it simply isn't a priority for you, gentle reader. Seriously: Have you a better option? Then take it! And honestly, how's that been working for you? And thus, no need for picayune peeves and stylistic nit pick. And so, forgive me then, for wasting your precious time and short attention. Otherwise indeed: Any questions? Any objections? Any takers? You are all invited! Dare we together take action? As observed of capable and happy people, let's talk more seriously!

    Gentle reader(s), does then the probortunity at hand appeal and indeed merit as proposed, submission and ratification to agenda for ongoing discussion, deliberation, research, evaluation and feasibility study in collaboration together? Does any moral or ethical quandary present? What other practical real life dramatic obstacles or complications? What are other competing values and serious priorities, perhaps as yet unconsidered? Indeed in all such Dialectic together, bridging abstract and concrete, steadily forging a steering committee coalescing in deliberation upon the priorities and order of business, managing the general course of successive pending operations across the long haul. Explicitly: Let's do some true adulting! Any questions? Any objections? Any takers? You are all invited! Gentle reader, I am counting on you! Dare we together take action. As observed of capable and happy people, let's talk more seriously! 
    Make no mistake indeed as regards reading comprehension herein: Too abstract?No, not at all!Because, explicitly, all sound practical consideration resorts to abstract principle of subject being, just as all sound abstract reasoning must remain ever informed by Empirical practicality actively. Indeed, precisely such is the nature of collaborative brainstorming and solution finding: That abstract thinking yields practical options, after concrete challenges are analyzed abstractly. And so, nothing as preceding remains merely abstract, but a message of vision couched in reasoned persuasion. A call to active collaboration. Sans Inductivist obfuscation, an agenda for deliberation  and planning. Any questions? Any objections? Any takers? You are all invited! Dare we together take action? 
    As observed of capable and happy people, let's talk more seriously!
    At any risk then of oversimplification: Eudemonia attained through the wonders of brainstorming together, denotes not only that somebody at least conceivably brainstormed their way into Eudemonia together, but in context, clear enough recommendation at least to consider following suit. And thus an imperative, a course of action, may be clearly expressed grammatically, not necessarily in an active verb, but instead via impersonal pseudo-passive (or: prepositional passive) observation, in a declarative statement such as typically employing any near enough synonyms of the verb: 'to be' (herein such as: 'exists,' 'remains,' 'endures,' or: 'becomes'), which is to say: a declarative statement, assertion  or Ontological claim. Therefore: The passive voice is Not to be Feared!
    For in the wisdom of Henri-Louis Bergson: “Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought.” For anything less becomes senseless and arbitrary. Or does indeed all such glowing exposition as herein proffered, truly remain too abstract, as actually to confuse and obscure the intended imperative, urging and outreach towards action together all thereupon? For in the celebrated words of Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” And famously to quote George Bernard Shaw: “Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress, therefore, depends on unreasonable people.” Therefore: Change our conversation, reset our agenda, and just maybe, change our world! Even into analytic yet strategic design thinking investigation and social engineering systematic and sustainable implementation of whatever ones own unique individual triggers for joy. And all beginning with the star first follower or ally, leading by example. Any questions? Any objections? Any takers? You are all invited! Gentle reader, I am counting on you! Dare we together take action? As observed of capable and happy people, let's talk more seriously!
    The rationale: The Capability Approach begins from as herein taken as general bold major premise, the principle that individual substantive freedom to lead a life one has ones own reasons to value, is both the primary end objective and the principle means towards a good life with autonomy and respect. And all depending upon accessibility of whatever needed resources, and will be attainable when human beings are free to chose in actual practice and not merely in theory, indeed really able to attain that which they have reasons to consider important to do or to be or become. For such is the will to power. And we all crave power and agency. 
    Alas, so very far from any such uplifting capability. pandemic mass alienation in our time, remains an insular and escalating vicious cycle, a perpetual crisis ever in defense against itself. In the words of Russell Brand: “Society is collapsing and people are starting to recognize that the reason they feel like they’re mentally ill is that they’re living in a system that’s not designed to suit the human spirit.” And this concerns you, gentle reader. So pay attention and stay sharp.
    Indeed more specifically, to quote from ‘Dancing at Armageddon: Survivalism and Chaos in Modern Times’ by Richard G. Mitchell Jr.: Contemporary life encourages obscurity, makes messengers of many. Words and works pass through us, but are not marked by us. We redirect information, goods and services. We do not create them. We ladle out the textbook content, bolt on the replacement parts, assemble the units manufactured elsewhere, dispense someone else's pills, enforce rules not of our own making on peoples not of our choosing. And repeat other's words. We do not construct culture. At best we maintain it (212)
    And the not so secretly prayed for collapse of technological civilization, of comfortably oppressive modern infrastructure, must herald a great leap backward. Indeed, all those doomsday preppers, artisans gone off-grid, are not merely gun nuts, but diehard nostalgic Luddites.
    However, no true recovery of meaning and agency shall ever be found in regressive pipedream. No, not at all. For when we envisage any Heaven on Earth, we do not picture ourselves churning butter or weaving linen in any unsanitary aftermath of global ruin without flush toilets! Not any more than field stripping semiautomatics whilst forever singing hosannas. Fuck no! Our idols of success despite and not because of all worldly direction, rugged nonconformists only tolerated after proving themselves and attaining such hard won authority, and ever so lonely at the top. Indeed such richly deserving latter-day philosopher kings and self-realized Ubermenschen to be admired but never emulated by the masses, those exalted few elite in command of their own destinies and fulfillment, remain the innovators, celebrated creators in artistic imagination or even prime movers in real world organized implementation. They who by their very existence, having paid their dues, demonstrate the very possibility, overcoming and thereby vindicating and redeeming authoritarian heteronomy. Bah, humbug!
    To say the least, daunting aspiration all so much easier said than done. And there's the rub! So many hit TV shows pander and mock us, serving up vicarious experience not merely of stimulation, adventure and discovery, but in some context of true friendship, profoundly close relationships or situations that so many of us are so very badly missing. Indeed, It is the simulated freedom, challenge, power and achievement in mastery and competence, together with social connection, that explains the addictiveness of multiplayer videogames for so many. And all such realization should be received as a call to action for urgent actual lifestyle changes. True life drama must either advance or falter. After all, how would our heroic avatars, our cherished and celebrated rôle models, rise to the challenge?  
    Indeed, just perhaps, even for the sorry likes of I and thou and thou, gentle readers, there yet might be an unprecedentedly reciprocal, autonomy supportive and more realistic true path to real salvation. A principled method together at all even even to begin any such vaunted interaction, even at entry level: The Master Plan of Do-It-Ourselves entrepreneurship for the rest of us and optimal reciprocal full engagement of collaboration among equals in creative solution finding.
    Because as Empirically observed in scientific experiments, respectful, trustworthy, capable and happy people, whom we may all do best to emulate, to rôle model, if only we could ever fathom precisely how (And indeed there's the rub!), who are sociable, extroverted, known to reach out and thrive, Talk More Seriously, and all with so much less of all that inane, incessant, boring and superficial small talk, such a happiness killer! Indeed, happy people remain more likely to choose creative activities, seek new achievements, and thereby uplift their own thoughts and emotions, and actually known to achieve greater success and even to make more money. And all by meeting the need for capable interaction, even however ambitious, with responsible others, and not via any chimerical half-baked shared lunatic ideological membership, any more than in mediocre conformity and heteronomy.
    And no human being can remain woebegone, powerless, frustrated, unfulfilled, bored, lonely and alienated when, alas as so routinely oppressed  (alas as all so routinely and systematically oppressed and therefore far too  infrequently in the human condition) under liberating circumstances or situation, pleasurably and meaningfully engaged and fulfilled together among equals. Indeed, as optimally and reciprocally so ebulliently sharing eustress and sustainable euphoria of creative tension in brainstorming and solution finding. And for which the collaborative power and innovation of subversively capable and disruptive dual endeavor as herein extolled, remains precisely so ideal. For as John Cleese expounds: “Creativity is not a talent: it's a way of operating.” 
    Look for the Solution within the Problem! The probortunity at hand, our minor premise, and the problem to be embraced as such a golden opportunity for enhanced individual power and capability as above delineated, ensues: For the probortunity at hand arises in perpetually languishing under such rigid and oppressive heteronomy to hierarchical dominance, that most of the time, routinely and systematically undermines every arising prospect of free and equal collaboration, let alone creative solution finding together.
    And therefore, with few privileged, fortunate, well situated and happy exceptions, the suffering masses of humanity all present with the same cultural anthropological and evolutionary neurological human condition: Indeed, nothing less than that of ongoing and perpetual pandemic deficiency, malnourishment and withdrawal, from infrequent and meager engagement in collaboration among equals in creative solution finding.
    Of what moment then, well may one ask, can be such obscure malaise? - an effete whimper of real world anticlimax in Absurd anti-drama and disappointment, and not, to reiterate, any not so secretly longed for dramatically apocalyptic bang... Answer: As shall be seen, nothing trivial. Indeed, because of in the human condition, collaboration among equals in creative solution finding remaining arguably the entire emergent and deeply meaningful point of life as intelligent social animals. Indeed, nothing less than an innate intrinsic capacity and value as manifest from human consciousness giving rise to social and intellectual stimulus struggle. And prevailing frustration whereof presenting predictably with inevitable symptoms of bored and lonely alienation, unfulfilled and futile. Therefore a stifling bane so dire and so helpless, comparable only to that of ever impending mortality itself, the worm at the core of the human condition [William James], thence consequently terror management syndrome and even Deathism. Not to digress.
    Because in accordance with the Arousal Theory of Motivation, the term: social and intellectual stimulus struggle names herein, so long as we shall live, the ongoing perpetual and all too often Quixotic and Absurd yet nevertheless life affirming  striving of all human consciousness, to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of social and intellectual stimulation and arousal from the enfolding social environment. Therefore, for unmet friends, the following novel Positive Psychology prescription for authentic wellbeing:  
    Because to reiterate, no human being can remain so debilitatingly woebegone, powerless, frustrated, unfulfilled, bored, lonely and alienated when (alas as so routinely oppressed and all far too scarcely and infrequently in the human condition) under liberating circumstances or situation, pleasurably and meaningfully engaged and fulfilled together among equals. Indeed, as optimally and reciprocally so ebulliently sharing eustress and sustainable euphoria of creative tension in brainstorming and solution finding. And for which, as shall be seen as follows, the collaborative power and innovation of subversively capable and disruptive dual endeavor as herein extolled, remains so ideal. Indeed, such lively focus for optimal reciprocal engagement in collaboration among equals in brainstorming and creative solution finding. Arguably the  most relevant, constructive and compassionate alternative terror management strategy, of course short actually of Emortalism. Again, not to digress.
    And all because at least pending breakthrough advances in sophisticated automation of Sociometry, the forging of attachments of true friendship in autonomy, arises entirely as a byproduct of purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication and believe it or not, never otherwise. Accept no substitutes! And no one else need approve. After all, purposeful interaction and substantive communication are the very essence of of true interpersonal connection, in contrast with debilitatingly insubstantial and meaninglessly vapid emotional junk food and distraction so pivotal in the ceaseless manipulation of pandemic bored and lonely alienation. Anything less than purposeful interaction and substantive communication, rapidly devolves into approval seeking and interminably banal small talk, inevitably cultivating the empty malaise of sycophantic travesty and pandemic serial bullying.
    Why Nerds Are Unpopular: Because nerds invest their precious time, not in the extensive and complicated dance of popularity, but cultivating genuine interests and values of their own. And yet, mere interests and diversions in common, indeed so frequent among misguided criteria of group membership, remain perhaps among the least of determinants of personality profiling and compatibility and all that human beings actually yearn for from one another. Little wonder then, how gifted students, bright, insightful and emotionally sensitive, among their own true gifted peers, mysteriously no longer require that great and good boon of heteronymous socialization, unwelcoming, mediocre, toxic and sanctioned, that emotional violence and neglect which none dare call: indoctrination, Behavioral Conditioning or most honestly: brainwash. And so, just perhaps, instead of so brutally dumbing down our best and brightest for your own good, dear! can there be no better alternative? Might it not be so much more noble, productive, happier, and in defiance of the ever pervasive and ubiquitous cult of socialization, better to do exactly the opposite throughout life, and continually immerse even the most ordinary people into such interaction as so characteristic of the gifted? — Indeed, thereby cultivating, welcoming and drawing forth each ones own inner giftedness... But of course, all ever remaining so much easier said than done. And all hence The Master Plan.
    Because as Empirically observed in scientific experiments, respectful, trustworthy, capable and happy people, whom we may all do best to emulate, to rôle model, if only we could ever fathom precisely how (And there's the rub!), who are sociable, extroverted, known to reach out and thrive, Talk More Seriously, and all with so much less of all that inane, incessant, boring and superficial small talk, such a happiness killer! Indeed, happy people remain more likely to choose creative activities, seek new achievements, and thereby uplift their own thoughts and emotions, and actually known to achieve greater success and even to make more money. And all by meeting the need for capable interaction with responsible others. But of course, all ever remaining so much easier said than done. And all hence The Master Plan.




    Probortunity at hand: A world of pervasive alienation.
    Alas that  all so very far, far away from any pursuit of happiness and meaning of life, for all so many, conformity upon all whatever known and howsoever reputable, well traveled and readily available, institutionalized and prepackaged conventional life and career paths, remains so disappointing, pointlessly arduous, futile and meaningless. In short: Existentially Absurd, and a sore travail! Indeed probortunity, dire problem presenting golden opportunity.
    And it will be perhaps thence, that there remains so vastly underserved, such a vast and popular yearning for unparalleled positive experience of any life less ordinary. For power, self determination, capability, dignity, freedom, acceptance among peers with shared core values. And therefore in the words of Arthur H. Vandenberg: “It is less important to redistribute wealth than it is to redistribute opportunity.” Opportunity afforded one another, by honest and interested effort at collaboration among equals.
    In such ardent quest then for any such alternative opportunity, all entirely applicable due and realistic fair warning is extended in the above alarmingly bleak solicitation. And all as regarding the downside to all such call to adventure off from the beaten path, indeed at cost of whatever kind of individual personal effort and resource. And even all quite aside from all additional extra heartbreak from nigh inevitable and eventual betrayal, dishonest untrustworthy folly or mendacity. Beware then the 18 Easy Ways to Destroy trust. But not to digress.
    Perhaps what remains so glamorously elusive and yearned for, are some imagined lives of power, opportunity, challenge, ambition and creativity amid some vibrant new cabal of aspiring artists, wannabe entrepreneurs and perpetually excitable mad inventors! Because Americans after all, are each ascendant undiscovered genii, temporarily bankrupted billionaires, rightful Masters of the Universe. And we are all Americans at heart.
         • The Top 10 Things People Want In Life But Can’t Seem To Get - - “I can't get no...”
    And so, we are each and all exhorted and tantalized: Follow your bliss!” Existentially Absurd empty commencement blandishment, hand waving and broken promise all easier said than done, as we are all then summarily abandoned each and all to our own devices, setup for failure and sore travail. But now, gentle reader, at last we have found one another, and no dream must remain solitary. Therefore let every joy become shared and doubled, no burden shouldered alone, but shared and halved.

    As Edward Snowden so penetratingly observes, oppressors who restrict our options, then pretend that we consent. Indeed, to quote  Senator Elizabeth Warren: Others have said it before me. If you don't have a seat at the table, you're probably on the menu.” Why then must it continue to register as any shock to so many, the very idea that there may remain not only whatever personal human imperfection, various defects, flaws and foibles of individual personality and character, great and small, but also the most intractably severe and pervasive systemic problems and stumbling blocks out there in society at large? As if the very notion of such stock iconoclasm, where actually anything new!

    Why then must the masses,We, the Sheeple, the supposed end users of democracy in the free market of ideas, so abjectly fail to coordinate and rise to responsible initiative together, even firstly simply just to imagine better? In the words of Stanley Kubrick: “However vast the darkness, we must bring our own light.” Because given heteronomy remains ever dark and futile, all pretense aside, shedding no light whatsoever. In the words of Fyodor Dostoevsky: “The best way to keep a prisoner from escaping is to make sure he never knows he's in prison.” -Or indeed, any sort of social institution at all, formal or informal, rather than the obvious unquestioned natural way of human nature and circumstances or situation.

    And when only sly and manipulative oppression keeping us all in the dark, has been the only binding shared experience at all, and then the bitter truth of it comes to light, how then shall one ever thence be set free except into crushing boredom and loneliness? Who then shall dare the escape? And what example to all others thus shall thereby be set? Indeed, in any alternative, how instead, gentle reader(s) might we rise together? Without task interdependent teamwork rediscovered and reinvented together, what solitary jailbreak can there be, from the prison of lonely isolation? As ever, we shall only find ourselves summarily abandoned each and all to our own devices. And typically in one fashionable guise or another, to ever the same Mystical mendacity and cowardly bogus lonely tough love of the Zen. To making do and fading away alone, stiff upper lip and troubling no one else. Bah, humbug!

    And so, as my own boss, more confident in my ideas than my capability, I have fired myself for utter failure and gross incompetence in the sore travail of life! To quote Carl Gustav Jung: "Loneliness does not come from having no people about one, but from being unable to communicate to others the things that seem important to oneself, or from holding certain views which others find inadmissible . . . If a man knows more than others, he becomes lonely." Indeed, in the words of Anton Chekhov “People who lead a lonely existence always have something on their minds that they are eager to talk about.” And I'm no different. Nevertheless, why should the present long winded mass of verbiage from an unemployable maladroit nebbish with a cable modem the likes of yours truly, ever be of any interest to anyone? To answer such an unkind and snobbish question to begin with (and for shame!), with another by far more salient question and cautionary: If anyone doesn't want you to talk with me, gentle reader, then what don't they want anyone the likes of me to tell anyone else indeed the likes of you? Plenty, as it turns out!  We really should compare notes. Indeed, to quote from ‘The Devil's Dictionary’ by Ambrose Bierce: Friendless. Having no favors to bestow. Destitute of fortune. Addicted to utterance of truth and common sense.”

    A parable: Imagine a seminar upon of all things, and strained metaphor just for contrivance of illustration, how to form a regulation Bedrock barefoot bowling team. The great regulation bowling team formation guru, perhaps none other than The Dude Lebowski, regales the acolytes enthralled, with great purls of wisdom! And the attendees assembled together share all manner of sensitive personal disclosure, reciprocally sworn to silence once the seminar adjourns. Because what happens and all that is said at the regulation bowling team formation seminar, stays at the regulation bowling team formation seminar. So solemnly vow do they all. And from the regulation bowling team organizing guru, no less than The Dude Lebowski, they all learn the purportedly foolproof secrets towards each their similar objectives. Afterwards, eyes henceforth forever averted, they all quietly disperse, each once again alone, filing out into the dark night of the soul, never to interact again, each having girded their loins for the solitary and arduous networking and recruitment outreach at hand. Yes, once again so blithely led about by the nose, flagrantly manipulated and then finding ourselves summarily abandoned each and all to our own devices.

    And nobody at all even seems to have noticed that there were exactly enough people in the room right then and there, for the formation of a regulation bowling team! Easier said than done of course, but then, what isn't? Superficially committed to such manic pep rallies encouraging one another, yet in subtext only inflicting such reciprocal contempt, what succor will ever rally and penetrate such abysmal defeat and indolent covert masochism?  Yaba-daba-don't!
    The moral of the story? First of all, most superficially, the clever maxim:

    But more profoundly, beyond any such glib infotainment sound bite clickbait, there ever remains forWe, the Sheeple, the more dire predicament of the masses: How we are each and all exhorted and tantalized: Follow your bliss!” Empty blandishment and lip service, hand waving and broken promise all easier said than done, as dazed, confused and quite understandably even actually consumed with mistrust at the mercy of every random cult scam, busy work, (Anti)Social Media distraction, dissipation, and pacifying bogus support group ethos, all as even however reputable, we all then find ourselves once again summarily abandoned each and all to our own devices (In more ways than one!) and blithely setup for failure, particularly in anything individually meaningful. Nothing works! Not only the most hapless and broken, and knaves and fools especially, or even the most ordinary and average, but especially our best and brightest, so often meet only with such desperate failure and frustration. And yet, the system never fails: You fail the system! Or so it is said. Bah, humbug!

    Alas, as so many people complain, when they reach out for connection, others do not seem equally interested. Typical social life remains a lonely chore and a bore of mindless conformity and approval seeking. There remains an outcomes gap! Meaning that it makes such little difference whatever one tries to do. And yet, many even who suffer the most, continue to profess conformism, commitment to normative  challenge, and undying faith in status quo. But some are more serious than others. There are some that walk the talk, and most who don't. Some rigorous and actively systematic, and the rest only wrapped up in lip service and passive pretense. Either way, they all balk at facing the the same crushing reality. And only unflinching situation analysis as undertaken herein, might possibly reveal any proportion and necessity of going so far a field as herein proposed, presently. Or first of all, even simply discussing the matter seriously!

    TicTok, TicTok, Worse Than You Thought! As Marshall McLuhan would have it: The medium is the message For characteristics of whatever medium constitute message in their own right, the implication whereof so easily overlooked, at least at first. And yet, it may often come to pass, that as in the words of Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr: “plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose – the more things change, the more they remain the same… Indeed, never forget that Facebook only began as the IT (Information Technology) for the worst venial and Narcissistic aspects of the most braindead collegiate life. A culture taking the lead from insecure conniving bullies like unto wounded and bleeding piranhas, ever ready to turn upon one another in the blink of an eye.

    Indeed, isolating and unfulfilling short attention (Anti)Social Media could never become so seductive and unwholesome, without the long preceding heteronomy to anti-intellectual anti-intraceptive susceptibility under lifelong prevailing hierarchical dominance. And therefore as shall become abundantly clear, and technology notwithstanding, they who suffer so, are not punished for their superficiality, but by their own short attention superficiality. Indeed, in such blithe incongruity: Even while like John Milton, indeed lamenting such loneliness they endure, as “the first thing that God's eye nam'd not good,” just indeed the very worst no good awful thing! yet so staunchly do they cleave to the toxic and toadying First Commandment of the ubiquitous cult of socialization: Being that interminably vapid small talk, empty and polite conversation drifting upon unimportant or uncontroversial matters, not even very entertaining, ever keeping it light and willfully cheerful, ever remains key to life, popularity and social success. The suffering of the multitudes is scorned and dismissed with the bullying admonition to lighten up! And those poor dolts embrace and take to heart such cruel and callous invalidation as greatest purl of wisdom. Be seeing you, Number 6. They have joined the enemy against themselves.

    Under so many guises of ideology, from anciently clichéd Zen Mystical tripe of sublime apathy in non attachment, to the latest word in malignant Behavior Modification into Fascist exaltation and even the smug would-be Machiavellian but covertly Masochistic indolence of (Anti)Social Media culture, only the same oppressor of so many faces, cajoles us all never so shamefully to feel, think or complain and rock the boat. And that is why, in those most famous words of Henry David Thoreau: The mass of men lead lives of [such] quiet desperation. Or at the very least when griping, never actually mean any of it! So, smile when you call out the the bullies, just to show that we're all still Facebook friends! One fine day, quite effort free and without strife or good trouble, without any challenging need of character and strength or moral fiber, advanced and sophisticated Automated Sociometry will have long superseded all such rotten travesty of society and the human condition as do we all endure. But in the meantime, here and now, the true thorny path at long last, to CyberUtopian salvation, is yet to emerge from the most technologically convenient path of least social resistance. And certainly not via short attention manipulative Totalitarian Interactivity. Wake up, Sheeple! Because any true key to life must pivot upon struggle and only the awakening of integrity from unique individually motivating core values:  

    Desperately seeking prospective collaboration cofounder candidates
    The various uplifting psychosocial and strategic benefits to authentic wellbeing and human flourishing
    as projected from implementation of the present proposal

    Would the online (pre)incubation collaboratory and Action Salon be right for you?

      Then let us build it together! But what would that take? And what shall be required of participants? And why even bother?
    Three compelling questions of relatable drama, as in life, ever endure:

       Save us all from the banality and sore travail of conventional expectations! Who needs the grief? When all else fails, what has actually been desired all along?


    But why must such intensive creativity actually become so crucial? Indeed, many will regard creativity in very principle, as entirely superfluous and distracting, at best merely ornamental. Indeed, it may bear mention how sometimes espoused in remedial Behavior Modification and rehab, is the recommendation merely of consistent participation in ongoing long term projects even at all much more arbitrarily, and with precious little challenge to much creativity. Indeed somewhat philistine and cretin, yet entirely cut-and-dry and feasible though banal and boring drudgery. Such as, for example: community gardening, providing behavioral structure of regularly scheduled activity and association sustaining propinquity while also producing any ongoing interaction and sense of involvement to draw participants together. Such much. A travesty of the rôle of gardening in the ideal and intentional community of Epicurus. And yet, the somewhat uninspiring recommendation nevertheless does point halfway towards what is actually so sorely needed, in focus therein upon active ongoing cooperation.

    Too bad it's all so tedious and onerous, boring to tears, unless indeed one so adores gardening! But its easy to see why anything so readily accessible and straightforward may be deemed more simple and feasible for Sheeple such as We. Because The devil is in the details.

    Eudemonia, anything more ambitious and uplifting, forging true friendship attempting  anything really cool together, demands greater initiative and responsibility and therefore must require such meticulous perseverance and autonomy, polymath multipotential cross discipline. And no one foresees arête, excellence, from underachieving losers reaching out for help. They forget how our best and brightest frequently underachieve. They ignore the crying needs not only of the gifted, but of fulfillment in universal human inner giftedness in the human condition for us all.

    At least initially, rather than sweeping the world out from leftfield, any bold, liberating and empowering subversion of hierarchy, not unlike forbidden love, necessarily nurtures in microcosm. Indeed even somewhat covertly and conspiratorially, when any two or more individuals interacting and taking initiative must finally innovate: at long last to begin doing things differently and howsoever more capably together and persist.  And then collective endeavors of intentional community can be organized and designed so as to foster most desired interaction between participants. But well may one ask: Why go to such lengths? Why so rashly together embark upon such arduous and complicated real world Hero's Journey? Why pine for life less ordinary? Why not just chill and go with  flow? Why needlessly raise expectations of forging true friendship attempting  anything really cool together? Why even dignify outlandish notions with serious deliberation together?

    We are all such proverbial square pegs: The customer is always wrong! The program never fails, you fail the program. Cut the foot to fit the shoe! Bah, humbug! In truth, to quote Anthony Marra: “Work isn’t meaningful just because you spend your life doing it.” Indeed, in the immortal observations of George Carlin: "Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit.” And lately, the masses are just up and quitting! By contrast, our designated rôle models in every conventional option in life, exemplars of approval seeking sycophantic predictive social cognition under heteronomy to hierarchical dominance, the star student under formal education, ideal employee, perfect disciple or model prisoner alike, are all so consummately well adapted, ever so heteronymously characterized as they remain, beyond mere responsive obedience and passivity otherwise, not only by every obsessive-compulsive eager beaver sore travail, but boundlessly committed initiative in anticipation of their superior's desires, paying one's dues life long, excelling without complaint or resistance, never demanding attention by requesting explanation or assistance.

    And why can't we all just submissively follow their shining example and be more like them? Because, just as George Carlin implies, we all so chafe at the bit! Recalcitrant in such sore travail, obstinately uncooperative toward mind numbing routine as imposed by ever coercive and manipulative self-servingly moralizing authority, all too many typically succumb to ambivalence expressed in resentful and reluctant obedience together with covert passive hostile sabotage, instead of actually choosing between either dignified and whole hearted active compliance on the one hand, or else free and open fully effective proletariat uprising on the other hand. And such remains damaged human nature not by innate disposition, but as triggered in suffering and humiliated response to norms of sore travail, deviously guilt tripping tyranny psychologically internalized. In short: inner conflicted ambivalence and headgames of slave Moralism.

    Cynically manipulative social advice online typically ranges from the domineering to the sycophantic. But always unilateral, never touching upon any notion of cooperation. But in order to remedy loneliness, shall each of us do better to strive alone in the world at large, or to turn to one another? Do lonely people require access and inclusion up the social ladder with better socially graceful and situated peers? Or perhaps in order ever to remedy loneliness, do lonely people first require to find inclusion and access merely with one another, even actual assistance and partnership, true friendship in imperfection, even just amongst ourselves? The cult of socialization, ever striving for inclusion and access up the social ladder with popular kids who don't actually need more hangers on, remains the ardent supplication for acceptance and approval from those better advantaged. Whereas instead, so often overlooked in the mad dash for social skills and correct performance in heteronomy to hierarchically predictive social aptitudes, there remains an obvious alternative being: endeavor at inclusion and access for lonely people, simply with one another, even merely as an outreach just perhaps not only for solace and commiseration, but maybe even for highly functional cooperation in any similar common struggle.

    But as Aesop tells us: A man is known by the company he keeps. And even aside from malicious gossip and the social risk of ill repute by association, the actual psychological danger remains of toxic Ulterior Transactions or: headgames, and only playing upon one another's flaws, thereby exacerbating dysfunction and holding one another back, thus indeed only reflecting poorly upon one another.

    Which strategy then must best take precedence? In answer: Trustworthy capable individuals value the same in others. And likewise, callow popular kids ever committed to the social rat-race, are impressed by outwards exhibition of community and popularity. All hence, the demonstration of capable and competent cooperation, even amongst similarly downtrodden and forgotten peers, must afford a first upward step in assimilation with anyone else better off and presumably more useful. Indeed the first trustworthy step of creditable Menschlichkeit in order favorably impress allay the responsible caution of the wealthy, powerful and influential, in order thereby to gain access to their resources and connections, remains the salient demonstration to candidate recruits and prospective investors alike, of capable collaboration among equals. Alas that lonely isolated people can only strategize in terms of lone striving. However, true probortunity remains, never merely of individual wherewithal, but of teamwork, and of how then might we more congenially, productively and effectively cooperate; friendship arising entirely as a byproduct of optimal reciprocal engagement in substantive communication towards purposeful interaction, and nothing less. And no one else need approve! 

    Probortunity begins in bold unflinching
    situation analysis and problem statement
  is not yet another short attention website for manipulative Totalitarian Interactivity perpetually leading the casual website visitor safely about by the nose. Only whatever most remarkable self directed unique individual motivation howsoever piquing whatever lively yet comforting vested self-interest, Existential Validation or relatable concern, gravitas or whimsy, has ever delivered intelligible purpose and context for the present densely verbose hypertext asking of others what no one else asks, and offering in return, what no one else offers. As a rule, others neither so urgently solicit nor offer partnership in ambitious endeavor. At least, not seriously. And yet, such must be the inception of any true to life Hero's Journey asking what no one else does, and daring to offer in return, what no one else offers, and whereof, leave us admit, we each and all, however benumbed, secretly await the mythic call to adventure. For such is the human condition of perpetual stimulus struggle. Of course, intellectual adventure of reading and discussion, free exploration into the world of ideas, does seem perhaps the least perilous of transaction. What can it hurt? Surely there will be greater risks in life.

    Indeed, as according to Aristotle, happiness has an agenda, an agenda remaining contingent upon the exercise but also the communication of the meaningful values of imagination, free will, personal choice, independence, competence and achievement, together with connection, self awareness and conscience informed by rationality. Moreover, happiness is not merely and actively experienced, but interactive expression and response, affiliation and shared enthusiasm. And that is why even the journey of ongoing strategic discourse in earnest seeking happiness, can already be so involving and uplifting. Alas however, even so little as any substantive communication much less purposeful interaction, despite remaining as ever crucial, can never be compelled. One can but extend invitation. And remains your golden invitation, gentle reader, asking of others what no one else does, and offering in return, what no one else offers.

    Indeed, in the biting whit of Dorothy Parker: “You can lead a whore to culture, but you can't make her think." In such frequent demonstration of quantity over quality, online discussion predominantly remains ever repetitive and redundant, meager signal ever drowning out amid the din and clamor of all that empty noise., instead undertaking various neglected discourse, anything less effete and dissipated, thereby ever blunders upon no end of fresh new taboo for the squeamish so studiously to ignore. Nevertheless, in order to advocate for change, in order to demonstrate the urgency, it remains necessary to expose the normalization of deviance and the worst of all that has become so routine.

    Again to quote Russell Brand: “Society is collapsing and people are starting to recognize that the reason they feel like they’re mentally ill is that they’re living in a system that’s not designed to suit the human spirit.”  Indeed by design discovered to scientific investigation, qualitatively domineering and oppressive, systematically crushing of human spirit. Because from very premise, Cultural Anthropology studies human relationships consistent with rôles of relative social standing, degrees of kinship and rank, all predicated upon competencies and aptitudes of hierarchically predictive social cognition by which to anticipate the responses of others, merely via the recognition of members of one's own social group in order to form direct relationships consistent with rôles of relative social standing, degrees of kinship and rank, recognition of third-party social relationships and prediction of future behavior and in order to know what one is expected to do and how to behave. After all, from prehistory and up to the present day, every hierarchical structure has evolved from that of the clan or extended family. And there's the rub!

    Gentle reader, only look around you: Society is not your friend. Society is the enemy. Society is the oppressor. Society is not nurturing. Society remains user hostile. Catch-22, a classic double bind, a no-win setup for failure and suffering, one way or the other: damned if you do, damned if you don't! We are all slowly bored to death, unseen and and interminably lonely. Alas, the prospects instead for better fulfillment remain dismal for designated worker drones slaving under the perpetual grinding sore travail of heteronomy to behavioral conditioning, all cogs in the machine, formal education and typical corporate culture of employment, fostering admiration, but never emulation, of those lionized men and women of destiny rising only actually despite the system, overcoming adversity, and then effectively quarantined and lonely at the top. And for wretches such as we, there must be no ready escape at all from the only dull and sorry game in town! For such remains the banal rank hypocrisy of glowing lip service to independence while fostering helplessness and dependency of befuddled masses yearning to breath free! What then is liberty, freedom so alluring yet forbidden, taboo, that nevertheless all people so yearn and strive for? Freedom whether in creative expression or effective action. Freedom of association, self esteem and more. How is freedom actually experienced? By what values? And most importantly, what must we do, I and thou, gentle reader, to win our freedom, liberty to pursue happiness? Can we organize? Should we? And how so?

    Thus, from top to bottom, indeed at every strata and walk of life, again to quote Russell Brand: “Society is collapsing and people are starting to recognize that the reason they feel like they’re mentally ill is that they’re living in a system that’s not designed to suit the human spirit.” Alas, in Existentially Absurd social reality, there remains such dystressing user hostile outcomes gap, wherein instrumentality equals zero, meaning, even causally and deterministically, no relationship between performance and outcome, no real hope, no results no matter what one does, other than mounting frustration and defeat. So much then, it might seem, for individual real world freedom and capability. In every walk of life, in every sphere of endeavor, personal or professional, society is no conduit to success, but a filter of the incompetent and noncompliant alike and without distinction, a crushing and threatening obstacle course to be overcome, an unremitting chore and a bore, setup for failure; thus to self-esteem, a proverbial death by a thousand cuts. And any claims to the contrary, are just part of the racket. Indeed, from any end user standpoint, the existing system has remained broken from time immemorial. Alas the masses abide in false hope from blinding propaganda myth. And what a racket! A racket, no matter how repitable, can be any dishonest scheme or ongoing transaction, all not as it contrives to present itself and as is tacitly accepted or endured by the majority of those involved, but in actuality, indeed, a myth, scam or fraud of heteronomy, a deceptive domineering practice of coercion and manipulation conducted for whatever benefit of a few cronies at the expense of the many.



    We are all exhorted and tantalized: Follow your bliss! Empty blandishment and broken promise easier said than done, as we are all then summarily abandoned each and all to our own devices, so bereft of respectful autonomy supportive social support and thereby capability, thus setup for failure. And so, whilst pragmatically making do and fitting in, we each and all meanwhile secretly await the call to some yearned for true to life Hero's Journey. For such remains the human condition of perpetual stimulus struggle against lonely boredom, secretly and shamefully miserable and unhappy, even amid affluence and secure civil society. And lone individual emulation of whatever success rôle model as per the formulae of various success gurus, so often meets with inertia and frustration in isolation, because human interaction fails to progress, change or improve. Because tautologically, there can be no self-help, no solitary rugged self-reliant unilateral self-made bootstrap "well-formed plan," for interaction among more than one individual. As the saying goes: It takes two to tango. But one alone, wanders ever searching like Diogenes, a sore travail.
    Alas that so many nevertheless balk, remaining so clueless and bereft of any proverbial grain of salt, too desperate to let go of various fraudulent false hopes and propaganda so foisted upon us all. For such are the dynamics of conditionality, meaning conditional love, buttressed by systematic indoctrination, brainwash, denial and crimestop. Nevertheless, what to do, if all such dynamics remain anything more prevalent than merely some strange malignancy of whatever marginal bizarre cults? What if cults only reflect anything howsoever actually somewhat common, normalization of deviance ever prevalent? Where then does that leave any of us?

    In the much beloved fairytale parable and metaphor authored by Hans Christian Anderson, 'The Emperor's New Suit,' the titular Emperor desired only to be ever fashionable and well dressed. One day he came under the sway of his new tailors, actually swindlers who persuaded the Emperor to don new vestments of an amazing gossamer light new fabric, visible only to the worthy, so that the unworthy, thereby exposed, ferreted out and failing the test, may be well banished, once and for all.

    But in actuality, the  Emperor only stood stark naked, just daring anyone to remark! As ever, many so lowly and loyal among Sheeple, ever most faithful and exploited among the masses, surely believed without hesitation, simpletons, useful innocents  ever embracing flagrant delusion wholeheartedly. Although, in truth, various sly cynical privileged courtiers and hypocritical cronies, ever motivated in well considered vested interest, with comfort and survival at stake for the families they support and protect, as ever remaining circumspect, proverbially pivoting into whatever figurative direction the allegorical wind metaphorically blows, adult and responsible, so vigorously went along with the gag and staunchly conformed.

    Under such an oppressively corrupt reward and punishment system, a mad world of blind folly and cynical mendacity, inevitably any honest person, by disposition stripped of all such protective armor of distasteful denial, shall only then find themselves metaphorically naked and exposed before the Existentially Absurd, all alone and railing against the inequity and therefore excluded, indeed forever banished. Because truth to power in subversion of hierarchy, threatens status quo.

    To quote Nazi Reich Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels: Propaganda becomes ineffective, the moment we become aware of it. To whit: what if in all too many ways, the general and indistinct common wisdom of mainstream social reality and order, with only a modicum of perspective in autonomy, stands so shockingly denuded, in effect, as after all, merely yet another weird cult granfalloon membership and practice? - Indeed the pervasive and reputable short attention memplex sometimes designated as: the cult of socialization.

    For while empathy is by nature ever receptive, by contrast that great and good boon from our ever gracious betters, socialization, that which none dare call: indoctrination, Behavioral Conditioning or brainwash, remains ever dull and unreceptive, rejecting, dishonest, manipulative and coercive. After all, propaganda can be unintentional. Not all propaganda is deliberate influence. Indeed, unthinking tradition and propaganda are everywhere. For the organization of methods to persuade people to think and behave in a certain way, have themselves long become entirely spontaneous and endemic to social order. And indeed, such is complacent heteronomy, oppression propagating among the oppressed. Shall anyone thus growing ever more desperately entrenched in heteronomy, ever finally arrive at Positive Disintegration?
    Alas that under heteronomy, there may ever arise indeed significant danger motivating interminable caginess: Before daring even to begin any interaction, always heed the cautionary lesson of the ever more exhausting callow (anti)social media mass distraction and the empty illusion of social life: Will, not only as in (anti)social media participation, but in the social rat-race most generally, extra effort and involvement actually derive extra value and purpose, or only become ever more squandered? That is the question!
    In the latter calculation, then there will be no reason for concern. Safest always just to walk away, even to refuse the quest and leave the Hero's Journey stillborn. Nothing ventured, nothing lost. In that case, then grumbling can only arise from doubt and remorse, so frequently triggered, manipulated and exploited. Remorse, ever so dramatic, as ever accrues from disappointment, beaten defeat and failure to rise to occasion as life passes by. Nothing ventured, therefore nothing gained but enduring regret. Everything turns upon evaluation of probortunity in transaction, all turning upon the importance of vastly neglected intrinsic human appetites of social and intellectual stimulus struggle.

    Existentially Absurd: Popular or unpopular alike, we all remain so ill equipped, each and all abandoned to our own devices, setup for failure, futility, user hostile outcomes gap, sore travail, pandemic boredom and loneliness. The only winning move is not to play! But for so many of us, it's the only game in town! And precisely hence such urgent need of implementation towards any new and better alternatives. But with creativity and innovation, looms danger and uncertainty. Hence prevailing resistance. Indeed, even successful innovation, so hard won, readily transitions into new orthodoxy resistant to further change. Because popularity and unpopularity alike, are only different situations of individual isolation and oppression, the isolation and even sheer abuse of unpopularity and social exclusion being more overt, and the exploitation of popularity within the social rat-race being by far the more devious. And such is the status quo of pandemic serial bullying, escape wherefrom propelling the true to life Hero's Journey.

    In the words of Neil Gabler: “American society is a society in which individuals have learned to prize social skills that permit them, like actors, to assume whatever rôle the occasion demands and to "perform" their lives rather than just live them. And forced cheerful willful positivity and interminably vapid small talk notwithstanding, a morbidly serious matter. Nothing could ever be less playful. Competent or incompetent, whether in true hardnosed practicality or in sheer aimless and empty actingout of mimesis, many all the same remain no less consumed with the burning question of how to perform as expected and to fit in: How best to placate The Great Faceless They, thereby to obtain the key to life.
    For such remains the heteronymous slave mentality of Homo Domesticus, the domesticated human being. And so,We, the Sheeple, ever desperate and terrified of loneliness and exclusion, remain ever vested in endless sacrifice of authenticity upon that Moloch alter of social acceptance. For anything less remains the height of blasphemy! Or so one might expect. And yet all rebuke herein must come as no surprise, nothing new, all such clichéd iconoclasm having so long dissipated all shock value and element of surprise. That is, until the point will be driven home, to reiterate,, Eros which is transport in liberating union with alien difference, that relationship and particularly friendship, arise entirely as a byproduct of full engagement in purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication, and never otherwise.  And no one else need approve! The only thing to sacrifice, shall be sacrifice itself.


    And lo, the star first follower or ally, first to publicly recognize by fully interacting with the hitherto misunderstood and isolated lone dissident innovator, shall be the true leader and influencer blazing the trail, teaching by subversive example, demonstrating for others how to participate, rôle models showing everyone how to relate, bridging abstract and concrete. For any lonesome frustrated desire and outreach tells a story, needs a plan, and calls out for allies, desperately sought for unmet friends. Therefore: Change our conversation, reset the agenda, and change the world!  And because, when theory by itself, however sound, yet remains less than compelling promotionally out in the wild, the live demonstration online, public electronic conversation,  the brilliance on display, of ongoing work product from collaboration, published to the Web, may yet the more effectively entice and recruit others at long last to participate and join in. For any lonesome frustrated desire tells a story, needs a plan, and calls out for allies, outreach for unmet friends. Desperately seeking all therefore, the star first follower or ally!

    Desperately seeking: first of all, persistent and open minded conversationalists upon the agenda at hand. Who out there might actually be prevailed upon with the requisite wherewithal? Indeed, should you, gentle reader, then yet at all decide indeed for whatever your own good reasons, to persevere and continue navigation of, then never simmer in deadlock and frustration. Because as the saying goes, no question is too foolish to ask, and no answer too wise to be given. Therefore question freely in case of incomprehension. Because even incomprehension is nothing so dreadful or awkward, no menace to be so assiduously avoided, no dire impasse at all, not the end, but actually a beginning. For communication is struggle. After all, writing is rewriting and never a waste of time. But there is method toward the achievement of Intersubjectivity, whereof intrinsic motivation and Active Reading remain ever crucial. And thank you, gentle reader, unmet friend. Because we live in an attention economy. And in the words of Barbara Sher: “Isolation is the true dream killer, not your attitude.” Indeed, in the words of Barbara Sher: “Isolation is the true dream killer, not your attitude.” And to quote Mark R. J. Lavoie: Life dies inside a person when there are no others willing to befriend him." Indeed, as George Orwell observes, even at all thinking clearly, becomes increasingly difficult in bored and lonely isolation without expression. Therefore in the immortal words of Simone Weil: “Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity. And to quote Karan Gaur: “Effort is the best indicator of interest.”     

    Desperately seeking: responsible trustworthy partners for innovative new venture creation (various business startup), entrepreneurship for the rest of us. For the possibilities remain endless!

    And desperately seeking: earnest participants in unprecedented ongoing serious collaborative fiction writing. Because, as to be expounded and detailed anon, rising to the challenge before us, may very much depend upon a subversive and hitherto unprecedented interstitial synergy concurrently between pure creativity, art for art's sake as embodied in unprecedented ongoing serious collaborative fiction writing, and disruptive innovation, applied creativity as of new venture creation (various business startup), entrepreneurship for the rest of us. Because intelligence squandered, must no longer isolate: Creativity can and Should be Social! Indeed, Creativity Can and Should be Popular! 

    Wake up, Sheeple! It's all about how human social order as the glorified pack mammals that we are, has come to fall so vastly short of innate needs and appetites of social and intellectual stimulus struggle entirely unique to ever more massively engorged human cerebrality: Specifically, for collaboration among equals together in creative solution finding. A joy alas far too infrequent under conventional paradigm of stultifying heteronomy to hierarchical dominance. And the consequences to authentic wellbeing could not be more dire. Indeed, only beware cross-purpose!     

    Desperately seeking: cofounder candidates, in accordance with evolutionary neuroscience and the grand afterthought of Cultural Anthropology, in true subversive Epicurean cultivation of freedom, friendship and thought, relationship in new paradigm via Intentional community or just intentional social circle by social engineering design; for better optimized social and intellectual stimulus struggle via ongoing collaboration among equals, pleasurable and meaningful optimal reciprocal engagement intrinsic to fulfillment, authentic wellbeing and human flourishing; all as characteristic and Empirically observed of honest, responsible, trustworthy, capable and respectful happy people who thrive in autonomy, prosper and succeed, together intentionally and purposefully engaging in creative endeavor, often hard work evidently so unclear to many. At least initially, rather than sweeping the world out from leftfield, any bold, liberating and empowering subversion of hierarchy, not unlike forbidden love, necessarily nurtures in microcosm. Indeed even somewhat covertly and conspiratorially, when any two or more individuals begin interacting and taking initiative must finally innovate: at long last to begin doing things differently and howsoever more capably together and persist.  And then collective endeavors of intentional community can be organized and designed so as to foster most desired interaction between participants.
    Desperately seeking: Volunteer advisors/mentors simply regarding outreach, how even to initiate/ignite entirely from scratch and then to sustain, in quality and process, open ongoing public discussion online upon the present agenda. How might even that most modest initial objective somehow to initiate or to trigger sustained open ongoing public discussion online at all, upon the present agenda, ever be achieved? With the help and advice that we each need, it may become possible to break isolation toward even collaboration in exploration and feasibility study of whatever the kind of probortunities that one finds interesting. Alas, I have no ready and trite simple answer to all manner of complex problems that plague us all. Sustained substantive communication and purposeful interaction, successful team work, can be hard work undertaken by serious people. Nevertheless, relationship, Eros which is transport in liberating union with alien difference, and particularly friendship, arise in autonomy and entirely as a byproduct of full engagement in in quality and process of purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication and as shall be seen, never otherwise.
    Therefore, accept no substitutes! And no one else need approve. That remains what shall be at stake, throughout. For in the words of Barbara Sher: Isolation is the true dream killer, not your attitude.  So I don't want your money or your devotion. Gentle reader, I'd never let you off so easily! I am too good a friend for that. And I am certainly no formulaic callow motivational grifter here to psyche you up and then leave you in the lurch! Isn't there quite enough of that already?

    As the saying goes, life is the journey, the ongoing experience, and not just deferred gratification in the destination or desired result in hoped for success. And no one should be abandoned to wander and stumble blindly their heart's true path in life all alone, destitute and bereft of all succor, a sore travail. Alas, even anyone so fortunate with anyone to turn to, yet shall their work be found well cut out for them. And as shall be expounded throughout, there remains nothing herein less at stake than literally the most important intrinsic social and intellectual human needs and stimulus appetites, so vastly and catastrophically underserved in life, indeed all as accordance with the ancient wisdom of the greatest sages of old, as rediscovered under the very cutting edge of modern science:

    In perhaps the most famous and celebrated words of George Bernard Shaw: “Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress, therefore, depends on unreasonable people.” And to quote Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” 

    And lo, the star first follower, first to publicly recognize by fully interacting with the hither to misunderstood and isolated lone dissident innovator, shall be the true leader and influencer blazing the trail, teaching by example, demonstrating for others how to participate, showing everyone how to relate! For any lonesome frustrated desire and outreach tells a story, needs a plan, and calls out for allies, desperately sought for unmet friends. Therefore: Change our conversation, reset the agenda, and change the world! Alas, one can but extend invitation. And remains your golden invitation, gentle reader. As observed of capable and happy people, let's talk more seriously!

    All therefore desperately seeking: "unreasonable" thoughtful collaboration cofounder candidates, indeed perhaps beginning with any star first follower. Indeed, outreach and organization, remain nigh tautologically integral to all group collaboration from scratch such as proposed herein
    And so, indeed, the possibilities remain endless, and just perhaps, we can be heroes!Hence at the risk of anything Utopian in the pejorative of remaining vastly impractical and impossibly ideal, advances in solution, because Creativity can and Should be Social, a social engineering vision, if all goes well, of welcome and trustworthy collaboration among equals, serious people, fully engaged in substantive communication, purposeful interaction and creative solution finding in innovative new venture creation (various business startup), entrepreneurship for the rest of us interstitial concurrent synergy with unprecedented ongoing serious collaborative fiction writing, 1) respectful and responsible capable group endeavor on our own terms taking small reversible steps steadily at our own pace in a culture of helping and creative solution finding, 2) indeed reciprocity helpful and ever mindful of task interdependencies, asking of others what no one else asks, and offering in return, what no one else offers, wherein, 3) beyond mere solitary division of labor, effective performance toward success without corporate or institutional authority and support (at least at first), 4) will require value maximization of participating human resource, 5) wherein each participant taking initiative multipotential cross discipline, by calling upon other participants for whatever timely and whole hearted assistance and follow up required, and reciprocating when likewise called upon by any other participant similarly as needed. Such as per the concept of relationship redefined in new paradigm, new social reality via Intentional community or smaller intentional social circle by social engineering design. All in order as to foster recognition in action, a higher level of social support from one another, a gratifying sense of power and abiding respect. Moreover, pursuant outreach may also well conceivably be cultivated, highly effective in connection to resources and networking better meeting individual social needs. Thus, effectively, reciprocally, each participant taking command in whatever their own specialized capable niche, while reciprocally each remaining subordinate, socially supportive and helpful to one another as detailed. Like the Three Musketeers: One for all, and all for one! For in the words of Barbara Sher: Isolation is the true dream killer, not your attitude.For to reiterate:  Eudemonia, capable relationship, Eros which is transport in liberating union with alien difference, and especially true friendship, will accrue only for serious people, arising as byproduct of full engagement in in quality and process of purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication and never otherwise. Accept no substitutes! Indeed, no one else need approve! And all as would be heightened in the above fulfilling situation scenario. Only beware cross-purpose!
    Congratulations then, gentle reader, for you have discovered, my outreach and your invitation, advancing an agenda for open ongoing substantive discussion and deliberation. And it is hoped that substantive deliberation might even as alas all too seldom, culminate in novel ongoing close collaboration, taking purposeful interaction together, gentle readers and yours truly. What follows is novel and plausible problem statement as to widely prevailing circumstances of unhappiness and such oppressive veritable human captivity, even amid such historically unprecedented technological affluence. Then will be proposed novel and feasible solutions, interaction for even a small intentional social circle let alone any grander intentional community, together. Hence the present endeavor at collaboration cofounder recruitment. Because, yes, as shall be proffered anon, liberating intrinsic fulfillment, socially and intellectually, might, as advanced herein, actually consist of endeavor at entrepreneurship for the rest of us, disruptively innovative new venture creation (various business startup), on the one hand, in unprecedented interstitial concurrent synergy with, on the other hand, unprecedented serious collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming. For the possibilities remain endless!  
    For indeed Eudemonia, capable relationship and particularly friendship, will result never by any rat race of extrinsic societal reward and punishment throughout or in the course of interminable exhausting and stultifying inane small talk, uncritical willful positivity, superficial harmony, fearfully conflict avoidant and debilitating headgames of toxic social skill and sycophantic toadying skilled incompetence, nor in recreation, so-called, that shabbily travesty of playful honest hedonism, replete with soul crushing fake fun passing for any wholehearted pleasure seeking; instead only the desperate effort and struggle to recover, on ones own time and expense, from endless debilitation from oppression under heteronomy to conventional options in life, but ever only for serious people as byproduct of full engagement in in quality and process of purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication and never otherwise. Accept no substitutes! Indeed, no one else need approve! And remains your golden invitation, gentle reader.
    As observed of capable and happy people, let's talk more seriously! For in the words of Barbara Sher: Isolation is the true dream killer, not your attitude.Indeed, in the words of Barbara Sher: “Isolation is the true dream killer, not your attitude.” And to quote Mark R. J. Lavoie: “Life dies inside a person when there are no others willing to befriend him.

    Rather than sweeping the world out of nowhere, subversion necessarily begins in microcosm, when any two or more individuals interacting and talking initiative, must finally finally innovate: at long last to begin doing things differently and howsoever more capably together and persist. For such will be the first germ of interaction perhaps even as proposed herein, within even a small intentional social circle let alone any grander intentional community, amongst ourselves together turning away from the social rat-race, and perhaps even together reaching out in the world at large but even at all actually on our own terms.

    Because power remains a function of capable relationship on ones own terms, interaction with responsible others. Am I then your unmet friend? Can you even see me? Will you make yourself known to me? Can we talk? Expert or layperson in whatever fields, old pro or neophyte aspirant, we each and all bring to the table whatever ones own insights, questions, answers, knowledge, talent, ideas, perspective, experience and connections. -Alas, hard work all too often so vastly unappreciated and blithely squandered. Befuddled masses yearning to breath free! What then is liberty, freedom so alluring yet forbidden, taboo, that nevertheless all people so yearn and strive for? Freedom whether in creative expression or effective action. Freedom of association, self esteem and more. How is freedom actually experienced? By what values? And most importantly, what must we do, I and thou, gentle reader, to win our freedom, liberty to pursue happiness? Can we organize? Should we? And how so?




    The true life Hero's Journey, for the rest of us...


    An outcry rings forth in the wilderness, for an unloved quest. Who is the target audience? The target audience remains unknown. Does anybody even care? Such is the tribulation of the prophet lost and unheeded. The Hero's Journey, in order to begin, must break the isolation of solitary quest by forging profound alliance against adversity and devious cross-purpose, instead with trustworthy objectives in common. So too, for the solitary aspirant in any endeavor. Indeed, like unto the mythic Hero's Journey, real collaboration among equals, creative solution finding to whatever purpose or intention, can only begin with some or other fateful meeting or recruitment, and all hinging upon overcoming taboo, illusion and dishonesty, into new and greater self-understanding of who one needs to be and to do together.

    But stirring myth notwithstanding, does realism quite simply demand surrender and making do? Is even sheer stimulus struggle doomed only to lonely boredom? Barring the most unrealistic rugged self sufficiency, for social beings as are we all, options ever remain limited in isolation, abandoned as we find ourselves, each and all to ones own devices. And that is why, in order ever to succeed, individuals must seek one another out, others each different and one brings to whatever quest, and band together. For in the words of Henry Ford: Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. But devious cross-purpose, accrues only such abject failure. Better far, open honest disagreement. For so goes the proverb: The devil is in the details. And the learning curve remains steep. But only therein will be found salvation from ever more frenetic emptiness and Existentially Absurd sore travail in the Brave New World of ever escalating soft-core zombie apocalypse that is (anti)social media culture and the empty illusion of social life.     

    Gentle reader(s), will you heed the call? Am I then your unmet friend? Let's work the probortunity together: The same ever applicable fundamentals of due diligence, feasibility study, project planning, outreach, recruitment, organization and implementation, all obtain. As does the power of narrative, because planning remains another mode of storytelling, crafting futuring scenario learning and teaching the tale of intention unfolding.  

    Ambivalence guaranteed: Desperately seeking collaboration cofounder candidates for difficult, protracted, immersively laborious and necessarily innovative risk-tolerant undertaking. Gruelingly extensive deliberation and research throughout (pre-)incubation. On spec, no wages upfront, bitter despair in unknown daunting obstacles at every turn, progress therefore doubtful, fame and fortune in case of success, doing well by doing good, all in quest of fulfillment together along the way.

    New venture creation (various business startup) for the rest of us: What does it really take, forging true friendship attempting anything really cool together? Beyond fiction merely howsoever as diverting stimulus or even as historically as protopsychology, drama, hailed by Socrates as most philosophical among the arts, provides deep exploration of dharma, character motivation, human frailty and growth even into right action, learning from mistakes. Hence the proposal, Creativity can and Should be Social, as conceived, consisting of entrepreneurship for the rest of us, disruptively innovative new venture creation (various business startup), on the one hand, unprecedented interstitial concurrent synergy with, on the other hand, unprecedented serious collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming. Business or project planning after all, is but another mode of narrative, another kind of storytelling, a method beyond mere plausibility as in fiction, of realistic feasibility study towards implementation. Thus, as do we all, aspiring writers and wanna-be entrepreneurs alike, can relate to the archetypical hero, however vaguely dissatisfied, who at first refuses the call to adventure and peril. Because change is frightening and difficult. And probortunity is often complicated. But If You Desire Anything You've Never Had, Try Something You've Never Done.


    Even heeding the call, like unto the mythic protagonist, aspiring writers and wanna-be entrepreneurs alike, inevitably confront setbacks, challenges and temptations, doubts and even feelings of resentment in perception or nagging suspicion of having been drawn in and duped into onerous commitments, all merely even in undertaking preparation and initiation. After all, only bad decisions make good stories. Indeed, everything so dramatic for fiction, entails suffering in reality.

    The protagonist called to adventure upon the path of the Hero's Journey, is often someone different from and misunderstood by their peers. Of course, that might also describe a knave, a fool or a crank! Cranks are falsely distinguished and characterized by bad ideas. However, often knaves and false prophets can have extremely good ideas, but they ruin them! And they betray those to whom to turn for help. And so, beware malignant headgames and devious cross-purpose! But then again, wisdom and good intention frequently go unrecognized. Such dystressing uncertain dilemma and ambiguity of unknown trustworthuness, brings dramatic tension and suspense to the Hero's Journey in reality no less than in fiction.  
    As Carl Gustav Jung wrote: “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. Indeed, because the Hero’s Journey inevitably undertakes such profound transformation of consciousness, the Hero’s Journey remains also largely internal. The common story arc of the Hero's Journey, follows a protagonist, motivated to ever mounting ambivalence, in leading a stable and even comfortable yet stiflingly unfulfilling life, and then even unexpectedly embarking upon a journey, literal or figurative, full of peril, numerous challenges, lessons, growth, character development, transformation and even atonement (as ever applicable to genuine pathos), dramatic obstacle, plot complication and adventure of one kind or another.
    Because even amid ordinary status quo, much like real people, relatable characters begin gaining limited awareness of unfamiliar probortunity. Thus awareness of need for change ever increases. Hence fear and resistance to change to be overcome before committing to change and crossing the threshold into adventure and experimentation with new situations in preparing for major change, even seemingly life and death, indeed  ordeal with the Dark Night of the Soul and acceptance of consequences of new change and rededication. Final attempts at denial ensue in order to resist. At last, denial fails, and Positive Disintegration ensues, opening the way new mastery, capable  power and autonomy.
    Fears may be entirely quite rational and evidenced however, and trust must be earned. Indeed, the most discouraging malicious gossip need not persuade, but only engender hesitation. As must we all, the hero finally confronts their inner demons and whatever has been sabotaging life, forever holding them back. By finding allies and getting help, the protagonist becomes able to cross the threshold into danger and adventure, draw up plans and undertake feasibility study, work out hard decisions, face trial and tribulation, and even defeat enemies, struggle and overcome.
    The Hero's Journey thus culminates in one great conclusive challenge, the dramatic climax, of an experience leaving the protagonist forever changed, even as normal life returns and resumes. And dénouement of normalcy regained, so badly missed, may be welcomed. Or else, the protagonist forever changed, will no longer be satisfied. And so instead, trauma comes to light, and an extended dénouement of anguish and healing ensues, dubbed by Maureen Murdock as: The Heroine's Journey, the reconciliation of "masculine" toughness with "feminine" vulnerability.
    And exactly this universal mythic story structure of the Hero's Journey, is indeed reflected in the call to collaboration among equals, in endless possibility, the vision and even in the reality of innovative new venture creation (various business startup), disruptive entrepreneurship for the rest of us, and even in the yearning of art for its own joy in unprecedented ongoing serious collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming. All so appealing to power and "masculine" toughness so crucial to autonomy and capability, yet trust so threatening to human vulnerability, indeed "feminine" tenderness ever crucial to attachment, bonding and team building.
    Again, the rubric: 'probortunity,' is coined by way of portmanteau from the two words: 'problem' and 'opportunity,' in optimistic denotation of how problems might be embraced as opportunity for innovative solution finding, planning, feasibility study and implementation. Indeed, entrepreneurship addresses probortunity on two fronts: Externally relevant entrepreneurship must strive to discover and to meet some or other market gap, whatever underserved needs of any target consumers, our fellow human beings. Unless it's all just another grift and a sham! Because the true to life Hero's Journey remains ever fraught with deceit, detour and dead ends. For Entrepreneurship also endeavors to satisfy frustrated yearnings and authentic personal integrity in life, of aspiring entrepreneurs themselves. Much as writing motivated by frustrated self-expression, must therefore also seek to relate to any receptive audience. Unless it's all some sham of banal hack, sycophantic empty manipulation and pandering propaganda.
                          Collaboration among equals in creative solution finding,
    threatens taboo subversion of hierarchical dominance                       
                              Why there has always been such resistance to true liberation                
    Subversion of hierarchy means whatever even conceivable causality, action or situation which as consequence negates, moderates, diminishes or undermines hierarchical dominance and sycophantic predictive social cognition, in any system or organization, formal or informal. Subversion of hierarchy promotes the deconstruction and relaxation of coercion and dominance generally. Hierarchy or "pecking order" is oppressive social regulation whereby people, groups or institutions, find themselves effectively classified, ranked or graded, indeed thereby empowered and disempowered, into different levels or priorities of authority according to status or social standing. Whereas, power and autonomy, free from submission to heteronomy, remains ever an objective of functional relationship on ones own terms, capable interaction with responsible others, throughout any true to life Hero's Journey.
    Subversion of hierarchy, a hallmark of autonomy, remains ever taboo under heteronomy. Alas, at very worst, hierarchy, especially when all too fragile and easily threatened, all too often promotes hostility and even serial bullying. In knee-jerk reaction, authoritarian flunkies become so easily threatened, terrified and even lash out, at any prospect at all of subversion of hierarchy, indeed any egalitarian concept whatsoever. But so do even the most lowly, insecure and codependently submissive of sheeple. Whereas, actually at all more significant authority figures may tend to remain at all better educated and equipped, civil, canny, secure in their own threat levels, subtle and scheming, choosing their battles.
    And yet so many balk at this simple truth, among all other conceivable points of view upon any range of subject matter ever cogitated in sublime equanimity. Tell them instead, that the Earth is flat and that alien lizards deceive us. Declare that  that nothing is real anyhow, because actually, we all live in the Matrix. Yes, that most ancient and interminable canard of clichéd Zen Mystical tripe, still hailed as great profundity and ever new. But can there be indeed any manner of hoax convincing us all that our dreams are inherently false? The fantastical premise or Solipsistic metaphor of the maya is popularized for the cinema in the Matrix movie franchise. But actually the maya remains anything less than actually supernatural. Rather the maya, like samsāra, remains metaphor merely for our Existential conundrum of hapless bumbling involvement as the offish hard luck chumps, losers and utter schlimazels that we are. Only explain the metaphor, indeed that the real true to life Matrix has always been that tenacious chimera, that toxic will-o'-the-wisp and Absurd Existential hangover, which is nothing more or less in sore travail, than constructed mass delusion in action called: social reality, poignant investment wherein we are all so brazenly extorted. Well then, that will be another matter entirely! And quite unthinkable. For again, as George Orwell laments: “A genuinely unfashionable opinion is almost never given a fair hearing.
    Surmounting the Absurd?
    It has been advanced that Existentialism arose in order to blunt the despair of Nihilism. Indeed, life is Existentially Absurd and therefore often condemned as a lost cause. And hence the extol of life as a grand gesture, even however futile, as the best and most meaningful feasible quest. In 'The Deconstruction of Reality:' What Modernism and Postmodernism Say About Surface and Depth,' author Ken Sanes expounds:

    Some of these theories of postmodernism then take an additional step, arguing that since life (or much of life) is a fiction or since fiction is all we can know, we should join in the drama ourselves and live a life of play. In effect, they recommend that we treat life as a symbolic arena for the actingout of fantasies. In place of merely discovering that reality is a construction, they would have us consciously take over the process of creating it, inventing selves, subcultures and alternative "realities," as forms of social experimentation.

    However, even in such optimistic pessimism of self reinvention and creative redemption, telling a story is one thing, and beyond gambits of Absurdly dishonest soul-destroying "Fake It Till You Make it," competently living ones aspirational story quite another. After all, the Hero's Journey begins first in refusal of the call to adventure, and therein frequently remains stillborn. Dare indeed one abandon all hope of becoming more effective and effectual, and forswear all endeavor more vibrantly to live out fantasy? Are unambitious lowered expectations surrendering and making do, truly best in life? Whereas short of the surreal, any capable fiction must at least seem plausible, by contrast responsibility of real capable and responsible endeavor demands at all actual feasibility, easier said than done.

    Alas as things stand, actually by such longstanding and cunning design, employment and formal education typically exhaust such vast proportion of individual time and effort, only setup for failure. Because only a fortunate few experience job satisfaction or enthusiasm in learning. For most, employment, ever mounting anxiety of wage slavery ever less secure, and much like formal education in such submissive disciplined preparation and investment all thereto, and all on ones own time and expense with usurious compounding interest, remains interminably protracted burden and sore travail. And ever at all alleviated only by that shabbily travesty of hedonistic play called: recreation, the desperate effort and struggle to recover, on ones own time and expense, from such endless debilitation.

    Indeed like unto fiction, business or project planning remaining ever provisional, conjectural, speculative, therefore, for Sir Karl Popper, became his model for faliblism, nonjustificationist science and politics. We are all fallible. Danger and misfortune abound. Risk can never be eliminated. There can only be risk management. In order then to embrace progress and make life more worth living, Popper rejects and condemns the despair and delusion of demanding impossible certainty and safety. Perfectionism is the enemy. In his philosophy of science, Epistemological Methodology underpinning any valid Scientific Method, Karl Popper, the favorite philosopher of scientists, strove to clarify and simplify Metaphysics into a field more amenable to scientific honesty and hence any hope of intelligibility.   

    According to defunct yet enduring long standing tradition of verification or justification, scientific certainty ever builds upon firm foundation of verified or justified knowledge. But such is unachievable perfectionism, impossible standards leading only to despair, only exacerbating the Absurd. Indeed, according to Popper, there can be no certainty of even firm foundation, verification or justification. In practice, all good science and uplifting discovery begins from sheer speculation, unfounded conjecture, only then subject first to critical preference (such criteria as internal logical consistency and theoretical elegance) and only thereafter to ongoing Empirical reality testing, evidentiary support subject to refutation. Such is a process of elimination, narrowing the field of viable hypotheses, ever less wrong; ongoing practice of controversy, Dialectical Socratic enlightenment by refutation, wherein, without shame, strife or acrimony, errors are not to be avoided beforehand, but detected and course corrected as arising. Because how else do we learn and progress?    

    Business or project planning, not unlike drama extolled by Socrates as most philosophical among the arts, remains yet another heady application of narrative extrapolation, exploration, conjecture and speculation. Business or project planning after all, is only a different kind of storytelling and plotting, even dramatic futuring scenario climaxing toward whatever hoped for outcomes; an idea to be pitched, a tale to be told, towards applied creativity, disruptive innovation, rigorously detailing any projected path to success and desired results. All factors ever so crucial to such success as Empirically observed of trustworthy, capable and respectful happy people who talk more seriously with less small talk, thriving upon creative interaction. And for modern Socratic Sir Karl Popper, investigation of reality begins only in creative hypothesis.     

    The difference yet obtaining, in the distinction between innovation, the name given to applied creativity, distinct from pure creativity of art for art's sake: To wit, that in innovative business or project planning, far from sublime apathy and surrender to Absurd uncertainty, actual feasibility will be at stake, and not just narrative plausibility as in story crafting. Because capable business or project planning proceeds in wherewithal of research to test reality beyond merely internal self consistency as in story background and World Building, setting the scene. Indeed, whereas fiction writers only need imagine sympathetic, interesting and at all capable characters just barely adequate to rise, ever in such mounting suspense, to ever worsening challenges contrived in any plot-driven tale, the real world drama of management team formation, no less harrowing, shall require so much more: Indeed real world dramatic outcomes in doubt regarding endeavor at management team formation, frequently turn not only upon intensive strategy, research and feasibility study, but upon successful outreach, actual search and recruitment, on spec, of any range of participants qualified in different expertise, capability and suitable temperament, including risk tolerance, work towards success in whatever hoped for future outcomes or results. Yes, just perhaps, we can be heroes! In the words of Henry Ford: “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” Anything less remains only all the more needless Existential Absurdity, abject failure. And yet, there will be no need to impose consensus. People who disagree cooperate only everyday! Whereas dogmatically erroneous consensus remains ever futile.  

    Alas nevertheless, that even given shared values and objectives, strategy and action may yet meet with rejection, only fizzling out in real world anticlimax of Absurd anti-drama and disappointment. Indeed as for examples  recounted here, and here. Indeed, even given as aforesaid, such ignition of intensely motivated individualized focus, and not merely short attention, aggravation, boredom, flaccid Zen behaviorally conditioned resignation and apathy, shall we even then ever find common ground in any plan of action, agenda at hand presently? For in the words of Benjamin Disraeli: Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action.”   

    And alas also, that endeavor set in stone without prior deliberation, due diligence, research, exploration and planning, typically remains ever doomed to obsession, delusion, hand waving and pipedream with neither clarity nor flexibility, and hence chimerically hopeless, Existentially Absurd, illusory, unachievably vanishing prospect of endurance, much less success. To quote Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower: “Plans are nothing, planning is everything. Because in the famous words of Helmuth von Moltke the Elder, noted disciple of Carl von Clausewitz: "No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy." -nor, for that matter, whatever other sort of antagonist, true to life dramatic obstacle or complication.  

    And yet, even though, to quote Robert Burns: “The best laid schemes o' mice an' men / Gang aft a-gley.” (Go often awry.) -nevertheless, as Eisenhower so well understood, the intensive discourse and research of planning, brings preparation and rapport building. And into all deliberation shall be wherein enters the salient value of unprecedented serious collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming, indeed the speculative element and exploration of Science Fiction, ever new, yet all mindful of the ancient and venerated discipline of the writing craft.     

    For in constraint of endless possibility, all such enfold the exchange of hardnosed critique, a fancy French word for criticism and the Socratic Dialectical practice of controversy which is the invited, welcome and appreciated free exchange of criticism, remains essential to error detection and ongoing course correction, not to mention happiness together even in such deliberation. Hence collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming bears such untapped subversive potential, so instructive as a bonding and team building exercise toward unprecedented and subversive collaboration among equals in disruptive innovative new venture creation (various business startup).           

    All hence does entrepreneurship, in any alterative, tantalize with any prospect instead, in quest of liberation from bondage to employment working to enrich others, all in such poignant hope of ever finding freedom in an unfree world. And all easier said than done! Indeed, to quote Frederick Law Olmsted: "After all is said and done, much is said and little is done."

    Moreover, not only psychology but philosophy and meaning in the deepest sense, ever remain relevant to inform all endless possibility of entrepreneurship no less then as in application to anything else in life. This is because successful new venture creation (various business startup), indeed entrepreneurship for the rest of us, must struggle and innovate, imaginatively addressing unhappiness of prevailing frustrated unmet or underserved needs and desires. But profound desires are often repressed and denied, going unrecognized and scorned in heteronymous religious or ideological shame and anti-intellectualism, as ever the same desperate panic stricken sycophantic socially skilled toadying skilled incompetence and crimestop ever striving to purge an unwanted self in order to gain extrinsic rewards of social acceptance. Thus all too often, the greater the value, perhaps too abstract, the harder to sell, bridging abstract principle into appealing concrete strategy. 

    Case in point: As shall be expounded throughout, and Orwellian anti-intellectual righthink taboo notwithstanding, there remains no less universally vested interest herein at stake only given any the wit to see, than literally the most important intrinsic social and intellectual human needs and stimulus appetites of social and intellectual stimulus struggle, so vastly and catastrophically underserved in every walk of life as we have known it. Indeed all as in accordance with the ancient wisdom of the greatest sages of old, as rediscovered under the very cutting edge of modern science. Indeed as entirely consistent with evolutionary neuroscience and the grand afterthought of Cultural Anthropology. For according to Martin Seligman's celebrated happiness formula of Positive Psychology, so abstract: Pleasure + engagement + meaning = intrinsic fulfillment. Indeed, bridging abstraction more concretely: Creativity can and Should be Social.

    And thank you gentle reader. Because we all live in such a tightly strained attention economy, in the words of Barbara Sher: Isolation is the true dream killer, not your attitude. All hence, all the more, in the immortal words of Simone Weil: Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.” Better still, optimal reciprocal engagement, indeed substantive communication towards purposeful interaction, and never otherwise. And no one else need approve! Therefore, accept no substitutes! All wherein, truly generous investment of precious attention, never squandered, ever accrues the highest return in like kind, fully engaged attention. Your Impossible Mission, gentle reader, should you choose to accept it! Because we live in an attention economy, often indeed so distant, frugal and miserable. A culture especially online, of alienated short attention and minimal transitory engagement. And indignant stock rebuff is undeniably so highly economical. But who and what are we all saving ourselves for? Pay attention to me, damn it! Because realistically, high ambition and short attention remain functionally antithetical. So be interested, be interesting. Stay interested. Include me. Because, to reiterate with emphasis, optimal reciprocal engagement remains the reciprocal investment and exchange of attention that accrues highest return in like kind. And ya gotta spend it in order to get any in return!

    And freely question whatever is not understood and articulate every nagging ambiguity. For as the saying goes: No question is too stupid to ask, and no answer too wise to be given. Even sheer incomprehension is a beginning and no dire impasse or cause for alarm. The readiness to speak up, question, point out and discuss communication errors and failures, remains crucial to communication at all, and sometimes even actually a matter of life and death. Mistakes are the Essence towards Intersubjectivity via fully engaged Dialectical conversational adequacy in collaborative miscommunication repai, with Active Reading and Listening striving towards the achievement of Intersubjectivity being: the closer correspondence of message as received and understood, to content as actually intended by the sender. New ideas are often confusing. Only shopworn and well familiar old ideas are certain always to come across effortlessly.



    Attempting anything really cool together: What does it really take?
    new venture creation (various business startup) for the rest of us: Rising in endless possibility of the true to life Hero's Journey
    “I had an intuition I couldn’t survive corporate America. I hated the hierarchy and just wanted to work with my friends.”
      — IDEO cofounder, David Kelley

    In the progress of any group, there will be an initial shake down of who stays the course and who fades back and drops out, who can be counted on and who not, leaving only anyone who was ever truly serious to begin with. Indeed, in order to prevent group de-cohesion and dissolution, there must ever remain procedure and protocol in commitment toward recovery and even beginning anew. -figuratively back to the proverbial drawing board. Specifically, should anyone no matter how expert and having built themselves up as seemingly indispensable, indeed taking a leadership position, figuratively pulls the proverbial rug metaphorically out from under, by actingout in passive aggression, undermining all progress, effectively just going on strike while howsoever pretending otherwise, indeed even by such sabotage wresting defeat out from the very jaws of victory, then, in such case, what must be done? Answer: together we must remain brave, undiscouraged, agile, adapt and find another way, even outreach recruiting other more reliable partners in collaboration. Indeed, the offender may even be prevailed upon to help recruit their own replacement, if they just don't want to do their own job. Instead of such helpless and stunned dependency, there must be fall back plans in case of such defection, no matter how seemingly catastrophic. Anyone simply losing interest must be set free, their obligations written of as a bad debt. There is always another way, even if seemingly howsoever at all less advantageous. When such controlling passive aggression no longer paralyzes and destroys the group, by such Transactional Antithesis the Ulterior Transaction or: headgame will quickly lose its appeal, and the offender may even decide to mend their ways instead of simply finding themselves alone and left out not by howsoever actually being excluded, but simply by their own inaction and nonparticipation as the others just move on together.

    In crucial reiteration: Trustworthy, capable and respectful happy people Empirically observed talking more seriously and making less small talk, thrive together intentionally and purposefully engaging together in creative endeavor. Indeed, close relationship, Eros which is liberating union with alien difference, and particularly friendship, arises for serious people of integrity, in autonomy, subversively and disruptively flouting taboo, entirely as a byproduct of full engagement in purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication, and as to be expounded anon, never otherwise. Moreover, no one else need approve! After all: Popularity and ever facile and distant social success, ever remain antithetical to true friendship, because friendship is genuine, substantive and intimate, being predicated upon free, unguarded and reciprocal psychological visibility.

    For in the words of Barbara Sher: “Isolation is the true dream killer, not your attitude.” Indeed, in the words of Barbara Sher: “Isolation is the true dream killer, not your attitude.” And to quote Mark R. J. Lavoie: “Life dies inside a person when there are no others willing to befriend him." Indeed, as George Orwell observes in Conversation with a Pacifist,’ even at all thinking clearly, becomes increasingly difficult in bored and lonely isolation without expression.  

    The possibilities remain endless! Because Creativity can and Should be Social, therefore even at the risk of anything Utopian in the pejorative of remaining vastly impractical and impossibly ideal, a social engineering vision ensues, if all goes well, of welcome and trustworthy collaboration among equals, serious people, fully engaged in substantive communication, purposeful interaction and creative solution finding in innovative new venture creation (various business startup), entrepreneurship for the rest of us interstitial concurrent synergy with unprecidented ongoing serious collaborative fiction writing, 1) respectful and responsible capable group endeavor on our own terms taking small reversible steps steadily at our own pace in a culture of helping and creative solution finding, 2) indeed reciprocity helpful and ever mindful of task interdependencies, asking of others what no one else asks, and offering in return, what no one else offers, wherein, 3) beyond mere solitary division of labor, effective performance toward success without corporate or institutional authority and support (at least at first), 4) will require value maximization of participating human resource, 5) wherein each participant taking initiative cross discipline, by calling upon other participants for whatever timely and whole hearted assistance and follow up required, and reciprocating when likewise called upon by any other participant similarly as needed. Reciprocally supportive, each participant would thus both lead and follow. Like the Three Musketeers: “One for all, and all for one!” And in the words of Henry Ford: “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”

    Creativity can and Should be Social, unlike, not only, for example in the next section: community gardening, or for that matter, such prevailing institutional structure as formal education and traditional employment, will always remain the more demanding of perseverant individual responsibility. If any one packs up their gardening tools and turns their back on that benighted community garden, well then life goes on for the others. But new venture creation (various business startup), entrepreneurship for the rest of us, and for that matter, even serious collaborative fiction writing, will always remain the more fraught with, and vulnerable to, disruption by personality conflict, passive hostility and betrayal. Such nigh inevitable tribulation will ever remain the test of adult responsibility, resilience and perseverance. After all, successful entrepreneurship eventually results only from rapid serial failure together. hard work: Try, try, try again! Again, in the words of Henry Ford: “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” And devious cross-purpose, accrues only such abject failure. And alas, never open honest disagreement.

    Along with Creativity can and Should be Social, also included is an ancillary subversive notion of outreach, Creativity Can and Should be Popular, individual outreach under legitimizing context of collective outreach, all as conceived to better facilitate individual networking, social embedment and social stimulus struggle, metaphorical tail figuratively wagging proverbial dog, ulterior objective taking priority over ostensible ongoing recruitment to Creativity can and Should be Social.

    Alas however, that the greater masses of humanity, cretins and philistines all, so ill equipped and bereft of all philosophy and scientifically ignorant, remain ever so blithely oblivious to and unmoved by the crucial importance of the probortunity at hand. Alas, anti-intellectual short attention prevails. So bereft of autonomy, many remain all too easily distracted and discouraged by even the slightest difficulty, let alone serious effort, and even from persistence in thinking too deeply. Let alone from Active Reading and research, much less substantive communication even contemplating ambitiously purposeful interaction. Because, ultimately, in the words of Benjamin Disraeli: Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action.” Alas however, deep thinking and planning for well considered action, remain so unpopular because reality can be so painful and discouraging. Understandably, even benumbed escapism remains far more appealing for mass marketing. But when the going gets tough, nerds work the problem! Indispensable to meaning and purpose, Eudemonia and authentic wellbeing, eustress and sustainable euphoria of inherent creative tension stems from the inadequacy all that one is, in striving and ambition in latency of all that one yearns to become, excellence called: arête. And so gentle reader, is right for you?

    Alas, no matter what might be at stake, that so many people just cannot fathom any responsible suggestion of, for whatever good reasons, doing anything differently than as has become accustomed. Neither in any liberating shock of the new, nor simply in appeal to competency as embodied even in most ancient and venerated tradition as for example, of serious writing, drama and the discipline of the writing craft. And not even simply in open-mindedness to enjoy the speculative element and exploration of Science Fiction.

    Alas, all too often, promising connections and opportunity so ignominiously die stillborn amid tragic hesitation. And all manner of promising innovation in attempting  anything really cool together is scuttled by the same old headgames, consensus manipulation, and even bullying outright. And then there is what has been dubbed: The Cult of the Amateur, a popular anti-intellectual movement online in such scornful cretin philistine rejection of expertise, art and proficiency, in very principle. As in recent history, from the very beginning, when all various qualified experts were effectively driven off from Wikipedia, in “a kind of reverse snobbery that seeks to excuse mediocrity.” [Wikipedia talk:Anti-elitism] And there can be by far worse malagenda of heteronomy because of precisely such reverse snobbery but even more extreme, embracing Relativism and Anti-Critical Bias as in the silly aphorism that there is no disputing tastes, indeed taking thereby the implication that there can be no possible standards of quality whatsoever in any context at all. And often thereby extolling not even mere mediocrity, but actually glorifying even the most trenchant denial as manifest in antirational ideology; travesty of cognition and human connection, ever remaining the very font of willfully unaware and socially skilled incompetence sycophantic pipedream and most entrenched production of blithely unironic ghodawful badfic.

    Only practice makes perfect. Only writing badly can ever progress into any better writing. Writing is rewriting and never a waste of time. And not merely creative writing, but any endeavor obsessively set in stone without prior deliberation, due diligence, research, exploration and planning, typically remains ever doomed to delusion, hand waving and pipedream with no prospect of success. And here is the lesson of serious collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming, indeed the speculative element and exploration of Science Fiction, ever new, yet all mindful of the ancient and venerated discipline of the writing craft. For all such enfold the exchange of hardnosed critique, a fancy French word for criticism and the Socratic Dialectical practice of controversy. Hence collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming bears such untapped subversive potential, so instructive as a bonding and team building exercise toward unprecedented collaboration among equals in disruptive innovative new venture creation (various business startup). The possibilities remain endless! Therefore, what then does the future hold? In the words of Paul Raven: Science Fiction isn’t dying at all; it’s metastasizing!




     Overcoming foreseeable resistance to featured key strategic specifics of Creativity can and Should be Social
    and innovative new venture creation (various business startup), entrepreneurship for the rest of us, interstitial concurrent synergy with unprecedented serious collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming taboo subversion of heteronomy to authority and hierarchical dominance by social engineering design


    Many a mythic Hero's Journey turns upon endless riddles, even such as indeed will be exposed as plain and profane, no riddle at all. And along the course of the present true to life Hero's Journey, there will be much attentively to unpack and decompress, in the present densely verbose hypertext paragraphs here on

    But initial drama along the course of the present true to life Hero's Journey, obtains such and so: That alas, even in shared values and objectives, strategy and action  agenda may yet meet with rejection, only fizzling out in real world anticlimax of anti-drama and disappointment. Indeed as for examples, recounted here, and here. Indeed, even given as aforesaid, even so rarely, ignition of intensely motivated individualized focus, will any common ground towards conceivable plan of action  agenda ever appear? For in the words of Benjamin Disraeli: Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action.”

    In life as in myth, from the beginning the Hero's Journey is ever imperiled by distraction, diversion and compromise, from the true path. And not all compromise is evil. Meaningful compromise ever challenges dramatic priorities upon the path of individual true to life Hero's Journey. Doctors once recommended for their patients to take up golf,  even just to pass the time, even no matter how senselessly, all in order thereby to improve self esteem by gaining task mastery. All conjuring to mind the demonic Terrible Trivium from 'The Phantom Toll Booth' written by Norton Juster and illustrated by Jules Feiffer. Because indeed, the seductive distraction of endlessly unimportant tasks, easy to do, spare us all from the anxieties of difficult and important challenges. Indeed, as often espoused in remedial Behavior Modification and rehab, is the recommendation of consistent participation in ongoing long term projects even at all arbitrarily. Indeed somewhat off-putting, yet entirely cut-and-dry and feasible though banal and boring drudgery. Such as, for example: community gardening, providing behavioral structure of regularly scheduled activity and association sustaining propinquity while also producing any interaction and sense of involvement to draw participants together. Thus does a travesty of the rôle of gardening in the ideal and Intentional community of Epicurus, rear its ugly head. Such much.

    And yet, the uninspiring recommendation points halfway towards what is actually so sorely needed, in focus therein upon active ongoing cooperation. To bad it's so tedious and onerous, unless indeed one so adores gardening! In the alternative, might then anything more interesting and meaningful, turn out actually the more uplifting and successful, than such remedial drudgery as community gardening? The present proposal remains perhaps the most modest and least extreme or Draconian of all conceivable serious life strategies currently advanced in response towards solution finding coming to grips with the probortunity at hand. And yet, many would balk. Will there then be anything more important or interesting on your mind, gentle reader? Bear with me:

    In the biting whit of Dorothy Parker: “You can lead a whore to culture, but you can't make her think." Yet again, as here on, one can but extend invitation. Alas, many even who yearn for and advocate, at least in abstract principle, collaboration among equals not just in labor together arbitrarily, but actually creative solution finding, nevertheless may flat-out reject either or even both quintessentially creative pursuits advanced herein, that of going into business together for ourselves, and even that of story crafting together. -Just not their proverbial cup of tea. In that case, then the first brainstorming challenge to the agenda, might be to define and select whatever other at all conceivable challenge in focus of sustainable and appealing creative collaboration and endeavor, once whatever that scarce and fondly remembered exciting and uplifting super fun workplace project, workshop or seminar concludes, without providing follow up whatsoever, leaving all just figuratively standing out there in the proverbial cold, and not to mix metaphors, sitting on our hands, each and all abandoned once again, to our own devices. And that situation so bereft of vital social support, puts to the test, skills and responsibilities of autonomy, so atrophied and undermined under heteronomy. Do then those Behaviorist community gardeners get the last laugh? Wait: Not so fast!

    Subversively and disruptively proposed herein, shall be nothing less than indeed to completely reverse traditional paradigm of heteronomy to authoritarianism, in endless possibility all in accordance with the grand afterthought of Cultural Anthropology, by instead, in liberating value maximization, resetting collaboration among equals in creative solution finding as the new norm and default human condition, then appealing to even ad hoc authority, only occasionally as need actually arising. And the strategy, mechanics and proposed plan of action in implementation thereof, shall be dubbed: Creativity can and Should be Social, in such disruptively innovative new venture creation (various business startup), entrepreneurship for the rest of us, in such subversive interstitial synergy concurrently with unprecedented serious collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming. For as John Cleese expounds: “Creativity is not a talent: it's a way of operating.” But yet again, barring hierarchically dominant power and authority in wherewithal simply to impose implementation of more enlightened policy, one can but extend invitation. And remains your golden invitation, gentle reader. As observed of capable and happy people, let's talk more seriously!

    No, not anarchy, not at all, merely civil society, informality until whatever formalities are evoked. Actual need of authority can arise in many ways. The need for moderation may arise in order to restore order and resume pertinence of discourse to agenda, let alone to quell or resolve actual conflict and acrimony passing beyond merely enthusiasm of heated exchange and the practice of controversy, and let alone urgently authoritative contravention in order to counter actual abuse and bullying of one kind or another. Authority may also serve to break deadlock and indecision in urgent probortunity.

    But any default situation of constant authority, macro and micromanagement all the time, simply as the normal routine, frequently loses purpose, descending into oppressive self-serving, destruction and irrelevance. And the strategy, mechanics and proposed plan of action in implementation of aforesaid new paradigm, shall be dubbed: Creativity can and Should be Social. For as John Cleese expounds: “Creativity is not a talent: it's a way of operating.” But yet again, barring hierarchically dominant power and authority in wherewithal simply to impose implementation of more enlightened policy, one can but extend invitation. And remains your golden invitation, gentle reader. As observed of capable and happy people, let's talk more seriously!

    Situation analysis: Indeed, the probortunity at hand remains entirely in accordance with that which may be referred to as: the grand afterthought of Cultural Anthropology:

    Conventionally and heteronymously, in every walk of life, authority routinely and continually and systematically stifles not only autonomy in general, but most particularly, creative solution finding. Because, from the standpoint of heteronomy, collaboration among equals remain quite inconceivable. That is, except when and as deemed needful or advantageous by whatever powers that be, especially in light of any whatever unusual special circumstances or situation of probortunity, the more dire the more propitious. Only thus ever arises for even the rank and file, such scarce and fondly remembered peak experience of creative collaboration and fulfillment under relaxation of hierarchical dominance, called: low hierarchical distance, meaning: near equality.

    And yet in all terror of autonomy, heteronomy so hesitantly strives, in very limited success, to tame for heteronomy, the competitively indispensable power of autonomy and even of creative solution finding in close collaboration among equals. But heteronomy can't be tweaked or revamped. Heteronomy can only be brought to give way, at long last, to autonomy, indeed perhaps even in reversal of paradigmatically  heteronymous norms and expectations, Peripeteia as herein so subversively and disruptively conspired.

    And then, even in as to any aforementioned howsoever even seemingly arbitrary indifference, even distaste and rejection both of business and of drama, it may then reasonably and responsibly be expected that sustainability of such vastly underserved peak experience of collaboration among equals in creative solution finding, may inevitably entail in any alternative, some other manner of salient and relevant project planning towards effective implementation, not to mention whatever probortunity as focus of collaboration among equals in creative solution finding. Because implementation is key. And creative solution finding, even however innovative, requires some or other clear focus or objective. Indeed, when all else fails, what has actually been desired all along? Hence: As to be expounded anon, bridging abstract and concrete, project planning is but another powerful and synergistic application of narrative, of dramatic futuring scenario and story crafting. Hence the salient relevance of sustained and ongoing culture of innovative new venture creation (various business startup), entrepreneurship for the rest of us, in short: of open collaboration in business or project planning towards effective implementation. Thus, the relevance of innovative new venture creation (various business startup), entrepreneurship for the rest of us, by any other name, becomes inescapable to all such proactive initiative beyond the bounds of institutional life. And indulging perhaps also pure creativity, art for art's sake, how better than in unprecedented ongoing serious collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming? Other options aside from collaborative writing, may remain less broadly accessible, readily sustainable, and thereby at al less practical. Moreover, serious collaborative fiction writing promotes appealing cultivation of the liberating power of narrative.

    Problem statement: Whythe invitation to substantive communication towards purposeful interaction herein deemed so indispensable: People should decide each as we see fit, but in clear understanding of what remains ever at stake. Socialize, or social lies? Truth is correspondence to reality in assertions, while social reality remains ever Chimera. And overthrow of adverse social reality and poison consensus, in defiance of oppression, begins by living in truth, by refusing to repeat, to transmit, to follow, or to continue living by whatever the big lie. The big lie is in timidity and giving way to bullies. The toxic big lie is in always wearing a socially acceptable mask, maintaining distance and keeping things light, while starving for any true connection, because such terrorized and ever intimidated charade, utter travesty, remains key to social success! Or soWe, the Sheeple, glorified pack mammals all, have always been taught.
    Indeed all such above complaint, to reiterate, remains well known, tropic, even somewhat cliché iconoclasm. Whereas in corollary, alas the truth, plain and profane, so widely unacknowledged, remains that close relationship, Eros which is transport in liberating union with alien difference, and particularly friendship, arise for serious people, in autonomy, subversively flouting taboo, and entirely as a byproduct of full engagement in purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication, and as shall be seen, never otherwise. Accept no substitutes! And no one else need approve! Mark my words: All else remains fraud, folly and futility, Existentially Absurd and ultimately irredeemable multiple flavors of entirely diversionary grade A snake oil! Purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication remains our only hope, essential towards psychological visibility, intrinsic fulfillment and authentic wellbeing in more optimal social and intellectual so indispensable. But what to do? Abstract principle must bridge into concrete strategy expressed in active verbs:
    And towards such indispensable substantive communication, towards purposeful interaction, is proposed ongoing collaboration among equals, pleasurable and meaningful optimal reciprocal engagement, more optimal social and intellectual stimulus struggle, intrinsic to fulfillment, authentic wellbeing and human flourishing; all as characteristic and Empirically observed of honest, responsible, trustworthy, capable and respectful happy people (indeed flouting taboo and conventional recommendations towards popularity and social success) talking more seriously and making less small talk, and who thrive in autonomy, prosper and succeed, together intentionally and purposefully engaging in creative endeavor. -indeed for serious people, substantive communication towards purposeful interaction, eschewing bland triviality. And strategically, who else, what other kind of person, leading what other kind of life, best should be emulated together in autonomy and pursuit of happiness? To reiterate: All else, any other vastly unsuitable rôle models, remain fools, nigh cultist cronies, sycophants and grifters, purveyors and consumers of pure grade A snake oil! For such remains the essential nature of heteronomy. And heteronomy can't be tweaked or revamped. Heteronomy can only be brought to give way, at long last, to autonomy.
    Glossary of crucial terminology and concepts
 therefore advances first of all, simply to agenda for substantive ongoing discussion, extending open standing invitation, an actual plan of action for purposeful interaction in true subversive cultivation of freedom, friendship and thought. The objective whereof shall be the ignition of relationship, attachment, bonding and psychological visibility in new paradigm via Intentional community or just intentional social circle, by social engineering design. And all towards Eudemonia, fulfillment and the overthrow of pandemic boredom and loneliness; bridging the abstract into the concrete, beginning in a theoretical basis from evolutionary neuroscience, stimulus struggle and what can be called the grand afterthought of Cultural Anthropology, among other key concepts.  
    Wake up, Sheeple! It's all about how human social order as the glorified pack mammals that we are, has come to fall so vastly short of innate needs and appetites of social and intellectual stimulus struggle entirely unique to ever more massively engorged human cerebrality: Specifically, for  collaboration among equals together in creative solution finding. A joy alas far too infrequent under conventional paradigm of stultifying heteronomy to hierarchical dominance. And the consequences to authentic wellbeing could not be more dire. At least initially, rather than sweeping the world out from leftfield, any bold, liberating and empowering subversion of hierarchy, not unlike forbidden love, necessarily nurtures in microcosm. Indeed even somewhat covertly and conspiratorially, when any two or more individuals interacting and taking initiative, must at long last innovate: to begin doing things differently and howsoever more capably together and persist.  And then collective endeavors of intentional community can be organized and designed so as to foster most desired interaction between participants.
    Evolutionary neurology, the subject in study of evolutionary neuroscience, underpins the unique intrinsic motivation and human needs and stimulus appetites of social and intellectual stimulus struggle, psychological visibility so thwarted by heteronomy to our legacy as Sheeple, glorified pack mammals. Indeed, the competencies and aptitudes that are subject of Cultural Anthropology, all that is necessary and adequate in order to know what to expect, and what is expected, include hierarchically predictive social cognition by which to anticipate the responses of others, merely via the recognition of members of one's own social group in order to form direct relationships consistent with rôles of relative social standing, degrees of kinship and rank, recognition of third-party social relationships and prediction of future behavior, all distinctly and uncomfortably heteronymous, authoritarian and non-egalitarian.
    And the grand afterthought of Cultural Anthropology, remains in observation of how, nevertheless, near egalitarian low hierarchical distance in creative solution finding as need arising in the eyes of decision makers, remains that rare taste of freedom, the one cautiously infrequent respite from boredom and sore travail, fleeting clemency at the whim of our various jailors, guardians all, of status quo, whatever oppressive powers that be, tribal chieftains, corporate overlords, or the stifling authority of professional educators.

    But, in the most flagrantly taboo subversion, what if the norm could become subject to Peripeteia, figuratively turned on its head, in maximization of value and freedom, so that instead of controlling authoritarianism routinely stifling curiosity and creativity, convivial creativity became the normal default, day to day, and deference to commanding authority, even however ad hock, the infrequent exception in contingency only as need ever actually arising.

    Psychological visibility: Beyond the interminable shallow Machiavellian popularity contest or marshmallow throwing bogus support, the highly evolved human social intelligence is an appetite returned and fulfilled by the care and personal investment in others of authentic intellectual, emotional, purposeful and imaginative participation in the ongoing and unexpected discovery and progress of human character and relations over time in cultures of participation offering challenge and support for risk taking, deprivation resulting in frustration, emptiness, inadequacy, sadness, malaise, discontent, boredom, anxiety, alienation and anomie. Without psychological visibility, one can only suffer lonely, misunderstood, unappreciated, obscure and unknown. Hence the intrinsic need of psychological visibility, and why the pretence that typically buttresses popularity and social success, so antithetical to friendship, remains ever miserable and no less alien than unpopularity and more overt isolation.

    Because popularity and social success ever remain antithetical to true friendship. Because friendship is genuine, substantive and intimate, being predicated upon free and unguarded and reciprocal psychological visibility. Alas that all too often, substance and purpose remain actually shameful, awkward, nerdy, uncool, socially unacceptable and so taboo. And if indeed interminable emotionally and intellectually distant, cagey, unwelcoming and disingenuous small talk ever keeping it light, remains key to popularity and social success, then such do-nothing busywork dronelike Orwellian anti-intellectually subservient path of popularity and social success, remains antithetical to true friendship which by contrast must remain ever open, genuine, substantive and intimate, being predicated after all, upon free and unguarded and reciprocal psychological visibility.

    The begged question then remains: Precisely how is genuine friendship ever supposed to emerge from such prevalent, well known and understood social expectations of typical paranoid distance and facile triviality and interminably banal small talk? In truth, that can never happen! And it's not your fault! Indeed, this is by design, alienation baked in. Indeed, even most anciently in the curriculum of Plato's Academy, boredom was deliberately inflicted upon students as a conservative measure to test for heteronomy and conformity by weeding out boredom prone original thinkers and innovators, purveyors of dangerous novelty, from rising to influential positions in society.

    The begged question ever remains: Precisely how is genuine friendship ever supposed to emerge from typical paranoid distance, facile triviality and interminably banal small talk? In truth, that can never happen! And that's not your fault!

    As Edward Snowden observes, oppressors of every stripe, who restrict our options, then pretend that we consent. Indeed, this is by design, alienation baked in. For even most anciently in the curriculum of Plato's Academy,

    Indeed, in the words of Barbara Sher: “Isolation is the true dream killer, not your attitude.” And to quote Mark R. J. Lavoie: “Life dies inside a person when there are no others willing to befriend him." Indeed, as George Orwell observes in Conversation with a Pacifist,’ even at all thinking clearly, becomes increasingly difficult in bored and lonely isolation without expression.  

    But Eudemonia, capable close relationship, Eros which is transport in liberating union with alien difference, and especially true friendship, will accrue only for serious people, arising as byproduct of full engagement in f purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication and never otherwise. Accept no substitutes! And no one else need approve! Alas, one can but extend invitation, indeed even under such oppression. And remains your golden invitation of probortunity, gentle reader, asking of others what no one else asks, and offering in return, what no one else offers.

    For stimulus struggle, what every living thing is doing all the time, is no more or less than the perpetual striving to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of stimulation and arousal from the surrounding environment. And this includes uniquely human social and intellectual stimulus struggle and even psychological visibility, indeed every crucial social stimulus provided by anyone triggering and eliciting response from anyone else within the same social environment or situation, a process so desperately undermined and subverted under heteronomy in the perpetual rat race out in the endless emotional and intellectual wastelands of the social minefield.

    In summation then to reiterate: In open standing invitation, the proposed plan of action Creativity can and Should be Social details the groundbreaking new concept by social engineering design, relationship in new paradigm via Intentional community or just intentional social circle, an unprecedented ongoing collaboration among equals, as proposed, to consist in vibrant new interstitial synergy concurrently between parallel endeavors of innovative new venture creation (various business startup), entrepreneurship for the rest of us on the one hand, and on the other hand pure creativity, art for art's sake, in unprecedented ongoing serious collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming.
    And to reiterate: Also included is an ancillary subversive notion of outreach, Creativity Can and Should be Popular, individual outreach under legalizing context of collective outreach, all as conceived to better facilitate individual networking, social embedment and social stimulus struggle, metaphorical tail figuratively wagging proverbial dog, ulterior objective taking priority over ostensible ongoing recruitment to Creativity can and Should be Social.
    Realistic professionalism: The work ethic in action extends your invitation, gentle reader, to collaboration among equals in an unprecedentedly innovative interstitial dynamic synergy concurrently between serious collaborative fiction writing on the one hand, and business or project planning in new venture creation (various business startup), entrepreneurship for the rest of us, on the other hand; filling the gap of poorly understood and vastly underserved needs of entrepreneurship made more accessible for the rest of us; all as beginning in the utterly neglected very earliest path of concerted effort over time, discussion, research and networking even from the most vastly underserved embryonic inception or: "kitchen table" phase or stage of new venture creation (various business startup), into planning, research, due diligence, feasibility study and organization, problem-centered rather than ego-centered, with the productive ambition of even world changing new venture creation (various business startup) and expansion all from scratch, undertaking beyond the resource or wherewithal of any one lone individual; all hence actually seeking out and bringing together aspiring entrepreneurs and activists for brainstorming new ideas and following up in every due diligence developing all manner of promising notions and endless possibility into realization, from comprehensive feasibility study and (pre-) incubation of embryonic first concepts, through research, comprehensive feasibility study, business planning and qualified Management Team recruitment, all the way to Capitalization, implementation and expansion.  Then followed by whatever dénouement of exit strategy ever as applicable. A steep learning curve together. Any questions? Any objections? Any takers? You are all invited! Gentle reader, I am counting on you! Dare we together take action? As observed of capable and happy people, let's talk more seriously! For the possibilities remain endless.
    Obviously, funding must remain ever crucial in new venture creation (various business startup). And we have entered a revolutionary new age of ever more accessible new vehicles of investment and Capitalization, ever more commonly accessible, indeed: for the rest of us. But popular participation amid unprecedented liberation from traditional privileged exclusivity, has eroded away all concomitant protective filters of, to put it vulgar and colloquially: shit from Shinola! And therefore prospecting for Capitalization may often remain somewhat premature, for wont of necessary preceding preparation and due diligence, support thereof all ever remaining as exclusive as ever, so vastly and dauntingly underserved for the likes of us clueless hoi polloi, and mysterious or worse: often halfcocked and half-baked pipedream, incompetent or even actually dishonest folly and knavery. So goes the proverb: The devil is in the details. Sun Tzu said: Every battle is won or lost before it is ever fought. First indeed must be shared whatever vivid fantasy of compelling frustrated yearning, but fit groundwork must then ensue. It remains foolhardy to just wing it. As per summary aggregation of the notoriously alliterative multiple p's:  Properly Purposeful Pre-Planning and Prior Preparation Prevents Preemptive Production of Painfully Piss Poor Performance.
     Neither high pressure facile flimflam of hurried hustle and deceptive manipulation, nor passive hostile stalling and foot-dragging proverbially pulling out the figurative rug metaphorically out from under, but responsibly proceeding in true collaboration among equals steadily at our own pace in small reversible steps, business or project planning together, creative solution finding, and capable management team formation, business or project planning together, a steep learning curve creative solution finding, and capable management team formation. Gentle reader, can you be trustworthy and responsible? And will anybody else reciprocate? Am I your unmet friend?
    The vision of entrepreneurship for the rest of us, capable interaction with even adequately responsible others, remains entirely different from anything less. It is therefore respectfully submitted herein, that the true key remains in the actual process, the human interaction, of business or project planning together, creative solution finding, and management team formation, in true collaboration among equals steadily at our own pace, beyond mere lip service. And that the indispensable and effective starting point remains to be found in initiation and quality of open and responsible sustained discourse and deliberation in critical thinking, outreach and research. And in specific new and unprecedented innovation as to be fully expounded anon, in the concurrent interstitial dynamic synergy to be cultivated between unprecidented serious collaborative fiction writing and new venture creation (various business startup) for the rest of us. Because Creativity can and Should be Social, beginning with the celebrated star first follower who shall be the true leader and influencer, showing others how to participate and relate, blazing the trail of welcome! No, I might not have what you want.  But dare we seek for it together? For any lonesome frustrated desire tells a story, needs a plan, and calls out for allies.
    Setup for failure:
    "Follow your bliss!" rings hollow that shopworn platitude whereby we are each and all extolled, then each and all, so ill equipped, summarily abandoned entirely to ones own devices, set up for inertia, failure and disappointment. commitment falls short, even in lunatic faith that, alas, does not actually move mountains, in commitment even such as never wanes, yet fails to carry the freight, manipulatively 'Bright Sided' as we have been, by inseasant exhortation to willful positivity and rabid GREENLANTERNism!
    For urging and enthusiasm of hope that springs eternal and endures, is not a strategy. All that cheering and encouragement at the starting line, quickly fades away into into the distance. No one cares. Because all Pollyanna willfully optimistic blandishment and facile lip service notwithstanding, in ugly truth of banal hypocrisy, individual fulfillment remains at best a distant societal priority, if not actually undermined as a subversive dire threat to status quo. And therefore, rudderless and setup for failure without relevant social support, direction or resources, far from any idealism of subversive and committedly "unreasonable" disruptive civic heroism, many so discouraged then hesitate, become lost and despair, finally to conform and make do or just fall by the wayside.
    But what is to be done? Well, it's complicated. I have no ready and trite simple answer to complex problems. And I don't want your money or your devotion. Gentle reader, I'd never let you off so easily! I am too good a friend for that. And I am certainly no formulaic callow motivational grifter here to psyche you up and then leave you in the lurch! Isn't there quite enough of that already? And so, in the face of entrenched pervasive institutional indifference, how can anyone fare any better?
    The masses have tolerated much, only given bygone prosperity. But boom is long gone to bust. And nowadays in the United States, even baring any misfortune of protracted unemployment, the dilemma remains between entry directly into the workforce, and thence failure and poverty, in doing without higher education, on the one hand, and crushing lifelong compounding debt from the burgeoning expense of higher education, even if career pursuit all goes according to plan without a hitch. One way or another, many end up going into business for themselves, less by preference, then when all else has failed. And whatever pragmatic compromise turns out no less difficult, than whatever lofty aspirations therefore sacrificed.

    We are all such proverbial square pegs: The customer is always wrong! The program never fails, you fail the program. In  the immortal observations of George Carlin: "Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit. By contrast, our designated rôle models in every conventional option in life, the star student under formal education, ideal employee , perfect disciple or model prisoner alike, are all so consummately well adapted, ever so heteronymously characterized as they remain, beyond mere responsive obedience and passivity otherwise, not only by every obsessive-compulsive eager beaver sore travail, but boundlessly committed initiative in anticipation of their superior's desires, "paying one's dues" life long, excelling without complaint or resistance, never seeking attention by requesting explanation or assistance.

    And why can't we all follow their example and be more like them? Because, just as Carlin implies, we all so chafe at the bit! Recalcitrant in such sore travail, obstinately uncooperative toward mind numbing routine as imposed by ever coercive and manipulative self-servingly moralizing authority, all too many typically succumb to ambivalence expressed in resentful and reluctant obedience together with covert passive hostile sabotage, instead of actually choosing between either dignified and whole hearted compliant individual cooperation on the one hand, or else free and open fully effective proletariat uprising on the other hand. And such remains damaged human nature not by innate disposition, but as triggered in suffering and humiliated response to norms of sore travail, deviously guilt tripping tyranny psychologically internalized, in short, of slave morality.

    And yet, exactly such adaptation on the part of the aforementioned rôle model, of broken in and enthusiastic approval seeking, will still be so blithely held up as exemplary in order to vindicate systemic failure and disappointment in most every walk of life. And under extrinsic punishment and reward systems by hierarchical design, indeed such provides the benchmark by which for better or worse, most of us will come short and fall by the wayside, make do, for each to learn their place. And hence the burning motivation, the poignant yearning and sheer redeeming Existential disgust, of "unreasonable people," instead to find one another in order committedly together to strive and change and forge anew the world, better to their liking.

    Not fitting in remains an often debilitating sore travail. But leave us face it: the compromises in fitting are typically even more deranged, impotent, pointlessly laborious, soul destroying, senseless, Existentially Absurd, and over all, egodystonic and shockingly irrelevant to all core values. Alas that capable interaction with even adequately responsible others, is not simply given, and cannot be won by jumping through any hoops set before us. Fortunate are the few truly ever exposed thereto and included therein. But for most of us, capable interaction with even adequately responsible others, remains elusive. And anything less than capable interaction with even adequately responsible others, amounts to an isolation from power, bored, anxious, helpless, oppressed and alone, a frustrating sore travail. Outreach remains random and daunting at best. But what individual recourse can be available?
    And so, as my own boss, more confident in my ideas than my capability, I have fired myself for utter failure and gross incompetence in the sore travail of life! Tautologically, there can be no self-help, no solitary rugged self-reliant unilateral self-made bootstrap "well-formed plan," for interaction among more than one individual. And no secret magic of fineness, either. Because power remains a function of capable relationship on ones own terms. Am I then your unmet friend? Expert or layperson in whatever fields, old pro or neophyte aspirant, we each and all bring to the table whatever ones own insights, questions, answers, knowledge, talent, ideas, perspective, experience and connections. -Alas, hard work all too often so vastly unappreciated and blithely squandered...
    Toxic social reality of cohesive alienation:
    Not that purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication, or even creativity, via whatever strategy, and all however crucial, remain by any means the only creditable core values of relationship, especially friendship. And yet, nevertheless, purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication remain the only doorway, the only path of connection, so Absurdly slammed shut, to all other desires. The formation of social circles remains so crucial socially, because personal friends remaining unacquainted with one another, are unlikely to invite or include one socially. All thus little more effective than lingering ever friendless.
    But what manner of social inclusion in precisely what type of interaction? Does it even make any difference? Yes. It matters a great deal. Because Creativity can and Should be Social. Indeed, it should come as no surprise how superficial and pointless distance and suspicion as manifest in purposelessness and triviality (entirely ruling out purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication), the conventional mind dulling panic stricken knee-jerk anti-intellectualism to which we are all held hostage, that, rather than protecting, reassuring or even much amusing anyone, only thwarts human connection and attachment. For such is the Existential Absurdity of that which is called: recreation, that shabbily travesty of playful honest hedonism, soul crushing fake fun passing for any wholehearted pleasure seeking; instead only the desperate effort and struggle to recover, on ones own time and expense, from the continual debilitation of oppression under heteronomy to conventional options in life. Indeed, unlike bogus recreation, even genuine play enfolds substance and creative purpose all its own. Therefore, accept no substitute for purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication! Recreation, so ironically named, so empty, mindless, pointless, superficial and militantly trivial, remains the desperate effort and struggle to recover, on ones own time and expense, from the debilitating learned helpless sheer exhaustion, fear and loathing of every routine and debilitating sore travail inflicted in the course of any oppressive conventional options in life.

    Alas there as yet exists no clear, ready and transparent social support system for individual endeavor and outreach. And because popularity and social success ever remain antithetical to true friendship. Because friendship is genuine, substantive and intimate, being predicated upon unguarded and reciprocal psychological visibility. Alas that all too often, substance and purpose remain actually shameful, awkward, nerdy, uncool, socially unacceptable and so taboo. And if indeed interminable emotionally and intellectually distant, unwelcoming and disingenuous small talk ever keeping it light, remains key to popularity and social success, then such do-nothing busywork dronelike Orwellian anti-intellectual path of popularity and social success, indeed remains antithetical to true friendship.

    To reiterate, gentle reader, bonding and attachments of true friendship, Eros which is transport in liberating union with alien difference with reciprocal psychological visibility, arise not by any rat race of extrinsic societal reward and punishment in the course of inane small talk, uncritical willful positivity, superficial harmony, fearfully conflict avoidant and debilitating headgames of social skill and sycophantic toadying skilled incompetence, but ever only for serious people as byproduct of full engagement in purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication and never otherwise. Accept no substitutes! And no one else need approve!

    Because, if indeed interminable emotionally and intellectually distant, unwelcoming and disingenuous small talk ever keeping it light, remains key to popularity and social success, then such do-nothing busywork dronelike Orwellian anti-intellectual path of popularity and social success, indeed remains antithetical to true friendship, because it remains in the very taboo nature of friendship, that friendship must be open, genuine and fully engaged. Indeed, that's Why Nerds Are Unpopular: Because nerds invest their precious time, not in the extensive and complicated dance of popularity, but cultivating genuine interests and values of their own.

    But even nigh tautologically, how can alienation ever actually predicate social cohesion? It can and it does. Read on: The much admired and ever cagy social skill of unperturbed patience in tediously hanging around innocuously killing time, is by very nature distant, facile and quite literally, by tactical nature even if not by intention or objective, even somewhat predatory, in that it’s actually all about stalking but without seeming to. Here is the social minefield, an obstacle course, a social filter. But a filter selecting what manner of conformist personality type, other than the very characteristics of the least genuine of cronies and sycophants? For toadying social cognition makes sycophants of us all! And what a racket! Why does no one understand, first of all, how social expectation of such cagey demonstration of endurance of boredom and loneliness, and thereby of submission to conformity and heteronomy, remain the very antithesis of welcome and friendliness, and also such a dangerous criteria for trust?

    For in the words of Barbara Sher: “Isolation is the true dream killer, not your attitude.” And to quote Mark R. J. Lavoie: “Life dies inside a person when there are no others willing to befriend him." Indeed, as George Orwell observes in Conversation with a Pacifist,’ even at all thinking clearly, becomes increasingly difficult in bored and lonely isolation without expression.  

    It remains in the very taboo nature of friendship, that friendship must ever remain open, genuine and fully engaged. And by exploding all such destructive myths of fraudulent social reality, even just between ourselves, and then by collaborative brainstorming and solution finding, of small scale social engineering design, might together set agenda in planning and then doing anything better, for implementation deliberately and intentionally, of purposeful interaction and substantive communication. And such remains the objective of Creativity can and Should be Social. Purposeful interaction and substantive communication for serious people, remains so immediately indispensable to human connection and crucial to fulfillment and authentic wellbeing. Because, given how teamwork remains so crucial to hoped for eventual success, extrinsic deferred gratification, the immediate will to power is fulfilled in openly meeting intrinsic needs for capable interaction with even adequately responsible others, influencing one another, and in a manner even salutary and validating.

    Purposeful interaction generally (and all the more so specifically such as entrepreneurship for the rest of us, disruptively innovative new venture creation (various business startup) interstitial  concurrent synergy with unprecedented serious collaborative fiction writing) involves people more profoundly with one another, uplifting mood and altering consciousness by together confronting questions in reflection upon individual purpose. Substantive conversation, indeed Socratic Dialectic, remains ever integral to purposeful interaction. Philosophical Dialectical honest and skeptical sweet reason, leverages good will and habits of clear thinking, by fearlessly open and fruitful investigation and deliberation together, unfolding in at all responsible due diligence, the practice of controversy consisting in the welcome and invited exchange of criticism, and thereby ongoing error detection and course correction. Gentle reader, search your soul: Does any of this speak to you?  


    Dialectic and the open society:

    The indefatigable enemies of the open society, imbeciles, tyrants and scoundrels, adamantly insist, in trenchant denial simply ignoring all sound reasoning supported by Empirical evidence entirely to the contrary, that cooperation is impossible save by fairly complete agreement and compliance. And thus, under the worldview of heteronomy, collaboration among equals remains entirely inconceivable! But responsible people who disagree, even howsoever vociferously, actually do cooperate effectively and productively only all of the time!

    In the words of John Storrs Hall: Ideas should compete, bodies should cooperate.  Scientist in perpetual disagreement on one point or another, challenge one another to discover Empirical truth by experiment and Scientific Method, and those ever more scarce functional policy makers in good faith, are actually ever known to reach reasonable compromise. And all entirely without consensus. Whereas with no place for dissent, consensus groups remain merely do nothing pep rallies. That is, unless they are scams, in which case whatever the scam's ulterior agenda may indeed be accomplished, whatever good that comes of it. Indeed, wars have been lost by clueless military hierarchies lacking due protocol for the airing of dissent among junior officers, dismissively silenced when they foresaw disaster.

    In our deliberations together, let us all then strive for full engagement with neither distance nor acrimony: For should anyone ever openly disagree, then so much the better, affording as disagreement does, every opportunity for Dialectical controversy, the welcomed free exchange of criticism. And criticism is not only productive, but inherently friendly. Indeed, as a matter of Empirical observation, people who disagree are still seen to cooperate all the time, and more meaningfully, freely and authentically in autonomy, than those who together merely submit to uniform heteronomy. Or if anything herein remains unclear, then, gentle reader, please do not be alarmed: Those who only dummy up paralyticly whenever they don't understand are just helpless and insufferably neurotic and frustrating to deal with. Those who will never delve into anything not yet understood, will never surpass all that they already understand as well familiar. For such as they, indeed there will be no new thing under the sun! For such is an arrested intellectual development. We only learn from mistakes, our own or those of others. Mistakes should not be punished. Some procedure of discourse is necessary for bringing comprehension out from incomprehension. Please: Speak up whenever anything remains unclear! And in return, I can be counted upon to do likewise for others. Let us always diligently engage in Miscommunication Competent Dialectical miscommunication repair, with Active Reading and Listening striving towards the achievement of Intersubjectivity being the closer correspondence of message as received and understood, to content as actually intended by the sender. After all, writing is rewriting and never a waste of time. And this obtains no less for collaboration than for solitary composition, and no less for  business or project planning towards new venture creation (various business startup), no less than for fiction writing, all central and crucial to the present proposal.  

    In those wise words of Henri-Louis Bergson: “Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought." Alas that in such reciprocal contempt, thinking and doing remain all too often segregated in our institutional mentality. The result is a great deal of thought gone to no practical avail, and a great deal of ill considered action so blithely undertaken. To quote Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower: “Plans are nothing, planning is everything.” And let no one imagine that planning, action or happiness are ever improved by pressure to choose between conformity or social isolation. In the words of Benjamin Disraeli: Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action.” It remains, however, that self-help/improvement and social skills remediation are all nothing but delusion and denial of Existential Absurdity. You are not in control of your life, any more than I am in control of mine. We all find ourselves completely at the whim of uncooperative others in every facet of our lives. And everyone within reach to seek help from, is simply too insecure even to fight for their very lives, much less to stand up for one another. Put more simply then, and in complete good faith, powerlessness, the impotent helplessness of the human condition is terminally demeaning. And even beyond direct action, our influence upon others may often be even the more misguided and deluded. Gentle reader, unmet friend: Where is there to be found, any beginning of collaboration among equals? Thinking in terms of action, in order to act more thoughtfully, there remains only one precious beginning, immediately, over which we, I and thou, may indeed together take responsibility and share any control at all: And that is interaction between ourselves, specifically just discussion at all to begin with, and setting an agenda thereto. Because. in the words of Janine Garner, “Failing to engage is engaging with failure.” And indeed, all heteronomy is but craven and futile pseudo-engagement.

    Sharing ideas, never completely scripted or controlled, sanguine to the risk of disagreement, substantive conversation deals in concepts, themes and problems in whatever discipline employing higher order thinking, making distinctions, applying ideas, forming generalization, and raising questions. And not just the reporting of experiences, information, definitions, or procedures, even collaboration among equals in brainstorming and creative solution finding. Participants respond directly to one another, by explaining themselves or asking questions in order to clarify one another’s statements. Such dialogue builds upon participants’ statements thereby promoting coherent shared understanding of concepts, themes or problems.

    Indeed actually as so well epitomized in unprecedented serious collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming, but by no means limited thereto, sustained substantive conversations integrates the contributions of all participants sharing coherent understanding. complex and coherent clarifications, explanations and arguments beyond mere concise statement. Substantive conversation exceeds lecture and short-answer formats for transition of information. Full engagement in substantive conversation, involves people more profoundly with one another. Whereas, and all in such trepidation to avoid disagreement at all cost, conventionally expected vapid small talk, deliberately insubstantial and distant conversation and pervading anti-intellectualism, the conviction that disagreement is tantamount to strife, thwarts attachment, bonding and relationship, particularly friendship, thereby starving social and intellectual stimulus appetites, thereby inflicting protracted loneliness and boredom. For such is the human condition.

    Individual power in practice and not just in theory, requires the discovery of actionable practical options in the pursuit of happiness, meaning towards whatever one wishes to do, to accomplish, or to become. Alas, in Existentially Absurd social reality, there remain such dystressing user hostile outcomes gap, meaning inherent contradiction and setup for failure with no results no matter what one does. Indeed, in the world as it is, the will to power is all too often frustrated by even actually hostile and arbitrary intractable social challenges, even regardless of whatever solitary individual ability and worthiness. Whereas people disposed to the characteristic motivation of responsibility, thereby obtain a capacity to interact by appeals to responsibility, to sound reasoning and autonomy. But only in dealing with others at all compatibly likewise so disposed. Hence, it may even be broadly asserted that the will to power is fulfilled via genuine autonomy  meeting ones needs for capable interaction with even adequately responsible others, influencing one another, and in a manner even salutary and validating. But all alone ever deeper out in the wilderness, can there be found any clear path to that great good?

    The difficulty remains quite simply that to establish a life of capable interaction with even adequately responsible others, yet remains ever elusive for so many of us. Certainly for yours truly! As beloved standup comedian Rodney Dangerfield used so hilariously to complain: I don't get no respect, no respect at all! But then, who does? Capable interaction with even adequately responsible others, is by no means average or the norm, but clearly exceptional, even for that matter, among the most exalted leadership, let alone amid the hapless hoi polloi. Indeed, capable interaction with even adequately responsible others is even celebrated as greatness, yet all but discouraged in widest practice. For the worker drones under heteronomy to behavioral conditioning, all cogs in the machine, formal education and typical corporate culture of employment, foster admiration, but never emulation, of those lionized men and women of destiny rising only actually despite the system, overcoming adversity, effectively quarantined and lonely at the top. But for wretches such as we, there must be no ready escape at all from the only wretched game in town! For such remains the banal rank hypocrisy of glowing lip service to independence while fostering helplessness and dependency.

    Alas, to reiterate, that more sophisticated automated Sociometry, anticipated as the next revolution in social technology, yet remains in its infancy. Since time immemorial, and not withstanding the rise of modern democracy and communications, the tools of social technology, even well intentioned let alone not so much, remain methods of coercion, intimidation, deception and manipulation, whereby to make tools of us all. Hence the inspiration for "unreasonable" frustrated yearning committedly to strive together and change our world better to our liking, likewise continuing from antiquity. We band of buggered! Alas, as  for all such commendable glittering generality, to quote Frederick Law Olmsted: After all is said and done, much is said and little is done. Though so much is done to us all. And as Edward Snowden observes, oppressors who restrict our options, then pretend that we consent.
    Intentional group formation
    Intentional community must begin somewhere on any smaller scale of intentional social circle or group.  At least initially, rather than sweeping the world out from leftfield, any bold, liberating and empowering subversion of hierarchy, not unlike forbidden love, necessarily nurtures in microcosm. Indeed even somewhat covertly and conspiratorially, when any two or more interacting and taking initiative, at long last must innovate: to begin significantly doing things differently and howsoever more capably together and persist.  And then collective endeavors of intentional community can be organized and designed so as to foster most desired interaction between participants. Any questions? Any objections? Any takers? You are all invited! Gentle reader, I am counting on you! Dare we together take action? As observed of capable and happy people, let's talk more seriously!
    In any intentional group or social circle amongst ourselves together turning away from the social rat-race, and perhaps even together reaching out in the world at large but even at all actually on our own terms. What then is revealed as the actual nature of true success? What is the will to power? Can we be winners? What does it mean to be a winner, larger than life? What else but the attainment and sharing of trustworthy, capable and respectful autonomy support? What but the Menschlichkeit of meeting ones needs by capable interaction with even adequately responsible others? What but the participatory realization of innovation and creativity individually and interpersonally? And what better epitome all thereof, save for unprecidented serious collaborative fiction writing and the subversive disruptively innovation of new venture creation (various business startup) under entrepreneurship for the rest of us? Or if anything else instead, then by what better sustainable means or vehicle thereto, profit, non profit or Social Entrepreneurship? What better path of arête? For arête remains the quest for the right way of living ones best, called: virtue, courage (as in: moral fortitude), and outstanding excellence with no pretense of fitting in. In any frustrated desire, there always remains a story that might as well be sweepingly dramatic and intriguingly speculative, and that needs a solid plan, a business or project plan calling out for allies together forging a management team and via the cultivation of strategic partnerships. What better and more relevant agenda? Is none of the aforesaid indeed so unworthy of fully engaged serious and in depth conversation, bridging from general principle into feasibility study of explicit and specific action  agenda? Or at the moment are we all even thinking about anything truly more interesting and important?
    To quote Charles B Forbes: “Large-scale success today is spelled -Teamwork.” Indeed, in the words of Henry Ford: Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. For in the celebrated poetry of John Donne: “No man an island:” And there can be no   however stalwart and inventive, no adaptive self-help/improvement, no self-made bootstrap unilateral solution at all, to shortcomings and  deficiencies of social interaction, cooperation and access all thereto. Any frustrated desire tells a story for all that will hear it, needs a plan in the world, and calls out for allies. Effective and capable collaboration partners of integrity, must remain responsive and responsible to one another. In the endeavor at hand, eventually each participant must stand ready to lead in whatever their capacity or expertise, while at the same rime remaining subordinate in likewise reciprocally abetting one another, ever mindful of task interdependency, giving and getting needed cooperation and assistance in a friendly, competent and timely manner. Does any of this appeal, gentle reader? For such remains the objective of the present outreach. Although, to start with, prospective collaboration partners need only begin by each holding up our end of ongoing conversation towards every due diligence. So share your own ideas. As a handy starting point, find here on, a selection of unfinished stories to prompt collaborative fiction writing, as well as a range of subversive and disruptively innovative proposals for business planning and feasibility study towards new venture creation (various business startup). Collaborative fiction writing as conceived, is intended serve as an ongoing bonding and team building exercise for collaborative solution finding, business planning, management team formation and subversive and disruptively innovative new venture creation (various business startup) that may include not only for profit enterprise, but activism and Social Entrepreneurship. For the possibilities remain endless!
    The subversive struggle of organizing for change all so much easier said than done: Many people imagine leading happier and more meaningful lives. Many therefore strive to improve themselves and struggle to purge and cast off an unwanted self. But in such flagrant aberration from every timid norm, others more bold yearn instead to change their situation, the very lives that they lead, and even improve the world  in which we find ourselves. Any frustrated desire tells a story, needs a plan, and calls out for allies. In the famous words of George Bernard Shaw: “Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress, therefore, depends on unreasonable people.”  And as Hans Selye put it: ‘Realistic people’ who pursue ‘practical aims’ are rarely as realistic or practical, in the long run of life, as the dreamers who pursue their dreams.” attempts outreach toward the formation of just such a core group of unreasonable people applying ourselves even to the most daunting problems besetting us. Indeed, to quote Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” All that will be required for the endeavor at hand, would be the recruitment of even just a small group or social circle fully engaged in ongoing Dialectical endeavor and eustress and sustainable euphoria of creative solution finding, indeed such as entailed in collaborative fiction writing together with subversive and disruptively innovate new venture creation (various business startup).
    An outreach herein is further proposed, called: Creativity can be Popular, under the premise that if participation in an intentional creative group or social circle as herein proposed, Creativity can and Should be Social, indeed comes to be perceived by any wider public to produce more gratifying social interaction, then others will be attracted to join in and participate. The question of Creativity can be Popular then will be: how best to leverage Creativity can and Should be Social not only for recruitment, but more importantly in order to improve for participants, individual interpersonal networking and new relationships.
    Liberation under a new paradigm:
    We all struggle for personal power, so often in vein. So what is the secret? The open secret remains only in how we have all been overwhelmingly coerced, blithely manipulated, endlessly propagandized, shamelessly lied to, and how, as shall be expounded in full, the simple truth, plain and profane, remains exactly opposite to all that we have always been told. To begin with, genuine success in life will be a product of teamwork with no hurried flimflam and high pressure hustle, and no treachery of interminable procrastination and broken promise, either. To reiterate, the will to power is fulfilled in genuine autonomy meeting ones needs for capable interaction with even adequately responsible others. Because any ongoing outreach for cofounder candidates into collaboration among equals in a working group, any unapologetically genuine teamwork with no exploitative ulterior deception or manipulation, no unquestioned myths and ideology, no far fetched pipedream, no puerile headgames of toadying social skill and skilled incompetence, begins philosophically, Dialectically, into the valuable and lucid moral dimensions of friendship and Eudemonia called: Menschlichkeit.
    How so? By honest and skeptical sweet reason, good will and habits of clear thinking, all quite socially awkward, utterly taboo and reviled under heteronomy! By fearlessly open and fruitful investigation and deliberation together, unfolding in at all responsible due diligence, welcome and invited exchange of criticism, and thereby ongoing error detection and course correction, advancing into the implementation of any serious credible plans of action, even however wildly ambitious, watertight yet flexible under ever changing conditions, in steady small reversible steps steadily at our own pace. For as Aesop teaches us, slow and steady wins the race! 
    And such, in antithesis to every conventional path of heteronomy, remains the Dialectic of arête and values of autonomy. And not merely in even howsoever extrinsic deferred gratification in hopes for eventual success, but as a vital human interaction in and of itself immediately intrinsic to secure and authentic wellbeing under true abiding respect. Indeed, hence might accrue most optimally fulfilling ongoing Dialectical investment of attention for return in like kind: substantive communication toward purposeful interaction. And woe betide us all should anyone imagine the Dialectic as an objective. It's not. For thought worthy dialogue remains no objective or end result, but the barest indispensable beginning.
    Because bonding and attachments of true friendship with psychological visibility, arises not by any rat race of extrinsic societal reward and punishment in the course of inane small talk, uncritical willful positivity, superficial harmony, fearfully conflict avoidant and debilitating headgames of social skill and sycophantic toadying skilled incompetence, but ever only for serious people as byproduct of full engagement in purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication and never otherwise. Accept no substitutes! And no one else need approve! Because, if indeed interminable emotionally and intellectually distant, unwelcoming and disingenuous small talk ever keeping it light, remains key to popularity and social success, then such do-nothing busywork dronelike Orwellian anti-intellectual path of popularity and social success, remains antithetical to true friendship, because it remains in the very taboo nature of friendship, that friendship must be open, genuine and fully engaged. Indeed, that's Why Nerds Are Unpopular: Because nerds invest their precious time, not in the extensive and complicated dance of popularity, but cultivating genuine interests and values of their own.

    The subversive proposal submitted to the agenda: Creativity can and Should be Social together with the concomitant outreach concept as proposed dubbed: Creativity can and Should be Popular, is to strive in the social engineering and design of a better way of life, more optimal social and intellectual stimulus struggle, via intentional community of friendship and wellbeing, wherein the individual may remain more genuine and at ease. Indeed, creativity is found most productively to flourish by continual alternation flowing between creativity in lone contemplative solitude and vibrant expressive creative interaction together.

    On the one hand, group dynamics often remain unimaginatively hidebound to prior socialization, however toxic and dysfunctional, or else to the other extreme, abandoning all propriety, group dynamics often co-validate and normalize any conceivable deviance no matter how senseless and destructive. Alas, both extremes remain depressingly common. Indeed, elements of both may often coexist and manifest in the group dynamics of the self same social circle. For there may often be found no more staunch conservatives and conformists than the most flagrant deviants, and no deeper deviance and conviction than such blithely Absurd hypocrisy in desperate mimesis of all that one can never truly be. Indeed, such remains true to life Comedy of Manners. But for those most fortunate few, there can also be at all more functional and congenial social circles characterized, perhaps some day soon, also for any of the rest of us, even intentionally and by design, guided by whatever more congenial, productive and laudable values in action, networking for one another first and foremost for each our own best interests and delight, but never for anything more devious, manipulative, ulterior, strange, dangerous and exploitative.

     At least initially, rather than sweeping the world out from leftfield, any bold, liberating and empowering subversion of hierarchy, not unlike forbidden love, necessarily nurtures in microcosm. Indeed even somewhat covertly and conspiratorially, when any two or more interacting and taking initiative, at long last must innovate: to begin significantly doing things differently and howsoever more capably together and persist.  And then collective endeavors of intentional community can be organized and designed so as to foster most desired interaction between participants. Indeed, in more functional alternative to conventional Absurd alienation and futility of bankrupt social expectations, an intentional social circle or group, remains free to experiment in deliberate paradigm shift, such flagrant subversion of hierarchy, turning accustomed priorities on their head. Obviously, if only any two or more individuals can imagine different, then relationship ensues, a new more proximate experimental superseding closer social reality, taking precedence. Indeed, smaller social circles or relationships of two or more individuals, are well known to forge their own unique social contracts and expectations amongst themselves. By social engineering design of intentional community online, Creativity can and Should be Social.

    We are all seeking not only pleasure but meaning and fulfillment, perpetually engaged as are we all, in social and intellectual stimulus struggle against boredom and loneliness. For  as in accordance with the Arousal Theory of Motivation, stimulus struggle is the name coined by anthropologist Desmond Morris in 'the human zoo,' for the perpetual striving of all living things, to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of stimulation and arousal from the surrounding environment. For such remains the endless struggle with loneliness and boredom. Everything that we do is in order to modify subjective experience thereby altering consciousness. For in accordance with evolutionary neuroscience and the grand afterthought of Cultural Anthropology, such remains the human condition. All hence, as to be expounded in full, the social engineering of social and intellectual stimulus struggle would contrive the deliberate introduction of specific social stimuli and social interaction, into an intentional social environment, in order better to optimize social and intellectual stimulus struggle

    And so, gentle readers, are you with me? And lo, the star first follower shall become the true leader and influencer, showing others how participate and to relate, blazing the trail! But how might social engineering as proposed, of more optimal social and intellectual stimulus struggle via purposeful interaction and substantive communication of disruptively innovative new venture creation (various business startup) interstitial concurrent synergy with collaborative fiction writing, possibly ever be rendered feasible? Is it even truly desirable?

    Be a mensch! In the words of Benjamin Disraeli: Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action.” And yet, thoughtless action is reckless. Therefore to quote Henri-Louis Bergson: “Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought. And in the words of  C. S. Lewis: Two heads are better than one, not because either is infallible, but because they are unlikely to go wrong in the same direction.” For any lonesome frustrated desire tells a story, needs a plan, and calls out for allies. Indeed therein, by the Dialectical crafting of narrative imagination, by planning and outreach, obtains the method in the madness, if only...  For as John Cleese expounds: “Creativity is not a talent: it's a way of operating.” Indeed, Creativity can and Should be Social! And so, gentle readers, are you with me? And lo, the star first follower shall become the true leader and influencer, showing others how to participate and to relate, blazing the trail! 

    In accordance with the happiness formula of Positive Psychology, Eudemonia and authentic wellbeing remain attainable via pleasurable engagement in meaningful collaboration among equals. And such accrues from eustress and sustainable euphoria of creative tension in solution finding together, of substantive communication into purposeful interaction and thereby friendship in authentic wellbeing, achievable by social engineering design of intentional community online. All following in in accordance with evolutionary neuroscience and the grand afterthought of Cultural Anthropology. Because pleasurable and meaningful optimal reciprocal engagement remains key to better optimized ongoing social and intellectual stimulus struggle against ever looming  boredom and loneliness. For such is the human condition.

    Wake up, Sheeple! It's all about how human social order as the glorified pack mammals that we are, has come to fall so vastly short of innate needs and appetites of social and intellectual stimulus struggle entirely unique to ever more massively engorged human cerebrality: Specifically, for  collaboration among equals together in creative solution finding. A joy alas far too infrequent under conventional paradigm of stultifying heteronomy to hierarchical dominance. And the consequences to authentic wellbeing could not be more dire.

    And, bridging the general and abstract theoretical at last into the concrete, practical and specific, Eudemonia in more optimal social and intellectual stimulus struggle, remains best to be attained upon the subversive path of disruptively innovative new venture creation (various business startup) interstitial concurrent synergy with collaborative fiction writing. -all as herein expounded. For disruptively innovative new venture creation (various business startup) interstitial concurrent synergy with collaborative fiction writing, remains the most readily empowering creative outlet enfolding purposeful interaction and substantive communication indispensable to human connection and crucial to fulfillment and authentic wellbeing. For the possibilities remain endless! 

    A call to action: Gentle reader,you are all invited  to join in and together attempt emulation neither of the facile and conniving popular kids nor of those phony success gurus, but rather the fulfillment in welcome pleasurable engagement in meaningful serious conversation and creative interaction as Empirically and repeatably observable of happy people who talk more seriously and with less small talk, fully involved together in creative endeavor. Because  Creativity must be acknowledged as a phenomena exceeding mere lone individual character and disposition, as John Cleese expounds: “not a talent: it's a way of operating.” indeed, wherein creativity is found most productively to flourish by continual alternation flowing between creativity in lone contemplative solitude and vibrant expressive creative interaction together. For to quote Michel Eyquem De Montaigne: “There is no pleasure to me without communication: there is not so much as a sprightly thought comes into my mind that it does not grieve me to have produced alone, and that I have no one to tell it to.”

    Philosophers, writers, artists, even scientists, not only need encouragement and an audience, they need constant stimulation from other people. It is almost impossible to think without talking. If Defoe had really lived on a desert island, he could not have written Robinson Crusoe, nor would he have wanted to. Take away freedom of speech, and the creative faculties dry up.”

      'Conversation with a Pacifist' by George Orwell

    Indeed, Creativity can and Should be Social. For in the words of Barbara Sher: “Isolation is the true dream killer, not your attitude.” Indeed, in the words of Barbara Sher: “Isolation is the true dream killer, not your attitude.” And to quote Mark R. J. Lavoie: “Life dies inside a person when there are no others willing to befriend him. Indeed, as George Orwell observes in Conversation with a Pacifist,’ even at all thinking clearly, becomes increasingly difficult in bored and lonely isolation without expression.  Therefore  let us each bring our own considered ideas to share, explore, criticize and modify together. Because, all in accordance with evolutionary neuroscience and the grand afterthought of Cultural Anthropology, such is Eudemonia.

    Wake up, Sheeple! It's all about how human social order as the glorified pack mammals that we are, has come to fall so vastly short of innate needs and appetites of social and intellectual stimulus struggle entirely unique to ever more massively engorged human cerebrality: Specifically, for  collaboration among equals together in creative solution finding. A joy alas far too infrequent under conventional paradigm of stultifying heteronomy to hierarchical dominance. And the consequences to authentic wellbeing could not be more dire.

    Because, as it turns out, work or play, exactly that creative process together, is what truly makes people happy. Therefore let us proactively plan an ongoing intentional and purposeful exercise of precisely such human interaction, instead of only waiting, so helplessly, for such lamentably infrequent occasion of human thriving in creative solution finding at long last again to arise at the whim of whatever powers that be.

    And the crucial first step towards close collaboration among equals and thereby Eudemonia as herein advanced, before undertaking anything more, will be simply to initiate and to sustain pertinent ongoing discussion, analytic yet strategic, in subversive deliberation online upon the agenda at hand. To reiterate: It will be predicted and recommended herein that fulfillment, authentic wellbeing and human flourishing in collaboration among equals remains most optimally achievable via dual application of the dynamic power of narrative: Specifically, in serious collaborative fiction writing in audaciously unprecedented dynamitic interstitial synergy concurrently with disruptively innovative new venture creation (various business startup), entrepreneurship for the rest of us. For the possibilities remain endless!

    Paradoxical as that may seem, even as an entirely practical matter, there can be no escaping philosophy. For in the words of Aristotle: “All things in life are philosophical. Because philosophical examination is the application of reason in setting consistent principles and values to guide decisions in life. And that is why, as Socrates so famously declares: An unexamined life is not worth the living for a human being. Because every solution, bridging abstract principle into concrete application, even as to the very meaning of life, first requires cogent problem statement indeed even as herein, of the human condition itself:  For even the celebrated constitutional right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, can proffer no guarantees of success in any such striving. Alas, mere mortal pursuit of happiness frequent only reaps Ecclesiastical vanity and futility. Indeed, as Epicurus most anciently observes, nebbish human beings are by and large so frequently inept at achieving happiness or for that matter, even acting in ones own self interests and survival, let alone towards any altruistic greater values. We often tend to find ourselves figuratively barking up that proverbially wrong metaphorical tree. Self destruction ambivalence and headgames however actually motivated psychologically and emotionally, every toxic flavor of prevailing misguided and even irrational inoperant behavior does seemingly correspond also cognitively with all manner of notable false premise and expectations as to the means and causes of happiness. To wit: 

    Indeed, one way or another, a common theme of Existential Absurdity, remains the constant diversionary allure of extrinsic reward and punishment, and thereby away from true fulfillment of relevant intrinsic motivation. Therefore, unless the Enlightenment age of sweet reason was all naught more than a poignantly wishful fever dream, indeed if we truly remain free agents at all, at all in command of own individual faculties, indeed autonomously as in accord with Positive Disintegration, actuated by profoundly individual values all of our own, then before ever just taking the bait even one more time, let us first reflect each upon our own scarce, unique and prized moments of joy. And then, let us reason together. And woe betide us all should anyone imagine the Dialectic as an objective. It's not. For thought worthy dialogue remains no objective or end result, but the barest beginning and indispensable.

    In fear and loathing, in ever mounting anxiety and depression, in the most toxic of extrinsic motivation and coercion, punishment and reward, social life often depressingly resembles formal education. Toxic lessons are propagated and enacted in every theater of life. Social success, much like good grades, remains predicated upon remaining silent and conditioning to behaving as expected. Critical thinking, challenge and thereby growth, must be assiduously avoided.

    Life is senseless suffering. But must we suffer so? And why, oh why, Dear Lord? Answer: Actually not by any caprice of divine wrath and judgment, but  from Frankensteins of our own making, institutions entirely of human creation. Because conventional paths in life for meeting social expectation, sore travail so rightly and roundly condemned and rejected here on, offer no escape from an Existentially Absurd social reality of dystressing user hostile outcomes gap, meaning such vastly inherent contradiction and setup for failure with no results no matter what one does.

    And everything that we've been told to the contrary, remains nothing more than yet another appalling big lie. Social failure and isolation may come as no surprise, in consideration of our most blatantly damaged specimens of humanity, most plainly awkward and even actually deficient in personal hygiene, let alone subtleties of social skill, all thereby so woefully inadequate to heteronymous expectations of conformity. But abject social failure and isolation is also the wretched fate, not only all too often also of the most harmlessly innocuous and ordinary of people, and all to frequently, even of our best and brightest, sensitive and well spoken. The Elephant in the Room, the taboo begged question, yet remains: Why must it require such nigh dharmic consummate social skill, simply in order to function even adequately and get along in society? As it turns out, according to  journalist and science correspondent Shankar Vedantam, interviewed on on NPR, population studies have revealed that that social skills make practically no difference for adults when it comes to social connections. Indeed, lonely people actually exhibit superior social intelligence and acuity.

    So why not, as only behooves flourishing democracy, any kind of system more direct and transparent? Some therefore even dare suggest that beyond whatever individual deficiency or maladaptation, there exist even the most dire systemic problems and dysfunction. That society itself, in aggregate, might be said to display and may even be said to suffer from any manner of actually entrenched pervasive developmental disorders. And the only winning move is not to play. But is there any alternative to what seems the only game in town? Answer: Yes, but only if we get serious together, in order to stop playing such toxic headgames. And never just by metaphorically going with the allegorical flow, indeed  ever figuratively circling that proverbial drain. Because failing to plan is planning to fail. Because when the going gets tough, nerds, gifted peers, work the problem. To wit:

    Life is suffering. And all thatWe, the Sheeple, have so flagrantly bought into and desperately sold out for, is an irredeemable stifling toxic big lie! The truth is that both popularity, social success, on the one hand, and failure, social isolation in rejection by society on the other hand, only make most everyone lonely and miserable but only in slightly different ways. One cannot serve two masters, love, signifying intrinsic value, and mammon denoting any kind of  extrinsic reward and thereby false or dubious object of reverence and devotion. Balance is chimera, will o' the wisp. Either love or mammon must assert guiding priority over the other. And again, both out comes make most everyone miserable. Either mammon, the all consuming, grinding and oppressive social rat race for popularity and social success endures, in poignant and secret hope that love sacrificed will somehow materialize from the either, despite every true to life dramatic obstacle thereby set in its path, or love defiant, as manifest in the quest for relationship and endeavor informed by intrinsic value and autonomy, persists towards ever more difficult practical fruition.

    Alas there as yet exists no clear, ready and transparent social support system for individual endeavor and outreach. And because popularity and social success ever remain antithetical to true friendship. Because friendship is genuine, substantive and intimate, being predicated upon unguarded and reciprocal psychological visibility, while popularity and social success depend upon purpose defeatingly facile superficiality ever keeping distance, keeping conversation light and innocuous, endlessly perpetuating pretence of fake fun. Such is the enactment of prevailing mythology enshrined in regressive social expectation and world view. But by exploding all such destructive myths of fraudulent social reality, even just between ourselves, and then by collaborative brainstorming and solution finding, of small scale social engineering design, might together set agenda in planning and then doing anything better, for implementation deliberately and intentionally, of purposeful interaction and substantive communication. And such remains the objective of Creativity can and Should be Social.

    Because there can be no objectives of unilateral "well-formed plan" except for solitary endeavor within the meager constraints of lone individual recourse. Indeed, all unilateral social skills advice for the individual is tautologically inoperant, simply because free social interaction requires more than one consenting participant. Indeed, as it turns out, not everyone has been copied on exactly the same benighted social contract. And whatever might be deemed implicit to one, may be dismissed as blatantly obtuse by another. There is no real consensus, only such blithely concealment of controversy by sly oppressive means of intimidation and suppression of dissidence. In truth, one size fits all unilateral social skills advice online for the individual, indeed similar myth much as typically arising in casual conversation anyhow, tends implicitly toward frustratingly over simplistic and even attachment disordered mindblind dehumanizing unreliable prediction regarding the interaction and responses of others, very different people, indeed even complete strangers under very different situations. Such is socialization, behavioral conditioning that none dare call indoctrination or: brainwash. Such are the most dangerous myths of fraudulent social reality, so urgently in need of exploding. Follow your bliss! remains the shopworn motto whereby we are each and all extolled, before being summarily abandoned each and all to our own devices.

    Change our conversation, reset the agenda, and change the world!
    And lo, the star first follower shall become the true leader and influencer, showing others how to participate and to relate, blazing the trail of welcome!
    For any lonesome frustrated desire tells a story, needs a plan, and calls out for allies
    Surely, candid and open yet realistic serious conversation, hopefully upon such an important, interesting and uplifting topic, and barring unmanageable trepidation of decidophobia, remains the very minimum initial and tentative commitment to any purpose. It might even be fun! Of course, there can be no guarantees. But if even that little will be just too much bother, just too much to ask, nerdy, socially awkward, taboo and timidly dismissed out of hand, then pray do tell: Precisely what permitted measures are there so much more easy and effective, and to what end? And so, gentle reader, which among opposing inclinations do you intend to feed?
    Let us then together test the very hypothesis, that even full engagement in analytic yet strategic conversation as proposed, will reveal true hope and already lift spirits, entirely free from any of the usual self manipulative motivational chicanery of bogus willful positivity, dangerous and destructive myth so interminably foisted and inflicted upon the unwitting hapless masses.

    Question: Does philosophy any longer strive for arête, or merely investigate in the abstract? Answer: Towards Eudemonia, practical philosophical investigation must bridge abstract and concrete, sharing and cultivating habits of clear thinking and expression crucial to effective action in welcome of collaboration among equals in creative solution finding as in, as proposed, the sustained exercise of the pure creativity in collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming, in liberating interstitial synergy concurrently with subversive and disruptively innovative entrepreneurial new venture creation (various business startup), purposeful interaction all requiring substantive communication and psychological visibility,.

    Gentle reader, do you long for an unconventional life? Then where to begin? And what is of essence? Stimulus struggle, what every living thing is doing all of the time, remains no more or less than the perpetual striving to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of stimulation and arousal from the surrounding environment. And in accordance with evolutionary neuroscience, for human consciousness, stimulus struggle uniquely demands the gratification of crucial social and intellectual stimulus needs and appetites, to which, in accordance with the grand afterthought of Cultural Anthropology, the unique and fully engaged Dialectic ebullience of collaboration among equals in creative solution finding and brainstorming remains key, and for which as proposed, Creativity can and Should be Social, the dual and synergistic and dynamic applications of the power of narrative, collaborative fiction writing and Entrepreneurial disruptively innovative new venture creation (various business startup), remain so ideal. Indeed, trustworthy, capable and respectful happy people talk more seriously and thrive in autonomy, prosper and succeed, together engaging in creative endeavor. And all with less small talk. There will be far more important and interesting agenda at hand: Indeed, such happiness embodies the very antithesis of all ever toxic and sanctioned expectations enacted in antisocial and distant insubstantive superficial) to which so many have become accustomed and socialized into.

    For even such prospect merely of Dialectic engagement, even most anciently demonstrates promise of escape from the Existentially Absurd perpetual bait-and-switch dilemma between blatant lonely isolation and unhappiness inflicted from not fitting in, or else more devious lonely isolation, indeed the painfully lonely boredom of inauthentic conditionality of fitting in, often such an all consuming full time occupation. Heteronomy, conformism and the endless dance of popularity frequently become Orwellian, all consuming, draining and tremendously costly, undermining not only autonomy, independent thinking and ambition, but even the human capacity to genuinely relate to one another, to form relationship and friendship. Indeed, that's Why Nerds Are Unpopular: Because nerds invest their precious time, not in the extensive and complicated dance of popularity, but cultivating genuine interests and values of their own. But in fundamental paradigm shift, can creativity conceivably become actually go viral and popular? After all, creativity is found most productively to flourish by continual alternation flowing between creativity in lone contemplative solitude and vibrant expressive creative interaction together.

    Yes: Creativity can and Should be Popular! advances the unique analytically strategic and subversive agenda of Creativity can and Should be Social, a specific and relevant purposeful human interaction of  pure creativity in collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming, in liberating interstitial synergy concurrently with subversive and disruptively innovative entrepreneurial new venture creation (various business startup), purposeful interaction all requiring substantive communication and psychological visibility, and all via specific intentional formation of a more welcoming and open minded yet skeptical immediate social circle or group. Clubs that meet regularly, are known thereby to provide for propinquity. Although, with a little outgoing initiative and persistence, and given the opportunity, so can the telephone, if only the other party is receptive. It's nice to be needed! Not to digress. In particular, cooperation on group projects, even somewhat arbitrarily, has been observed to bring people together and promote friendship, But any sense of arbitrary meaningless and pointlessness thereby remaining Existentially Absurd, may instead backfire, aimlessly risking needless peril of bored and lonely dystress of ever increasing alienation and futility, far from friendship and attachment.
    Be all that as it may, one possible and applicable strategic explanation of the greater efficacy in social outreach of groups working together in social situations, over the lone efforts of any single individual, might be found, at least in any part, in the phenomena of informational social influence or: social "proof" wherein individuals are informed and then imitate the behavior of others around them. After all, that fabled star first follower or ally, transforms a lone nut into a leader. And: "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." But as to any deliberate strategy in purposeful application of informational social influence or: social "proof," indeed such as striving to appear popular by being seen in public together with others, all of this presents a catch-22, a double bind, unless one is already blessed with the requisite social support, networking connections and resources.
    Because secure and effective social embedment is also important to wellbeing. Does then social success remain elusive without social success already? An outreach herein is further proposed, called: Creativity can and Should be Popular, under the premise that if participation in an intentional creative group or social circle as herein proposed, Creativity can and Should be Social might naturally come to exert informational social influence or: social "proof." when desirable experience and/or salutary results for participants in  Creativity can and Should be Social readily becomes Empirically observable to others and then word spreads. The outreach probortunity then of Creativity can and Should be Popular will be not only how best to leverage Creativity can and Should be Social not only for ongoing recruitment, but as actually the greater priority, in order to facilitate and improve for participants, individual interpersonal networking and forging and improving relationships. Creativity can and Should be Popular: a concept of making you the PR priority!

    Indeed, if only any two or more individuals can imagine different, then relationship ensues, a new more proximate experimental superseding closer social reality. Smaller social circles or relationships of two or more individuals, are well known to forge their own unique social contracts and expectations amongst themselves. On the one hand, group dynamics may remain unimaginatively bound to prior socialization, or else on the other hand abandoning all propriety, they may co validate and normalize any conceivable deviance no matter how senseless and destructive. Both extremes remain depressingly common. Indeed, elements of both may often coexist and manifest in the group dynamics of the self same social circle. For there may often be found no more staunch conformists than the most flagrant deviants, and no deeper deviance and conviction than such blithely Absurd hypocrisy in desperate mimesis of all that one can never truly be. Indeed, such is true to life Comedy of Manners.

    But for those most fortunate among us, there can also be at all more functional and congenial social circles characterized, perhaps even intentionally and by design, guided by whatever more congenial, productive and laudable values in action, networking for one another first and foremost for each our own best interests and delight, but never for anything more devious, manipulative, ulterior, strange, dangerous and exploitative.

    After all, whereas immutable physical reality neither seeks nor requires approval or consent, social reality, sore travail even as all to often no less Absurd, remains a direct product of human acquiescence and participation, even as all to often, quite dysfunctional. For such is the dynamic power of narrative and the stories we buy into or not. And hence the ambition of Transactional Analysis, instead to live out happier stories, via Antithesis, a cunning repertoire of stock radically honest curve ball responses, in order to derail toxic Ulterior Transactions or: headgames. And thus intentionally enacting better narratives of our own invention, and even by researching, investigating and rôle modeling from more trustworthy happier people, rather than blindly following the most toxic of prevailing norms, insipid myths and misguided social expectations. Indeed, even by the social engineering design of more optimally fulfilling social and intellectual stimulus struggle.

    Creativity can and Should be Social is a proposed ongoing endeavor of pure creativity in collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming, in liberating interstitial synergy concurrently with subversive and disruptively innovative entrepreneurial new venture creation (various business startup). Because collaboration in storytelling and business or project planning remain similar and related applications in the dynamic power of narrative and therein of creative solution finding. A business or project plan is a kind of story, an even dramatic futuring scenario rigorously detailing a projected path to success. But whereas, at least barring the outright surreal, any good story or ripping yarn only needs to seem plausible, a viable plan must be rendered rigorously feasible. And yet both remain excellent means to pleasurable and meaningful optimal reciprocal engagement, most important among intrinsic social and intellectual human stimulus appetites, congenial and indeed fully engaged path to social support, mastery and success. For any lonesome frustrated desire tells a story, needs a plan, and calls out for allies. Gentle reader, I do not have what you want, but dare we seek for it together? We might succeed dare we try! 
    But what if generally cares neither for storytelling nor business? Or for that matter, what if one simply mistrusts philosophy, after all a discipline of such long and widespread ill repute? Of course, everyone is different. But no good sense making comes from simply ignoring philosophy in grappling with any plainly philosophical questions. Indeed, to quote Aristotle, and indeed as Axiological dimensions of the very probortunity at hand must well attest: “All things in life are philosophical.“ Because philosophical examination is the application of reason in setting consistent principles and values to guide decisions in life. Hence as Socrates so famously declares: An unexamined life is not worth the living for a human being. And no human skill is automatic or self evident, much less the digestion and evaluation of ideas, philosophy and habits of clear thinking.

    Alas many condemn philosophy as completely abstract and thereby entirely impractical. Because philosophy indeed deals in the most broadly applicable abstraction. And all too true, abstract principle not informed by objective reality and practically, remains no less deranged than supposedly practical consideration devoid of thoughtful guiding abstract principle. Therefore philosophy indeed becomes effete except by bridging the gap and maintaining the connection between generality of abstraction on the one hand, and Empirical practicality on the other hand. Said compartmentalization between the abstract and the concrete, remains a prevalent and highly effective memeplex, undermining both Empirical science and transfer from scientific discovery to practical strategy. Again to quote Ernest Hemingway: Never confuse movement with action. Indeed, as Thomas Carlyle put it: “Nothing is more terrible than activity without insight.

    There also remains the lamentable common misconception that disagreement equals strife. Therefore many condemn philosophy as judgmental and miserable. Nevertheless  the disputants in Plato's Dialogues do seem to be enjoying themselves. And so should we all. Anti-intellectualism condemn philosophy as agitation, whereas people should remain blithely content, endure and conform, just by second nature. Indeed, those who won't just take a hint, may even find themselves certified as blithely intensive, behaviorally inoperant, psychiatrically disturbed, generally loony and obdurate. But in truth, philosophy merely helps to articulate and perhaps even ever howsoever to combat, all manner of objectively real existing causes and matters of morally sincere and perfectly honest, legitimate and entirely reactive discontent.

    To wit: If and when we come together, shall indeed we be richer for it? What is most crucial to that fabled opposite of loneliness and boredom, that most favorable social situation of authentic individual wellbeing? To begin with, there will be more myths to be exploded: Firstly, successful social cohesion can be no value in and of itself, because even social cohesion alone can actually be so tremendously unhappy, profoundly dysfunctional and outright malignant. Therefore oppressively arbitrary social cohesion is to be avoided like the very plague that it has always been. As George Orwell so clearly understood, the alienation of individuals from one another, remains too high a cost for the typical brutality of heteronymous social cohesion. Empirically, even such factors as typical granfalloon membership in group identity and even interests in common, remain empty and unfulfilling distraction at best, and actually remain quite ineffective in bringing about interpersonal bonding and attachment. Indeed, like group identity or membership, shared interests in common are perhaps among the least predicators of interpersonal compatibility.

    Alas to make matters worse, that entrepreneurs, not unlike like writers, are often characterized as solitary self reliant loners, with such difficulty just getting out of their own way, even notoriously incapable of delegating. The struggle for individual freedom and capable power as expressed in the the ambition of Entrepreneurship and disruptively innovative new venture creation (various business startup), so often remains solitary in no small part because the wannabe Entrepreneur much like the aspiring writer, sallies forth alone without the corporate resources of employment. Anyone aspiring and yearning to experience creative fulfillment in Entrepreneurial success, in new venture creation (various business startup), has surely become well cognizant of the most embryonic first-concept inception or: "kitchen table" stage or phase of new venture creation (various business startup), following from the metaphor of aspiring cofounders gathered round the proverbial kitchen table, out from endless possibility, concretizing their vision. And those will be so fondly remembered as the happiest days of friendship. Creativity can and Should be Social, beyond mere individual character and disposition. Indeed, creativity is found most productively to flourish by continual alternation flowing between creativity in lone contemplative solitude and vibrant expressive creative interaction together and endless possibility.

    And yet, all fond enthusiasm notwithstanding, as yet there remains virtually no readily accessible community, support for, or even literature, regarding the most embryonic first-concept "kitchen table" stage or phase of new venture creation (various business startup), let alone outreach and recruitment thereto. Perhaps this is because the learning curve, the challenge, let alone the magnitude of solution finding, in endless possibility only boggles the mind, and the sheer volume of labor rightly anticipated will be so daunting. Or because the lone aspirant with no comrades in life struggle, or at any rate, no one trustworthy, will be summarily dismissed, deemed such lost and lonely souls, unpopular beyond any bother of salvation. Or perhaps the probortunity arises merely in response to the penchant of dronelike formal education to so slavishly admire, but never actually to teach and emulate, the lofty greatness of leadership on the part of exceptional men and women of destiny, so lonely at the top. Or perhaps, actually, this is all simply because there is just no money to be made in catering to the actual capability needs of those who are not as yet actually already showing any profit as serial Entrepreneurs, not withstanding the importance of serial failure until at last reaching first success, leveraging the learning curve towards first overcoming all manner of inertia. As Edward Snowden observes, oppressors who restrict our options, then pretend that we consent. Because for wretches such as we, there must be no ready escape at all from the only wretched game in town! For such remains the banal rank hypocrisy of glowing lip service to independence while fostering helplessness and dependency.
    But true capability accrues in the accessibility of whatever needed resources as individually perceived, attainable in freedom to chose in actual practice and not merely in theory. Alas,  to reiterate, the market only caters to successful serial Entrepreneurs already making money in business, who can and will pay. And meanwhile, desperate wannabes are ever scammed with no end of dazzling but dubious offers and so-called opportunities. In better alternative, social support is so often deemed the single greatest predicator of success. Alas then, that not everyone is ever availed of likeminded social support, even to  muddle haphazardly in efforts at new venture creation (various business startup) and entrepreneurship for the rest of us. Creativity can and Should be Social is conceived to at all fill that gap with a more welcoming new kind of community.

    However, as Alistair Miller contends, common Psychological models such as embraced even by Positive Psychology, might be criticized philosophically, as often remaining premised upon a number of highly questionable assertions: First, that life can be conceived in terms of the setting and achieving of objectives, whatever motivating lofty goals ever set forth, second, that whichever traits, dispositions, emotions, feelings, desires, beliefs and values that together comprise a person’s attitudes, indeed ones very personality, and which psychodynamic psychology embraces in causal explanation of human behavior, can be consciously managed or even controlled; third, that people can broadly be categorized as pessimistic or optimistic with the ability to persevere, achieve their objectives, whatever motivating lofty goals ever set forth, and thereby attain happiness; and finally, that playing to one’s ‘signature strengths’ or positive traits and virtues in absorbing activities remains key and welcoming to authentic wellbeing

    Moreover: Obsessive goal orientation is often discovered as dysfunctional, misguided, irrelevant and unhappy, vastly underserved new values emerging as personal sacrifice and neglect increasingly takes its toll. Indeed, precisely such truism readily finds expression in time honored dramatic trope of character development and growth, of whatever false goals increasingly exposed in the course of plot events, by the gradual emergence of any deeper and truer motivation. Because conscious management of profound emotion only constitutes futile denial all bottled up, lying to oneself. -or one way or another undergoing such forms of for all intents and purposes: Behavior Modification in society as socialization, behavioral conditioning that none dare call: Indoctrination or: brainwash, questioned and overcome in Positive Disintegration..

    Lastly, optimism remains Existentially Absurd in the face of pessimistic realism, the tendency of pessimists to predict more accurately than optimists. Pessimistic realism is only rational skepticism and systematic doubt, after all. Nevertheless, to be realistic, playing to one’s ‘signature strengths’ or positive traits and virtues in absorbing activities, remains observably and consistently gratifying. It doesn't get old. As Alistair Miller further expounds:

    “There is of course nothing new in the idea that one of the keys to a fulfilling life is to find absorbing interests, passions, callings and commitments—indeed, it would be hard to define ‘fulfilling’ in any meaningful sense except in these terms. The special insight of positive psychology is that it is the engagement and expression of a person's' signature strengths’ [as perhaps however questionably differentiated and catalogued by Seligman] that specifically produces the ‘authentic positive emotion’ ”

    As Edward Snowden observes, oppressors of every stripe, who restrict our options, then pretend that we consent. Indeed, this is by design, alienation baked in. For even most anciently in the curriculum of Plato's Academy, boredom was deliberately inflicted upon students as a conservative measure to test for heteronomy and conformity and against Indeed, this is by design, alienation baked in. Indeed, even most anciently in the curriculum of Plato's Academy, boredom was deliberately inflicted upon students as a conservative measure to test and filter for heteronomy and conformity and against autonomy, by weeding out boredom prone original thinkers and innovators, purveyors of dangerous novelty, from rising to influential positions in society, by weeding out boredom prone original thinkers and innovators, purveyors of dangerous novelty, from rising to influential positions in society.

    Quoth the Bard: “Whereof what's past is prologue; what to come, in yours and my discharge.” We all remain well aware of how entire populations so terrified of truth, have been so eagerly duped, one way or another, throughout history. And what if anything like that is still happening even now? Rest assured that this is so. For in the words of Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche: “The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.” Indeed, to quote Mark Twain, “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to reform (or pause and reflect).”  Indeed, much ever so flagrant taboo in outlandish assertion herein, if true, makes propaganda lies and myth of blithely unquestioned consensus, one way or another. What then must be done? all therefore flouts fashionable expectation of dreary convenience and narcotizing fluff. Au contraire, remains serious content for serious people. And there will be a lot to unpack throughout navigation into the present vast, detailed and densely written hypertext, no short attention casual read. . If necessary, first get an overview and then break it down. And jotting down notes along the way, may even help spark and organize posting in response, effort most welcome and invited. And for anyone making such effort for me, then in return I will spare no effort for you, unmet friend, in diligent crafting of salient response. Because intelligence and sensitivity, even serious disposition in rejection of triviality, are not a social disease. Do not conform to anti-intellectualism! And such is my own subversive Message in a Bottle, the opportunity for optimal reciprocal engagement and fulfillment in substantive communication towards purposeful interaction, the only effective path to capable relationship and especially friendship, all so essential to hoped for success. Mark my words: All else remains fraud and futility.

    Long has the vast majority labored subordinate to make the fortunes and prestige of others. Therefore, even just in the moment, let us together reclaim the will to power. Get out what you put in. Pay attention to detail. Expand our horizons. Reach out! Take a break from braindead small talk, fake fun and recreation, so-called, that shabbily travesty of playful honest hedonism. Just forget antisocial and stimulus impoverished  (anti)social media and the empty illusion of social life. Put down that idiotic smart phone. And bending your whole mind to the task, even just for the moment, use a real desktop computer with a wide screen and sprawling keyboard. Don't you deserve that little? Rise up, sheeple! Browsing with a cell phone, is wearisome and stupefying like surfing the Net through a periscope and navigating with a pair of tweezers! And rest assured, this is not a bug but a feature, and all by Dystopian design.

    We exist in a monological world, teeming with glorified pack mammals, bleating sheeple, some quite famous, who only talk and never listen, not even to their own thoughts, much less to one another, to anyone else. Indeed, like unto some absentee God, or Castro to the Cubans, no matter how irate, nevertheless all speaking in the familiar all about "Fidel" as if they ever hung out and chatted with the tyrant personally, the celebrity cult pundits cultivate parasocial one sided false sense of relationship amongst the gullible from whom they shield themselves and ignore. And also such is the enigma of membership in collective identity no less than as with ever sycophantic cult of personality. Munchausen by proxy the likes of Rush Limbaugh may even sink so low as to pander for sympathy amongst the faithful for his adorable poor ailing pet pooch, but there will be no access to be found for any response, no matter how urgent, helpful or sympathetic. -And all for the sake of that poor suffering creature! No mass market charlatan no matter how drunk on the adulation of lost souls, actually ever desires to hear from the hoi polloi. Alas then the disillusion from individually taking such mass distracting scoundrels at their word. 

    Worse, reaching out to one another instead, has become that much less convenient after Google eliminated forum search, making it that much more difficult simply to filter for anything actually calling for any kind of answer or response. Google even purchased and then eventually shut down DejaNews, the renowned USENET newsgroup archive, for many a last bastion of at all intelligent conversation, in order to stop spammers from harvesting email addresses. Talk about figuratively throwing out that proverbial baby with any metaphorical bath water!

    And so, instead of reliably connecting strangers, an internet search will still at least lead the user to information. Or else to highly page ranked though largely uninformative content, even however impressive seeming, nevertheless somewhat simplistic, yet another pandering sales pitch to desperation, again with no interest in actually hearing from anyone, or much real help.

    But no, it's not all just because of ever expanding vectors forSPAMper se. Not withstanding any alluring futuring scenario of vision of automated Sociometry, in the here and now the Internet, the great revolution in electronic communication, ever gravitates back to the worst and most prolific of traditional one way advertising, until everything just tastes of SPAM. So fear not and rest assured: I don't want your money or your devotion. Gentle reader, I'd never let you off so easily! I am too good a friend for that. And I am certainly no formulaic callow motivational grifter here to psyche you up and then leave you in the lurch!

    As my father liked to say, the world is divided into the knowers and the seekers, those united behind uniform and monolithic doctrine and  know-it-all perceived monopoly upon manifest truth, and the varied and essentially disparate seekers of truth and one another, with no such pretence and engineering no such consensus. Because, true tolerance is never contingent upon agreeable silence and compliance. Persuasion, like individual opinion to begin with, remains indispensable and nothing to be ashamed of. But its a two way street. And persuasive rhetoric must enfold logos (logic /sound reasoning) along with pathos (emotional appeal), kairos (timing or occasion) and the insight into the human condition that is drama and the discipline of the writing craft. But fair play, unrestrained conjecture, the speculative element, and even but also the practice of controversy which is the invited and valued fee exchange of criticism, all remain crucial in both application of narrative, creative fiction writing and business or project planning alike. Not adamant conviction however secured or inspired, but open-minded skepticism remains crucial. Sometimes, there can be no more gullible mark than the confidence trickster. And that may seem only fair. But norms of reciprocal manipulation are only a vicious cycle of unmitigated folly and mendacity. Whereas by contrast, in seeking to change minds, honest rational people should no less receptive and no more so, as they would wish others to be when reaching out to them. Because criticism remains nothing to fear, nothing threatening or hostile. There can be no  verified or justified firm foundation. Genuine criticism remains inherently friendly, an expression of esteem. And we are all fallible. Indeed, to quote Dwight David 'Ike' Eisenhower: Plans are nothing, planning is everything. And in the famous words of Helmuth von Moltke the Elder, disciple of Carl von Clausewitz: No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy. -nor, for that matter, whatever other sort of antagonist, true to life dramatic obstacle or complication. All progress then remains a function of ongoing error detection and course correction. Who in their right mind would ever want to read the work of fiction writers who shun critique, much less invest in a business startup from a management team that resents and ignores all criticism of their business plans?

    Verificationism/Justificationism is the heteronymous demand, if not for unattainable certainty, then for prior justification, verification or firm foundation before moving forward: Many remain convinced that nothing should ever be subject to serious deliberation until the practicality thereof is well established. And that rules out feasibility study, especially of such wild ambitions as, just for perhaps the most extreme example even conceivable, retrograde time travel. And how outlandish, how foolish! Therefore, never mind any of my own social, emotional and intellectual preference! Really, just who do I think that I am! To quote Aldous Huxley in 'Brave New World:' “...most men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution.” So why not just give in to pressure and bullying? Just be what they expect. Give the people what thy want! -That very worst grot bottom of insufferable toxic and futile dilettantery and pipedreaming, the craven antirational exaltation of the mediocre sometimes referred to as the cult of the amateur in rejection of all experts and expertise: All without effort, fiction writing sans critique, business planning without rigorous criticism and due diligence of feasibility study, and meaning in life without struggle, difficulty, integrity, complexity, Philosophy or abstraction, and above all: full time enthusiastic participation in the most interminably vapid, boring and empty small talk, soul crushing loneliness even amid the crowds. Precisely such stinking thinking is what comes of  Verificationism/Justificationism and the irrational terror of uncertainty. In the alternative, Faliblism/ Non-Justification, in the spirit of autonomy, contends rather that we remain ever fallible, that there is no verification, justification or firm foundation from which to proceed, and that in vibrant freethinking without fidelity or commitment, all hypotheses begin as unjustified conjecture, sheer speculation, only afterwards subject to critical preference and reality testing, and never filtered in advance. All of which should raise no alarm nor cause suffering of trepidation.

    Alas, with the ever pervasive rise of the willfully positive bogus support group ethos, has come in deplorable like kind, the phony writers group, similarly offering only encouragement and actually forbidding all substance. Such is the fantasy of writing, the ever pipedreaming wish without the will. Nevertheless, it may bear mention at this juncture that as things stand, nevertheless there have long endured many high quality serious writers groups in pursuit of arête, of excellence in the discipline of the writing craft via the exchange of critique, nevertheless otherwise embracing as inevitable matter of course, the solitude of writing. And alas that thinking makes it so. Indeed, for whatever reason, typical writers groups generally do not practice ongoing collaborative fiction writing. Among serious writers, collaboration in fiction writing is the rare exception. But creativity and innovation are best served in an ongoing alternation between time for private thought and conduct of open free exchange together with others.

    Worse,  in contrast to traditional serious writer's groups, the many perfectly awful collaborative fiction writing projects and communities that do exist online, in mindless anal retentive conformity to mediocrity, for the most  part typically hold forth that because there is no disputing tastes as the saying goes, therefore there can be no criteria or technique for quality writing, no point in making the effort, no aspiration to excellence because otherwise no deficiency either. Therefore, as might be expected, the output remains systematically execrable. And again, only imagine any similar attitude when it comes to drafting business plans! To reiterate, who would want want to read a story by writers who spurn critique, much less invest in a business startup from a management team who resent and ignores all criticism? In either mode of narrative, storytelling or business / project planning, writing is rewriting, hard work and never a waste of time. Indeed, as Paul Valéry contends, a work of art is never finished, only abandoned. The passage of time affords the writer the opportunity, ever to return to ones text with "fresh eyes." But ongoing feedback in collaboration, affords the "fresh eyes" and minds of others, without delay, speeding the progress of writing and therefore of planning.

    Writing is rewriting
    helpful INVOLVEMENT, ongoing rounds of editing and revision of prose, one's own or for anyone else,

    Less is more: “Leave out the bits that people just skip ahead.  — Elmore Leonard


    Come late and leave early. Edit!  In the immortal words of Alfred Hitchcock:  Drama is life with the dull parts cut out.” Therefore an efficient scene should be entered as late in the action as possible, and then transition to the next scene just as soon as everything crucial is revealed or has transpired. Otherwise, there had better be any purpose either in building up before hand or lingering on afterward. Whatever motivation establishing conflict on every level with pathos in fight scenes needs must come before hand and even such crucial exposition and background information as the terrain is best established immediately before a chase sequence, usually lacking dialogue unless it's short and clipped.

    “I'm sorry. If I’d more time, I would have written a shorter letter.”
      — Marcus T. Cicero


    But what applies to writing specifically, applies no less to life learning most generally. And more people might at long last begin learning from their mistakes in ongoing revision their own opinions, were only they not so preoccupied in such frantic denial. Or better still, to  learn from the prior mistakes of others. Therefore, avoid old mistakes, and welcome new ones. As most everyone alive today well knows and understands, we only learn from mistakes, from true to life drama of bad decisions that make for good stories. Such remains the positive power of negative thinking! And yet alas that incorrect responses are still penalized from early on in the antiquated sore travail of formal education, the entrenched bastion and fifth column of oppressive heteronomy to conformity even within global democracy. The resultant prevailing flagrantly anti-intellectual Anti-Critical Bias, the anxious, fragile and thin-skinned perception of criticism as hostile and hurtful, remains an unaffordable liability, especially in any serious endeavor, whatever might be at stake. The repudiation of Anti-Critical Bias, thereby upholding the precious freedom and value of criticism, of error detection and course correction, the practice of controversy and of open dissent, remains of crucial relevance to happiness, safety and capability. as is striving to take things in whatever spirit as intended and affording the benefit of the doubt:

    Imbeciles, tyrants and scoundrels, adamantly insist, simply ignoring all sound reasoning supported by Empirical evidence entirely to the contrary, that cooperation is impossible save by fairly complete consensus and agreeable compliance. And thus, under the worldview of heteronomy, collaboration among equals remains entirely inconceivable! But responsible people who disagree actually do cooperate productively only all the time! In the words of John Storrs Hall: “Ideas should compete, bodies should cooperate.” Scientist in perpetual disagreement on one point or another, challenge one another to discover Empirical truth by experiment and Scientific Method, and those ever more scarce functional policy makers in good faith, are actually ever known to reach reasonable compromise. And all entirely without consensus or silence. Whereas with no place for dissent, consensus groups remain merely do nothing pep rallies. That is, unless they are scams, in which case whatever the scam's ulterior agenda may indeed be accomplished, whatever good that comes of it. Indeed, wars have been lost by clueless military hierarchies lacking due protocol for the airing of dissent among junior officers, dismissively silenced when they foresaw disaster.

    Whereas,  in both word and deed, abusive bullies intentupon undermining the precious dignity of others, forever actout with such brazen impunity, by contrast even the most harsh of genuine criticism remains inherently friendly, an expression of esteem. For: “Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” - Proverbs 27:17 (KJV)  And there can be no solutions first without explicit and ever improving problem statements. After all, an opponent in debate is no more the enemy than a competitor in sports or other competitive play. Fair play unites us not despite but because of discord itself, in Axiological Dialectic upon the many and varied very questions of all what matters most, how so and why, enlightenment by refutation in the Socratic crucible of truth, of not only crucial abstract analysis and meaning in the deepest sense, and beyond mere aspiration, arête in real practicality and capable effective interaction together. Even sheer incomprehension is a beginning and no dire impasse. There is no cause for alarm. The readiness to speak up, question, point out and discuss  communication errors and failures, remains crucial to communication at all, and sometimes even a matter of life and death. Mistakes are the Essence towards Intersubjectivity via fully engaged Dialectical conversational adequacy in collaborative miscommunication repair.

    In the words of Albert Einstein: “It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education.” After all, the endurance of boredom is a hallmark of compliant conformity and heteronomy. Hence, even most anciently in the curriculum of Plato's Academy, boredom was deliberately inflicted upon students as a conservative measure to test for heteronomy and conformity by weeding out boredom prone original thinkers and innovators, purveyors of dangerous novelty, from rising to influential positions in society. In the mindset of such heteronomy, only individuals of destiny so ruggedly successful in overcoming such daunting barriers and stumbling blocks and rising to leadership, philosopher kings so lonely at the top, strong yet broken and dedicated to the state, will be deemed worthy to institute change by decree, their painful isolation and sacrifice sparing the rest of us contented drones any such terrifying responsibility and the risk of humiliating error. Hence, to this day, typically, in heteronymous formal education, students are encouraged to admire such individuals of destiny, but never equipped in any way to strive at emulation. Anything but! Cheering us all on at the starting line and then immediately and forever vanishing, "Follow your bliss!" is the shopworn motto whereby we are each and all extolled before being summarily abandoned, each and all to our own devices. How then might the barriers be lowered to initiative and disruptive innovation, actually to foster and socially support brilliant original thinking and action for the rest of us?

    Clearly, distant, thin skinned, ever terrified, paranoid and disingenuous willful positivity, patiently keeping everything light and innocuous, all simply in order to escape notice "hiding ones light under a bushed" and thereby fitting in, can be excruciatingly bored and lonely, painful and harmful, for sensitive, intelligent creative people. Indeed, to reiterate, the deliberate infliction of boredom is often an intentional test for conformity in conservative society, in order to weed out innovators and preserve social stability in the status quo. Indeed, thus was it so in Plato's Academy, the ancient prototype for enduring, toxic and sanctioned prevailing norms of formal education for the training of compliant drones, and the very antithesis of any optimal situations of authentic wellbeing and human flourishing, thinking capability and even leadership. Because in accordance with the grand afterthought of Cultural Anthropology, added dimensions of social and intellectual stimulus struggle, intrinsic social and intellectual needs and appetites so unique to humanity, remain rooted in the inbred hideous mutation and massively engorged evolutionary neuroscience of human consciousness. As Socrates so famously declares: "An unexamined life is not worth the living for a human being." Rather than sallying forth out into the world, struggling to finesse others at random and sucking up for approval, would it not make better sense to simply compare notes candidly here and now?
    Why then such prevailing anxiety of uncertainty in our culture? Perhaps because in our world and in our time, we remain ever in crisis. Life is suffering. Life has always been Absurdly threatening, complex, tragic and demeaning. What can be done? Figuratively, many seemingly do not even seek proverbially to sell their metaphorical souls, but might be said eagerly to pay ever more dearly, just to be well rid thereof! Many seek to quell their own suffering from within, even by turning to ever more fantastical mysticism and magical religion or ever more brutal Behavior Modification. Many thereby strive to recover certainty of lost innocence, even at whatever cost and falsehood of lying to oneself. But certainty remains impossible, and innocence is vastly overrated, no Biblical pleasant garden of delight, but only a clammy darkness at last illuminated in Positive Disintegration and the Promethean transgression of dawning autonomy.

    The desperate struggle for lost innocence amounts to nothing more than the futility of deep denial and terror management, enduring wellspring of lunatic ideology and tyranny. And yet, all is not lost. But what hope and at what cost in time and effort? Nothing can be gained in the mounting dystress of unremitting cognitive dissonance from the abandon of reason and integrity, never truly without qualm. In the alternative, let us undertake both soul searching and reality testing, in feasibility study, together. Life, as it is said, remains the journey, the ongoing experience, and not whatever hoped for destination or results in deferred gratification. So, how far are we each willing go? How actually capable might we become? Gentle reader, have you the wherewithal? What will it actually take to get what you want? What are any of us willing to do, or unwilling? And does the threshold of feasibility at all, let alone whatever threshold of willing action, meet with desired interim experience ("the journey" of life) let alone projected thresholds of whatever desired outcomes ("the destination") in achievement or payoff of deferred gratification? What will be the required human and material resource Capitalization, and how if at all might they be acquired? Let us strive to remain honest with one another and with ourselves, in due diligence and feasibility study of business or project planning. Motivational self manipulation remains bogus and futile. I don't want your money or your devotion. Gentle reader, I'd never let you off so easily! I am too good a friend for that. And I am certainly no callow motivational grifter here to psyche you up and then leave you in the lurch! Because w e all know how that feels, and I don't like it! We are all still sheeple, glorified pack mammals, yearning to breath free. And society is the enemy.

    We are all such proverbial square pegs: The customer is always wrong! The program never fails, you fail the program. In  the immortal words of George Carlin: "Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit.” By contrast, our designated rôle models in every conventional option in life, the star student, ideal employee, perfect disciple or model prisoner alike, are all characterized, beyond mere responsive obedience and passivity otherwise, not only by every obsessive-compulsive eager beaver sore travail, but boundlessly committed initiative in anticipation of their superior's desires, "paying one's dues" life long, excelling without complaint or resistance, never seeking attention by requesting explanation or assistance. Exactly such adaptation of enthusiastic approval seeking, still held up as exemplary in order to vindicate systemic failure and disappointment in most every walk of life, remains, punishment and reward systems by hierarchical design, indeed the benchmark that for better or worse, most of us will come short and fall by the wayside, make do, for each to learn their place.
    But why be so "professional," so dedicated ever following up in such responsible diligence towards every hated sore travail of formal education and employment and in career development generally, yet so helpless and lost in perpetual surrender to random propinquity, so haphazard and cavalier in such poignantly yeaned for personal life? Is this truly freedom? Do such priorities truly reflect our highest values and best interests? Or is this all just some kind of a racket? A racket, no matter how reputable, can be any dishonest scheme or ongoing transaction, all not as it contrives to present itself and as is tacitly accepted or endured by the majority of those involved, but in actuality a myth, scam or fraud, a deceptive domineering practice of coercion and manipulation conducted for whatever benefit of a few cronies at the expense of the many. As Edward Snowden observes, oppressors who restrict our options, then pretend that we consent. And the inculcation of social skills and skilled incompetence, remains an important aspect of just such ubiquitous fraud.
    Again, all unilateral social skills advice for the individual is by definition inoperant, simply because free social interaction requires more than one consenting participant. One size fits all unilateral social skills advice online for the individual, indeed much as typically arising in casual conversation anyhow, tends implicitly toward frustratingly simplistic and even attachment disordered mindblind dehumanizing unreliable prediction regarding the interaction and responses of others, even complete strangers under very different situations. Such is "socialization," behavioral conditioning that none dare call indoctrination or: brainwash.

    For in the words of Barbara Sher: “Isolation is the true dream killer, not your attitude.” And to quote Mark R. J. Lavoie: “Life dies inside a person when there are no others willing to befriend him." Indeed, as George Orwell observes in Conversation with a Pacifist,’ even at all thinking clearly, becomes increasingly difficult in bored and lonely isolation without expression.  

    Alas, tautologically, there can be no unilateral solitary lonely DIY self-help or self-improvement of relationship, of human interaction by definition involving more than one person. And ordinary conformity so often remains such a monumental waste of time. Heteronymous conventional distant, Existentially Absurd and oppressively empty superficial social life and short attention all remain, as with rare exception, no less desperately alienated than typical situation of formal education and employment whereby sensibility even off the clock, is most prevalently and markedly informed. And all becoming similarly another chore and a bore, just crushingly dull. And all of that so completely fails the masses of humanity because quite simply, and yet again to reiterate, capability, important close human relationship with psychological visibility, Eros which is transport in liberating union with alien difference, and particularly friendship, arise entirely as a byproduct of optimal reciprocal engagement in purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication, and never otherwise. Accept no substitutes! And no one else need approve!
    Therefore deigns not to proffer, hype or press the typical and ubiquitous unilateral and often somewhat authoritarian, rigidly conditional, toxic, oppressive and blithely antidemocratic social skills "advice," myth and smug guidance in "realistically" (submissively and manipulatively) coping with oppression for any vastly outnumbered lone individual as are each and us all, abandoned to ones own devices in everything truly important, and all too often thereby vulnerable to bullying and exploitation.
    OH NO!!
    Where's my "tribe"?
    Sorry, the modus vivendi that you ordered,
    is currently out of stock, everywhere.
    What to do?!


    Modus vivendi exceeds mere superficial individual material and financial lifestyle. Modus vivendi brings individual principle into action, because Modus vivendi denotes method or manner of living that reflects individual values and according to personal talents. And modus vivendi is attained in solution finding by any feasible interim working arrangement or practical compromise bypassing whatever difficulties, inclusively allowing different people, individually and collectively, even who disagree, freely to abide and interact productively. Is the modus vivendi you ordered, currently out of stock, try as you may, searching high and low, but all to no avail? Perhaps your desired modus vivendi simply does not come off the rack, like, oh I don't know, some pretensions brand name of ridiculous high end underpants for muscle men. Yes, if you are reading this, it may be that the modus vivendi you seek must be such as that of an individual life tailor made. Am I feeling your pain yet? Modus vivendi is social and situational. Thus, tautologically, there can be no solitary lonely DIY self-help or self-improvement with any power of implementation to bring individually tolerable modus vivendi into effect, fostering deep, meaningful engagement. No matter how collectively unhappy, the social environment continues to imposes it's own order, forever frustrating to any desire for life on one's own terms. For such is prevailing heteronomy that inspires such inarticulate and therefore unaccountable contempt and derision for new ideas and truth to power .

    "General intelligence, the ability to think and reason, endowed our ancestors with advantages in solving evolutionarily novel problems for which they did not have innate solutions," says Satoshi Kanazawa, an evolutionary psychologist at the London School of Economics and Political Science. "As a result, more intelligent people are more likely to recognize and understand such novel entities and situations than less intelligent people, and some of these entities and situations are preferences, values, and lifestyles."


 presents a message of kindness towards forging long-term relationship assisting one another and to connect in all manner of compelling, unusual, interesting, creative and surprising ways, unreasonably helpful to all.
    Together finding direction and building social support concretizing all of our wildly subversive and impractical aspirations in Dialectical exploration towards strategic implementation...
    generating interest and enthusiasm in multiple Points of View arising throughout vociferous open deliberation...
    Moi? It has come to pass in fleeting occasion for intelligent conversation, that I have even found myself actually impressing women, and without even intending to! Now fancy that. And it should come as no surprise that anyone might prefer to play to whatever their own strengths. Creativity can and Should be Social then, presents my own vision is of a world in which collaborative brainstorming could actually take the place of boring dystressful and lonely vapid sycophantic small talk, for purpose of social life, even networking, career development and path to success. Because, alas that my accomplishments in life correspond not to my high verbal acuity, empathy and occasional charm, but to my weakest social aptitudes. Nevertheless, I remain a very good friend, listener, frank critic, staunch ally and highly creative.

    As my own boss, I have fired myself for utter failure and incompetence in the sore travail of life! Perhaps, after all, it may have been the Cuddly Cyborg who framed the best problem statement of mere comparatively mediocre giftedness of a Salieri falling so far short of specific major talent as of a lone genius Mozart, in the following set of graphs from Cuddly Cyborg's now long defunct webpage:


    Make no mistake however, that I am no success guru nor is this any bogus support group or brain-dead pep rally. foists no Totalitarian Interactivity, that manipulative illusion of choice whilst actually leading the website visitor about by the nose. And I make no fantastically authoritative claims of success nor manipulatively seek to pacify sore travail with soothing platitudes. Like anyone else, I'm just like you, and I'm not like you at all. I don't want your money or your devotion. Gentle reader, I'd never let you off so easily! I am too good a friend for that. And I am certainly no callow motivational grifter here to psyche you up and then leave you in the lurch! Rather, let's work whatever the problem together for whatever it might be worth. In the spirit of aspiring Entrepreneurship, I strive to remain honest as a serial failure, and shall remain a failure until ever meeting with success. I'm just another maladroit with a cable modem! Therefore, to quote from The Devil's Dictionary’ by Ambrose Bierce: Friendless. Having no favors to bestow. Destitute of fortune. Addicted to utterance of truth and common sense.” And thus bereft of all standing as I remain, any of my assertions and proposals, must each and all stand or fall upon whatever its own merits. In the words of Mark R. J. Lavoie: “Life dies inside a person when there are no others willing to befriend him. Am I your unmet friend? I might not have what you are looking for, gentle reader, but dare we seek for it together? Or are we already thinking about, much less doing, however anything at all more important? Do tell! For in the words of Wolfgang Goethe “Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.”

    Breaking every rule
    In boldly subversive and taboo reversal of inherent contradiction
    To be explicit, gentle reader, let us undertake to do things differently together. But how so? Differently in precisely what manner? Answer, sometimes in one way, and sometimes another. Specifically, sometimes according to vastly unconventional procedure, as for example in the intentional and systematic reversal even just together amongst ourselves, of all manner of toxic social norms and mindless cruelty, and sometimes simply according to any pertinent specialized competence actually reviled by social circles of willful incompetence and delusion. For example of the former, the embrace of the discipline of the writing craft among other core valuable and relevant skill sets and aptitudes. Sometimes in rebellion against evil and stupidity, and sometimes merely in the growth and learning curve of actual competencies to probortunity at hand. And of course, reasoned and responsible deliberation all thereupon. Or for another example, instead of pipedream, relevant feasibility study in aspiring new venture creation (various business startup).
    There exist peer groups and social circles of staunch adherence either or both to the most dysfunctional social convention on the one hand, and to willful incompetence in rejection of fundamental expertise on the other. Indeed, often serious and salient expertise and adamantine social convention, may actually clash. For notorious example, medical experts urge the public wearing of face covering during pandemics, while social convention of authoritarianism demands obedience to leadership and tradition actively flouting science and medicine. But there are other examples more longstanding and less blatantly life and death. For example, most generally, criticism and innovation are valued in any competent undertaking,. but resented socially. For example, solitary writers break isolation by coming together for the exchange of critique, while typical participants in collaborative fiction writing socially online, so contemptuous of the discipline of the writing craft, tend to take such offence at all criticism of their execrable badfic. And of course, beware of any kind of investment in the foolhardy and dishonest pipedreams of would be Entrepreneurs who display such unbridled resentment towards criticism and Reality Principle.
    As John Cleese expounds: “Creativity is not a talent: it's a way of operating.” Any frustrated desire tells a story, needs a plan, and calls out for allies. And in the words of George Orwell: “The main motive for 'nonattachment' is a desire to escape from the pain of living, and above all from love, which, sexual or non-sexual is hard work.” Quoth the the Bard: "All the world's a stage! Indeed, to quote Neil Gabler: “American society is a society in which individuals have learned to prize social skills that permit them, like actors, to assume whatever rôle the occasion demands and to "perform" their lives rather than just live them.” And forced cheerful willful positivity notwithstanding, a morbidly serious matter. Nothing could ever be less playful. And in the words of Barbara Sher: Isolation is the true dream killer, not your attitude. Competent or incompetent, whether in true hardnosed practicality or in sheer aimless and empty actingout of mimesis, many all the same remain no less consumed with the burning question of how to perform as expected and to fit in: How best to placate The Great Faceless They, thereby to obtain the key to life. For such remains the slave mentality of Homo Domesticus, the domesticated human..
    However, relationship as it turns out, Eros which is transport in liberating union with alien difference, and especially friendship, arises only as a byproduct of immersive full engagement in substantive  communication and/or purposeful interaction, and never otherwise. Accept no substitutes! And no one else need approve! The probortunity at hand, the gap to be filled in the dire inadequacy of conventional social life. Conventional options in life can so often become so oppressive and unhappy. There is a dystressing user hostile outcomes gap, meaning no results no matter what one does. To begin with, there endures fundamentally inherent contradiction in that popularity and social success ever remain antithetical to true friendship. This is because friendship is genuine, substantive and intimate, being predicated upon unguarded and reciprocal psychological visibility, while popularity and social success depend upon purpose defeating facile superficiality ever keeping distance keeping up pretence of fake fun. Hence the Existentially Absurd perpetual bait-and-switch dilemma between blatant lonely isolation and unhappiness inflicted from not fitting in, or else more devious lonely isolation, boredom and unhappiness extracted as as the cost for fitting in.    
    So, precisely who are The Great Faceless They? To answer that question with another question, precisely who is it that so urgently requires from you or from me, whatever parameters of behaviors, such as, for examples, ever uncritical willful positivity and interminably light and cheerfully sycophantic small talk? Indeed, there are indeed such hypersensitive and volatile bullies who will consistently fly into a rage, at the merest hint of honest criticism, the practice of controversy, vociferous heated exchange, or even simply take it upon themselves crackdown on the merest hint of serious conversation and dissidence. But surely, such may be somewhat extreme and at all unusual. Indeed, most people will know better than to stand out in such boorishly self appointed authority. Nevertheless, there might remain an understanding, a fearful, enfeebled and alienated consensus of intimidation, oppression propagating among the oppressed, the most banal totalitarianism and control of the mind. For whom then must we bereave ourselves of authenticity? In the in the famous aphorism of Walt Kelly's beloved Pogo Possum: "We have met the enemy, and he is us!" Can it be that we are The Great Faceless They?  Indeed, unless after all we actually like it, why don't we just cut it out already? Obviously there remains then, inherent and irreconcilable contradiction between critical rationalistic autonomy and anti-intellectual heteronomy.
    In the words of George Orwell: “A genuinely unfashionable opinion is almost never given a fair hearing,” Yet truth ignored or tabooed, does not then go away. To wit: Relationship, as may be readily observed, and especially bonding and attachments of true friendship with psychological visibility, arise ever only as byproduct of immersive full engagement in  purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication and never otherwise. Accept no substitutes! And no one else need approve! For such are the needs of autonomy. And even play has purpose and substance of it's own. Alas then that both substantive communication and/or purposeful interaction, being so genuine and profound, therefore remain subversive, taboo and therefore becoming socially awkward. Alas then that ever the same widespread toxic and destructive message of intimidation remains ever reinforced under heteronomy, to the effect that In order to fit in, one must perpetually remain ever cheerful in willful positivity, maintain distance and always keep conversation light. Thus does the great and good boon to all people that is named: socialization, toxic and sanctioned, that violence and neglect which none dare call: indoctrination or brainwash, so painfully isolate the individual all the more so when we are together. As it turns out, quite to the contrary of prevailing and oppressively superficial social expectations, trustworthy, capable and respectful happy people talk more seriously with less small talk. Because, as according to the happiness formula of Positive Psychology, ongoing pleasure + engagement + meaning = ever self renewing fulfillment.
    Therefore, towards the social engineering of more optimal social and intellectual stimulus struggle, and by design the most audaciously subversive stark reversal of oppressive heteronymous priorities, indeed as remaining entirely feasible even amid the most reactionary of times, and even barring all broadest sweeping change in society, nevertheless even a small group or social circle, striving in the will to power, may capably exercise freedom to chart another course. Exactly as per the present proposal, such pioneers may conceivably even subvert and reverse conventional heteronymous priorities so long assumed, understood and well known to Cultural Anthropology, by actually setting  collaboration among equals towards creative solution finding as default, embracing more democratic values and sensibilities of minimal restriction, hence resorting to whatever sort of even entirely ad hoc and howsoever hierarchical authority, only so long as need ever actually arising, no more and no longer.
    And yet, somehow and alarmingly, no explicit or specific recommendation or call to action rings out, except for here on in outreach for cofounders in collaborative fiction writing and in subversive and disruptively innovative entrepreneurial new venture creation (variuos business startup), in the social engineering and design of more optimal social stimulus struggle meeting the vastly underserved social and intellectual stimulus appetites so unique to the human condition and evolutionary neuroscience. Therefore, to be explicit and specific: Gentle readers, let us henceforth fully engage one another in ongoing serious substantive conversation, both analytical and strategic. Let us talk more seriously together, thusly testing to discover if greater happiness and more authentic connection shall indeed thereby accrue.
    After all, correlation is not causation. And besides, which is cause, and which is effect?  But then again, what it turns out to be reciprocal? That would make for a virtuous cycle, veritable perpetual engine of happiness! In pursuit of the alleviation of Existentially Absurd human suffering, initial focus herein remains upon sustainable positive experience in haply serious conversation, a Dialectic of collaboration among equals in sound Epistemological Methodology. Brainstorming just willy-nilly entirely from scratch, might not be as serious and productive as actually encouraging participants to bring their own ideas as point of departure. and happily serious conversation aims at true close collaboration among equals that must exceed mere solitary and compartmentalized individual division of labor, in order thereby to yield viable and actionable strategy in fulfillment of intrinsic motivation even in pursuit of the hoped for possibility of success. And hence the aforementioned proposed foci of solution finding and collaboration, specifically fiction writing and new venture creation (various business startup).  
    Reality and the fundamental right to complain
    Clear problem statement and the positive power of negative thinking
    Conditionality and invalidation can be vastly more lonely and crushing of spirit, than mere solitude untroubled. To be reprimanded for complaining, is the same as the pernicious demand to suffer in silence, and never to bring serious problems to light. And ever such remains the malignant exhortation to willful positivity under the long refuted yet ever popular anti-rational magical thinking of the purported power of positive thinking. In the words of Anthony Jay: "The uncreative mind can spot wrong answers, but it takes a very creative mind to spot wrong questions." To quote Charles F. Kettering: “A problem well stated is a problem half solved.” The positive power of negative thinking obtains in criticality and the inherent friendliness and utility of honest criticism and fault finding, in the necessity of problem explicit statement towards solution finding, in progress that only comes in ongoing error detection and course correction, and indeed even in pessimistic realism, the name given the tendency of greater predictive accuracy in pessimism and pessimistic expectations, than in the danger of optimistic wishful thinking because of optimism, worst as from Pollyanna willful malignant optimism.
    Whereas Sigmund Freud theorized that Pleasure Principle, the natural impulsive drive for pleasure seeking,  must be held in check by Reality Principle, caution arising from objectivity, passably good judgment of reality and foreseeable consequences, rather, as G. E. Moore contends, pleasure, to begin with, simply is not an end in and of itself. And it bears mention how the same principle applies no less for optimism, peace of mind or any other congenial mental state or emotional condition. Rather, as G. E. Moore contends, pleasure, not to mention optimism, peace of mind or any other howsoever uplifting mental state or emotional condition, is only a relevant second order indicator of value. And likewise, negative emotion of aversion at all remaining relevant, indicates prophylactic value in prevention or avoidance of howsoever dangerous or deleterious circumstances. Pleasure seeking, so called, is understood by G. E. Moore rather as striving for objectively real beneficial value, merely recognized via subjective anticipation and experience of pleasure. And likewise aversion is but a subjective warning to avoid objective danger and harm. Any prospect of pleasure divorced from beneficial real value and likewise aversion quelled without regard for real adversity, should raise every alarm.
    Indeed, those who suffer certainly do not need to be castigated simply for complaining! That is depraved. Manipulation comes as an adjunct to coercion, under whatever rationalizing benign pretext, deceptively disarming resistance. To this end, the manipulator may blithely assert any variety of mitigating Existential Validation, right, authority, or purported benevolent intention: It's for your own good, dear! Nevertheless, to reject all complaint on any lunatic and relentlessly manipulative imperative of willful positivity, amounts the abrogation not only of all empathy and compassion, but even of Reality Principle to begin with. Indeed, as it turns out, people who suffer do not even want to be reassured so much as they only wish, first of all, to be heard. But obviously, most gratifying to those who suffer, will be capability that anything might actually be done to improve circumstances or situation of suffering. "Science has pretty much established that your circumstances are not very relevant to your happiness." declares Stephen Mills with such blithely nigh solipsistic and unoriginal cocksurety. “He who hath so little knowledge of human nature as to seek happiness by changing anything but his own disposition, will waste his life in fruitless efforts and multiply the grief he proposes to remove.” opines Dr. Samuel Johnson. Bah, humbug! Clearly whatever present circumstances have every bearing upon happiness, indeed whatever issues in the ongoing present, no less so than personality, biography and psychiatric issues from the past.
    The very word: 'happy' derives from 'happenstance.' And 'happenstance' refers to prosperity under real external circumstances or situation, even by chance, not affect or disposition as in more modern concept. Indeed, TRUE MEANING of LIFE, remains that HAPPINESS is subjective wellbeing, an INDIVIDUALLY REACTIVE STATE VARIABLE to howsoever favorable circumstances, objectively. Therefore, in the words of Benjamin Disraeli: Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action.” and to quote Henri-Louis Bergson, so eloquently bridging abstract principle into concrete application: “Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought." How effete then the introversion of all such ever popular Zen self-reliance becomes! For as in the celebrated words of John Donne: "No man is an island." It is true of course, that happiness remains quite distinct from mere material success. But it hardly follows therefrom, that happiness is entirely derived from inner life and any simple choice in self-help/improvement of the right thinking along with solitary individual behavior sets or: habits, going it alone. How boring, lonely, alienated and unfulfilling! What is it that is actually missing from our lives? Any compelling vision of happiness and enthusiasm, indeed of Eudemonia, however vastly else any such ideas and expectations vary individually, in one way or another still all consist of activity and human interaction bringing the exchange of social and intellectual stimuli meeting innate intrinsic needs motivating ongoing stimulus struggle and engagement. According to the happiness formula of Positive Psychology, that wisdom of the sages of old as rediscovered by the cutting edge of modern science, ongoing pleasure + engagement + meaning = ever self renewing fulfillment. Not any bored lonely Zen Mystical quest for futility and sublime apathy or behaviorally modified and disengaged euphoria without meaning or external relevance. But more anon. It only remains so disheartening  how many people experience the same frustrated yearnings, and yet so utterly fail to find one another and connect, all for wont of the wherewithal, the capable channels, means and wherewithal.
    'Positive Psychology is Not Happy-ology!' Beyond Psychotherapy and treatment for Psychopathology, the compassionate repair of life's inner damage, rather, Positive Psychology is concerned with positive intervention improving even normal life, high talent, indeed even hither to uncultivated genius. Alas that there remains a pernicious trend of conflation of Positive Psychology, being the applicable research into the nature and causes of emotional wellness rather than treatment of Psychopathology, with long refuted yet ever popular magical bogus cult ideology of purported power of positive thinking. Linguistically speaking, the confusion seems hardly surprising, though no less misleading. Nevertheless, Positive Psychology should have no relation with toxic ideology of purported power of positive thinking practice of denial, lying to oneself, indeed actually recognized by Positive Psychology as only resulting in ambivalent dystressful cognitive dissonance entailed in desperate terror management. In the words of Sigmund Freud: “…much will be gained if we succeed in transforming your hysterical misery into common unhappiness. With a mental life that has been restored to health, you will be better armed against that unhappiness.” In the face of all widespread maladaptive private misery, Psychodynamic Psychotherapy seeks to diagnose then treat and even cure, relieve and negate the excruciation of psychopathology and thereby make patients more well and therefore at all by that token, more competent and capable. But precisely what is emotional wellness in the first place, much less pathology of emotional disturbance howsoever deviating therefrom? That is e question of Positive Psychology, seeking to understand and to nurture authentic wellbeing, both psychological and situational, for just about anyone at all, quite regardless of any psychopathology. Because, after all, in any context, healthy living exceeds more treatment of illness.
    The outreach Again, Positive Psychology and the investigation and pursuit of authentic wellbeing, remain entirely unrelated to the long refuted yet ever popular magical bogus cult ideology of purported power of positive thinking from witless and conniving online gurus. But I am no success guru. I make no fantastically authoritative claims of success. I'm just like you, and I'm not like you at all. I don't want your money or your devotion. Gentle reader, I'd never let you off so easily! ! I am too good a friend for that. And I am certainly no callow motivational grifter here to psyche you up and then leave you in the lurch!  Isn't there quite enough of that already? Instead, we can work whatever the problem together for whatever it might be worth. In the spirit of aspiring Entrepreneurship, I remain an honest serial failure, and shall remain a failure until I ever meeting with success. And any of my assertions must stand or fall upon whatever its own merits of resonating and evidence. In the words of Mark R. J. Lavoie: “Life dies inside a person when there are no others willing to befriend him.” Am I your unmet friend? I do not have what you are looking for, gentle reader, but dare we seek for it together? Or are we already thinking about much less doing anything more important? Do tell! For in the words of Wolfgang Goethe “Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least."
    Life is suffering of Existential Absurdity in continual frustration of the will to power, simply because nothing works. Is there actually any hope? Or does only abject Nihilism, Ecclesiastical futility and sore travail remain? Is life, no more than shabby subterfuge of superficial and silly collective membership ever entrenched in paralytic terror management fending off confrontation with mortality, as dubbed by William James, the worm at the core.” of the human condition. Is life, that shabby subterfuge ending only in death, then simply to be rejected and condemned, or can life, of any true value after all, ever be made redeemable? Of course, social, technological and  medical advance into practical immortality or: Emortality, remains a noble and worthy objective, so long overdue, and that achievement whereof can bring humanity great peace hither to scarcely imagined, and perhaps with it at long last, lucidity and sweet reason, free from mortal terror, according to terror management theory, experimentally discovered to be the socio-psychological and political trigger of such mass insanity as petty judgmental cruelty and factional hostility.
    But even the noble and lofty imperative of Emortalism still only heightens every question of, for however long or short, how better truly to live, thereby to help alleviate any morbid yearning for release into death. And so, even in the abstract, what is the cause for suffering of unhappy boredom and discontent? And bridging into the concrete, can therefrom obtain any practical, practicable and actionable implementation towards remedy? Answer: As to be expounded in detail, the exercise together of creativity, and not just isolated lonely individual creativity, functional operant trustworthy, capable, respectful true and capable collaboration, and not jut solitary division of labor, all remain most crucial. Indeed, as shall be established, shared creativity is perhaps even most effective in the gratification of such vastly underserved social and intellectual stimulus struggle, the name given by anthropologist Desmond Morris for what we are each doing all of the time, the perpetual striving to regulate, to engage and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of stimulation and arousal, from the environment, for staving off boredom. Hence: What in abstract principle is conceivable as the optimum fulfillment in creativity together, and if achievable then by what concrete measures? Social support is so often deemed the single greatest predicator of success, and dearth whereof the specter of ignominious failure. The capability approach of Sen and Martha Nussbaum, is the idea that true freedom is resultant from real and practical empowerment to attain that which one has ones own reasons to value as important to do or to be or become. As Sir Karl Popper held forth, social change is brought about by the forging of lasting institutes. And what more capable institution of creative endeavor, than making open to all, high quality and original collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming together with subversive and disruptively innovative new venture creation (various business startup), from the most embryonic first concept "kitchen table" stage or phase, all the way thought from business planning and feasibility study, management team formation, Capitalization and implementation? For such is the vision of         
    There are many long standing recommendations in the pursuit of happiness generally, some better than others. Although perhaps most promising but neglected, remains, at long last, howsoever to investigate and then better address the entire range of long frustrated vastly underserved motivating intrinsic social and intellectual stimulus appetites, indeed by the social engineering of more optimal social and intellectual stimulus struggle. -And certainly not by any solitary craven Zen Mystical retreat inward, but by rising together in real courageous action and interaction. For in the words of Benjamin Disraeli: Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action.” and to quote Henri-Louis Bergson, so eloquently bridging the abstract and the concrete: Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought."
    The above questions and answers remain ever the crux of tailor made agenda for serious discussion at hand upon which capable pursuit of happiness so urgently depends. Such is Philosophy beyond mere mere  investigation in the abstract, indeed bridging into the concrete, tangible implementation from abstract principle and reciprocally, abstraction Empirically informed. All in genuine striving for arête, being the quest for the right way of living ones best, called virtue, courage (as in: moral fortitude), and excellence. That is how and why, to quote Aristotle: “All things in life are philosophical.” And therefore, as Socrates so famously declares: An unexamined life is not worth the living for a human being. In the famous words of George Bernard Shaw: “Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress, therefore, depends on unreasonable people.”   is a subversive outreach toward the formation of just such a core group of unreasonable people applying ourselves even to the most daunting problems besetting us. As Hans Selye put it: “‘Realistic people’ who pursue ‘practical aims’ are rarely as realistic or practical, in the long run of life, as the dreamers who pursue their dreams.” Indeed, to quote Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Indeed, nigh tautologically, there can be no self-made bootstrap "well-formed plan," however stalwart and inventive, no adaptive self-help/improvement, no unilateral solution at all, to shortcomings and  deficiencies of social interaction, cooperation and access all thereto. Any frustrated desire tells a story for all that will hear it, needs a plan in the world, and calls out for allies. Effective and capable collaboration partners of integrity, must remain responsive and responsible to one another. For what is the point of creditable, trustworthy, capable and respectful Menschlichkeit, but genuine autonomy meeting ones needs by capable interaction with even adequately responsible others? For such remains the objective of the present outreach for collaboration cofounders.
    As Eve Tushnet expounds in Eros and Education,’ Eros, so enticing and so threatening, is nothing more or less than profound reciprocal engagement traversing into alien difference. Participants, cofoundes, collaboration partners of every level of proficiency and achievement, can offer important contribution. Groups of diverse problem solvers can outperform groups of high-ability problem solvers. Indeed, a notable key observation of TRIZ, the much renowned Russian theory of invention, is how aside from entirely new scientific discoveries, the rarest most important and powerful innovations arise in the transfer and multipotential reapplication of knowledge and methods across disciplines. Alas that we live in a monologuic world wherein few people even actually much hear themselves think, let alone speak, and by far less one another. Indeed, co validating peer groups are often known to retreat each into their own figurative echo chamber, turning their backs upon reality at all, let alone anyone else's evidence, perceptions, opinions or concerns. Even most anciently, Socrates observed how different specialist experts often then come to believe that therefore they know everything, or at at any rate, everything important. But actually, we are all fallible, only ignorant in different ways. The subversive awareness that this indeed includes even oneself, therefore gauging  the limits of ones own knowledge and capability, is called: Socratic Wisdom, and the lack whereof: unaware incompetence.
    One way or another, however rarely though nevertheless in accordance with repeated Empirical observation informing the grand afterthought of Cultural Anthropology, how members in whatever sort of tribe, community or any manner of social institution, may however infrequently find themselves called upon by whatever powers that be, to participate and together experience some glimmer of joy in the process of creative solution finding together. This may occur, for examples, when whatever employers  perceive the need of creative solutions to new problems as ever arising. Or the opportunity mat arise in some context of formal education. For whatever the preciously scarce and fondly remembered special occasion of collaboration in creative solution finding typically offers one fleeting bright spot of happiness and near equality amid forever grinding and typically authoritarian oppressive sore travail. Hence Creativity can and Should be Social is the subversive concept instead, of just the opposite, a fine example to emulate, a new movement in flagrant reversal of all authoritarian norms and priorities of heteronomy, all for the sake of authentic wellbeing. Creativity can and Should be Social is the social engineering proposal that whatever appeal to authority ought to remain in reserve, arising only as and when actually ever needed, so that in paradigm shift on such flagrant subversion of hierarchy as collaboration among equals in creative solution finding, should prevail as a new norm, even obsoletizing the entire depressing social rat race, at least within a fortunate intentional social circle or test group.
    Wake up, Sheeple! It's all about how human social order as the glorified pack mammals that we are, has come to fall so vastly short of innate needs and appetites of social and intellectual stimulus struggle entirely unique to ever more massively engorged human cerebrality: Specifically, for  collaboration among equals together in creative solution finding. A joy alas far too infrequent under conventional paradigm of stultifying heteronomy to hierarchical dominance. And the consequences to authentic wellbeing could not be more dire.

    Conventionally and heteronymously, in every walk of life, authority routinely and continually and systematically stifles not only autonomy in general, but most particularly, creative solution finding. That is, except when and as deemed needful or advantageous by whatever powers that be, especially in light of any whatever unusual special circumstances or situation. Only thus ever arises for even the rank and file, such scarce and fondly remembered experience of creative collaboration under relaxation of hierarchical dominance, called: low hierarchical distance, meaning: near equality. And subversively proposed herein, shall be indeed to completely reverse traditional paradigm of heteronomy to authoritarianism, by instead resetting collaboration among equals in creative solution finding as the new norm and default human condition, then appealing to even ad hoc authority, only occasionally as need actually arising.  And the strategy, mechanics and proposed plan of action in implementation thereof, is dubbed: Creativity can and Should be Social.

    Cultural Anthropology studies social cognition by which to predict the responses of others, entirely on the basis of hierarchical position and distance. Such is the entrenched conviction of heteronomy that the collective can never be wrong and that cooperation is impossible among equals, impossible without obedience to leadership without which we will all be quite helpless. Only in seeming afterthought, does Cultural Anthropology also observe and recognize an exception to that dreary paradigm: Indeed cooperation among equals, cooperation in creative problem-solving (better still, solution finding) , a mentality that is entirely different, offering escape from all of that dull primate politics, because cooperation in creative problem-solving, or better still: solution finding, is passionately problem-driven rather than status-driven, challenging the entirely different aptitudes of autonomy, of trustworthy and respectful democratic values in action, as amongst gifted peers and dissidents, with optimal reciprocal engagement in happily serious conversation producing intrinsic gratification from intentionally substantive communication, intentionally purposeful interaction, unguarded and reciprocal psychological visibility, disclosure, joy in work and in play alike.

      But the fundamental social competencies as perceived by Cultural Anthropology also include, even indeed seemingly as something of a grand afterthought, such executive function as cooperation in creative solution finding, even at its most happily serious, evoking as does play, not merely private and individual but sociable and shared emotional transport of playfulness universal to all mammals. And similarly, cooperation in creative problem-solving (or better still, solution finding), as a priority of its own, being problem-driven rather than ego-driven, may even level the playing field to such conditions of near equality called: low power-distance communication style, and pleasurably engage autonomy, creativity, Positive Disintegration and growth, challenging the entirely different aptitudes of democratic values in action, as amongst gifted peers, dissident in significant paradigm shift.

      It has long been observed how gifted students amongst their own true gifted peers, suddenly and mysteriously no longer require the great and good boon of socialization! -toxic and sanctioned, that violence and neglect which none dare call: indoctrination, behavioral conditioning or brainwash... Wouldn't it make more sense to socialize and lift everyone to engage with and relate to one another more in accord with whatever observable gifted paradigm, than instead to dumb down our best and brightest just to norm them into fitting in, even however ill-fitting, awkwardly and reluctantly? In the alternative, just the opposite, everyone, it said, has gifted potential to be tapped. But how? - beyond the usual mealy-mouthed lip service... Indeed, if gifted is as gifted does, the how might anyone who wants to, most readily go about it amongst themselves?

      As in accordance with the Arousal Theory of motivation, all living beings are perpetually engaged in stimulus struggle, which is the name coined by anthropologist Desmond Morris in 'the human zoo' October 1 1969, for the perpetual striving of all living things, to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of stimulation and arousal from the surrounding environment. Everything that we do is in order to modify subjective experience thereby altering consciousness. All hence, as shall be seen, the social engineering of social stimulus struggle would contrive the deliberate introduction of specific social stimuli and social interaction, into the social environment, in order better to optimize social stimulus struggle. meeting even the unique intellectual social stimulus appetites of the  massively engorged human brain and neocortex all as rooted in evolutionary neuroscience.

    Cultural Anthropology defines itself by focus upon, leave us face it: the predominating human mentality as of the pack mammals that we are, specifically of hierarchically predictive social cognition or: sycophancy anticipating the responses of others, merely via the recognition of members of one's own social group in order to form direct relationships consistent with rôles of relative social standing, degrees of kinship and rank, recognition of third-party social relationships, all predictive of future behavior. Under heteronomy, Sheeple generally learn to become so so cynical, insecure, inhibited, waryand cagey, most strongly motivated by life long behavioral conditioning to peer pressure and the many ongoing punishment and rewards and social cognition of perceived vested interests in the advancement and preservation of social position and standing. That is why kinship and rank are viewed as so central to the human condition in society, by Cultural Anthropology, with the fully engaged egalitarian low hierarchical distance of collaborative solution finding relegated almost to mere afterthought as an exception, a special case. Individuals may find themselves less often actually valued intrinsically for ability and the content of character and potential as prospective friends and partners or allies in life, assets in rational self-interest or simply joy to be with, than instead extrinsically valued for popularity, standing and influence ever exploited in perpetual struggle jockeying for approval and dominance. Hence the recommendation to lie and pretend to have friends until one actually has any. The unpopular are shunned. It's all a matter of such suffocating priorities: social cognition makes sycophants of us all!

    I might not have what you want, but dare we seek for it together? When all else has failed, what has actually been desired all along? It remains so disheartening  how many people experience the same frustrated yearnings, and yet so utterly fail to find one another and connect, for wont of the wherewithal, the channels and the means. Gentle reader, am I then your unmet friend? What opportunity in making my acquaintance? Networking, what is my value proposition? And how important can you be to me in return? And what difference does any of that make? Of course no one should expect universal love or approval or even need it. That's not the point. No matter who might ever come to enjoy my company or even recognize and perhaps even admire my best qualities, all too many nevertheless will continue to keep their distance, unlikely to include me or befriend me. It seems that I just don't fit in. 

    Amid the masses, there remain two kinds of people: Those who are unhappy because they just don't fit in, and those who are unhappy because of the empty lives that they must so arduously lead simply in order to fit in. Damned if you do and damned if you don't The only wining move is not to play. The readily available avenues of social life are often more of a frustration and an obstacle course than a conduit, another joyless, senseless and alienating chore, conditional and endless and Sisyphusian. Taught to wear masks before even finding our own faces, so many of us are steadily prevailed upon increasingly to sacrifice all authenticity and, in essence, to pretend to be someone else, someone at all more acceptable to others. Otherwise, cast aside in life, one must pay the consequences. There is user hostile outcomes gap, with no results whatever one does. Conventional options in life are all so oppressive and unhappy.The soul crushing emotionally void and tedious anti-intellectual rat race of social success is typically the most aimless and demeaning drudgery and disappointment, serving as the filter of mediocrity so dystressfully testing individual conformity and tolerance for lonely boredom bereft of unguarded and reciprocal psychological visibility, leaving only futility in the user hostile outcomes gap.

    In the words of Barbara Sher: Isolation is the true dream killer, not your attitude. Alas, how we often disappoint one another and ourselves by expecting too little. The paranoid herd mentality is of watching one another to keep everyone in line. The blithe unquestioning cocksure intimidation of putting one another each in our place, demands so much less of the individual, than psychological visibility and the empathic Emotional Intelligence of Actively Listening to one another to learn where the other stands. Relationship, Eros which is transport in liberating union with alien difference, especially friendship, arises only as a side effect of purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication, and never otherwise. Accept no substitutes! And no one else need approve! Indeed, in the words of Simone Weil: “Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.” After all, curiosity is the agent of compassion. But in a milieu of suspicion and reciprocal indifference, social support will be hard won by fitting in at whatever cost of toxic and sanctioned socialization, ever ganging up on one another and finally joining the enemy, the oppressors, against ourselves. Mediocrity becomes the greatest prize. One way or another, most people are just overwhelmed, too busy with all that will be expected of us, or else failing in life, no matter putting on a brave face, haunted, lonely, demoralized and bizarre, a living warning to all others. Broken before The Great Faceless They, the castoffs of society are everywhere for each and all to chillingly understand: but for the grace of Leviathan, go I!

      In the alterative, the present proposal all hinges upon the grand afterthought of Cultural Anthropology, the repeatable Empirical observation of how uniform submission and sycophantic heteronomy to socially cognition of hierarchical dominance is virtually suspended during the all too scarce and fleeting transitory egalitarian low hierarchical distance characteristic of creative problem solving. or better still: solution finding, happy, pleasurable, meaningful and fully engaged. But then its over and sorely missed, freedom once again quashed by oppressive mediocrity.

      Notwithstanding those malignant norms of heteronomy as observed and studied by Cultural Anthropology, and quite to the contrary in accord rather with that grand afterthought of Cultural Anthropology and the truthful ramifications thereof: relationship and especially bonding and attachments of true friendship with psychological visibility, arising ever only as a byproduct of immersive full engagement in  purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication and never otherwise. Accept no substitutes! And no one else need approve! Typical and ubiquitous anti-intellectual social taboo notwithstanding. nothing else works. And in the words of Barbara Sher: Isolation is the true dream killer, not your attitude. We've all been had! Conventional options in life are all so oppressive and unhappy. There is a user hostile outcomes gap, no results no matter what one does. Even if somehow attainable, social success indeed from indeed as socially expected, always keeping things light and cheerful, only comes at the cost of emotional distance, only another mode of isolation, bored and lonely. Dysfunctional heteronymous social skills of calculating, manipulative and distant social success or popularity on the one hand, and healthy genuine close friendship on the other hand, therefore remain antithetical. Again: trustworthy respectful happy people talk more seriously with less small talk. And we should all emulate them together. But how?
      Answer: What if it became possible, via the the social engineering of social stimulus struggle, together to grow more human and enhance authentic wellbeing, by turning said priorities upon their head, setting the specific underserved stimulus appetite and correlating life satisfaction of uplifting creativity and solution finding as the default, and in more democratric sensibility, with authority called upon and resorted to only as need ever actually arising? Such Eudemonia indeed seems well feasible, although likely requiring some or other intentional community, culture, group or social circle, of ongoing creative interaction, subversive and disruptively innovative solution finding and collaboration among equals, perhaps even such as herein proposed: Creativity can and Should be Social, all quite feasible, readily doable by cofoundes in collaboration, persistent and serious people together purposely forming at least at first even a small intentional community, a closely working group or social circle, perhaps indeed as envisaged, via a continual Dialectic of synergistic innovation by collaboration in fiction writing and in Entrepreneurial new venture creation (variuos business startup).
      Truth in advertising?The business plan is often cited as the single most important document produced in the course of new venture creation (various business startup). But another crucial narrative is that of Public Relations and Marketing. What then do advertisements actually advertise? And what does the appeal of modern advertising reveal? Know your porn, fabricated temptation ever shaping and tantalizing constructed desires. Perhaps the old standby of ever such ardent invocation to the consumer luxury of modern convenience has lost it's elegance and enchantment, becoming somewhat jaded and passé, therefore deemed unaffordable for a perceived diminished value. In short, much advertising becomes flagrantly irrelevant. This may be why, in the alternative, obviously and quite simply, some advertisements actually do extol whatever salient and even tangible practical advantages of whichever product or service. And therein, there may even be found any modicum of truth in advertising. On the other hand, much advertisement openly resorts to entertainment, even to the most over the top comedy, in exchange for the viewers' attention, instead of simply annoying us. As the saying goes, sex sells. Indeed, sex often distracts the consumer, even to the point of entirely forgetting whatever is being advertised in the first place. Or else shame and disgust are effective in selling hygiene products. But as is well known, the most canny and manipulatively exploitative advertisement has always plumbed all meaningful depth of frustrated and underserved motivating human need and psychology, but again, without actual relevance or end user results. Instead, so much of advertising only so flagrantly foists upon the consumer ever the same colossally mendacious and Absurd Existentially bait-and-switch, pandering to elicit wishful magical thinking fantasy, in order rto override better judgment. This is accomplished by promoting an aura of mystique for whatever product or service. This in turn is accomplished by whatever propaganda subtext or narrative theme, repetitively conditioning in the minds of whatever susceptible target audience, an association of whatever product or service with whatever tantalizing yearnings, beauty, temptation and expectation of happiness or bliss such as in portrayal of conviviality, friendship, good times, popularity, pleasure, success and acclaim
      Notwithstanding all diversionary tactics and Existential bait-and-switch of such even transparently manipulative and stridently irrelevant marketing mystique, what then remains as the true secret of genuine and effective pursuit of happiness? In answer, an abundance of psychological research concludes that people are happier who respond to experience marketing, and spend their money on howsoever uplifting experiences, ever so transient, than those who simply acquire even the most lasting and practical useful things, let alone buying into whatever mystique. Even the anticipation of a positive experience, is fuller and more joyful that the anticipation of acquisition of even perfectly useful and desirable products. But true pursuit of happiness beyond shelling out for just whatever fleeting poignant taste, may depend upon repeatability and continuous self sustainability of peak experience, fulfillment and progress. Experience marketing may offer the most wonderful brainstorming classes, all manner of fiction writers' boot camps, or even internships at whatever kind of individual dream job. But then it's over. And there will likely be no clear and ready path forward, as with instead any ongoing interaction or endeavor.
      There can be no guarantee of success, but there can often be guarantee of futility in the production and consumption of mendacious irresponsible guarantees. We are all fallible. No, we can't all just pretend and fake it till you make it. Not even with all the merch! Because marketing or branding of celebrity rôle model mystique remains nothing more than mass market pipedream of cargo-cult mimesis, never actually bringing the consumer any closer to becoming any part of leading whatever kind of life desired, much less ever actually achieving notable success. Scam financial opportunities will only part suckers from their cash. .

      As my father was wont to observe, the world is divided into the knowers and the seekers, the know-it-alls and the skeptics. The knowers, all manner of know-it-all  gurus, their acolytes and social cognition, are everywhere. But to quote from the Tao Teh Ching by Lau Tzu: “Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know.” And indeed, some are more serious and reserved than others in their desperate undertaking of conformity, keeping their own counsel of whatever secrets they think that they have, and others more simplistic and delusional or cult like and hence more eager, mendacious and compulsively proselytizing. It's okay to want to attract attention persuasively. Only strive to be as rational, honest and open minded as you would have others be towards you. In fair play, the truth will out.


      “All the lonely people, where do they all belong? —  John from Liverpool

      The colossally Absurd Existential bait-and-switch sometimes referred to as: Totalitarian Interactivity consists of any manipulative situation of irrelevance obfuscated under an illusion of choice, in a reality of control and constraint, for an audience sucked in and lead about by the nose! For quintessential example par exultance, isolating and deceptive webforms, short and simple or long and complicated, are all too often designed to elicit any hope that any detail of free association permitted and invited via individual response, thereby by implication expresses any promise of flexibility in tailored response and thereby actually makes any difference. But in truth, the bureaucratic or automated response scarcely varies and after all the wined up, one size fits all. In essence, the mark has been conned into pouring their heart out to a bot!

      Gentle reader, can you relate? Do you weary of forever striving and waiting as the grueling frustration, agitation, insecurity and dystress only mounts inside? Of continually reaching out to unresponsive and noncommittal others? Of yet again finding yourself the only one that even much gives a damn? Not only the most flagrantly messed up, but just the most ordinary people and even our best and brightest easily find ourselves disaffected with society, marginalized and friendless. People do so love to rebel against any norm, at least superficially. For no one is alone in being lonely, invalidated and misunderstood. Legions of the unloved and forgotten, ever strive to meet the ever more daunting challenges of social life in order at long last to break isolation and find one anther.

      According to 'Social Failures and Social Solutions: Evidence from OkCupid' Social failures involve social interactions, such as affect, social support and advice giving; [...] Social failures are social interactions that do not occur, but would make two or more people better off if they did. [...] Social failures capture the difference between interactions that do happen and those that should happen. Information access and management is also a crucial factor, because inaccessibility of information is also a kind of social failure. Some instances of social failure are more important than others, depending upon what might be at stake in making connections and forging relationships. And there remain many possible causes and factors in social failure, even short of pandemic serial bullying outright, including all manner of obstacles and social restrictions on interaction and relationship.

      In particular, going out alone entails a great deal of awkward killing time, only magnifying the futility of that which called: recreation, meaning recovery on one's own time and expense, in every sore travail of  employment, formal education, family life and every other dysfunctional ordeal. Major obstacles and stumbling block needing to be addressed by whatever means, include prudery, sexism, and prevailing intimidation and resultant inhibition and reticence to break the ice and make first contact, especially on the part of women towards men. All in all, social life seems less of a conduit than a filter to be navigated or or barrier to be overcome in order to avoid being winnowed out, excluded and rejected. One might simply wish for anything more engaging between strangers, to make outreach to one another more fun instead of such a discouraging ordeal of distance, inhibition and suspicion. 

      What is loneliness? Why can the wrong people leave one feeling only even all the more lonely than solitude, even amid the bustling crowds? (Remember those?) Indeed, to quote Gian Vincenzo Gravina: "A bore is a man who deprives you of solitude without providing you with company." Gentle reader, outpourings of angst and sympathy online notwithstanding, do these questions truly interest and concern anyone? On an online forum for lonely people, with no trace of irony I discovered a blithe consensus upon two salient points: 1) Loneliness is the most awful no good bad thing! 2) In order to fit in, ya gotta keep it light! Such is anti-intellectualism. And thus do people keep secret their inner selves, starving for authentic psychological visibility. Can pandemic loneliness then ever accrue as any great surprise? People often put in such tremendous time, effort and concentration into such sore travail as formal education, employment and career building, yet remaining so cavalier and haphazard about finding any joy in personal social life in which, truth to tell, most of us have only been set up for failure. No wonder lonely misery has always been so devastatingly pandemic! This subversive and disruptively innovative website,, represents the sum of my own research and imagination as to we might together interact  in order to become better fulfilled and no longer so miserable and lonely, by subversively partaking in the shared creativity of collaborative solution finding. For such, as shall be seen, is the true key to life. And what is there more important?

      “If I continually get a door wrong, is it my fault? No. In fact, if you continually get it wrong or if other people continually get it wrong, it’s a good sign that it’s a really bad door.”
      —  Don Norman as cited in: Frustration is a design opportunity 

      And yet, optimism ever rises anew, even in the face of mockery and derision at large, for all of the same folly. But futility of unflaggingly misguided optimism figuratively barking up that proverbial wrong metaphorical tree, may even be deemed malignant, in all manner of bad relationships not only with other individuals, but also that enigma of collective membership which is the relationship of the individual to society. Many therefore despair, retreat and embrace Nihilism. For as in the famous words of Henry David Thoreau: “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation.” But when the going gets tough, nerds analyze the problem! When conventional wisdom fails, It may come time to metaphorically color outside the proverbial lines, in condemnation even of the most well meaning of prevailing inoperant snake-oil and the entire panic stricken and irrelevant cult of socialization.

      Popularity or social success on the one hand, and friendship on the other, remain ever starkly antithetical. This is because friendship is genuine, substantive and intimate, while popularity or social success depend upon facile superficiality and keeping distance. Therefore the inherent contradiction remains insurmountable, irresolvable in very principle, and nothing but a setup for frustration, failure and craven exhortation to lowered expectations and making do. Social success and social frustration only isolate the individual in different ways. This may be why finding connection can be such an uncertain rat race, unreliable and requires such open ended investment of time, effort, amoral unprotesting perceptive subtlety and dedication, with iron will, persistence and discipline all glossed over in prevailing simplistic discourse and blithe optimism. Endurance of precisely such monotony and dystress serves to weed out boredom prone unconventional creative thinkers in order to preserve status quo. Hence the need of fundamentally subversive innovation in the reinvention of social life, a subversive fresh perspective entirely redefining the problem of socialization towards more subversive and disruptively innovative solution finding. A bold social engineering design challenge will then inform a subversive and disruptively innovative design exercise open to all. And I look forward to new solutions from interested site visitors. Creative people need a "tribe," because people and society perversely tend to discourage creativity, fostering heteronomy to conformism and undermining autonomy at every turn. And groups for particular creative fields, might not suffice, because optimum creativity, networking and social support are all interdisciplinary. Already, one possible solution meeting the parameters of said design exercise, is a proposal named: Creativity Should be Social then presented together with explanation of precisely how said proposal meets with the requirements of the aforementioned social engineering design exercise, all towards novel subversive and disruptively innovative modus vivendi and more congenial individual situation than we have known.

      We are all such proverbial square pegs: The customer is always wrong! The program never fails, you fail the program. In  the immortal words of George Carlin: Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit. Carlin thus describes a condition of mass oppression and pandemic listless passive hostility, by no means limited to employment and formal education. Little wonder then that the unfulfilled typically find such little heart to apply themselves in unflagging dedication and diligence, no matter extrinsic rewards. Can there be any better way?

      What demarcates opportunity from wishful thinking? Indeed, is this very text just another scam? Well may we ask: Am I being taken in yet again? Dare I ever trust? -you may well wonder and dread... Betrayal is toxic and devastating. We may all become naturally wary and suspicious, and alas with good reason. But there is still truth to be had in the greatest mendacity: The study of marketing scams and con artistry reveals human nature and yearnings. The experience of being taken in by any scam elicits anger and shame. But that's another con all in its own right. Let's never be ashamed of ordinary human needs or appetites for joy. But let's also be honest with ourselves: Marketing scams often begin by selling whatever feeling or mystique. That is the  hook or grabber of their story. And only then, riding upon that desire, elation and wishful thinking, comes whatever promise or guarantee of whatever tangible results and success. Often such mendacity, fraud and manipulation may be characterized by hand waving and pipedreaming. In the alternative, trustworthy and respectful happy people talk more seriously and with lees small talk, realistically and in detail, even when no less ambitiously. Moreover, in order effectively to compete with every ubiquitous sweet lie of heteronomy, and honestly assuage Existential despair in the Absurdity of the human condition, any serious undertaking that even might conceivably succeed, must in the interim sustain ongoing interaction promoting some or other yearned for emotional response and attachments.

      To wit: Ongoing pleasure + engagement + meaning = ever self renewing  fulfillment. And all of this must be accomplished without utterly compromising objectivity, thereby going beyond mere glittering generalities, and thus just perhaps in any viable strategy for success and desired results. And such is the strategic agenda of, remaining ever hard nosed and skeptical even amid the most vigorous evaluation, feasibility study and strategy in pursuit of the most utterly fantastical ambitions. Hence, what manner of empowering close social interaction or relationship involves investment of tangible reciprocal support in high activity such as pleasurably engages novel excitement, meaningfully? For such remains an agenda question and theme of deliberation for conversation even at all in and of itself uplifting and engaging, and even just perhaps ultimately fulfilling and productive, all about the experience of healthy relationships that thrive in autonomy, succeed and prosper. Trustworthy and respectful happy people talk more seriously.

      “You’re frustrated because you keep waiting for the blooming of flowers of which you have yet to sow the seeds.”  ― Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience


      Executive summary

      The  agenda towards beneficial modus vivendi of lifestyle entrepreneurship:

      Creativity Should be Social and Creativity can be Popular

      How to start a movement:

      And lo, the star first follower or ally shall become the true leader

      among cofounders teaching by example, showing others how to follow, demonstrating how to participate and  relate

      Does your ambition and creativity ever make you lonely? Does oppressively banal small talk often exasperate and bore you? Instead, do  you enjoy brainstorming creative writing, drama and Science Fiction? Do you dream of brainstorming subversive and disruptively innovative new venture creation (various business startup)? Trustworthy and respectful happy people talk more seriously: Are you serious and persistent about feasibility study and solution finding? Can you be a trustworthy collaboration partner? Then you are needed here! -Beginning with your feedback.

       Do you ever find yourself frustrated, stymied, blocked, in a rut?  FoolQuest.comm  just might have your answer!

      Trustworthy and respectful happy people talk more seriously together freely, and with less small talk, deliberating Dialectically, active in creativity, strategically in feasibility study, intentionally, purposefully and substantively, in controversy which is the exchange of welcome criticism, with civility as autonomous equals in optimal reciprocal engagement. Happiness comes in the Menschlichkeit of unguarded and reciprocal psychological visibility and genuine autonomy in meeting ones needs for capable interaction and agenda setting with even adequately responsible others, in true spirit of friendship and honesty, making progress every day as a real mensch. The class of people who find it the easiest to make friends and forge new connections, overlaps greatly with the class of people who live better rounded and richer lives. Happy people thrive in autonomy and are more productive, likely to choose creative activities and cooperation, deriving fulfillment in meaningful and pleasurable engagement. Indeed, even making more money. But correlation need not imply causation, therefore the question yet remains: Which is cause and which is effect? Does serious conversation result in happiness, or is serious conversation the result of happiness? Does richer and fuller life facilitate social success, or does social success effectively enrich fuller lives? In either case, if just perhaps the process is reciprocal, functioning in either direction, then a virtuous cycle is indicated, perpetually improving only once implemented, entailing no more that whatever even tacit ratification amongst those who interact, even entirely without the approval or even the knowledge of the Great Faceless They. And that is why relationship and especially friendship arise only as a byproduct of purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication, intentionally. And so, we have our work cut out for us, but nothing so onerous. For as John Cleese expounds: Creativity is not a talent: it's a way of operating. And the TRUE MEANING of LIFE is that HAPPINESS is subjective wellbeing, an INDIVIDUALLY REACTIVE STATE VARIABLE to howsoever favorable circumstances, objectively. Happiness comes in Eudemonia, in the Menschlichkeit of meeting ones needs by capable interaction with even adequately responsible others.

      Popularity and social success ever remain antithetical to true friendship. This is because friendship is genuine, substantive and intimate, being predicated upon unguarded and reciprocal psychological visibility, while popularity and social success depend upon purpose defeatingly facile superficiality and ever keeping distance while keeping up pretence. Therefore the inherent contradiction remains irresolvable in very principle, and nothing but a setup for frustration, failure and craven exhortation to lowered expectations and making do.  Social success and social frustration a failure only isolate the individual in different ways. This may be why finding connection is so uncertain, unreliable and requires such open ended investment of time, patient effort and dedication, with iron will, persistence and discipline all glossed over in prevailing simplistic discourse and blithe optimism. Endurance of precisely such monotony and dystress serves to weed out boredom prone unconventional creative thinkers in order to preserve status quo. Hence the need of fundamentally subversive innovation in the reinvention of social life. Because happy people talk more seriously with less small talk, and we might all do well to follow their example.

      By very premise, Cultural Anthropology studies human relationships consistent with rôles of relative social standing, degrees of kinship and rank. all predicated upon competencies and aptitudes of hierarchically predictive social cognition by which to anticipate the responses of others, merely via the recognition of members of one's own social group in order to form direct relationships consistent with rôles of relative social standing, degrees of kinship and rank, recognition of third-party social relationships and prediction of future behavior and in order to know what one is expected to do and how to behave. By default, social order tends toward hierarchy which to be Existentially honest, consistently engenders heteronomy, the very opposite of autonomy, friendship, freedom and capability so crucial to authentic wellbeing. The emotional distance and objectification situationally inherent in compulsive heteronomy to hierarchy are antithetical to any sympathetic glimpse into one another's inner life that is called: psychological visibility. Therefore dystressful Existentially Absurd alienation, futility and lonely boredom consistently ensue. But a promising remedy may be suggested in pondering the grand afterthought of Cultural Anthropology, even notwithstanding the paradigmatic study of heteronomy to hierarchical kinship and rank so fundamental to Cultural Anthropology, in consistent Empirical observation and grand afterthought that there are also those rare, exceptional and special moments of collaboration in creative solution finding which is characteristically egalitarian in nature as well as uplifting in freedom, progress and elation.

      Ongoing pleasure + engagement + meaning = ever self renewing  fulfillment. In those most famous words of Friedrich Nietzsche: “What is happiness? The feeling that power increases - that resistance is being overcome.” Consider then how much happier we all could be if only rather than living under the monotony and oppression of hierarchical dominance, with only such very occasional and even once in a lifetime respite, instead creative solution finding in collaboration among equals became the default experience, and in more democratic values and sensibilities, with recourse to authority of whatever kind remaining strictly as a contingency in recourse only when actually ever needed for whatever reason! Alas, radical transformation of society at large remains impractical in any short term or medium range of time and besides, impossible for any lone individual. That leaves the possibility of smaller group formation as an at all viable strategy towards implementation od any intentional social  environment better conducive to the pursuit of happiness and success. And for optimal reciprocal engagement in collaboration among equals, in collaborative solution finding together, the following regimen is proposed: An interstitial concurrent synergy of two different powerful applications of narrative, 1) on the one hand, pure creativity for its own joy, in the form of collaboration in creative fiction writing and brainstorming of interesting and original high quality drama and Science Fiction speculation, 2) and on the other hand, of applied creativity, of subversive and disruptively in endless possibility of  innovative entrepreneurial new venture creation (various business startup), from management team formation, business planning, feasibility study, all the way through to Capitalization and implementation, all as proposed herein as the strategic agenda of, implementation whereof being the first challenge to collaborative solution finding. Creative and informative resources, tools and guides on therefore include a selection of unfinished stories to modify, improve and complete together and subversive and disruptively innovative proposal for collaboration in endless possibility of new venture creation (various business startup).

      It has been opined that so called online community as of message posting boards, is no community, but more analogous to strangers in a bar. In the past,  un groups have achieved noted value is sharing information and consultation, within those bounds. One way or another, online communication even on UseNet has even at its most substantive, lacked depth and scope no less than casual communication and interaction IRL. But (anti)social media by design has eviscerated communication and interaction, while opening the floodgates upon an annoying deluge of endless empty gossip. Gleaning desired information is frustrating. A coherent discussion thread is impossible! Even establishing contact is challenging. (Anti)social media participation is pointless, silly, arduous and self-contained. How is any of this so seductive and addictive? It's repugnant! Every time I land on Facebook, I throw up my hands in consternation! As Sam Vaknim points out, (anti)social media is typically configured to be competitive and zero sum, an endless jockeying of short attention span distracted, shifted and wrested away from all others But it's still not the technology. Gentle reader, we are all routinely called upon to to sacrifice authenticity simply in order to fit it in. For such is conditionality replete with the omnipresent threat of shaming and rejection, nothing new, toxicity long predating the advent of (anti)social media. After all, what was the great innovation of Facebook but the IT for the most empty loutish anti-intellectual reaction pandering indoctrination, spectacle and gratuitously narcissistic desperately fixated veniality of one dimensionally vapid collegiate life? At the risk of anthropomorphism, not just (anti)social media, but social reality at large to begin with, tends to be so obtuse, paranoid, cagy, reluctant to communicate or interact, unfriendly, often hostile and dangerous, in aggregation, naturally, of all the disoriented, suffering and desperately terrified facile individuals adapted to such a toxic social environment. Devious and debilitating  Behavior Modification, brainwash, coercion and manipulative invalidation is everywhere and nothing new. Thus has it ever been. Indeed, historically things where much worse, and in the most backwards regions even today, yet remain so.

      For such is the debilitating and blithely fraudulent promise of heteronomy, futile and Existentially Absurd bait-and-switch, a pervasive racket of rejection masquerading as warm acceptance. There is much lip service nowadays to authenticity, egosyntonic individual conduct in harmony with personal values and preferred self-image.  Everybody needs acceptance for who they truly are, both from themselves and from others. Indeed, those of us ever intrigued by novel ideas and substantive disclosure may therefore contend with mounting exasperation when confronted by all of the shallow pretense of banal small talk. To quote Carl Gustav Jung: “The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”  In the words of  José de San Martin: “You will be what you must be, or else you will be nothing.” Individuals may find themselves less often actually valued intrinsically for ability and the content of character and potential as prospective friends and partners or allies in life, assets in rational self-interest or simply joy to be with, than instead extrinsically valued for popularity, standing and influence ever exploited in perpetual struggle jockeying for approval and dominance. Hence the recommendation to lie and pretend to have friends until one actually has any. In the words of Adlai Ewing Stevenson: “A free society is one where it is safe to be unpopular.” But with all that remains at stake fitting in, who can ever remain truly safe and secure, much less free and open? Social cognition makes hapless social cognition of us all!

      In the bright future of advanced automated Sociometry, everyone will be influential. But in the meantime, in the here and now, individual will to power demands ongoing struggle, beginning with the quest for Eudemonia and optimally positive influence upon one another. Alas, under heteronomy, people generally learn to become so cynical, insecure, inhibited, wary and cagey, most strongly motivated by life long behavioral conditioning to peer pressure and the many ongoing punishment and rewards and social cognition of perceived vested interests, relentless struggle ever jockeying in in the advancement and preservation of social position, esteem and standing. That is why kinship and rank are viewed as so central to the human condition in society, under the generally authoritarian perspective of Cultural Anthropology, with the fully engaged open and uplifting egalitarian low hierarchical distance of collaborative solution finding relegated almost to mere democratic grand afterthought. An exception, a weird and wonderful special case, by whatever unusual need or rare circumstances as decided by whatever great and good powers that be. An however infrequent and all to scarce transient positive experience then leaving such a dull and aching void in unrelentingly bored and lonely life the rest of the time. Hence frustration of uniquely human intrinsic needs of social and intellectual stimulus struggle rooted in freakish and massively inbred hideous mutation, evolutionary neurology and engorged human cerebrality. Leaving such poignant memories of those rare peak experiences of such creative interaction as ever arising, so dearly treasured in helplessness to sustain or proactively to duplicate such desirable conditions or situations regularly or systematically and at will.

      But what then if instead, priorities could be turned upon their head? What if the open and productive, non-zero-sum fully engaged uplifting and egalitarian low hierarchical distance of collaborative creative solution finding were somehow to instituted as the ongoing default, and whatever kind of responsible authority the special case, reserved for and resorted to only as and when the need whereof ever actually arising? And no longer merely, as all too often, any transitory event of , collaboration among equals in solution finding, such as any one time assigned task afterwards abandoned, or any sort of short term scheduled workshop, contest or seminar, typically concluding and vanishing entirety without any trace, with no debrief or follow up at all. In the words of Sir Isaac Newton: You have to make the rules, not follow them.” Where and when, how and by what design would follow whatever intentional implementation of any such a brave new social contract, even just for a small working group, let alone transforming the world? The helplessness of individual frustration and failure is everywhere. Might such helpless pandemic individual frustration and failure, not merely of the clearly and obviously broken and disadvantaged nor even also of the most ordinary and average, but especially of our best and brightest, their possibilities squandered, actually be in any part due to whatever conceivable larger systemic defect in society, of entrenched mediocrity and worse? And what is to be done?

      Creative people may often feel the need of any "tribe" of our own because people and society at large so perversely tend to discourage creativity and subversion, fostering heteronomy to conformism and undermining autonomy at every turn. And to make matters worse,  conventional groups for whatever common interests including particular creative fields, do not suffice, because heights of discovery and creativity, not to mention networking and social support, are often one way or another actually interdisciplinary and not segregated by specialty. Indeed, a notable key observation of TRIZ, the much renowned Russian theory of invention, is how aside from entirely new scientific discoveries, the rarest most important and powerful innovations arise in the transfer and multipotential reapplication of knowledge and methods across disciplines.

      Worse, as a rule, rational individuals of honor ought simply to apprise one another where they stand and just talk over whatever their problems and prioritize obvious shared concerns. Alas, such seems so seldom the case. It may be generally accepted that common interests and passions remain a key factor in building relationships. But in actuality, interests in common may turn out to be the least predicator in interpersonal compatibility. Indeed, interests in common need not correlate with shared core values or character, by far more profound. Moreover, it may be generally accepted that people make friends as a result of chance propinquity by spending casual time with one another. But as shall be seen, this too simply is not true. In truth, given limited options, people have often come to accept the need to cultivate and acquiesce to tolerable relationships with whomever most continually proximate. Hence a necessity of lowered expectations and fearful timidity. A sore travail.

      The very premise and agenda of  is utterly unique, subversive and taboo, though it should be blatantly obvious.
      The customer is always wrong! The program never fails, you fail the program! Bah, humbug!
      Wake up, Sheeple! It's all about how human social order as the glorified pack mammals that we are, has come to fall so vastly short of innate needs and appetites of social and intellectual stimulus struggle entirely unique to ever more massively engorged human cerebrality: Specifically, for  collaboration among equals together in creative solution finding. A joy alas far too infrequent under conventional paradigm of stultifying heteronomy to hierarchical dominance. And the consequences to authentic wellbeing could not be more dire.
      Ever so blithely to list unrealistic expectations among the causes of loneliness, is not unlike declaring, similarly, that unrealistic expectations lead to malnutrition, as if such were merely subjective and therefore entirely arbitrary! While of course practical needs remain ever crucial to physical survival at all, intrinsic needs and values are the very reason to go on living in the first place, and no mere arbitrary chimera or nuance of individual whimsy. Indeed,  in the biting prose of Kathleen Norris: "When you are unhappy, is there anything more maddening than to be told that you should be contented with your lot?" And exactly such foul rhetoric of sly invalidation, is merely another convolution of blaming the end users, each and all of us summarily abandoned to our own devices, indeed for the promulgation of unrealistic expectation in society, to the effect that the means at the disposal of the individual in society can possibly ever deliver as promised or hoped for, and actually ever meet individual needs and heart felt desires at all adequately. Such blind faith despite all manifest evidence to the contrary!  In truth, the proverbial elephant in the room, there remains such a user hostile outcomes gap, meaning: no results no matter one one does. It's a real shit show, and the only game in town! Conventional options in life are all so oppressive and unhappy. But how to stop playing into that racket? How indeed ever to find, nay to create, the very wherewithal and thrive?
      To reiterate, creative people may feel the need of a "tribe" of our own because people and society at large so perversely tend to discourage subversion and creativity, fostering heteronomy to conformism and undermining autonomy at every turn. And to make matters worse,  conventional groups for whatever common interests including particular creative fields, do not suffice, because heights of discovery and creativity, not to mention networking and social support, are often one way or another actually interdisciplinary and not segregated by specialty. Indeed, a notable key observation of TRIZ, the much renowned Russian theory of invention, is how aside from entirely new scientific discoveries, the rarest most important and powerful innovations arise in the transfer and multipotential reapplication of knowledge and methods across disciplines.

    The TRUE MEANING of LIFE is that HAPPINESS is subjective wellbeing, an INDIVIDUALLY REACTIVE STATE VARIABLE to howsoever favorable circumstances or situation, objectively. Happiness comes in Eudemonia, genuine autonomy in meeting ones needs by the Menschlichkeit of capable interaction with even adequately responsible others. So, can these aforesaid criteria possibly ever be satisfied via intentional activity and interaction? And precisely how?


    A better way?

    Solution finding must begin in responsible needs assessment in comparison with results from situation analysis. And the results are grim: As shall be seen, in every walk of life, conventional society and expected life paths are often extremely counterproductive and actually harmful. Therefore, the path to happiness, the remedy to sore travail of loneliness, boredom and desperate frustration, may consist of exercising reason and then nothing less then as much as possible reducing dependence upon whatever routine inoperant, ineffective or quite simply unfulfilling conventional modes of social life, and finding or creating anything far happier together. Creative solution finding, as shall be seen, an uplifting social interaction of thriving and authentic wellbeing, transcending the inefficiency and frustration of rejecting and domineering destructiveness of conventional social life and hierarchy as defined by Cultural Anthropology. Specifically, the case shall be presented that the key to happiness and escape from the unhappiness of more routine social expectation, with all of its senseless stumbling blocks, pointless conditionality, heartless rejection and stifling emotional distance, may be found in the inherent egalitarianism of creative solution finding and the empowering synergy concurrently between two different ongoing modes of intentional activity and interaction, of creative collaboration among equals and free exchange, specifically the pure creativity of collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming, and in the subversive disruptively innovative applied creativity in endless possibioity of of entrepreneurial new venture creation (various business startup) from first concept through to business planning, feasity study, management team formation, Capitalization and implementation.

    Anyone aspiring and yearning to experience creative fulfillment in entrepreneurial success, in endless possibility of new venture creation (various business startup),, has surely become well cognizant of the most embryonic first-concept "Kitchen Table" stage or phase of new venture creation (various business startup), but there is virtually no community, support for or even literature about it. This may be because there is just no money to be made in catering to the actual needs of those who are not making any money yet, indeed if ever. Instead, the market caters to successful entrepreneurs who can pay. Meanwhile, desperate wannabes are scammed with no end of dazzling but dubious offers and opportunities. Not everyone even has the support of the likeminded, even to muddle haphazardly in efforts at new venture creation (various business startup). Any conceivable better intentional situation must proceed from some more patient longer vision than unscrupulous marketing manipulation for quickly parting suckers from their limited cash. In a nutshell, the vision of Eudemonia presented here on  is of a sort of deluxe "kitchen table" as it were, open to all free of charge, facilitating "lifestyle entrepreneurship" of subversive value in fulfilling interaction even as to nurture newly dawning friendship and to inspire participant persistence, an ongoing collaborative fiction writing as a bonding and management team building exercise, towards collaborative solution finding in business planning and feasibility study towards subversive and disruptively innovative new venture creation (various business startup) from first-concept all the way through to Capitalization and implementation. That is the agenda of, an outreach, with no pressure or promises, to initiate even the most preliminary discussion with anyone at all interested.

         • We Can be Heroes: Trustworthy and respectful collaboration among equals

    Telling stories and working out plans
    Both subversive endeavors open for anyone to join in, are related application of different powerful modes of narrative speculation. Collaboration in fiction writing will be wonderful for ever crucial team building of management teams in entrepreneurial new venture creation (various business startup) which begins in the crafting of sound business plans that tell their story, our story together. The difference is that while fiction writing seeks only for merest plausibility in the elicitation of the willing suspension of disbelief, business planning of new venture creation (various business startup), strives to discover feasibility to the satisfaction of incredulous skepticism. Towards these criteria among others, the practice of controversy, being the invited and valued exchange of criticism, is crucial to both endeavors. Polished quality writing with engaging freshness and originality, is brightened and sharpened by the process of ongoing critique, and solid credible business plans are detailed scenarios subject to rigorous feasibility study consisting of relentless faultfinding, correction and risk management. Due diligence remains ever crucial. Pipedreaming is always a roadblock to success

    Disagreement is good

    According to the mindset which is heteronomy, disagreement only engenders strife, and therefore all dissidence is something to be overcome, a threat to self esteem that be summarily quashed by any means necessary. But the truth is that people of good will who disagree cooperate productively all the time. Indeed, for prime example, if disagreement where actually so paralytic, science would never advance. In the words of Barbara Sher: “Isolation is the true dream killer, not your attitude.” So speak your mind, be argumentative! Let's pick apart anything remaining unclear. Enjoy it, fully engage.-As heady as love bombing, but without the cognitive dissonance hangover! “Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” - Proverbs 27:17 (KJV) Even though intellectuality and criticality can be so nerdy, socially awkward, taboo and unpopular  Plainly, this proposal will not be suitable for anyone lacking the fundamental autonomy in order to question and criticize, to welcome like in kind in return. No flaming! Ideas can be utterly and candidly rejected with no iota of personal rejection, criticism and fully engaged controversy, that out to give no offense because any serious response demonstrates genuine respect. Intellectual criticality and autonomy are free for the having for anyone willing to invest the attention. For in the words of Simone Weil: “Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.” Let us begin then, with the generosity to ourselves, of Dialectic focus upon what is important. For in the words of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least. Nothing can be more truly exclusive than self selection. And that, however paradoxically, is how to become more individual by joining a group

    Ongoing Pleasure + engagement + meaning = ever self renewing  fulfillment. That may explain the Empirical observation that Happy people talk more seriously together, freely, and with less small talk, deliberating Dialectically, bridging the abstract to the practical and concrete, strategically, intentionally, purposefully and substantively, in feasibility study and controversy which is the welcome and valued exchange of criticism, with civility as autonomous equals in optimal reciprocal engagement. People pleasers are useless and slowly debilitating. criticism is inherently friendly, an expression of esteem, and that is how it should be perceived experienced among people who care enough to pay attention. Indeed, as the saying goes, no question is too stupid to ask, and no answer too wise to be given. Happy people thrive in autonomy, succeed and prosper.  and are more productive, likely to choose creative activities together. Gentle reader, do we want the same things? And is all of this truly on the level

    Is there more to life than all of the freedom, productivity, power, fun and vitality of fully engaged and boundless creativity ever fueled by cheerfully vociferous and spirited debate? Yes, certainly. But the case shall be presented as to how, for fundamental socio-psychological reasons, even though so taboo and socially awkward, precisely such optimally reciprocally engaged receptivity towards free thought and expression remain ever crucial to all other value, both in principle and in practice, and in deliberate alternative to more conventional, toxic and repressively heteronymous thinking in regards to social life. People join in all manner of activity, all in order to experience new encounters, forge new interpersonal attachments and build new relationship, frequently only meeting with frustration, because aside perhaps for sheer persistence and propinquity, the true requirements for any situation nurturing of ready and enduring connection is desperately lacking. Under heteronomy to anti-intellectualism and taboo, every experience of full intellectual or emotional fulfillment or gratification or other intimacy in the truest sense, becomes a dire threat, endangering popularity and secure social standing. Only exceptionally functional smaller social circles can operate differently in order to afford any shelter from  an oppressively timid and suspicious milieu wherein any such outreach or interaction affording any glimpse into one another's inner life that is called: psychological visibility, is rendered socially awkward if not actually taboo and even regarded as a threat. As shall be further expounded, relationship and especially friendship so key to wider networking and access to vital connections a resources towards all other needs, arise only as a byproduct of purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication, as cultivated in creative solution finding, indeed as optimized in the present proposal of synergistic endeavor, but as shall be seen, systematically thwarted in the approval seeking heteronomy, distance and alienation inherent to the cult of socialization in perpetuation of the endless struggle and Absurd futility of toxic and sanctioned sycophantic social skills or toadying hierarchically predictive social aptitudes. For whom then do we bereave ourselves of good? Such a chore and a bore of lonely sore travail endured only for the advantage of privileged cronies. What a racket! Brothers and sisters, set that burden down! 

    Find cogently detailed strategy herein provided, bridging from the abstract to the concrete, practically and even gainfully addressing nothing less than Eudemonia, the most important fundamental intrinsic human needs according to the cutting edge of science in concurrence with ancient wisdom of the sages of antiquity rediscovered. After all, why would any of that interest anyone for whom in order to sustain short attention, the very meaning of life and fulfillment must ever be reduced to something catchy and glib? Isn't there anything more?

    Many people fall by the wayside in life because they lack the well organized unflagging self-discipline in formal education, accreditation, employment and career development. Causes hay often include the wont of social support and genius that does not suffer the skilled incompetence of fools gladly, simply in order to fit in. But many of the most successful are actually only keeping so busy merely in order to stave off such profound unhappiness. This may be because so many that are so impressively dutiful and mature in deferred gratification and heteronomy to scholastic advancement and job promotion, nevertheless remain so cavalier and haphazard about all that really matter in personal life and autonomy. Don't make plans to connect to others, but just wait and let it happen! -Or so we are told. While others do indeed work very hard, perpetually jockeying for facile popularity and social success at the sacrifice of all genuine friendship and psychological visibility. Can there be any better options?

    True individuals, proverbial square pegs, defy metaphorical pigeonholing and neat identification as any readily locatable traditional target market or audience. It seems that the the very ideas of are still too new and abstract, and therefore there are no keywords by which to search the Web. And thus only the same helpless options of Absurd futility remain. But first of all, just perhaps in autonomy unanswerable to heteronomy, simply for I and thou merely between ourselves, anything cogent remains at all possible. Because nothing indispensably genuine comes as any end result or objective of fitting in, nor as any prized reward of senseless sore travail that is the rat race. Quite simply, relevance is not an outcome. Rather, engaged substantive conversation, so key to meaningful relationship, remains the only actually viable starting point for any true new beginnings and escape from stultifying superficiality. Again Trustworthy and respectful happy people talk more seriously and with lees small talk, realistically and in detail, even however ambitiously.

  the inception of an open online pre-incubator for anyone interested to join in:


    • Extensive collaborative creativity tools for boundless innovation

    • Comprehensive fiction writing resources and unfinished stories for an ongoing online writers' bull session, from every first flash of novel inspiration into the full flower of creativity together, rigorous writing discipline and quality polished output.

    A pre-incubation listing of subversive and disruptively innovative proposals for collaboration in new venture creation (various business startup), the most embryonic first concept intended for rigorous feasibility study and business planning, management team formation, development and Capitalization, all the way through to full implementation.

    Because Creativity Should be Social and Creativity can be Popular  


    And then learn more about the social engineering agenda by design of optimizing social stimulus struggle..
    Change the conversation, reset the agenda, and just maybe, change the world!         
    Three essential conundrums of drama remain ever salient in real life:  
    When all else fails, what has actually been desired all along?
    People interact, engage one another, bond, become emotionally attached to one another, even entering into and forging communities, all in order to feel safe and validated. Alas that so many often tend to evaluate safety and validation superficially, erroneously and even destructively, without talking it over and thinking things through, and therefore then often so blithely falling prey to heteronomy, codependency and exploitation. Beware then the chimera of membership and granfaloon! No wonder such dangerous, irrelevant, foolish and malignantly bullying cults and cliques abound, while genuine abiding respect and autonomy support remain exceptional. And there's the rub, the overarching problem in modus vivendi, the meaning of life and experience of fulfillment. And it remains so disheartening  how many people experience the same frustrated yearnings, and yet so utterly fail to find one another and connect, for wont of the wherewithal, the channels and the means. 
    Unmet friend: Why are you even reading this page? Does it interest you? Might the proposed interactions ever even hope to afford you any joy? Might the proposed interactions even actually promote growth and advancement of any of your own skill sets? Might the proposed interactions ever be a fun way to connect and even bond with others? Might the proposed interaction help advance your own objectives and personal success? Then either we have found one another and I am about to hear from you, or else for some reason, gentle reader, you hesitate even to read, explore and talk it over. Alas all such trepidation and hesitation, gentle, because whatever your misgivings surely must be important enough to discuss in any depth, indeed especially even the most tentative and preliminary feasibility study. Uncertainty should never taboo any subject of conversation. The mere conduct of Dialectic is always feasible! And because without compelling relevant intrinsic motivation, everything is just a chore and a bore! Therefore, if you've got a better offer, then take it.



    Back to the proverbial drawing board:

                                                             The correct indefinite pronoun denoting society is never 'it' but 'We.'

    Therefore: "why isn't it... ?" may generally be the wrong question.

    The interesting and responsible question remains: "Why don't/can't We... ?"                                    
















    When all else has failed, what has actually been desired all along?

    The very notion of collaboration among equals

    I might no have what you want, but dare we seek for it together?

    Alas that collaboration among equals remains literally inconceivable under the mindset of heteronomy to authoritarianism, because uniformity of consensus is so blithely and unquestioningly accepted as indispensable for cooperation at all. And such consensus of course, as the indispensable benefit of submission to undisputed leadership.

    Indeed, the average person, inexperienced of anything more vibrant and meaningful, has become blithely jaded and accustomed to a profound social, emotional and intellectual deprivation in which so many of us find ourselves imprisoned. Effort and struggle may be all quickly dismissed and condemned as mere hardship, intolerable frustration and Existential futility. But there can also be the true life human drama of progress and satisfaction, growth, self-definition and discovery, perhaps even success. For in the words of Friedrich Nietzsche: “Happiness is the feeling that power increases - that resistance is being overcome.” Besides, exactly what are the alternatives? There has always been the extol of unearned trust and powerless surrender as the way to happiness, the choice only between acceptance and despair, merely flavors of the same intimidation.

    In the famous words of George Bernard Shaw: “Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress, therefore, depends on unreasonable people.” And to quote Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” is an outreach toward the formation of just such a core group of unreasonable people applying ourselves even to the most daunting problems besetting us. It remains so disheartening  how many people experience the same frustrated yearnings, and yet so utterly fail to find one another and connect, for wont of the wherewithal, the channels and the means. 

    Power, for good or evil, constructively or destructively, begins from the process of influence upon one another that actually reshapes the surrounding social environment, even changing the world. Alas, dronelike compliant social participation seldom actually solicits or grants input or influence into collective decision making, no matter what sort of group or activity one joins into. And this renders the exercise meaningless. Unilateral action is largely powerless, drastically limited in scope and impact upon individual life much less society at large. And slavish submission to alienating social institutions tends to be senseless, debilitating and Absurd in every way. Transactional Analysis begins to recognize that only improvement in the manner in which anyone relates to one another has any bearing. explores broader agenda for collaboration among equals in autonomy, deemed inconceivable under prevailing heteronomy that so dreads only chaos and discord, save by even slavish acquiescence to firm guidance and confident leadership in order to prevent error and assure success.

    Of course there can be no guarantee of success, but there can often be guarantee of futility in the production and consumption of mendacious irresponsible guarantees. Heteronomy in society frequently presses the individual to choose between compliance in order to fit in, or the pursuit of rugged Individualism in order to get by, going it alone, unless they are not merely howsoever gifted, but specifically and considerably talented. Because only above average accomplishment commands any better terms. And beyond merely whatever above average accomplishment, for the consummately well qualified person of destiny who's extreme success earns them recognition and authority conferring the power of decision making, thence must accrue the loneliness of command.

    But in the alternative, entirely another paradigm is that of collaboration among equals. Autonomy and collaboration among equals will tend to make higher demands upon and responsibility than does heteronomy, but in return may offer any true acceptance without oppressive conditionality, escaping thereby both the debilitating idiocy of fitting in and the daunting limitations of rugged isolation. But this too, all the more, will be easier said than done. 

    In those words of Henri-Louis Bergson: “Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought. Alas that in such reciprocal contempt, thinking and doing remain all too often segregated in our institutional mentality. The result is a great deal of thought gone to no practical avail, and a great deal of ill considered action so blithely undertaken. To quote Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower: “Plans are nothing, planning is everything.” And let no one imagine that planning, action or happiness are ever improved by preasure to choose between conformity or social isolation. In the words of Benjamin Disraeli: “Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action.” It remains, however, that self-help/improvement and social skills remediation are all nothing but delusion and denial of Existential Absurdity. You are not in control of your life, any more than I am in control of mine. We all find ourselves completely at the whim of uncooperative others in every facet of our lives. And everyone within reach to seek help from, is simply too insecure even to fight for their very lives, much less to stand up for one another. Put more simply then, and in complete good faith, powerlessness, the impotent helplessness of the human condition is terminally demeaning. And even beyond direct action, our influence upon others may often be even the more misguided and deluded. Gentle reader, unmet friend: Where is there to be found, any beginning of collaboration among equals? Thinking in terms of action, in order to act more thoughtfully, there remains only one precious beginning, immediately, over which we, I and thou, may indeed together take responsibility and share any control at all: And that is interaction between ourselves, specifically just discussion at all to begin with, and setting an agenda thereto. Because. in the words of Janine Garner, “Failing to engage Is engaging with failure. And indeed, all heteronomy is but craven and futile pseudo-engagement.

    Speaking of heteronymous pseudo-engagement, what has even been called: Totalitarian Interactivity, notwithstanding whatever illusion of choice, metaphorically leads the site visitor about by the proverbial nose, channeling attention step by step, into whatever the target audience is intended to consider most important. And unless there seems to be any reason for suspicion or ambivalence, simply knowing what to do relieves dystress. But garners attention so rarely if at all, only in so far as content is seen, saliently and evocatively, to address whatever particular interests and concerns of the individual site visitor motivated in whatever their own personal dystress and thereby guided to chart their own course through these hypertexts, autonomously and independently. And so, whatever good accrues, as yet little collaboration actually results or endures. Such indeed is the ineffectual anarchy as per all dire predictions from heteronomy, all for wont of uncritical unity under leadership authority. Can we do better?

    It may be despite rare favorable response to content, to the discovery of information deemed useful or the ebullience of sentiments shared, all plans of action proposed here on may nevertheless often still meet with rejection out of hand as taboo. After all, drawing attention by open criticism of status quo, let alone actually fighting back against abuse, is always risky and intimidating. But then, generally speaking, most of what is seldom or never tried and remains obscure no matter how actually quite promising and effective, only remains so neglected because of taboo, one way or another. For taboo raises conditioned dystress. And taboo need not be all that dramatic, nameless pathos calling attention to itself. Taboo is an expression of ambivalence. Small wonder then, ambivalence regarding taboo, and taboo upon ambivalence. Taboo can be a knee-jerk or a blind spot of crimestop FNORD . And if difficult personal objectives are not to be achieved only by long and arduous and onerous conformity, compliance and self-sacrifice, then any path to success can only be ferreted out by creativity, the eustress and sustainable euphoria of curiosity, investigation, feasibility study and risk assessment, along any path less taken, into those very realms of taboo thought, in quest of that proverbial better mousetrap.

    Helpful to one another with all whereof oneself struggles even without answers, expertise or authority, autonomy and collaboration among equals fosters relationship and not objectification so characteristic of heteronomy to hierarchical dominance. And where does any of that begin, if not between any two or more individuals?  As shall be demonstrated, sustained engagement in the present strategic Dialectic and feasibility study, can be key to the first glimmer of happiness. If you've got a better offer, then take it.   Here we are, I and thou. Why hesitate: Let's talk it over. This is important. I look forward to hearing from you.

    Abandoned each and all to our own devices
    Why must it all be so difficult? Herein are submitted some very adult radically obvious suggestions, that seem better at all accepted in professional life than in personal life, in the alternatives to social skills, collective membership most broadly, and aimless over reliance upon propinquity: First of all, let's all work to regain that lost and atrophied executive function: Let's all become at all better organized at making contacts, following up intentionally, purposefully and systematically, and convivially maintaining interaction. But then what? Without the all-consuming social rat race, what shall we do with ourselves together? What will keep us occupied just long enough simply for metaphorically breaking the proverbial ice? To answer a question with another question: What is important to you? What makes life worth living? In short, whither arête?
    People online, so desperate for any illusion of certainty in such an uncertain world, are so often gathered in such nigh religious fervor of eager cult-like internalization and pep rally co-validation of prevalently unquestioned assumptions, earnest preparation and mighty struggle towards social success, as though they were all cramming for an exam. Knee-jerk conformists are often indeed exactly so callow and emotionally retarded. Truly, they are all very much alone even together, and figuratively barking up the proverbial wrong tree! For such indeed is heteronomy to the cult of socialization. Prevailing wisdom ever extols the crucial importance of making friends, networking and establishing for oneself a social circle. But loneliness and despair often motivate entry into bad relationships and worse social circles. Social reality, however consequential, remains consensus chimera, while individual people are real. Building any sort of more functional and congenial social circle, might best begin not with any grand social vision, but first with discourse upon any notion of a more functional protocol, interpersonally, better fitting than will be found available off-the-rack, so to speak. One that nurtures autonomy and authenticity instead of cultivating heteronomy and dependency. In theory, we each and all benefit from the purest freedom of association. But in practical implementation, one may often find oneself at the mercy of others, all one's efforts neither appreciated or reciprocated. There is no effective script to follow, no secret of wisdom to share. What then can one do? Can anyone ever sidestep the Great Faceless They, and simply reach out to one another in order to stop playing anyone else's game? Here we are, I and thou.
    We must all expect to confront interpersonal or relationship challenges, but not until first overcoming whatever barriers to entry, social hurdles and stumbling blocks in one's path, of making connections to begin with which often first entails integration and embedment into society, very much easier said than done, prevailing opacity demanding all manner of convoluted special aptitudes, full time. Clearly, there are many people, one way or another, who fail in society or anything else because of their own shortcomings and personal difficulties of one kind or another. But that doesn't explain everything, because the most ordinary people and indeed highly capable and personable individuals, our best and brightest, frequently also fail in society and in life. Is then any deficiency in society conceivable, in social opportunities and demands placed upon individuals? We all know that society frequently fails to meet our various different individual needs. Why then do even the most ruthless and Machiavellian nevertheless often seem to assume that social integration is somehow foolproof? Frequently, it simply is not. Indeed, failure is inbuilt and pervasive, perhaps because, purposefully, social life is less of a conduit than a filter. Security takes precedence over accessibility, and frequently, neither accrue. And it remains hardly unusual to find oneself setup for failure. It is not even clear that any service to the end user is even a priority in society at large. It remains so disheartening  how many people experience the same frustrated yearnings, and yet so utterly fail to find one another and connect, for wont of the wherewithal, the channels and the means. Perhaps society is not user friendly but actually user hostile even by design and Absurd. Indeed, the very concept of socialization both suggests and then obfuscates that very conclusion, cynicism which comes as no shock to anyone with any modicum of street-smarts. Conventional options in life are all so oppressive and unhappy. It's a jungle out there! Nothing works. Far from serving the individual, the function of society is simply to push us each out of the way. Take the hint or become bullied outright. Indeed life in society, often being so cutthroat competitive, may often take on such paranoid subtext, like unto recognizance under enemy surveillance! No wonder anyone feels insecure. Obviously it is necessary for the individual to adapt to any society. And so, guidance to that end becomes crucial. But with social adaptation and guidance thereto, as with anything else, if of necessity some is good, it hardly follows that more is better, or that its all the same anyhow.
    And truth to tell, many folks are downright unfriendly, distant and even hostile, indeed, one way or another, crazy jealous, exploitative, conspiratorial, and willfully obstructive between others. And often this is cultural. But even putting aside real palpable ill will and bullying outright, there remains, as shall be seen, all manner of frustrating inefficiency in making connections and cementing attachment, interpersonally. And we may often look to peer groups to smooth the way, even simply to sustain propinquity long enough, even however awkwardly and artificially of the most dharmic social skill. And there's the rub! Because, if it's hard enough to find even just one friend, how then will be any easier to identify, locate and befriend whatever sort of suitable social collective entity? According to legend, Diogenes struggled to find even one lone and singular honest soul, let alone an honest crowd. Hence, joining groups or entering social circles in order to meet new people, only devolves one difficulty into an even more daunting challenge. Indeed, it may often be recommended, just the opposite, to assemble social groups from proximate and extended existing connections. So, which comes first? How many are lucky enough to have true friends networking for them? More often, the group has its own covert agenda and the individual, exploited, one way or another, must simply make do. Society then offers no conduit or primrose path, but inflicts a social minefield full of needless and insane stumbling blocks and barriers to entry, all leading to traps of collective exploitation as the only refuge. Any better is fortunate, highly functional and exceptional. Society cannot love you. Society is not be your friend. Society is the baleful oppressor ever watching everything that one does. And accordingly, those who may see fit to come forward volunteering to correct anyone who opens their eyes, would never dare so to overstep all bounds by such flagrant presumption of their own superiority and anyone else subordination, except by so blithely believing themselves somehow to be channeling something so vastly great and good, transcendent beyond themselves. For such is the pervasive delusion of all heteronomy, that frighted false fire with no genuine warmth.
    Quoth the Bard: “All the word's a stage!” And to quote Neil Gabler: “American society is a society in which individuals have learned to prize social skills that permit them, like actors, to assume whatever rôle the occasion demands and to "perform" their lives rather than just live them.” Competent or incompetent, whether in true hardnosed practicality or in sheer aimless and empty actingout of mimesis, many all the same remain no less consumed with the burning question of how to perform as expected and to fit in: How best to placate The Great Faceless They, thereby to obtain the key to life. For such remains the slave mentality of Homo Domesticus, the domesticated human. And much as they may deny it even to themselves, they are fully buying in, figuratively gulping down the proverbial Kool-Aid! And even bringing into question such secret deep-seated dedication may be as alarming to them as revelation that there is no Santa Claus and no fellowship with God!
    Social support is deemed among the key determinants of success. To have social support denotes that one is cared for, has assistance available from other people, and that one is part of a supportive social network. Indeed, while ones fewer closer friends may be valued as more important emotionally, broader acquaintance and connections are key to all manner of assistance, resource and opportunity. What won't people do for such a prize? And what will people sink to without it?  But what does the ever burning question of how to fit in socially, even actually mean in the first place? After all, clearly working out the right question must precede finding any accurate or useful answer, and therefore problem statement remains ever crucial to solution finding.
    Indeed, some might better rephrase the question at hand, even as most anciently, towards the striving for correctly skilled conduct within dharma: How to transcend all anxiety and learn such peerless and consummate skill to then initiate more capable and operant interaction with one another? But capable and operant in what way or sense, and all to what end or purpose? Well, obviously, towards performance as expected in order to fit in, thereby to placate The Great Faceless They from whom all good things flow, thereby at long last to obtain the key to life! For such is slave mentality, toadying social cognition and sycophancy by which to predict the responses of others, prediction of future behavior entirely on the basis, not of care or empathy and Emotional Intelligence, but of rôles of relative social standing, degrees of kinship and rank, and in recognition of third-party social relationships, all distinctly and uncomfortably non-egalitarian. It is after all, a truism and hard to deny, that of course compromise is necessary for getting along in society. Not merely compromise, but toadying sycophantic open ended and unrequited dedication life long, is the traditional expectation. Dharma is a bitch!
    Heteronomy, conformism and the endless dance of popularity frequently become Orwellian, all consuming, draining and tremendously costly, undermining not only autonomy, independent thinking and ambition, but even the human capacity to genuinely relate to one another, to form relationship and friendship. Indeed, that's Why Nerds Are Unpopular: Because nerds so often have authentically meaningful time consuming genuine  interests and values of their own to share, with neither the time nor passion for the endlessly complicated dance of being "cool". Whereas, by interaction and accommodation only with one another as equals or near equals, individuals are even known even quite deliberately to afford one another whatever respite from onerous expectations of always "being on" and demands of society at large. With good friends one can be genuine and at ease and forge alliance in abiding trust. Indeed,. precisely such egalitarianism of collaboration among equals is characteristic of cooperation in creative solution finding, problem-driven rather than status-driven, and thus the great exception to toadying social cognition, as recognized even in seeming afterthought by Social Anthropology. And more on this presently. 
    After all, which comes first? Is all human interaction subordinate within the framework of society and its intractable norms, or rather, is the very fabric of society woven from relationship between individuals into an extended network? Obviously, that is only a matter pf perspective: Both assertions are always true. But which perspective will be more fruitful in discovering any true key to life at all? It may bear mention that the very term: 'Individualism,' was only coined as a pejorative in disparagement towards a perceived trend of retreat from civic-virtue, favoring instead whatever responsibility merely to each ones own more proximate relationship networks. But what reason for such a trend? Perhaps what is more capable and operant, less superficial and more mature and genuinely happy, is actually to be found in Emotional Intelligence, the vulnerable empathy of  to one another first, I and thou, one to one, before even worrying about finer points and challenges of group dynamics, let alone whatever Social Intelligence and social skills or aptitudes in such desperate and toadying sycophantic quest of broader approval and social integration with every coveted reward of status, power and better more preferential access to vital resources in society.
    Therefore, not to put the proverbial cart before the horse: As it turns out, autonomy in strong and compatible relationships may be revealed as the true bedrock strengthening position of social embedment most proximately, only then in turn networking outward for inclusion and accommodation within society at large affording access not only to vital connections and resources, but best opportunity altruistically as well. Otherwise getting along in society may easily degenerate into an unpleasant and arbitrarily heteronymous pipedream and snake oil. It's all a matter of give and take, of reciprocity and welcome: Why would anyone want to put in so much more effort so unappreciated, than they tend to perceive as ever expended in return? The ever platitudinous social success gurus urge us to step out from our comfort zones. Bah, humbug!
    Rather, does not the entire focus of exactly such risk taking and challenge, the very exploration towards understand, mapping and carving out some comfortable niche at all? After all, who do you prefer to meet? An aspiring pillar of the community, staunch toady to social expectation: an utter tool, or a good friend to humanity, a real mensch? And to what do you yourself aspire? The desperation for approval, or the will to power? Yet the outdated cult of socialization, manipulative behavioral conditioning in one rancid guise or variation or another, prevails. The powerlessness of the individual without influence in society, is simply accepted and taken for granted, then played upon so manipulatively. But the malignant racket of all such often senseless imperative of interminable submissive finesse, can offer no trustworthy solution. This is because all of that festering impotent vexation and mediocrity is at the root of bored and lonely suffering and frustration in the first place. This is true even when most successful on its own misguided cretin terms exactly as advertised. Though as a setup for failure, compromise and lowered expectations, the let down is that much less subtle.
    Indeed, what if community is considered as no more than the aggregate of constituent relationships? What if indeed, seeming social aptitude and circumstance, are one way or another conditional upon and subordinate to relationships? What if getting along in society is not actually the key to life? What if rather, the recognized bedrock of functional individual friendship, remains the true foundation of any extended social circle? What if its not the junction of Individuals, somehow to reach out into society, but of relationships to network? What if all things being relative to frame of reference, the social world really does revolve around you? We have clearly seen that happiness depends upon how we engage and relate to one another, each of us, I and thou, gentle reader, just for starters. Needlessly opaque and convoluted heteronymous snake oil of social skills brainwash and granfalloon membership pipedreams have got the cart before the horse! 
    After all, ostracism, exclusion and social isolation operate not by some abstract divorce of the target Individuals from society as an entity, but by whatever practical means off relational bullying, veritable social network terrorism by whatever means of sabotage and skullduggery undermining connectivity between Individuals. Under heteronomy and the veneration of authority, society has always remained  suspicious, hostile, threatening, in short: the enemy, and whatever social skills, aptitudes or cognition however rationalized or romanticized, can be like handling venomous snakes, full time: Better together with trusted friends than all alone with shifty cronies. Whereas the benefits and protections afforded the individual in society, all flower under democracy, autonomy and skeptical suspicion towards authority, especially that of society in the abstract. 


    Overcoming the boredom prone loneliness of intelligence and creativity
    The social engineering of optimal social stimulus struggle, is one way to frame the challenge of actually tailoring social environment to the intrinsic needs of each individual. Discourse pursuant to the social engineering of optimal social stimulus struggle in answer to the agenda by design/agenda of design challenge, is preliminary to the design exercise, a specific procedure towards identification of individually unique pleasurable triggers and indicators of value, those rare and fleeting experiences of fulfillment in fully engaged pleasurably heightened sensation of meaning,  sensation of meaning, and how maximally to incorporate exactly such very particular stimuli featuring into a social environment.
    There are two possible contexts wherein to frame the very concept of all important attachments such as love and friendship. Most obviously, friendship is a relationship over time, but love and friendship are also understood an immediate experience. Perhaps the latter peak experience may be found conducive to more optimal cultivation of the former over time, indeed more so than mere propinquity alone.
    Defining our terms:
    What are stimuli?
    In order better to understand and appreciate the key concept of stimulus struggle, it might first be at all helpful to clearly understand what are stimuli and it what sense the very word is even used. For specialized usage herein is as borrowed from published behavioral experimentation with laboratory mice.

    To begin with, stimuli, unless subliminal, are consciously perceived. And yet, a stimulus as hereon most narrowly defined, is quite different from the content of sensation most broadly.A stimulus that hardly stimulates, that provides so little stimulation, is not much of a stimulus. Moreover, to begin with, a stimulus most narrowly, is not merely any perception or information, even however Empirical. For example, good food tempts all the senses. Marketing and advertising employ no end of stimuli associated with food. But the experience of peeling potatoes might somewhat fail to arouse, one way or the other, very much more than boredom and irritation.

    Moreover, an explanation is not a stimulus. Hence, the directions to the cafeteria, even as provided on a floor plan posted for all to see, and useful information as that might be, might not in and of themselves be all that stimulating at all. However the colors used on the signage might be either soothing pastels or vibrant fluorescent hues. And what applies to stimulation in general, applies no less to social and intellectual stimulation, in that likewise, not every Empirical input or information is necessarily all that that stimulating.

    A stimulus is an incident suddenly altering experience of the surrounding environment, a momentary event in any way arousing attention and interest, perhaps in violation of expectations, even thence eliciting quick appraisal and triggering response, negative or positive. A stimulus so instantly draws attention to itself by such stark contrast with just prior conditions. Stimuli may be anything perceived and experienced, however reference to stimuli is generally meant in the sense more of visceral arousal rather than merely cognitive input and information. Indeed the sensation, literal or figurative, is immediately different.
    Stimulus struggle, what every living thing is doing all the time, is no more or less than the perpetual striving to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of stimulation and arousal from the surounding environment. And this includes every crucial social stimulus provided by anyone triggering and eliciting response from anyone else within the same social environment or situation, a process so desperately undermined and subverted under heteronomy in the perpetual rat race out in the endless emotional wastelands of the social minefield.   
    Arguably, stimuli are the most fundamental meaning of life! To begin with, by definition, tautologically, in the mere literal sense of meaning and linguistic denotation, any definition of life, biologically, as a complex system, must one way or another consider the function of stimulation triggers and arousal. Moreover, in any deeper sense of meaning and value, in any relevant figurative or poetical sense of ever being truly alive, arousal by stimuli likewise figures prominently. Otherwise one may complain of feeling dead inside. Though many crave exactly such release into sublime apathy, however qualified and ambivalent,  from life and suffering but without the greater extreme of actual suicide. All such Mystical self-abnegation remains so inherently misanthropic, even decried as cowardly, because by nature we are all sensation seekers. And as Sir Isaac Newton said, the way to to master nature is to serve her. - meeting needs, not thwarting them...

    A dog in the park, perhaps coming up and wagging his tail, is a stimulus featuring in the surrounding environment, but a dog appearing and begging only when you yourself begin eating your sandwich, constitutes a response from the surrounding environment. And the present exercise concerns elicitation of innate positive response from the individual, not conditional strokes of inductive  behavioral reinforcement of any desired new conditioned behavior. Ongoing stimulus struggle entails that we spend our lives struggling to elicit desired response. It's nice when instead, all too rarely, whatever little gratification comes unconditionally. Also, it's far simpler to program or design stimuli featuring within the environment, than to orchestrate responses laying in wait to be triggered by the subject. Not to get ahead of ourselves.

    And because we are social beings, all of this applies no less for social stimuli in specific, than for stimuli in general. There are many complex aspects of social interaction, but at the most fundamental and obvious level, social interaction remains the exchange of social stimuli and response. The most rudimentary stimulus appetite is event hunger, the craving for interesting events. Hence the most rudimentary social stimulus appetite would be social event hunger, a craving for stimulating occurrences of social interaction.  

    Because of the relentless infiltration amoral and Moralistic misanthropic stealth Behaviorism ever so respectably insinuating itself into every field of scientific inquiry, formal education and walk of life, indeed because of the pernicious fallacious view of Social Psychology as merely an application of Behaviorism, social stimuli may be blithely treated as identical with social prompts. Not so! A social stimulus featuring or situated within a social environment, is a manifest concrete entity (as opposed to an abstraction) producing social stimulation eliciting universal innate social response that are the subject of intrinsic social stimulus appetites.  - as opposed to varying  behaviorally conditioned  social cues prompting in turn, extrinsic elicitation of conditional strokes...

    Social prompts are only intelligible at all as shaped by and subtext of social expectations to be met by approved behaviors in elicitation of conditional strokes within extrinsic reward and punishment systems. Hence response varies between cultural milieu, individual personality, experience and behavioral conditioning. Whereas response to implementable effective stimuli, yes, very much including social stimuli, is innate and thus possibly gratifying in its own right. Behavioral conditioning only aims at the inculcation of compulsive compliance and inhibition, but liberating impulsive responses triggered by (social) stimuli correlate with (social) stimulus appetites, the most rudimentary of intrinsic needs, values and motivation.

    In animal studies, social stimuli no differently than stimuli in general, may be introduced experimentally under controlled conditions, into the environment of the test subject. But in the context of human interaction, for some reason the term 'social stimuli' is all too often blithely employed interchangeably in denotation of social cues that are learned, or more precisely, behaviorally conditioned. What sly and devious propaganda of Nihilistic value destruction and heteronomy! Intellectual stimulation from the social environment remains ever paramount to all endeavor of And because we are conscious, what applies to stimulation in general, applies no less to social and intellectual stimulation, in that likewise, not every Empirical input or information is necessarily all that stimulating. Hence, then, the dire risk of even actually harmfully persistent  boredom and loneliness. After all, the engaging and invigorating trigger of intellectual stimulation ever remains an intrinsic need, even neurologically. Intellectual stimulation opens the way for the enthusiastic autonomy of egalitarian close collaborative creative solution finding and thereby liberation from hierarchical heteronomy. Intellectual stimulation Is an intrinsic human need. Intellectual stimulation differs psychologically with individual character, and will therefore defy precise definition. Intellectual stimulation engages thought and imagination to challenge ambitious capability to insightfully identify and find creative solutions to problems. And yet intellectual stimulus deprivation remains pandemic. Clearly, either the system is broken, or else individual failure and confusion can actually be intentional, even deliberately brutal boring Absurd and irrelevant Zen surreal by design, brainwash to break the will, indeed as it has been since antiquity.

    A hallmark of the compliant and complacent conservative character or personality is the the boundless capacity to endure boredom. And in the annals of formal education as readily observed in so many other social institutions such as religion, politics and employment among others,  the tradition is recorded even most anciently in Plato's Academy, of deliberately and calculatingly quashing the very intellectual freedom and Dialectical intellectual stimulation so cherished by and fatal to Plato's beloved but impractical mentor Socrates, via the deliberate infliction of boredom in order so diligently to weed out innovators by contrast so often characterized by boredom proneness, and of novelty that ever threatens change. For many are the sages of old in fervent embrace of the value of social stability at any cost, the maintenance of sheer conservative inertia even in the most arbitrary status quo. -And therefore concerning themselves in all gravity with the contrivance of reliable production process and systematic filters of endlessly bland mediocrity enduring to this day, bureaucratically screening out deficiency and excellence alike and entirely without distinction. Indeed such remains the function of peer review in academic publication, and worse, of the FDA in the approval of medicines. No snake oil and no breakthroughs either. For in every context and walk of life, such is heteronomy and the dread of all temptation into nonconformity replete with any possibility ever of Socratic Wisdom in acknowledgement of ignorance and uncertainty, with ongoing error detection and correction in the name of progress day by day.


    What is the social engineering of social and intellectual stimulus struggle?

    Social engineering is an application of social science in effort to influence particular attitudes and social behaviors as desired in whatever target population great or small, from vast nation states to far smaller working groups and social circles. Social engineering may conceivably focus upon any different aspects of the human condition in society, with any range of objectives, including the optimization of social stimulus struggle.

    As in accordance with the Arousal Theory of motivation, all living beings are perpetually engaged in stimulus struggle, which is the name coined by anthropologist Desmond Morris in 'the human zoo' October 1 1969, for the perpetual striving of all living things, to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of stimulation and arousal from the surrounding environment. And by extension, social and intellectual stimulus struggle herein denotes the perpetual striving of very human psyche, to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of most optimal reciprocally engaged social and intellectual stimulation and arousal from the immediate social environment. Indeed, everything that we do is in order to modify subjective experience thereby altering consciousness. All hence, as herein proposed, the social engineering of social and intellectual stimulus struggle would contrive the deliberate introduction of specific social stimuli and social interaction, into the immediate social environment, in order better to optimize social and intellectual stimulus struggle.

    And as, still in accordance with the Arousal Theory of Motivation, according to anthropologist Desmond Morris in 'the human zoo' October 1 1969, in order to meet the all consuming challenges of survival in the wild, constantly foraging for resources and opportunity in order to survive, all opportunistic species including Homo Sapiens, have evolved to become intensely exploratory, with "a biologically built-in demand for a high stimulus input from his environment. In a zoo (or a city) it is clearly these opportunist species that will suffer most from the artificiality of the situation. Even if they are provided with perfected balanced diets and are immaculately sheltered and protected, they will become bored and listless and eventually neurotic. But opportunist animals do not give up easily. They react to the unpleasant situation with remarkable ingenuity." But what if instead of merely reacting individually, intelligent human beings might overcome slavish drone like domestication and become proactive in collaboration?

    To reiterate, stimulus struggle, what every living thing is doing all the time, is no more or less than the perpetual striving to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of stimulation and arousal from the surrounding environment. And this includes every crucial social stimuli provided by anyone triggering and eliciting response from anyone else within the same social environment or situation, a process so desperately undermined and subverted by heteronomy in the perpetual rat race out in the endless emotional wastelands of the social minefield. In any alternative, what then are the most promising options in the social engineering of any fundamentally better situation, the social engineering of more optimal social stimulus struggle? How can individuals more happily interact? Exactly how might change be effected, so happily overcoming resistance and inertia? And what precisely is the bearing of creativity? These are no idle question, but the ever daunting outreach of! Everyone is different. perhaps somehow neither fiction writing nor new venture creation (various business startup) appeal. Fear not however. I do not have what you want, but dare we seek for it together?

    Boredom after all, is an acute lack of excitement and often accrues from the dire mismatch of intrinsic motivation and relevantly pleasurable activity to unique individual value, given any dearth of adequately engaging alternatives often for want of authentic autonomy supportive respect and often in response to pressure. Stimulus struggle then is the struggle against boredom, and social stimulus struggle is the struggle against loneliness consisting of any deficiency or discrepancy between ones own desired versus actually achieved or at all available, quality of social interaction, stimulation, arousal and communication.

    The social engineering of more optimal social stimulus struggle, is one way to frame the challenge of actually tailoring social environment to the intrinsic needs of each individual. Discourse pursuant to the social engineering of optimal social stimulus struggle in answer to the agenda by design/agenda of design challenge, is preliminary to the design exercise, a specific procedure towards identification of individually unique pleasurable triggers and indicators of value, those rare and fleeting experiences of fulfillment in fully engaged pleasurably heightened sensation of meaning, and how maximally to incorporate exactly such very particular stimuli featuring into a social environment.  Indeed, quantitatively and qualitatively optimal investment and exchange of time and attention together that we all so crave, in synergy so crucial to authentic well being.

    Many  struggle simply to avoid unpleasantness. And that is a sore travail. But others actually enjoy and embrace struggle, engaging with the disruptive and uncomfortable as meaningful growth opportunity and even the great blessing.of Positive Disintegration. Struggle engenders focus and reflection. “To whom much is given, much is required.”  Luke 12:48 NKJV. But if only we shall rise to the unique and vital challenge of sapient consciousness and the human condition, of intentional purposeful interaction and intentional substantive communication, of intentional creative solution finding and collaboration, then stimulus struggle so-called, as at rare optimum may become easy and delightful, not dire struggle at all, then is 'struggle' the correct word? Answer: To be Existentially honest, yes, sometimes, indeed all too often, it is. A brief word, however, in defense of true struggle:

    Not only pleasurable engagement, but sometimes even ongoing engagement in struggle, difficulty and discomfort, can be a blessing, frequently remaining needful and invigorating for growth, both of character individually and of meaningful relationships. For such is life. But that remains no excuse for coercion and abuse supposedly in order to build character, as in formal education among other needlessly destructive ordeals. Not to digress. By contrast, all too infrequent gratifying high points of optimal stimulus struggle, so named, can be effortless and spontaneous, far from struggle at all. Gratifying high points of optimal stimulus struggle, struggle so called, shape and express personal values of arête, experience of excellence in life. Stimulus struggle, struggle indeed, thereby motivated, thence escalates under such heightened expectations that inspire progress.

    Human happiness greatly hinges upon the efficacy of stimulus struggle, particularly of social stimulus struggle. First of all, pleasurable wellbeing is attained during more optimal stimulus struggle, particularly social stimulus struggle. Secondly, it may be that more optimal social stimulus struggle remains the true key to life, after all! More optimal social stimulus struggle heightens performance, sustained cooperation and results. More optimal social stimulus struggle is more sociable. Better sustained and more optimal social stimulus struggle is more optimal also for making connection, forging and nurturing relationships, even friendship. But more optimal social stimulus struggle in the gratification incident hunger, is more specific, focused, experiential and observable than more broadly any objective of the better meeting of needs. All therefore, better understanding of social stimulus appetites remains ever crucial.

    In the words of Simone Weil: "The malheureux need nothing else in this world but men capable of paying attention to them. The capability to pay attention to the malheureux is something very rare, very difficult; it's almost a miracle. Almost all those who think they have this capacity, don't. Warmth, the heart's reaching out, pity, all these are not sufficient. [...] Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.” And in the words of Barbara Sher: “Isolation is the true dream killer, not your attitude.” Indeed, inattention, indifference and distance, are already invalidating, let alone more overt invalidation, denigration and abuse particularly as of pandemic serial bullying. Whereas, validation may come in the form of sympathy and understanding, indeed as expressed in agreement, approval or indeed amplification upon anything another says. However, as the saying goes: “Actions speak louder than words” because in the words of Karan Gaur: Effort is the best indicator of interest.” The very term 'probortunity,' of course, has been coined as a portmanteau of the two words: 'problem' and 'opportunity,' in order to press home the point that problems present opportunities. And the probortunity at hand here on consists in the challenge of best filling the gap, meeting underserved need, via creative solution finding in design thinking social engineering of more optimal social stimulus struggle, most especially and particularly collaboration among equals, the most generously validating exchange of effort and interest indeed speaking louder than so often facile verbal positive strokes, let alone the malignant conditionality of dysfunctional codependent co-validation. Creativity can and Should be Social. Collaboration in fiction writing and new venture creation (various business startup) may serve as powerful Dialectical tools toward subversive and disruptively innovative solution finding in the social engineering of more optimal stimulus struggle, even tailor made to the individual. Gentle reader, what are your own frustrated life satisfactions and corresponding underserved stimulus appetites?

    There are two possible contexts wherein to frame the very concept of all important attachments such as love and friendship. Most obviously, friendship is a relationship over time, but love and friendship are also understood an immediate experience. Perhaps the latter peak experience may be found conducive to more optimal cultivation of the former over time, indeed more so than mere random and incidental propinquity alone.

    Heaven remains an imagined condition of plenty of whatever has been most scarce in any given life experience. And Heaven on Earth would be any thriving association wherein individual needs are routinely fulfilled rather than frustrated. In 'The Conquest Of Happiness' 'Chapter 1: What makes people unhappy?' Bertrand Russell writes: "The typical unhappy man is one who, having been deprived in youth of some normal satisfaction, has come to value this one kind of satisfaction more than any other," But perhaps Russell is too quick to dismiss as mere fixation, whatever one's favored, most valued and cherished kind of unmet satisfaction. Instead, there might be here an important self-knowledge of what one craves most dearly. Can such various satisfactions be investigated, categorized and then intentionally instigated and triggered?

    Towards social engineering an intentional social environment for the optimization of social stimulus struggle, first imagine cheating by just scripting actors in order to produce the intended experience, superficially, or similarly, programming non player characters in a videogame simulation. Then go deeper and commit to the World-Building in earnest, so that actors will not be required. Indeed, any behavior or interaction that may ever conceivably be scripted, may conceivably be elicited by whatever situation, more organically. And tailoring whatever situation is of essence in designing social environments to satisfy hither to deprived and personally valued satisfactions in life, after triggering the corresponding immediate stimuli and appetites.

    A possible step-by-step design procedure is elaborated in further detail in the design exercise section

    We all form each our own vivid picture of fulfillment in what we want our lives to be and to experience, and particularly in the imagination of an ideal and better engaged social circle, the better to connect to vital resources and meet personal needs, tangible and intangible, all crucial to experiencing optimal fulfillment in authentic well being and human thriving. The  social engineering feasibility study at hand, remains precisely how, in what way or manner and by what strategy of means, step-by-step process or procedure, to optimize social stimulus struggle via the implementation of whatever more gratifying and effective modes of social interaction, after all else has failed, that which has actually been yearned for all along, perhaps achieved by the purposeful introduction of key social stimuli into the social environment, even doing so intentionally and at will.

    To reiterate, a dog in the park, perhaps coming up and wagging his tail, is a stimulus featuring in the surrounding environment, an unconditional stroke, whereas a dog appearing and begging only when you yourself begin eating your sandwich, constitutes a response to the correct trigger, from the surrounding environment. a conditional stroke. However, the present exercise concerns elicitation of innate positive response from the individual,  not conditional strokes of inductive  behavioral reinforcement of any desired new conditioned behavior. The proverbial shoe is figuratively crafted to fit the metaphorical foot. The foot need not be cut to fit the shoe. Ongoing stimulus struggle entails that we spend our lives struggling to elicit desired response. It's nice when instead, all too rarely, even whatever small gratification ever comes unconditionally, featuring within the surrounding environment, readily available, standing in plain sight. Also, it's far simpler to program or design stimuli plainly featuring within the environment, than to orchestrate conditional strokes, obscure responses hiding  in wait to be triggered by the subject.

    Stimuli featuring or situated within a (social) environment, may be said to take the first move, rather than coming in response as does a conditional stroke. Social stimuli featuring or situated within a social environment, initiate simply by being blatant and unavoidable within said social environment. A stimulus is a trigger for whatever response. As a feature within an environment, a stimulus, unlike a conditional stroke, does not itself need to be activated or triggered: It only needs to be anything at all concrete and glaringly obvious enough to be experienced, so as to as to gratify some or other stimulus appetite, triggering innate response with no prior behavioral conditioning. Even moving shadows in vaguely human form may be features within a social environment, that are also social stimuli triggering some response. Real events in which the any of latter may be involved, are the outside source of stimulation experienced. Social stimuli here refer specifically to the objects of immediate term events experienced, however one might categorize them. piquing any manner of intrinsic appetite which is an impulse, as distinct from compulsive or behaviorally conditioned social cues or prompts of extrinsic reward and punishment triggering or eliciting skilled correct operant versus howsoever incorrect or inept inoperant response. Any appetite systematically and continually gratified may conceivably yield its corresponding life satisfaction. But approval seeking only accrues emptiness, irrelevance and alienation from just being controlled. Behaviorally conditioned social cues or prompts are extortion and conditionality, whereas social stimuli triggering innate response, are unconditional stroke, engaging temptation free and clear, even a pure gift, gratification with no other objective except for intrinsically motivating good and wellbeing.




    Intentional Community

    As Epicurus most anciently observed, human beings are by and large so frequently inept at achieving happiness. We often tend to find ourselves figuratively barking up the metaphorically wrong proverbial tree. However actually motivated psychologically, such prevailing misguided and even irrational inoperant behavior does seemingly correspond with all manner of false premise as to the means and causes of happiness. One way or another, a common theme remains the diversionary allure of extrinsic motivation away from true fulfillment of relevant intrinsic motivation. Therefore, if we are truly free and in control of own individual faculties at all, then let us first reflect each upon our scarce and prized moments of happiness.

    Consider if you will, the simple and elegant social engineering initiative of Epicurus who declared: “Not what we have but what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance.” Epicurus espoused Eudemonia to be found in freedom, friendship and thought, recommending never to eat alone. Epicurus and his followers set up a sort of anti-materialist slacker farm commune simply in order to be able to eat well while living modestly within their means and by a fairly light workload, thereby to to fend off the dystress of burdensome social and financial obligation, all in order to support and sustain an ongoing convivial philosophical dinner conversation. Indeed, for Epicurus, the garden serves as a symbol for his ideal of ataraxia (ἀταραξία), of tranquil pleasure. All thus could they live lives of relative ease, day to day, in freedom, friendship and thought: Freedom is defined in negative terms, as freedom from the rat race, friendship around the dinner table still leaving open every question as to the nature of friendship, and intelligent discussion as intellectual stimulation, food also for thought and reflection, leaving open any question as to how and why communication ever triggers deeper cognition, and further questions as to the nature of and reasons for whatever corresponding satisfaction. All interesting questions. In any case, such was the simple and elegant strategy of Epicurus in stimulus struggle which is the continual striving to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of stimulation, including gastronomical, social and intellectual stimulation, from the environment, for staving off boredom and loneliness. A travesty of the rôle of gardening in the ideal and intentional community of Epicurus, rears its ugly head in modern recommendations of community gardening providing behavioral structure of regularly scheduled activity and association sustaining propinquity while also producing any interaction and sense of involvement to draw participants together. Not to digress.

    Indeed, Online, in the virtual world, the real world logistical problems and material necessities confronted by Epicurus, all fall away! All that remains, is to define, initiate and sustain the desired conversation. And nothing turns out to be more difficult! Largely because discourse and planning bridging between the philosophical and the pragmatic or practical, the strategic and the tactical, the abstract and the concrete, remains so heteronymously taboo. Among the burning issues to discuss, are various lifestyle considerations and yearned for freedoms, wherein one might find the slacker frugality of Epicurus both disagreeably austere and over simplistic, if actually not somewhat dull. Indeed, not everyone so appreciates farming or gardening, or going off the grid. There also remains every question of what one might seek from human interaction, relationship and attachment, from friendship, and in human endeavor. That is where the analysis of the range of social stimulus appetites enters, and of the kinds of corresponding discrete events. And inevitably must arise the social engineering challenge of harmonizing often conflicting priorities, by creative solution finding.

    The various designed and chosen lifestyles of what are called: intentional communities, are typically such as are supported by brick and mortar infrastructure even far beyond the modest and simple dormitory, dining hall and gardens of Epicurus and his followers, indeed even on the scale of an actual entire town, with residence therein and management and operation thereof, all according to whatever ideology. For example, communes of every stripe and scale, indeed, realistically, at least initially, any smaller intentional social circle or group. Indeed community may simply comprise any number of individuals linked by any manner of common policy, endeavor or enterprise, one way or another, either by happenstance haphazardly, or indeed, intentionally. Most ambitious of all, the United States of America were founded upon a constitution, an intentional social contract superseding  previous social contract arising over time and into which we are all simply born, entirely unconcluded. Any new venture creation (various business startup), inception proceeding in accordance with a rigorous business plan, might therefore be regarded as an intentional community of some kind. Ideo, for example: The culture of design thinking, which is itself the carefully crafted product of design thinking. A large corporation is typically comprised of many employees all supported by highly capable organization and impressive physical infrastructure. But any organized human interaction on any scale, might benefit from any better planning from inception onward, no less that by inevitable evolution by trial and error thereafter. So a garage startup or a virtual company online, although entirely without any such complex resources as Ideo or any other major corporation or similar institution, might still be undertaken as intentional community subject to some or other manner of design thinking. Moreover, if community is indeed no more than aggregate relationship, then in that context, why does no one consider the application of whatever appropriate design thinking, in the better framing of purposeful relationship intentionally? This very question persists from antiquity, no less relevant today and into the indefinite future. This proposal is a call to action beginning with feasibility study of any prospect of more optimally arousing and gratifying our underserved social stimulus needs via even immediate scale intentional community. -Something so crucially important, typically left to chance or to whatever powers that be, setting agendas of their own and sealing our fates. It remains so disheartening  how many people experience the same frustrated yearnings, and yet so utterly fail to find one another and connect, for wont of the wherewithal, the channels and the means.

    Every inane cult like bogus success scam proffers glowing claims of efficacy and results, only given inductee perseverance and sacrifice. But life, so the saying goes, is also the journey and not just the destination or objective no matter how noble and appealing. Therefore even though, of course, planning and execution ever remain an exercise in deferred gratification, in the interim the ongoing arousal and gratification process of more optimal stimulus struggle free from threat, remains no less key to authentic wellbeing or: Eudemonia. -Stimulus struggle being the perpetual striving to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of stimulation, including social stimulation, from the environment, for maintaining optimum degree and kind of arousal, thus staving off both boredom and loneliness...

    And all of this will be especially important in order to sustain any long and arduous struggle in subversive and disruptively innovative close collaboration, inventing, developing and constructing any new beginnings together, when nothing less will do because turn-key readily available conventional options are all so oppressive. Hence, in order to forestall otherwise inevitable attrition, let us confront the challenge to functional relationship and therefore to effective social engineering and planning even on a fairly immediate scale, of intentional intrinsically fulfilling exchange of social stimuli from interaction in close collaboration. The present text is a proposal to the agenda to seriously consider precisely an entirely feasible immediate scale social engineering of intentional community, and then an outreach for interested founding participants. Such are the frontiers of autonomy.



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