- Added dimensions of social stimulus struggle unique to humanity, remain ever rooted in massively inbred hideous mutation and the evolutionary neurology of sapient consciousness:
- “That which does not kill me, makes me stronger.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche
- “That which doesn't kill me, makes me stranger.” ― Ćon Flux
- Primarily, Cultural Anthropology defines itself by focus upon,
leave us face it: the predominating human mentality as of the packmammals that we are, specifically of hierarchically predictive social cognition or: sycophancy anticipating the responses of others, merely via the recognition of members of one's own social group in order to form direct relationships consistent with rôles of relative social standing, degrees of kinship and rank, recognition of third-party social relationships, all predictive of future behavior. And yet, as per the grand afterthought of Cultural Anthropology, as an all too fleeting respite from that grind, alas only temporarily suspending the prevailing unhappiness of mediocre heteronomy, their remains the fully engaged low hierarchical distance of creative solution finding, remains an all too rare, ever yearned for and fondly remembered but poignantly transient and even damn near euphoric high point in life, friendship, joy and happiness. And yet precisely such repeatable Empirical observation and salient realization, endures as as the great afterthought of Cultural Anthropology of what differs humanity from other animals biologically: the unique intellectual social stimulus appetites of the highly evolved and massively engorged human brain and neocortex. Indeed, part and parcel of evolution driven by competition within our species, far beyond any needs of survival and adaptation to the surrounding environment, already well achieved. Moreover, the discovery of the wisdom of crowds, might even suggest that human reasoning evolved along with the human brain and society, for deliberation together, comparing individual reasons. More heads are better than one. And disagreement is productive.Charles Darwin famously wrote of evolution driven by natural selection and reproductive success via “the survival of the fitter,” which in the popular rubric then became: “the survival of the fittest.” Turning the phrase yet again, in ‘‘The Survival of the Sickest,’ the authors Dr. Sharon Moalem and Jonathan Prince remind us that even howsoever at all advantageous mutation remains only a kinder term for birth defect, gene damage and horrible deformity, accumulating as passed down from generation to generation, because they indeed promoted survival long enough for reproductive success. For example, terminal sickle cell anemia, in the interim protects from malaria, and cellular aging might ever have served as a very costly and ultimately lethal defense against cancer.
As it turns out, humanity diverged from the chimpanzee even more recently in evolutionary history, than had previously been known. Amazingly, only a hand full of key genes differentiate humans from chimps. To wit: Healthy baby chimpanzees walk up right, but begin walking on their knuckles into puberty. However, a genetic birth defect of the pelvis still observed cropping up occasionally among chimpanzees, accounts for adult human beings walking upright, advantageous for wading into the tides and foraging for shellfish. And the weakest bite in the animal kingdom, is that of the human being, because of the most blatant damage and deformation to the genes for our jaw muscles. In distinct stretches of the genetic sequence, one of the two paired chromosomes is actually missing! Such weak and genetically deformed jaw muscles allow the human skull from birth to enlarge over time in accommodation the sheer bulk of the adult human brain affording humanity the wit and innovation to chop, grind and cook food, indeed precisely as necessitated by such weak and disabled jaw muscles, and more efficient at getting more nutrition out of food and thereby economizing upon time and resources. Again. only one of the handful of key genetic birth defects that diverge and differentiate humans from our nearest relatives, the chimps, whereas the calamity of a healthy and genetically whole jaw muscle produces a human with a skull the size of a chimpanzees, a pinhead (Down's Syndrome).
In no vengeful and misogamist caprice of The Lord All Mighty, but merely via evolution from massively inbred hideous mutation, hath multiplied the suffering of women in childbirth: Rather, standing and walking upright has favored the evolution of narrow hips, thereby narrowing the birth canal. No other female animal, but only human women, suffer such agony in labor as the bones of the pelvis must so painfully separate in order to accommodate the tremendous size of the baby's head through a narrowed birth canal. -Indeed, just like passing a bowling ball, exactly as the saying goes. And pregnancy would be even much longer and worse without neoteny, or: infancy, which is a continued gestation even outside of the womb.
Throughout life, the massive human brain places considerable demands upon bodily resources, and yet it still is never enough. Indeed, hyperbaric medicine has discovered that barring intervention, none of us, no matter how normal and healthy, are actually ever getting quite enough oxygen to fully and optimally meet the needs of such freakish and massively inbred hideous mutation as of massively engorged human cerebrality.
creative solution finding and human social stimulus struggle:
- The key pertinence of evolutionary neuroscience, to
consciousness,The social engineering feasibility study at hand, remains precisely how, in what way or manner and by what strategy of means, step-by-step process or procedure, to optimize social stimulus struggle via the implementation of whatever more gratifying and effective modes of social interaction, after all else has failed, that which has actually been yearned for all along, perhaps achieved by the purposeful introduction of key social stimuli into the social environment, even doing so intentionally and at will.
It remains so disheartening how many people experience the same frustrated yearnings, and yet so utterly fail to find one another and connect, for wont not only of the wherewithal, the channels and the means, but often of the sheer imagination.
The average person, inexperienced of anything more vibrant and meaningful, has become blithely jaded and accustomed to a profound social, emotional and intellectual deprivation in which so many of us find ourselves imprisoned. Effort and struggle may be all quickly dismissed and condemned as mere hardship, intolerable frustration and Existential futility. But there can also be the true life human drama of progress and satisfaction, growth, self-definition and discovery, perhaps even success. Besides, exactly what are the alternatives? Many extol a choice only between acceptance and despair, merely flavors of the same intimidation. Indeed, in the famous words of George Bernard Shaw: “Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress, therefore, depends on unreasonable people.” And to quote Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” FoolQuest.com endures in persistent outreach toward the formation of just such a core group of unreasonable people applying ourselves even to the most daunting problems besetting us.J
ust for example, in the Virtual Reality of a video game for children, it will be simple enough to program, so that all of the non-player characters will all respond by dancing in joyous approval, whenever the player successfully ties their shoes. But one might never need to tie ones shoes. What if, only given the option, one wears only loafers or buckle shoes? Then all such extrinsic rewards and contrivance of Behavioral Modification will have gone to waste! Moreover, such conditional strokes might be more difficult to achieve in reality, especially in any intentional situation instead of cheating and just using actors instructed in whatever desired responses. However, placing by design, among social stimuli featuring in an intentional social environment, even a single dancer throwing Frisbees pleasurably engaging passersby into playing catch, would be far more straightforward. And it just might raise a smile. True, human needs are often for desired kinds of responsiveness. Nevertheless instead it may be more practical simply to take initiative, to feature by design whatever social stimuli within an intentional social environment, than to by whatever means to socially engineer desired even complex responses.Innate intrinsic impulses and appetites may be elicited or stimulated no less readily than behaviorally conditioned responses can be triggered. Why then are social stimuli generally assumed to consist of social cues, meaning sly subtext of conformity and heteronymous coercion? after all, social stimuli can be, quite to the contrary, permissive or gratifying. As shall be seen, they can even be uniquely individual, and perhaps even intentionally so tailored, implemented and tested. When the surrounding physical and psychological environment features cues howsoever associated or connected by whatever contrivance, to whatever set target objectives, the subject may thereby be directed towards whatever those objectives, by whatever open, simple and clear instructions, or else as by whatever at all more sinister advertising or propaganda manipulation and coercion. For such is subjugation under Behavior Modification having no other criteria save for compliance that will be deemed adaptive. And that is like cutting the foot to fit the shoe! It then falls to "unreasonable people" with the audacity instead to help change our world for the better. To wit: The present social engineering design challenge in the optimization of social stimulus struggle will be to investigate, design and then feature and empower in a surrounding environment, whatever might be discovered actually missing and yearned for, and not any cunning Existential bait-and-switch of manipulative sublimation or coercion. To provide social stimuli and outlets correspondent to motivating intrinsic appetites, without extrinsic reward or punishment. Liberation, freedom, after all, is power, meaning opportunity to act upon and gratify individual desires."Motivation-Reaction Units" as dubbed by Dwight Swain, are micro level scene structure, wherein something happened and then someone reacts, stimulus followed by response. And the concept applies no less in real life drama and World-Building. Stimuli prominently feature in an environment, whereas responses are hidden, waiting, for good or ill, to be triggered. We all yearn for an environment responsive to our needs, but plot oriented featuring stimuli are by far simpler to design and to script, implement and direct, than character driven response. Indeed, stimuli featuring in the surrounding environment effectively engage the individual subject, without waiting to be triggered. Hence, for the sake of simplicity and reliability, featuring stimuli will be the focus herein, rather than responsiveness. It is intended that individuals suitably triggered and stimulated, with more readily engage one another more responsively. (Take that any way you like!)
The science of happiness: Subjective happiness, beyond characteristic individual disposition alone, remains a reactive state variable of inner condition, responsive to favorable external circumstances as arising, situation in objective reality amenable to investigation, strategy and feasibility study. Because probortunity is opportunity presented by problems for brainstorming towards creative solution finding. Probortunity at hand, the more dire, the more propitious. Alas defeatism balks at ambition and difficulty. In perhaps the most famous and celebrated words of George Bernard Shaw: “Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress, therefore, depends on unreasonable people.” And to quote Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” FoolQuest.com remains my own subversive Message in a Bottle cast upon the cyber seas, frustrated outreach indeed for thoughtful committed citizens, unreasonable people, desperately sought for collaboration cofounder candidates upon the the true to life Hero's Journey, attempting anything really cool together. If You Desire Anything You've Never Had, Try Something You've Never Done. “The only truly happy people are children and the creative minority.” — Jean Caldwell
Happiness in the experience of favorable situation, therefore accrues in genuine autonomy meeting ones needs for capable interaction with even adequately responsible others, making progress every day. Bearing all in mind, perhaps an effective remedy for prevailing malaise might become feasible via unprecedented social engineering design of eustress and sustainable euphoria (good euphoric stress, as opposed to bad suffering of dystress) in more optimal social and intellectual stimulus struggle, in a word: Eudemonia, authentic wellbeing. Why else go to such lengths as so stridently extolled herein? Indeed, in the famous words of Immanuel Kant: “Rules for happiness: something to do, someone to love, something too hope for.” A theme emerges in review of evidence supported current science all about Eros, liberating union with alien difference and the joy in creative expression together that human beings naturally crave. To wit: as in accordance with the Arousal Theory of Motivation, all living beings are perpetually engaged in stimulus struggle, which is the name coined by anthropologist Desmond Morris in ‘the human zoo’ October 1 1969, for the perpetual striving of all living things, to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of stimulation and arousal from the surrounding environment. Moreover: “the frequencies with which people report happiness and the negatively valued affective states appear to be negatively correlated.” Indeed, function of exposure to environmental risk factors for happiness, to borrow the parlance of R P Bentall's ‘A proposal to classify happiness as a psychiatric disorder,’ perhaps as a subtype of hypomania. Everything that we do is in order to modify subjective experience thereby altering consciousness. And most successful in social and intellectual stimulus struggle, happy people whom, not withstanding proposed pathologization, we might all do so well to emulate if only we knew how, are Empirically observed extrovertedly to reach out, Talking More Seriously, fully engaged in purposeful interaction and substantive communication, and make less small talk, exerting effort in order to actively make things happen, attentively pursuing new understanding. Happy people remain more likely to choose creative activities, seek new achievements, and thereby uplift their own thoughts and emotions, even improving their circumstances by centering their lives around sharing whatever pleases them most. Indeed, in accordance with the ancient wisdom of the greatest sages of old, later day Eudemonia as rediscovered under the very cutting edge of modern science, and specifically, according to Martin Seligman's celebrated happiness formula of Positive Psychology: Pleasure + engagement + meaning = intrinsic fulfillment. But most saliently, there remains also that distinctly democratic grand afterthought in counter to the generally authoritarian perspective in Cultural Anthropology, indeed even notwithstanding the paradigmatic study of heteronomy to hierarchical kinship and rank so fundamental to Cultural Anthropology. Said grand afterthought of Cultural Anthropology emerging in consistent if infrequent Empirical observation that, as pressing need and special circumstances or situation as arising in the judgment of whatever great and good powers that be, there remain also those rare, exceptional and special episodes of collaboration in creative solution finding which is characteristically egalitarian in nature as well as uplifting in freedom, power, progress and elation in the vibrant contest of ideas, even actually putting on hold whatever gamut of tawdry and domineering primate politics. Hence the rest of the time, such frustration of uniquely human intrinsic needs of social and intellectual stimulus struggle rooted in freakish and massively inbred hideous mutation, evolutionary neurology and engorged human cerebrality. Leaving such poignant memories of those rare peak experiences of such creative interaction as ever arising, so dearly treasured in helplessness to sustain or proactively engage intentionally and at will. And such remains the probortunity at hand: What specific active strategy in the social engineering design of Eudemonia and authentic wellbeing via more optimal reciprocally engaged social and intellectual stimulus struggle, shall be derived in deliberation analytic yet strategic from the above passive Empirical observation and broadest abstract principle? Again, if indeed, and in accordance with the notably liberal and egalitarian grand afterthought to the overarching hierarchically authoritarian paradigm of Cultural Anthropology, we can only be more joyful in such ebullient scarce experience of collaboration among equals in brainstorming and creative solution finding, then recursively, the first social engineering design probortunity at hand for collaborative solution finding shall be no more or less than the planning, feasibility and implementation challenge of more adequate sustainably ongoing supply of opportunity to experience collaborative solution finding among equals, in order to meet the vastly underserved social and intellectual stimulus appetites of massively inbred hideous mutation, and the passionate arousal of engorged human cerebrality. And because Eudemonia of capability in important close human relationship with psychological visibility, Eros which is liberating union with alien difference, and particularly true friendship in autonomy, arises entirely as a byproduct of purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication, and never otherwise. If only could be derived any set of grassroots DIO (Do-It-Ourselves) instructions, active strategy and discussion points! Well, here they are! And what a shame if no one believes it. For in truth, our salvation from suffering and into Eudemonia may depend in due course, upon the inception of intentional community: intentional social circle or group formation online, for unprecedented serious ongoing collaborative dramatic Science Fiction fiction writing and brainstorming concurrently with innovative new venture creation (various business startup) and (pre-) incubation. as accessible to meet a crying underserved need for the requisite capable respectful culture of helping and autonomy supportive social support in order to facilitate entry level creative opportunity of entrepreneurship, even for the rest of us neophytes and wannabes, at our own pace. Because what can there be more conducive to Eudemonia of brainstorming and collaborative solution finding among equals, than unprecedented serious ongoing collaborative dramatic Science Fiction fiction writing and brainstorming concurrently with innovative new venture creation (various business startup)? No one can remain unfulfilled, bored, lonely and alienated, when so optimally reciprocally engaged together ebulliently in brainstorming towards creative solution finding. As for anything less, how's that been working for ya'? Gentle reader, what would convince you? Please fully explain. Even if I do not have what you need, gentle reader, dare we seek for it together?
- Neo-Socratic Paradigm of present endeavor: Paradigm means philosophical and theoretical framework, archetype or pattern, with basic assumptions, imitable ways of thinking and Epistemological Methodology. To wit: Socrates hailed drama as most philosophical among the arts serving as they do, to reflect reality, but drama perhaps in greatest depth. Whereas on the path of Dialectical enlightenment by refutation, later day Socratic Sir Karl Popper, the favorite philosopher of scientists, discovered in the distinctly provisional and openly uncertain hypothetico-deductive process of business planning, Popper's Philosophy of Science and Scientific Method, applied Epistemological Methodology, named: falliblism, non justificationism, or non verificationism, Popper's model for unqualified, fallible, unjustified, unverified, unfettered speculation and conjecture, for all intents and purposes: fiction, only then subject to critical preferable and the systematic doubt of scientific skepticism, and even only then, to Empirical reality testing. Thus ongoing error detection and course correction, learning from inevitable mistakes instead of the sheer futility if not of infalliblism outright, then of what Popper denounced as: justificationism, or verificationism: Struggle in vein to overcome, avoid or circumvent error by building upon whatever chimerically putative firm foundation of science, or by appeal to whatever scientific justification, either as standing in for the impossible infallibility of yearned for connection to any mythic Deity as divine guarantor of certainty and freedom from doubt. Thereby liberating free scientific and philosophical inquiry, ever closer to truth, in other words: less wrong, Popper declared that there can be no certainty, no firm foundation or justification, and indeed, little need any thereof! Popper thence clarified and simplified Metaphysics into a field more amenable to scientific honesty and hence any hope of intelligibility. Popper's Philosophy of Science also informed Popper's democratic and Empirically businesslike politics of piecemeal engineering, in rejection of insight, and instead, response to immediate problems ever as arising, in small reversible steps. All in emulation of the free market, so creative and effective in meeting immediate challenges and demand. And instead of just staying the course in the ever prevailing and calamitous tendency to misguided and often dogmatic and even sweeping megalomaniacal long range ideology and central planning plaguing politics and policy even to this day. Acumen in turn defining the career of notable Popperian, the disruptive philanthropic financier George Soros, who's personal foreign policy indeed of piecemeal engineering, has consequently seen greater success than that of any nation.
- And so, as to paradigm at hand, of Socratic Popperian dual endeavor, it may then bear examination at this juncture, how for both each different application of narrative creativity, even from suitability of whatever initial premise, the criteria crucially contrast: mere hypothetical plausibility for pure creativity in serious fiction writing, but intensive feasibility study and reality testing, for innovation in business or project planning. In other words, a business or project plan is another kind of story, a futuring scenario of foreseen and desired results from calculated action. And yet, neither narrative mode likewise will ever honestly withstand gaping plot holes, lazy writing and gaps or errors in applicable logic and critical preference. However, water tight planning and demonstration from sound reasoning and Empirical evidentiary support, vastly exceeds mere evocative propaganda and vividly compelling illustration in even the most ripping yarn. Indeed, whereas, at least barring the outright surreal, a compelling work of fiction, in pure creativity, only needs to seem even plausible to willing suspension of disbelief, a viable business or project plan, in order to withstand the most unyielding criticism and skeptical scrutiny, must be rendered rigorously feasible and realistically flexible even under ever changing circumstances and complications. Fiction embodies speculation, conjecture from which all discovery begins, and planning feasibility study remains the realistic filter. And for the sake of compelling presentation, the narrative might as well be dramatic.
Not that things often actually go according to plan in reality and in business, any more than in any plot twist, obstacle, complication and Peripeteia of suspenseful action-adventure. Alas, to quote Robert Burns: “The best laid schemes o' mice an' men / Gang aft a-gley.” (Go often awry.) For in the famous words of Helmuth von Moltke the Elder, noted disciple of Carl von Clausewitz: “No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy.” -nor, for that matter, whatever other sort of antagonist, true to life dramatic obstacle or complication. Therefore, as said by Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower: “Plans are nothing, planning is everything.” Plans remain static, but the Dialectic exploration of the planning process, of necessity becomes ever more dynamic, connective and informative. And participants together gain far greater scope of insight and rapport, than any meager wisdom in whatever fixed ideas and work product. As per summary aggregation of the notorious multiple p's: Properly Purposeful Pre-Planning and Prior Preparation Prevents Preemptive Production of Painfully Piss Poor Performance.All wherein, the Dialectical practice of controversy, which is the open, free and invited exchange of criticism/critique, inherently friendly, valuable, an expression of abiding respect. For such remains Socratic enlightenment by refutation in the crucible of truth, subversive, ever less wrong: hypothetico deductive reasoning wherein, without shame, strife or acrimony, errors are not to be avoided beforehand, but detected and course corrected as arising. Because how else do we learn, grow, progress and ultimately even ever possibly succeed? But superiority, invalidation, thin skinned Anti-Critical Bias and bitter disrespect, only guarantee passive hostility, sabotage, headgames, protracted dysfunction, headgames and interminable primate politics, wherein indeed, the wisdom of drama, so anciently at the very root of all psychology, informs not only motivation and therefore marketing, but an entire strategic gamut of relevant human condition, karma, dharma, right action and situation. Indeed, just as an unfeasible plan might yet inspire a plausible work of fiction, similarly the creative freedom in a work of fiction might yet derive credible course of action. Drama remains an asset to new venture creation (various business startup), presentation and the human condition, whilst realistic planning and research, an enhancement to vivid fiction. Clearly, the two converging disciplines exceedingly well complement and enhance one another. Therefore, how can beneficial synergy therein best be optimized?
What is there to be learned from the salient example of the gifted? Why Nerds Are Unpopular: Because nerds invest their precious time, not in the extensive and complicated dance of popularity, but cultivating genuine interests and values of their own. And yet, mere interests and diversions in common, indeed so frequent among misguided criteria of group membership, remain perhaps among the least of determinants of personality profiling and
compatibility and all that human beings actually yearn for from one another.Eudemonia arises never by any rat race of extrinsic societal reward and punishment in the course of interminable exhausting and stultifying inane small talk, uncritical willful positivity, superficial harmony, fearfully conflict avoidant and debilitating headgames of toxic social skill and sycophantic toadying skilled incompetence, conventional life options, nor in recreation, so-called, that shabbily travesty of playful honest hedonism, replete with soul crushing fake fun passing for any wholehearted pleasure seeking; instead only the desperate effort and struggle to recover, on ones own time and expense, from endless debilitation from oppression under heteronomy to conventional options in life, but ever only for serious people as byproduct of nothing less subversive than full engagement in quality and process of purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication and never otherwise. And no one else need approve!All thereby,
bonding and attachments of true friendship with psychological visibility, arises not as any extrinsic societal reward and punishment in the course of interminable exhausting and stultifying inane small talk, uncritical willful positivity, superficial harmony, fearfully conflict avoidant and debilitating headgames of social skill and sycophantic toadying skilled incompetence, but ever only for serious people as byproduct of full engagement in purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication and never otherwise. And again, no one else need approve! Therefore, accept no substitute! Indeed, putting aside such daunting hard work, even play enfolds substance and purpose all its own.Indeed, all the above might help better explain why
gifted students, bright, insightful and emotionally sensitive, among their own true gifted peers, mysteriously no longer require that great and good boon of socialization, unwelcoming, toxic and sanctioned, that emotional violence and neglect which none dare call indoctrination, behavioral conditioning or brainwash. Indeed, the conventionally expected distant and disingenuous willful positivity, patiently keeping everything light and innocuous, all simply in order to escape notice from bullying, "hiding ones light under a bushed" and thereby so blandly to fit in socially, can be excruciatingly bored and lonely, painful and harmful, for sensitive, intelligent creative people. And so, just perhaps, instead of so brutally dumbing down our best and brightest "for your own good, dear!" might it not be so much more noble, happier and better to do exactly the opposite throughout life, and immerse even the most ordinary people into such interaction as so characteristic of the gifted, thereby cultivating, welcoming and bringing forth each ones own inner giftedness?I and thou, an ode to incomprehension: Got no idea what the Hell I am talking about? Welcome! Wonderful! Because, how can anyone declare that we learn only from our mistakes, and yet fail to credit and value among all manner and dizzying variety of kinds and categories of mistakes, simple ignorance and sheer incomprehension, after all the subject matter of most sublime Socratic Wisdom gauging the scope of ones own limited knowledge and understanding? Never balk, but freely question whatever is not understood and articulate every nagging ambiguity. Because how is anxiety, evasion and suspicion against the pressing of innocent question, which is struggle that ought never to be rebuffed, any better than Anti-Critical Bias, hostility towards criticism? Again, in case of difficulties reading and understanding this very content, or in order to critique prose and composition, please click here. For as the saying goes: No question is too stupid to ask, and no answer too wise to be given. The practice of controversy consists in the welcome and invited exchange of criticism, and thereby ongoing error detection and course correction. Criticism remains inherently friendly, valuable, an expression of abiding respect. Indeed even sheer incomprehension is a beginning and no dire impasse or cause for alarm. Because there are time tested methods in order to dredge up crystal clear lucidity out from even the most abysmal confusion. The readiness to speak up, question, point out and discuss communication errors, ambiguities and failures, indeed no less than criticism, error and disagreement, remains integral to communication at all, in science, philosophy, art, commerce or much anything else worth pursuing. Indeed occasionally even a matter of life and death. Mistakes are the Essence towards fully engaged Dialectical miscommunication competent conversational adequacy in collaborative miscommunication repair, with Active Reading and Listening striving towards the achievement of Intersubjectivity being: the closer correspondence of message as received and understood, to content as actually intended by the sender. And this is no anomaly, but entirely normal. New ideas are often confusing and hard work. Only shopworn and well familiar old ideas are certain always to come across effortlessly. The mainstay of science and philosophy was once the cutting edge. The well familiar great concise ideas upon which we all rely, are often, historically, the product of brilliant minds in lifetimes of boiling it all down, volume by volume, page by page. line by line, word by word. Writing is rewriting, hard work and never a waste of time. Instead, to always get it right the first time, say very little and dare nothing new. Any two or more finding common ground and wherewithal, only need the purpose and resolve together in order actually to investigate and then strive to provide one another whatever interaction hitherto so elusive. For thus indeed unfolds the Individualistic process of ever deeper true intimacy and psychological visibility by relating to one another without mediation of rigid social expectations and looming authority. Indeed, among individuals of any moral fiber and fortitude at all to live up to ones principles, in other words: the creditable Menschlichkeit of trustworthy and forbidden true friendship in autonomy, no third part permission or approval shall be required. And only that is what garners even the most begrudging trust and respect out in the world. Beyond the long obsolete dogmatism and arbitrary oppression in the dehumanizing demands of social success and popularity, let alone failing in whatever vagueries of social success and therefore every dreadful sore travail of social exclusion, the probortunity accrues instead, as per the present proposal, Creativity can and Should be Social, of intentional social life and chosen priorities by social engineering design. Social engineering design of intentional social life. A social life of optimal reciprocal engagement such as to better provide for participants therein. The present work ensues a proposal to that very end. But Eudemonia turns first of all, and indispensably, upon Socratic Dialectic, the practice of controversy being the welcome and invited exchange of criticism, thereby ongoing error detection and course correction, and in deliberation analytic yet strategic, bridging abstract principle (generally why) and concrete application (specifically how). Let us then already begin improving our disposition by together marshalling our wits Dialectically, indeed to freely question everything, especially whatever is not understood and to articulate every nagging ambiguity. And all free from anxiety, in the most shameless and flagrantly taboo practice of philosophy, liberation from vapid small talk and from the endlessly jockeying for social position. For as has been known and understood from antiquity, and well corroborated to this day, even thus little exercise of freedom and discipline will already significantly improve reciprocal positive influence, character growth and merely day to day life. Criticism remains inherently friendly, valuable, an expression of abiding respect. Indeed, with a little friendly diligence, even outright communications failure is seldom irrecoverable, even from the most stygian depths of confusion, in order thereby to bring us all that much closer. Explore, criticize, brainstorm and modify. Freely pose Socratic open ended questions.
What is there to be learned from the salient example of the gifted? Why Nerds Are Unpopular: Because nerds invest their precious time, not in the extensive and complicated dance of popularity, but cultivating genuine interests and values of their own. And yet, interests in common, indeed so frequent among misguided criteria of group membership, remain perhaps among the least of determinants of personality profiling and
compatibility and all that human beings actually yearn for from one another.All thereby,
bonding and attachments of true friendship with psychological visibility, arises not as any extrinsic societal reward and punishment in the course of interminable exhausting and stultifying inane small talk, uncritical willful positivity, superficial harmony, fearfully conflict avoidant and debilitating headgames of social skill and sycophantic toadying skilled incompetence, but ever only for serious people as byproduct of full engagement in purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication and never otherwise. And again, no one else need approve! Therefore, accept no substitute! Indeed, putting aside such daunting hard work, even play enfolds substance and purpose all its own.Indeed, all the above might help better explain why
gifted students, bright, insightful and emotionally sensitive, among their own true gifted peers, mysteriously no longer require that great and good boon of socialization, unwelcoming, toxic and sanctioned, that emotional violence and neglect which none dare call indoctrination, behavioral conditioning or brainwash. Indeed, the conventionally expected distant and disingenuous willful positivity, patiently keeping everything light and innocuous, all simply in order to escape notice from bullying, “hiding ones light under a bushed" and thereby so blandly to fit in socially, can be excruciatingly bored and lonely, painful and harmful, for sensitive, intelligent creative people. And so, just perhaps, instead of so brutally dumbing down our best and brightest "for your own good, dear!" might it not be so much more noble, happier and better to do exactly the opposite throughout life, and immerse even the most ordinary people into such interaction as so characteristic of the gifted, thereby cultivating, welcoming and bringing forth each ones own inner giftedness?
I and thou, an ode to incomprehension: Got no idea what
the Hell I am talking about? Welcome! Wonderful!
Because, how can anyone declare that we learn only from
our mistakes, and yet fail to credit and value among all
manner and dizzying variety of kinds and categories of
mistakes, simple ignorance and sheer incomprehension,
after all the subject matter of most sublime
gauging the scope of ones own limited
and understanding? Never balk, but freely question
whatever is not understood and articulate every nagging
ambiguity. Because how is anxiety, evasion and suspicion
against the pressing of innocent question, which is
struggle that ought never to be rebuffed, any better
Anti-Critical Bias,
meaning hostility towards
Again, in case of difficulties reading and understanding
this very content, or in order to critique prose and
composition, please click here. For as the saying goes:
No question is too stupid to ask, and no answer too wise
to be given. The practice of
consists in the welcome and invited exchange of
and thereby ongoing error detection and course
correction. Criticism remains inherently friendly,
an expression of abiding respect. Indeed even sheer
incomprehension is a beginning and no dire impasse or
cause for alarm. Because there are time tested methods
in order to dredge up crystal clear lucidity out from
even the most abysmal confusion. The readiness to speak
up, question, point out and discuss communication
errors, ambiguities and failures, indeed no less than
error and disagreement, remains integral to
communication at all, in science, philosophy, art,
commerce or much anything else worth pursuing. Indeed
occasionally even a matter of life and
Any two or more finding common ground and wherewithal,
only need the purpose and resolve together in order
actually to investigate and then strive to provide one
another whatever interaction hitherto so elusive. For
thus indeed unfolds the Individualistic process of ever
deeper true intimacy and psychological visibility by
relating to one another without mediation of rigid
social expectations and looming authority. Indeed, among
individuals of any moral fiber and fortitude at all to
live up to ones principles, in other words: the
and forbidden true
no third party permission or approval shall be required.
And only that is what garners even the most begrudging
trust and respect out in the world. Beyond the long
obsolete dogmatism and arbitrary oppression in the
dehumanizing demands of social success and popularity,
let alone failing in whatever vagueries of social
success and therefore every dreadful sore travail of
social exclusion, the probortunity accrues instead, as
per the present proposal, Creativity can and Should be
Social, of intentional social life and chosen priorities
by social engineering design. Social engineering design
of intentional social life. A social life of optimal
reciprocal engagement such as to better provide for
participants therein. The present work ensues a proposal
to that very end.
turns first of all, and indispensably, upon
the practice of
being the welcome and invited exchange of
thereby ongoing error detection and course correction,
and in deliberation analytic yet strategic, bridging
abstract principle (generally why) and concrete
application (specifically how). Let us then already
begin improving our disposition by together marshalling
our wits
Dialectically, indeed to freely question everything,
especially whatever is not understood and to articulate
every nagging ambiguity. And all free from anxiety, in
the most shameless and flagrantly
practice of
liberation from vapid small talk and from the endlessly
jockeying for social position. For as has been
and understood from antiquity, and well corroborated to
this day, even thus little exercise of freedom and
discipline will already significantly improve reciprocal
positive influence,
and merely day to day life.
remains inherently
as an expression of abiding
Indeed, with a little
diligence, even outright communications failure is
seldom irrecoverable, even from the most stygian depths
of confusion, in order thereby to bring us all that much
Freely pose
open ended questions.
![]() ![]()
Alas for the present call to action, that there ever persists such entrenched groupthink as of those so set in their ways, that some people just seem unable even to comprehend any very suggestion of learning anything new and at all ever doing things quite differently. And there are different needs for change, even aside quite simply from discrete mistakes to correct or wrongs that must be amended. For one thing, there remains unaware incompetence: Blithely ignorant erroneous practice in need of correction in accord with existing and even venerable bodies of competency even as enshrined in tradition, knowledge and capable practice, growth into mastery whereof so crucial to any hope of success. Worse, willfully unaware incompetence is often buttressed and compounded with skilled incompetence and sycophancy. All quintessentially to the probortunity at hand, as in the malagenda of collaborative badfic online, just Gawd awful! Similar malagenda alas all the more costly in business. But another driver for change and inspiration, similarly spurned by knave and fools, is true innovation and real progress in any creative endeavor. Probortunity at hand, opportunity presented by problems as ever arising, for brainstorming towards creative solution finding, the more dire, the more propitious. Alas, as so many people complain, when they reach out for connection, others do not seem equally interested. Typical social life remains a lonely chore and a bore of mindless conformity and approval seeking. And yet, many even who suffer the most, continue to profess conformism, commitment to normative challenge, and undying faith in status quo. But some are more serious than others. There are some that walk the talk, and others who don't. Some rigorous and systematic, and others only wrapped up in lip service. Either way, they balk at facing the crushing reality. Nevertheless, only unflinching situation analysis as undertaken herein, might possibly reveal any proportion and necessity of going so far a field as herein proposed. Or even simply discussing the matter seriously! They are not punished for their superficiality, but by their own superficiality. Because, even while like John Milton, condemning such loneliness they suffer, as “the first thing that God's eye nam'd not good,” yet so staunchly cleaving to the folic and toadying First Commandment of the ubiquitous cult of socialization, that interminably vapid small talk ever keeping it light and willfully cheerful, ever remains key to popularity and social success.
As Edward Snowden so penetratingly observes, And that is precisely why happiness in the experience of favorable situation, accrues, no, not in any any Nietzschean impossibly rugged individualism, and certainly not or else in compliance to heteronymous peer pressure, but through genuine autonomy in meeting ones needs for the dignity of capable interaction with even adequately responsible others, and making progress every day as indeed power increases with resistance overcome. Not just another dull witted and inconsequential membership granfalloon! No thin skinned wishy-washy conformist consensus community. The better operant question therefore remains: How best and most happily might we interact? For such remains the probortunity at hand. And more ann. For the portmanteau: 'probortunity' signifies opportunity as inherent to problems, and the more dire, the more propitious. For unless turning to one another, we shall only find ourselves each and all once again abandoned to our own devices and thereby set up for failure, bored, lonely and ineffectual. Indeed, in the words of Barbara Sher: “Isolation is the true dream killer, not your attitude.” Indeed, in the words of Barbara Sher: “Isolation is the true dream killer, not your attitude.” And to quote Mark R. J. Lavoie: “Life dies inside a person when there are no others willing to befriend him." Indeed, as George Orwell observes, even at all thinking clearly, becomes increasingly difficult in bored and lonely isolation without expression.Ever in ardent supplication for acceptance and approval from those better advantaged, ever endures the cult of socialization striving for inclusion and access up the social ladder with popular kids who don't actually need more hangers on. In the alternative, what may more truly impress serious people, remains how well others function in robust cooperation among equals, indeed even beyond routine and constructive emotional support group interaction, simple commiseration and validation forever licking our wounds of rejection and failure. Bridging then the abstract and the concrete, surely more noble value to inspire more practical objective. Many derive validation when one agrees with them. But for others, one must go further: One must amplify and expand upon all that they say. And yet, surely the truest and most honest and genuine though difficult and dangerous full validation remains actually to take pertinent action together effectively, as dependable friends and allies. Alas, it remains obvious and easy to understand why instead so many balk and struggle to make do, keeping at arms length. And thence enduring motive, ancient and yet ever new, for the vast industry of simmering paranoia, mistrust, nonattachment and toadying sycophantic short attention. Although it seems only fair enough to wonder, perhaps here the author only so deplores and finds so baffling and distasteful some or other perfectly ordinary modes of human interaction that said author simply isn't very good at and with which said author has become extremely frustrated and embittered. And what an arrogant luzer! In my own preemptive defense then, in anticipation of any such even the most temptingly invited Ad Hominem, it should hardly come as any surprise to discover that anyone might ever prefer instead to play to whatever their own self perceived strengths in any imaginable setting, milieu or situation in any way at all more conducive all thereto. So famously to quote George Bernard Shaw: “Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress, therefore, depends on unreasonable people.” And in the celebrated words of Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Therefore, change our conversation, reset the agenda, and just maybe, change our world! And as unreasonably thoughtful and committed citizens, let's all talk more seriously! Even into analytic yet strategic design thinking investigation and social engineering systematic and sustainable implementation of whatever ones own unique individual triggers for joy.
A woeful diagnostic catalogue of prevailing dysfunction under heteronomy Recreation, so-called, remains the desperate effort and struggle to recover, on ones own time and expense, from endless debilitation in every oppressive sore travail and soul crushing fake fun, that shabbily travesty of any wholehearted pleasure seeking. The insular masses, still like unto the Victorians, even to this day typically partake in a certain counterfeit of socializing. Often, instead of reaching out to others they encounter, they only go out together and keep to themselves. Going out alone to meet new people, then becomes pointless. And so instead, patience and false hope endure. Indeed, doctrines of timid learned helplessness, perpetual supplication and over reliance upon chance propinquity. Like Cinderella except for perpetually hiding isolated in plain sight: “Some day my prince will come!” For such remains all preference toward inaction and Not-Doing, with paralysis extolled as the very key to life. Bah, humbug! Alas, most every known conventional option in every walk of life so blithely unexamined, so perilously fraught with Existential Absurdity of interminably vapid small talk, uncritical willful positivity, superficial harmony of popularity and social success, all remain so desperately oppressive. So empty, futile, alienating and boring. That is why people secretly resent small talk, and rightly so. Indeed circumstances so crushingly lonely and isolated, not merely in solitude, but even amid the teeming masses, the madding crowd. And even more extreme, outright rejection, shunning, serial bullying and sanctimonious hypocrisy. For inevitably all such pettiness and bullying, mean spirit and pure evil, ensues under prevailing socialization, fraudulent toxic headgames, systematic reward and punishment of manipulative Behavior Modification and indoctrination. All that none dare call: brainwash! For to quote Russell Brand: “Society is collapsing and people are starting to recognize that the reason they feel like they’re mentally ill is that they’re living in a system that’s not designed to suit the human spirit.” Such remains the daunting probortunity at hand, interesting and important. Why do we serve one another so poorly, if we don't like it? Why in such Absurd Existential futility must we cast about for connection in the great world, when here we are, I and thou? To quote Ralph Waldo Emerson: “The only way to have a friend is to be one.” Purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication are intentional and can't be faked by going through the motions or by any counterfeit of conditional strokes, because purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication is intrinsically motivated by meaningfully engaged attention. We live in in such a tightly strained attention economy. In the words of Simone Weil: “Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.”
Indeed, by and large, psychotherapists see two kinds of patients: Those who remain unhappy because they just don't fit in, and those who are so unhappy because of the ego dystonic price that they must pay in order to fit in. All so onerously that they must attend to, and all so dear that they must foreswear. The begged question then remains: Precisely how is genuine friendship ever supposed to emerge from such prevalent, well known and understood social expectations of typical paranoid distance and facile triviality and interminably banal small talk? In truth, that can never happen! And it's not your fault! Indeed, this is by design, alienation baked in. Indeed, even most anciently in the curriculum of Plato's Academy, boredom was deliberately inflicted upon students as a conservative measure to test for heteronomy and conformity by weeding out boredom prone original thinkers and innovators, purveyors of dangerous novelty, from rising to influential positions in society. Even the very least of hierarchically predictive social cognition and cynical popularity contest, relentless punishment and reward behavioral conditioning making such utter tools of us all, remains ever antithetical to true friendship and free, candid, unguarded and reciprocal psychological visibility just being known and understood to one another, recognized and desired. Little wonder then, the outcomes gap, meaning: futility, no results no matter one one does, only continual frustration under ever the same sycophantic user unfriendly Existential bait-and-switch. For life is ongoing bait-and-switch, a sore travail! Bait-and-switch is when bait, the chimerical allure of any one desirable good on howsoever advantageous terms, is dangled out to beguile and ensnare the mark into the switch, reluctant and bewildered Transaction for some other, lesser and more costly approximation entirely. Resignation, exhaustion and defeat ensue, selling out and buying in. Thereafter, desperate hopes may endure, of later someday somehow trading the investment of life long compliance, for ones actual hearts desire all along, and thus at last recovery of ones own long lost and craven bartered soul. But all for naught!
“While intrigued by the difficulties that people seemed to be having when — ‘The Heart of the Matter: Love, Information and Transactional Analysis' By Claude Steiner PhD
Alas, character development and growth in embarkation upon the all too uncertain real life Hero's Journey forging true friendship attempting anything really cool together, ever remains fraught with classic dramatic obstacles. Because from birth through adolescence, surrounded by others older, more experienced and better able to cope, and hence traditionally positioned in authority, we each find ourselves cast in rôles of inadequacy and dependency, and strongly discouraged from heeding any call to adventure. Indeed from engaging in emotional attachments except those few socially approved. And thus the timid awkwardness of childhood becomes entrenched lifelong. And thus does boring, lonely and oppressive drone like heteronomy repress the vitality of autonomy. And alas thereby, true close collaboration among equals is rendered quite inconceivable.![]() Society in aggregate, remains unavoidably more powerful than any minority of one, the lone individual. And this tends to foster injustice and alienation because only people have rights. Corporations and zygotes are not people! Society to begin with, is not a person, a consciousness in and of itself. Society is legitimately merely a means, a process for serving the security, needs and desires of different people. Otherwise society and its institutions increasingly become a Frankenstein, an entity of our own creation, run amok and out of our control, burdensome, pointless, meaningless and futile. Hence injustice and alienation. And in the in the famously mangled aphorism of Walt Kelly's beloved Pogo Possum: “We have met the enemy, and he is us!”Paradoxically, it is only autonomy that truly fosters collective responsibility and better kindness to one another: What if instead of entirely burdening and shaming the individual to conform, and exempting society from all responsibility to us each, healthy, functional and operant Social Transaction between the individual and society where to evaluated more in the way that they are between individuals, equals and one another? Then impositions so blithely placed upon the individual might be more readily acknowledged and we might even ever try to stop making excuses for arbitrarily ganging up on one another all the time.Again to quote Russell Brand: “Society is collapsing and people are starting to recognize that the reason they feel like they’re mentally ill is that they’re living in a system that’s not designed to suit the human spirit.” Alas, so much of what may be so lauded as socially adaptive, remains at the same time, so desperate, dishonest, repressed, maladaptive and inherently contradictory to authentic well being. For never ending combat against ever mounting dystress of loneliness and boredom, stimulus struggle, so named, —a literal meaning of life!— ever prevails: stimulus struggle, the natural and perpetual striving of all living organisms, to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of stimulation and arousal from the surrounding environment. Indeed, social and intellectual stimulus struggle, everything that human beings do, is in order to modify subjective experience, thereby altering consciousness. And any situation of social order, extracting sacrifice of, rather than rendering service to, individual stimulus struggle, can only result in a milieu of dutifully quiet desperation.
Trustworthy creditable Menschlichkeit in order favorably to impress, and to allay the responsible caution of, the wealthy, powerful and influential, in order thereby to gain access to their resources and connections, begins in ever relevant demonstration to candidate recruits on spec and prospective investors alike, of capable collaboration among equals, indeed entrepreneurship for the rest of us in new venture creation (various business startup) or even just in serious fiction writing together. And if all goes well, ever further outreach, recruitment, management team formation, all the way through to Venture Capitalization, all to climax finally in implementation followed by a dénouement of exit strategy ever as applicable. A steep learning curve together, inception and evolution whereof from the previous two phases of operation. Therefore ensure then that each and all find voice, and let them shine. Expert or layperson in whatever fields, old pro or neophyte aspirant, we each and all bring to the table whatever ones own insights, questions, answers, knowledge, talent, ideas, perspective, motive, drive, effort, hard work, experience and connections. And autonomous individuals relate positively to one another in any suitable environment wherein to exercise free choice and cultivate new skills. For such are the motivating intrinsic needs of authentic well being and self-esteem. Even for the rest of us neophytes and wannabes, beginning from the most vulnerable and vastly underserved tentative and embryonic first concept inception or "kitchen table" stage or phase of new venture creation (various business startup), and proceeding steadily at our own pace in a culture of helping and reciprocity in task interdependency, each leader in ones own field, and follower in another's.
But what
here on
what of
that no
one else
how that
no one
in human
arise or
to bear?
The very
and yet
in every
time and
can be
I. In perpetual stimulus struggle, for such is life, optimal reciprocally engaged collaboration among equals in brainstorming and creative solution finding remains key to the arousal of ebullient intrinsic fulfillment and thereby to the experience of authentic wellbeing. And this is to be recommended. Because therein will be found joy, and without it, deprivation and suffering. Indeed, boredom and loneliness. II. Because no one can remain unfulfilled, bored, lonely and alienated, when so optimally reciprocally engaged together in brainstorming towards creative solution finding such as in aforesaid ongoing collaborative endeavor and novel vehicle of Eudemonia. And this is to be recommended. All in accordance with the Positive Psychology of authentic wellbeing, in turn consequent from ‘The Survival of the Sickest’ and the evolutionary neuroscience of hideously inbred mutation and massively engorged human cerebrality, and consistent also with the anomalously democratic grand afterthought of the generally authoritarian theoretical framework that is Cultural Anthropology. Indeed, according to Martin Seligman's celebrated happiness formula of Positive Psychology: Pleasure + engagement + meaning = intrinsic fulfillment. III. Also culture of helping and capable social support for individual will to power, via substantive communication and purposeful interaction to overcome alienation, boredom and loneliness. And this is to be recommended. Because so situated, human beings thrive, but otherwise, wither. IV. Because Eudemonia, capability, important close human relationship with psychological visibility, Eros which is transport in liberating union with alien difference, thus forging attachments of true friendship in autonomy, arises entirely as a byproduct of purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication, and never otherwise. And yes, more specifically, and yet cleaving to theme, best achievable just as entailed and provided for in the course of collaborative endeavor as herein delineated. Pleasure + engagement + meaning = intrinsic fulfillment. Indeed, no one can remain unfulfilled, bored, lonely and alienated, when so pleasurably and meaningfully engaged, optimally and reciprocally. But especially when so ebulliently together in brainstorming towards creative solution finding. Alas, a taboo joy of psychologically visibility together in unfettered speculation without foundation or justification, and thence full collaboration among equals, and thereby subversion of authoritarian hierarchy. All therefore so forbidden, infrequent and scarce in every walk of life. Thus creative solution finding, as it turns out, remains crucial and vastly underserved social and intellectual impulse and stimulus appetite. Indeed motivation so very uniquely characteristic to human consciousness, stimulus struggle and the human condition, yearning to breath free. Therefore, gentle reader, and convention be damned, the responsible question remains: Why not indulge together more regularly? And how to go about it? And with any particular focus? Indeed, precisely from such very questions, recursively emerges as the probortunity at hand, our first agenda. Indeed collaborative brainstorming towards creative solution finding of best implementation actually of sustained ongoing collaborative brainstorming and creative solution finding in the first place. Any questions? Any objections? Any takers? And moreover, just perhaps as herein predicted, and as must we dare the attempt, ongoing Dialectical deliberation all whereupon, already uplifting even in and of itself. All redolent, as per Friedrich Nietzsche's iconic definition of happiness, with the feeling, free at last! that power increases and that resistance is being overcome. And yet, when theory by itself, however sound, even as couched in rhetoric however eloquent, yet remains less than persuasive and compelling promotion out in the wild, what then? Answer: Perhaps the forthright live demonstration online, public electronic conversation, the brilliance on display, aręte of ongoing work product, both entrepreneurial and artistic, from collaboration, all published to the Web, may yet the more effectively entice and recruit talent, others at long last to participate and join in. For any lonesome frustrated desire tells a story, needs a plan, and calls out for allies, outreach for unmet friends. Desperately seeking all therefore, the star first follower or ally to lead by example! Yea verily, first bold recruit among collaboration cofounders, steadily forging a steering committee coalescing in deliberation upon the priorities and order of business, managing the general course of successive pending operations across the long haul. Any questions? Any objections? Any takers? And why are the terms of aforementioned agenda and open standing invitation to Entrepreneurial and Literary collaboration, herein deemed so utterly crucial to all herein deemed best in life? No doubt therein lies the tale to be told! Perhaps to begin with, indeed as to all ever deemed best in life, such may be hoped as anything decidedly less gratuitously calamitous in practice, than that notoriously expected stock Nietzschean rejoinder of one bloody minded Conan the Barbarian (well actually, Genghis Khan). Anything at all less antisocial even if disappointingly bereft in all remarkable visceral immediacy of violent delight. And yet why, and indeed to what motivating purpose behind any human interaction at all, even online? And via what bold and vibrant implementation? Why, to redeem effete civilization, of course! Effete civilization remaining persistent complaint indeed of one Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, philosophical inspiration for Robert E. Howard, creator of Conan. Therefore, at least as Euripides would have it, tactless and forthright like Hector the Achaean and Thracian Rhesus, together of one heated barbarian blood, “let us have no diplomacy.” We need to remain ever blunt with the whole truth. Because in bringing to bear the sober ancient wisdom of the greatest sages of old as rediscovered in the very forefront of very serious bleeding edge modern happiness science, our chosen objective shall remain nothing any the less wild, heathen and sexy, than scheduling an orgy. But a heady, disruptive and subversive orgy of the intellect! An eternally boundless and shattering orgasm of innovation.
Because indeed much likewise, promotion all whereof remains, indeed no less than as with forbidden love, exactly a matter of covertly or overtly defying all
bullying obstruction and pettiness of bourgeois sensibility, and verily like unto those most loyal patrons of a gay porno movie theater, drawing close together and more regularly meeting even our most secret and shameful needs for one another: Indeed, most socially awkward,
taboo and universally despised of all excruciatingly thwarted yearnings, that
honest to Harrison Bergeron striving for intelligent conversation even online and around the
world, via the
affording the leisure to compose one's own thoughts, then with the hitherto unprecedented quick turn around for actual timely
in written correspondence.
Thus congenial and productive alternation between, on the one hand, the
and extroversion of
and on the other hand, the introversion and retreat of solitary
reflection. Thus indeed, a path to
to quote Dr. Matthias Mehl
Therefore make no mistake: Psychotherapists see two kinds of patients because, by and large and to begin with, indeed aside from that distinct minority of happy people, there remain distinctly two kinds people: Those so desperately unhappy, because of just not fitting in socially, and those no less desperately bored, lonely and dystressed, because they dare never be genuine and truly known. Indeed fitting in socially and consummately so. And miserable because of it. Indeed, because of every sacrifice, ever so phony, chameleonic and closeted under such ego dystonic conditionality requisite to social success and the popularity rat-race.— As scripted by Bobcat Goldthwait for Lance Clayton as portrayed by Robin Williams in ‘World's Greatest Dad’ Indeed, popularity and relentlessly facile distant social success ever remain antithetical to true friendship. Because friendship is genuine, substantive and intimate, even sometimes intense, being predicated upon free and unguarded and reciprocal psychological visibility. Moreover, honest criticism especially, remains inherently friendly, valuable, nothing threatening but actually an expression of abiding respect.Alas then that all too often, let alone even heatedly vociferous and argumentative controversy, substance and purpose at all, so deplored as burdensome, heavy and serious, therefore remain actually shameful, awkward, nerdy, uncool, socially unacceptable and so taboo. Time then has come, so long overdue, for paradigm shift flouting timid taboo by speaking out and thinking for ourselves. For as Eve Tushnet expounds in ‘Eros and Education,’ close human relationship is Eros remaining not so much any bogus support group ethos banal and masturbatory co-validation in whatever even superficial similarity, as just the opposite: collusion and transport of sublime and liberating union with alien difference also called: psychological visibility beginning with any glimpse into another's inner life.
and thereby
understanding and
recognition wherein
good conversation
the more uplifting,
energizes and
deepens acquaintance
by free flowing
personal information
exchange, the spark
of lively
ostensibly on topics
of mutual interest
and concern, and
given equal
opportunity to hold
forth unreservedly
with full and
pointed answers and
then, likewise, to
make inquiry in any
and attend with
undivided attention
and concentration.
And nowadays more
that ever,
thank you, gentle
reader. Because in
the immortal words
of Simone Weil:
“Attention is the
rarest and purest
form of generosity.”
And all because
of competition
within the human
species driving
selection under
Indeed, probortunity at hand therein enduring, the more dire, the more propitious, to address precisely as aforementioned so vastly underserved needs, and thereby filling a long neglected market gap. That of social and intellectual stimulus struggle, remaining the perpetual striving of all human consciousness, to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of social and intellectual stimulation and arousal from whatever immediate social environment. And thereby to modify subjective experience, thus altering consciousness itself.And most optimal social and intellectual stimulus struggle must include most poignantly, important close human relationship with full complicity in psychological visibility in order to penetrate psychological asymmetry. Indeed, Eros, remaining not so much any short attention bogus support group ethos co-validation in whatever even superficial similarity, as just the opposite: collusion and transport of liberating union with alien difference. And all thereby forging true friendship in autonomy.Indeed all whereof arising entirely as a byproduct of meaningfully purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication, building team rapport in a culture of helping, and as shall be seen, believe it or not, never otherwise. Therefore accept no substitutes!Because contrary to all of that thuddingly dull and eons long outmoded stultifyingly superficiality of prevailing common sense bad social advice: Indeed, just as Eve Tushnet expounds in ‘Eros and Education,’ Eros which is transport in liberating union with alien difference, moreover the forging of attachments of true friendship in autonomy, capable human relationship and psychological visibility to begin with, indeed meaning in the very deepest sense, Eudemonia, optimal reciprocal engagement... All these and so much more, arise entirely as byproduct indeed of authentic attention, of often tabooed and sometimes emotionally risky purposeful interaction and/or no less so, substantive communication. And categorically to reiterate, never otherwise.Because, as in the words of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: “Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.” And so, building team rapport in a culture of helping, we should all be living lives of purposeful interaction and/or substantive communication. And for in any such genuine connection, no one else, no third party, ever need approve. And surely that is what is best in life! And therefore what we should all be doing together allot more. If only we knew how!For as Benjamin Disraeli declares: “Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action.” And hoped for results do matter. Indeed,
iconically ponders
“What is happiness?
The feeling that
increases -
that resistance is being
And such happiness comes
in meeting ones needs
with responsible others,
making progress every
day. Indeed, in the
incisive perception of
Henry Ford:
together is a beginning.
Keeping together is
progress. Working
together is
Indeed, to quote
Karan Gaur:
“Effort is the
best indicator of
In the words of
Jean Caldwell:
happy people
indeed whom we may all
do best to emulate, to
if only we could ever
fathom precisely how
And precisely all such remains the very probortunity at hand, our work cut out for us, the very thrust herein of concurrent and interstitial Entrepreneurial and Literary collaboration, as per agenda, proposal and open standing invitation and outreach asking of others what no one else asks, and offering in return, all of that which only FoolQuest.com offers.
Indeed, as only consistent with
the anomalously democratic
grand afterthought
of otherwise entirely hierarchical and authoritarian
Cultural Anthropology, no human being can remain woebegone, unappreciated, uninspired, unimpressed,
powerless, unproductive, frustrated,
optimally and reciprocally
so ebulliently sharing
and sustainable euphoria
creative tension
and creative
solution finding
together in
among equals.
And so, surely that indeed must be what we all should be doing together far more often and at greater length.
And better still, no mere scarce and infrequent transitory brainstorming event or tantalizing and individually fondly remembered special occasion of temporarily lowered hierarchical distance and collaboration among near equals in creative solution finding, such as any one time assigned task or assignment as of corporate employment or formal education, afterwards abandoned and forgotten in heteronymous return to braindead authoritarian status quo. Nor any sort of short term scheduled workshop, contest or seminar, typically concluding and vanishing entirety without any trace. Indeed even any sort of frantic and intensive "boot camp" ending in exhaustion with no debrief, no path any further, nor any follow up at all. Let alone any even conceivably disruptive and subversively capable organization and empowering action whatsoever towards whatever implementation and long term social change. Alas that in the aftermath, as in the interim preceding, of typically transitory experience of creative solution finding in collaboration among equals, the same sore intrinsic human needs remain so vastly underserved. Indeed as so routinely and systematically quashed under such resoundingly effete authoritarianism of one stripe or another, in one conventional social context or another.And therefore all so far too scarcely and infrequently gratified under routine status quo. Whereas in any remedy all whereof, as Sir Karl Popper held forth, actual social change and liberation must be brought about most effectively by the forging of new lasting social institutions.Because all that is missing, remains some or other institution, one way or another, of any ongoing intentional and reproducible occasion and point of departure, for ongoing Dialectical collaboration among equals in brainstorming and creative solution finding, imaginative yet rigorous and realistic feasibility study, even for the wildest ideas and loftiest ambitions. Indeed, the very probortunity at hand, the more dire, the more propitious. Indeed even by subversive and disruptive design thinking social engineering innovation as herein propounded, of practical intentional community and infrastructure of social support. Or at least initially, more modestly, intentional social circle or group formation. Perhaps even an open yet responsible working group and steering committee ever striving to bring all such vision into fruition. Indeed as herein, at least due social engineering design thinking exploration indeed of the vision herein on FoolQuest.com, of concurrent and interstitial Entrepreneurial and Literary collaboration. All wherein, asking of others what no one else asks, and offering in return, all of that which only FoolQuest.com offers. Moreover, as it turns out, creativity, alas ever squandered and rebuffed, remains so much more than merely any solitary individual talent, trait, characteristic or mode of expression. Rather, indeed towards more optimal social and intellectual stimulus struggle, Creativity can and Should be Social. For as John Cleese expounds: “Creativity is not a talent: it's a way of operating.” —operation herein perhaps indeed best defined as organized activity in any social context.One way or another, at least initially, rather than sweeping the world out from leftfield, any any bold, liberating and empowering subversion of hierarchy, not unlike forbidden love, necessarily nurtures in microcosm. Indeed even somewhat covertly and conspiratorially, when any two or more individuals interacting and taking initiative, must finally innovate: at long last to begin significantly doing things differently and howsoever more capably together and persist.Normalization of deviance occurs when any culture or milieu becomes discouraged and oblivious to whatever specific adverse circumstance, because of mounting despair when no solution is perceived. And indeed alas how status quo normalization of deviance often masks ongoing crisis such as ought to spur organization and activism. Organization and activism only pending agitation to fan the spark of outrage beginning in any specific niche. Because such a specific niche concern serves as pivot upon may turn any larger vision fueled by whatever sustained dissatisfaction. And thence at last, mounting activism must spawn advocacy to impact even the mainstream. So famously to quote George Bernard Shaw: “Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress, therefore, depends on unreasonable people.” And in the celebrated words of Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Indeed, as Henry Ford so incisively attests: “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” Therefore, change our conversation, reset the agenda, and just maybe, change our world!
Thirdly, framework and practice of continual interaction: Outreach for ongoing participation, recruitment for cofounder collaboration partners, in vibrant artistic and innovative interstitial concurrent synergy, together to advance, as preceding, both each different application of narrative creativity, contemporaneously. And as a modest beginning in crucial initial facilitation, provided are both a select short compendium of innovative sample new venture proposals, and also for pure creativity, art for its own joy, a vibrant anthology of sample unfinished stories , writing prompts and provocations. Each of either are likewise presented similarly for further collaborative exploration, modification, variation, expansion and improvement. Or by all means gentle reader, go ahead and pitch your own! And to compare and contrast: Indeed for both each different application of narrative creativity, even from suitability of whatever initial premise, the criteria crucially differ: mere hypothetical plausibility for pure creativity in fiction writing, but intensive feasibility study for innovation in business or project planning. Thus the former may provide for creative people, an excellent inspiration and team building exercise towards the latter. Indeed, for fanciful story crafting and sound strategic deliberation alike, inspired collaborative brainstorming among equals together, yet remains both similar and different when it comes to solution finding and as far as writing and rewriting, never a waste of time. And in the words of Henry Ford: “Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason so few engage in it.”Fourthly, community: To advance all thereby the inception of intentional community: intentional social circle or group formation online, indeed recruitment and team building, truly focused about just such as hitherto delineated exalted and heady interaction and learning curve, indeed Eudemonia and opportunity for aspiring novice and old pro alike together. Not only unprecedented serious ongoing collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming, but actually new venture creation (various business startup), even meeting the vastly underserved need of the requisite capable respectful culture of helping and autonomy supportive social support in order to facilitate entrepreneurship even for the rest of us neophytes and wannabes, at our own pace. Alas that both hopeful entrepreneurs and aspiring fiction writers are often and notoriously self-reliant and solitary, indeed especially in their respective vocations if not also characteristically. But to quote Charles B Forbes: “Large-scale success today is spelled -Teamwork.” And already all herein, first dawning opportunity of Eudemonia indeed by the very least of asking of others what no one else asks, and offering in return what no one else offers. But more than this, ongoing outreach, creative collaboration reinvented in social engineering design, and adapted into a more effective, productive and congenial medium for individual interpersonal networking, better and stronger social embedment, wider access to connections, resources and more enjoyable social life. Indeed better quality relationship opportunity of every kind and for every purpose. And all as indeed might bear mention, even pending advance and disruptive innovation in automated Sociometry, beyond the distraction and destruction inflicted by current (anti)social media and the empty illusion of social life. Not to digress.
- When the going gets tough, work the probortunity:
As Empirically observed in scientific experiments, respectful, trustworthy, capable and happy people, whom we may all do best to emulate, to rôle model, if only we could ever fathom precisely how (And there's the rub!), who are sociable, extroverted, known to reach out and thrive, Talk More Seriously, and all with so much less of all that inane, incessant, boring and superficial small talk, such a happiness killer! Indeed, happy people remain more likely to choose creative activities, seek new achievements, and thereby uplift their own thoughts and emotions, and actually known to achieve greater success and even to make more money. And all by meeting the individual need for autonomy achieved only via capable interaction with responsible others. Everything so heartily discouraged under heteronomy.
- Little wonder then, how gifted students, bright, insightful and emotionally sensitive, among their own true gifted peers, mysteriously no longer require that great and good boon of heteronymous socialization, unwelcoming, toxic and sanctioned, that emotional violence and neglect which none dare call: indoctrination, Behavioral Conditioning or most honestly: brainwash. Indeed, the conventionally submissive and expected distant and disingenuous willful positivity, patiently keeping everything light and innocuous, all simply in order to escape notice from bullying, by “hiding ones light under a bushed” and thereby such complacent mediocrity all so blandly merely in order to fit in socially, can be excruciatingly bored and lonely, painful and harmful, for sensitive, intelligent creative people. And so, just perhaps, instead of so brutally dumbing down our best and brightest “for your own good, dear!” can there be no better alternative? Might it not be so much more noble, productive, happier, and in defiance of the ever pervasive and ubiquitous cult of socialization, better to do exactly the opposite throughout life, and continually immerse even the most ordinary people into such interaction as so characteristic of the gifted? — Indeed, thereby cultivating, welcoming and drawing forth each ones own inner giftedness... And just perhaps, there can be a way. An actual detailed and specific implementation strategy. What then even at all beginning in the fairly short term, can actually be done better and differently, dare say and so to speak: more giftedly, even merely amongst ourselves, I and thou, and thou? Our work cut out for us!
- Why Nerds Are Unpopular: Because nerds invest their precious time, not in the extensive and complicated dance of popularity, but cultivating genuine interests and values of their own. And yet, mere interests and diversions in common, indeed so frequent among misguided criteria of group membership, remain perhaps among the least of determinants of personality profiling and compatibility and all that intelligent and sensitive human beings truly yearn for from one another, heading the call to adventure and Eudemonia upon the real world Hero's Journey. Again to quote Henry Ford: “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”
- Because as in the words of Henry Ford: “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” Yes, beginning even from (pre-)incubation in the most embryonic first concept inception or: "kitchen table" stage or phase of new venture creation (various business startup), through recruitment, management team formation, endless possibility of business or project planning and feasibility study, indeed if all goes well, through successive rounds of Venture Capitalization and all the way to successful implementation and marketing. Embarkation thus, proceeding at our own pace, upon the all too uncertain real life Hero's Journey, forging true friendship attempting anything really cool together. Because, as Aesop tells us: Slow and steady wins the race!
- An agenda and open solicitation ensues in extol of ebullient, innovative, often unfamiliar and even somewhat conspiratorial subversively disruptive model for new venture creation (various business startup) (pre-)incubation in collaboration among equals. Indeed, as to be discovered, an insight of endless possibility as constrained by human nature, perhaps even to be derived from drama and the hitherto largely solitary discipline of the writing craft. The term: New venture creation (various business startup) (pre-)incubation in endless possibility, denotes entry into the most embryonic first concept "kitchen table" stage or phase of creative solution finding towards inception of any new venture. Already an ideal Eudemonistic probotunity for brainstorming and creative solution finding together in Socratic Dialectical collaboration among equals. And all in order thereby at long last to fulfill exactly that yearning hither to so vastly underserved. An undertaking entirely feasible, practicable, fun and productive, by serious people together even online, frequently and regularly, together exercising any willful due persistence in any capable and autonomy supportive culture of helping. For in the words of Arthur H. Vandenberg: “It is less important to redistribute wealth than it is to redistribute opportunity.”
- But more and better still: As proverbially casting our net most broadly, an aggressive recruitment and team building strategy is extolled. Such to consist of taking action in specific dual endeavor as follows:
- On the one hand, indeed:
- 1) applied creativity and shared agency from (pre-)incubation into disruptively innovative and subversive visionary entrepreneurial new venture creation. Meaning: business or project startup from scratch, beginning from the identification of an idea or opportunity. And subsequently organization of a sequence of activities: networking, mobilization of resources and capability into an intentional social environment suitable in order to create value for candidate participants, stakeholders and prospective investors alike. Not to get ahead of ourselves, however.
- But all undertaken concurrently and in synergy, on the other hand,
- with 2) pure creativity for its own joy in highly original serious collaborative fiction writing, drama and Science Fiction, in an open ongoing genuine and intensive fiction writer's bull session online. A whole nother creative bonanza and learning curve!
- Because, in the words of Alain de Botton: “One of the best protections against disappointment is to have a lot going on.”
- And all replete respectively in provision of extensive and systematic tools and guides including directories of both
- 1) embryonic new venture first concept startup proposals
- and
- 2) highly original and challenging unfinished stories.
- Resultantly dynamic synergy is predicted because business or project planning, remains but another creative application of story telling. A rigorous prediction, feasibility study and exploration of future outcomes from proposed intentional action. An exiting and informative presentation all thereof. Indeed of sweeping drama, bold conjecture, tantalizing futuring scenario. And all for ignition of heady and freewheeling creative ongoing exploration, criticism/critique, attack and defense, exploration, modification, variation and elaboration. However, whereas, at least barring actually surrealism, passable fiction only needs to remain plausible, by contrast business or other plans ever possibly to be pitched persuasively and carried out responsibly, must first be thoroughly studied and rendered adequately feasible. And hence even transition from unbounded Science Fiction speculation into more rigorously realistic and definite futurological scenario planning. With expansion and improvement, continually in vociferous and ebullient Dialectic, back and forth.
- All hence fleshing out both 2) unfinished fiction and 1) embryonic first concept new venture proposals alike and indeed, in such dynamic synergy.
- And additionally, optionally,
- 3) a subversively innovative step by step design thinking process in mapping out even ever of any other possibilities in individually tailored social engineering of more optimal social and intellectual stimulus struggle. Indeed, pioneering and subversive novel social engineering design thinking towards actually nothing less than the individually unique veritable orchestration of nothing less than your happiness! And more anon.
- And to reiterate, all because in accordance with ancient wisdom of the greatest sages of old as rediscovered in the very forefront of bleeding edge happiness science, no human being can remain woebegone, unappreciated, uninspired, unimpressed, powerless, frustrated, unfulfilled, bored, lonely and alienated when (alas as so routinely and systematically oppressed, and therefore all far too scarcely and infrequently in the human condition) under liberating circumstances or situation, pleasurably and meaningfully engaged and fulfilled together among equals. Indeed, as optimally and reciprocally so ebulliently sharing eustress and sustainable euphoria of creative tension in brainstorming and solution finding. Indeed, as optimally and reciprocally so ebulliently sharing eustress and sustainable euphoria of creative tension in brainstorming and solution finding. And for which the collaborative power and capable innovation at the very interstice of such subversively disruptive dual endeavor as herein extolled, remains precisely so ideal. Because all three ever remain effulgent for collaboration among equals in brainstorming and creative solution finding.
- All thus, indeed in collaboration among equals and subversion of hierarchy, if all goes according to plan, not merely an unprecedented (pre-)incubation and Do-It-Ourselves career path into entrepreneurship for the rest of us, but for each participant, and as no less priority, a no less innovatively disruptive new and better gratifying and more effective paradigm of social interaction, networking and outreach.
- Because creativity is more than merely any individual trait, characteristic or mode of expression, but rather, as John Cleese expounds: “Creativity is not a talent: it's a way of operating.” Therefore creativity must no longer shame and socially isolate intelligent creative people, alas so often bullied. Indeed, not only can and should creativity be social, but creativity ought actually even to make creative people popular, of only, in gloriously subversive and disruptive paradigm shift, one fine day collaboration among equals in creative solution finding ever becomes more widely practiced, public and better appreciated. Indeed, a more advanced and happier alternative in social interaction and connection. But in the meantime, let us proudly come together amongst ourselves for sharing precisely that joy, convivial creativity and will to power.
- Indeed, in endless possibility of new venture creation (various business startup) (pre-)incubation and drama alike, and likewise out from relative ignorance, the value of criticism/critique in studious application of all known essential fundamentals of each endeavor and discipline. Inevitably, a lifelong and steep learning curve! Otherwise a determined quick descent into travesty and denial, pipedream of mere cargo cult mimesis, dull, even in whatever even perhaps concomitant rôle playing, rigid and nothing actually ever less playful. Indeed, not even at all, as per any arguable Post Modern recommendation of life as any sort of dramatic grand gesture amid lost cause. Indeed, only such stubborn great folly so stuffy and much too serious and yet not at all serious enough. Indeed, only such rôle play amounting merely to the most Existentially Absurd delusional enactment. Rather than by contrast, even in defiance of Existentially Absurd futility, at all honestly and seriously striving at rôles in life of ever actually planning and taking action effectively together.
- Therefore in accordance with ancient wisdom of the greatest sages of old as rediscovered in the very forefront of bleeding edge happiness science: Towards any minimal, simple and and most modest beginning, let us together, yes: who and how else but I and thou, and thou, gentle readers, take the initiative. Indeed, by even considering testing together the very hypothesis that even sustained Socratic Dialectical full engagement in analytic yet strategic deliberation together, realistic yet undaunted, in accordance with an agenda even merely in rational assessment of probortunity at hand, can actually discover true hope and already begin lifting spirits. Yes, it all begins merely with the most relevant discussion. Indeed, change our conversation, reset the agenda, and change the world!
- Writing, of whatever kind and to whatever purpose, not unlike friendship, often discovers struggle for expression, ever fraught with miscommunication and incomprehension. All so difficult and complicated beyond any toxic maxims of oversimplification. Whether for stories or business/project plans, writing is rewriting, with Active Reading and Listening, indeed all hard work, and never a waste of time. Indeed to begin with, in the words of Henry Ford: “Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason so few engage in it.”
- Complicated and unending research and feasibility study, ever remains the least of responsible due diligence in all manner of endeavor. Alas then that, especially as entrenched in willfully positive cheerful attitudes, many never find the motivation for anything much more than utter denial and stuffy pipedream, both too serious and yet, not even remotely serious enough. And all therefore, writing ever remains so easy to do, but difficult actually to do well. And all of that is why there will never be found any shortage in malagenda of determinedly co-validating clueless unaware incompetence as that of delusional half assed gawdawful group badfic online, any more than in no less willfully positive and ever cheerful upbeat business pipedreams, hand waving and scams, bereft of all skeptical credulity.
- The outreach at hand:
- No, I don't want your money or your devotion. Gentle reader, I'd never let you off so easily! I am too good a friend for that. And I am certainly no formulaic callow motivational grifter here to tickle your ears, psyche you up, and then leave you in the lurch! Only to find ourselves each and all abandoned to our own devices and thereby set up for failure in anything truly meaningful. Isn't there quite enough of that already? For in the words of Barbara Sher: “Isolation is the true dream killer, not your attitude.” Indeed, as George Orwell observes in ‘Conversation with a Pacifist,’ even at all thinking clearly, becomes increasingly difficult in bored and lonely isolation without expression. Indeed, as it turns out, inner freedom by itself alone, is no freedom at all.
- Indeed, as so iconically ponders Friedrich Nietzsche: “What is happiness? The feeling that power increases - that resistance is being overcome.” In other words, that remedies to improve even adverse situation, are being devised for implementation. And oh, what a feeling! Dopamine that signifies: An indicator beyond mere (anti)social media short attention clickbait, distraction and whatever empty illusion of social life. Indeed, instead pleasure that actually reflects value and growth, true to thine own self “becoming who you are.” In a word: Eudemonia. And not by any Nietzschean lonely self-made bootstrap rugged Individualism. For in the celebrated prose of John Done: “No man an island.” Not even Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche!
So famously to quote George Bernard Shaw: “Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress, therefore, depends on unreasonable people.” And in the celebrated words of Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Therefore, change our conversation, reset the agenda, and just maybe, change our world!
And as unreasonably thoughtful and committed citizens, let's all talk more seriously!Desperately seeking all therefore, the star first follower or ally! For the star first follower or ally shall become the true leader and influencer, blazing the trail, leading by example, showing others how, by imitation, to join in and participate. Again, because Creativity can and Should be Social and Creativity Can and Should be Popular.
• Or: 0) Taking a step back: The curious prospect of somehow instead beginning from lifestyle reciprocal peer or group coaching?To quote Henry Ford: “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” And alas all too commonly elusive simply for wont of the connection and wherewithal to organize freely. But specific aręte or excellence in cooperation remains the only possible crucial advantage to be together seized, without wealth, connections and marketable talent, genius beyond whatever mere giftedness. Although, furthermore, of all things, precisely why is Dialectical collaboration among equals in brainstorming and creative solution finding, imaginative yet rigorous and realistic feasibility study, even for the wildest ideas and loftiest ambitions, cited herein as key to success in no lesser endeavor than than the attainment together of Eudemonia? Well, first of all, because of how said interaction precisely, Dialectical collaboration among equals in brainstorming and creative solution finding, alas so vastly underserved, scarce and infrequent in the human condition, is Empirically observed to bring about such ebullient high spirits. And even out from the most abysmally oppressive doldrums of heteronomy to even the most stifling hierarchically predictive social cognition. But even that remains merely a beginning. Because capable creativity only ignites the will to power. Indeed, more specifically, how and why, precisely what collaborative implementation of concurrent dual endeavor together, in entrepreneurship on the one hand, and on the other hand, in creative writing? And by what projected and expected synergy? Answer: Because disruptive innovation, applied game changing creativity, pivots upon detailed planning, rigorous feasibility study and capable implementation. All whereof along with fateful character motivation and growth, drama is dharma, the sagacious exploration of causation in context and consequence. And business or project planning is but another persuasive mode of narrative. Indeed, a likely story, conjecture to persuade candidate recruits on spec and prospective investors alike, of glowing profit potential. Indeed, leave us face it, those vaunted futuring scenarios are merely projected sociology or: Science Fiction speculation. All indeed as further expounded in fully detailed solicitation and agenda for deliberation among all interested parties, anon... But if, gentle reader, as it turns out, you just don't relate, then this is most profusely to apologize for wasting your precious time. To begin with, a common real world dramatic obstacle remains in the prevalence of such blithely conflicting expectations and paradigms of cooperation, as so readily to bring us all into such deadlock of cross-purpose and strife. Indeed, derivative from prevailing heteronymous worldview, the lowest common denominator remains the most petty jumped up knee-jerk hierarchical dominance, incompetent authoritarianism and superficial harmony. And all buttressed by the most heavy-handedly coercive consensus manipulation and bullying. And yet there may still pass between any of us, each and all, anything better and finer instead of ever the same dreary primate politics of such glorified pack mammals,We the Sheeple. For there ever remain more capable and congenial options for serious people together in collaboration among equals, beginning in imaginative yet rigorous and realistic feasibility study, even for the wildest ideas and loftiest ambitions. Indeed, not merely in terms of desired outcomes or end results, but of whatever yearned for experience along the way. For as the saying goes, life is the journey, not merely the destination. Its all a matter of actual human motivation as something to be served and respected, rather than as all too often, cajoled, reshaped, behaviorally conditioned, manipulated and exploited even however high-mindedly. The first priority then comes in the crafting of peak experience together, of optimal reciprocal engagement. Then the second priority arrives in better serving the networking and outreach needs of each participant. Only then might extrinsic success accrue in terms of whatever desired end results or objectives, then naturally ensuing. Hence: The conventional choice between, on the one hand, giving up on our dreams and deepest needs, and then one way or another simply making do and towing the line, or else on the other hand, passive retreat into delusional pipedream, remains no choice at all. Instead, what do we want, and what will it take? That is the question! (Well actually, two connected questions...) And then in turn, imagination and at all realistic projections indeed not only of desired eventual outcomes or end results, but actually of whatever qualities of yearned for more immediately ensuing experience: Would indeed ensuing ongoing experience and striving according to projected necessity, become happy or unhappy, uplifting or burdensome? Can foreseeable reality ever be expected to live up to individual fantasy, desire and perhaps somewhat wishful hypothesis? And at what cost? To wit expounded herein, comes the notion that exploration of all such probortunity toward fulfillment and Eudemonia, may all pivot, in turn, upon Positive Psychology and whatever chosen working theory of authentic wellbeing. Indeed, more specifically, as concerning the nature of social and intellectual stimulus struggle and the arousal, stimulation then gratification of intrinsic human needs and appetites. And there's the rub! FoolQuest.com thence persists in desperate outreach together first to explore, better understand and then work the probortunity, all ultimately to in order to address a particular set of uniquely human and vastly underserved intrinsic social and intellectual needs and appetites herein deemed so essential to any capable and autonomy supportive culture of helping; indeed in a word: to Eudemonia. And all in accordance with ancient wisdom of the greatest sages of old as rediscovered in the very forefront of bleeding edge happiness science. Including not only Cultural Anthropology of hideous inbred mutation and engorged human cerebrality under natural selection determined by ‘The Survival of the Sickest,’ but also the anomalously democratic grand afterthought of generally hierarchical and authoritarian Cultural Anthropology. To wit, flipping the script: That only at last once setting aside ever stifling hierarchically predictive social cognition, no human consciousness can remain woebegone, unappreciated, uninspired, unimpressed, powerless, frustrated, unfulfilled, bored, lonely and alienated when (alas as so routinely and systematically oppressed and therefore all far too scarcely and infrequently in the human condition) under liberating circumstances or situation, pleasurably and meaningfully engaged and fulfilled together among equals. Indeed, as optimally and reciprocally so ebulliently sharing eustress and sustainable euphoria of creative tension in brainstorming and solution finding. Indeed, for intelligent and sensitive people, the will to power shall be best fulfilled in creative collaboration, brainstorming and solution finding. Indeed, all as according to a specific strategy, an innovative Master Plan. An ongoing creative collaboration among equals in dual endeavor of Entrepreneurship and creative writing. As so iconically ponders Friedrich Nietzsche: “What is happiness? The feeling that power increases - that resistance is being overcome.” An uplifting ebullience indeed arising in so uniquely in the experience of convivial collaboration among equals throughout the joyful process of creative solution finding. And never to put cart before horse, there can be no solution finding save first, for framing problem statement out from duly diligent situation analysis. And then no satisfaction save by resolution of whatever discontent. Indeed, nothing can become intelligible without precisely such context, first. Indeed, the very rubric: 'probortunity' derives in portmanteau from the two words: 'problem' and 'opportunity,' in extol thereby of how the greatest problems present the most golden opportunities. As to the probortunity at hand, the problem remains the depressing banality of dullardly petty oppression throughout life. And the solution, any exaltation in whatever feasible liberation. But not to get ahead of ourselves. So famously to quote Edward Bernays: “We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.” But not all of them so unsung. Indeed, across the ages, an impressive degree of terrified and phobic creativity has been invested and expended into so oppressively undermining not only individual liberty, but indeed so brutally stifling creativity itself. Even most anciently in the curriculum of Plato's Academy, boredom was deliberately inflicted upon students as a conservative measure to test for heteronomy and conformity by weeding out boredom prone original thinkers and innovators, purveyors of dangerous novelty, from ever rising to influential positions in society. As it turns out, just as from time immemorial, even most extreme and disciplined tolerance for boredom remains ever essential in all well approved subservient heteronomy ever doubling down into conformism. Following in precisely that time honored and malignantly oppressive tradition, so magnanimously bequeathing us all our enduring and unhappy system of formal education and mass indoctrination of heteronomy into conformism, that great and good Captain of Industry, John D. Rockefeller so famously declared: “I don’t want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers.” Of Marching Morons, of veritable Borg drones, so happy to comply! And all in the purest ideological holy name of collective efficiency. And what a racket! Efficiency perhaps, but even so, for whom and to what end or priority? There remains no fine line, but indeed a vast gulf, an abyss, between the lucid materialism of scientific rationalism, and the anti-philosophical ideology and value-destruction of soul crushing crass materialism: How Existentially Absurd for each to do our part in even the most tangible and needful collective practical objectives, and yet thereby so poorly to serve the drives of each living and breathing end user. In so vastly hypocritical constructed social reality, a racket, no matter how reputable and ubiquitous, can be any dishonest scheme or ongoing transaction, all not as it contrives to present itself and as tacitly accepted or endured by the majority of those involved, but in actuality, indeed, a myth, scam or fraud of heteronomy, a deceptive domineering practice of coercion and manipulation conducted for whatever benefit of a few cronies at the expense of the many. Will there then be no escape from propaganda manipulation forever pandering to ever much the same people pleasing denial? Will there be no shield or relief, from ever popular and toxic willful positivity and blithely legitimized controlling Behavior Modification? From exhortation to gullible delusional wishful thinking and lunatic faith? Any rescue from suffering in quiet desperation and making do? Can there be no better alternative to be had, than simply being had? No succor for us suckers, one born every minute, and ever falling prey to all manner of scams, indeed so many of either, so undeservedly reputable and well esteemed? Anything at all beyond perseverance in sheer Ecclesiastical futility? That is the question! • The Top 10 Things People Want In Life But Can’t Seem To Get - - “I can't get no...” And so we are each and all exhorted and forever tantalized: “Follow your bliss!” Existentially Absurd empty blandishment, hand waving and broken promise all easier said than done, as we are all then summarily abandoned each and all to our own devices, setup for failure and sore travail. Because the program never fails, you fail the program. You gotta pay your dues, right? Bah, humbug!By way of ubiquitous specific illustrative example: To help save the planet, mind your own carbon footprint and sort your own recyclables. After all, the latter the least one can do, and churlish to refuse. But the former an endless, costly and often vague travail, with so little to show. Indeed, all instead of banding together in holding mass polluters to account! A long standing PR diversionary tactic of consensus manipulation and propaganda distraction, whereby any responsibility for systemic failure becomes so deviously transferred onto the shoulders of each hapless lone individual, that's right, you and me. Indeed, disabling misdirection via the very pretense of empowerment. And what cunning mendacity! And similar ideological gambit remains by far even more pervasive: Indeed, throughout life, there are presented all manner of endless stumbling blocks entirely without nurture. An expectation by whatever osmosis, to glean from whatever conceivable subtext, any inking of whatever requisite skill sets of such legendary rugged self reliance. And even while being force fed whatever subservient curriculum so entirely irrelevant to anything better admired. For even in the veneration of men and women of destiny throughout history, no one is taught how actually to emulate them. If those worthies, in this golden land of opportunity, such undaunted approval seeking eager beavers, without encouragement, overcame not only whatever incidental adversity, but the entire system itself to begin with, in order thus to rise to the top, then what is there to prevent anyone else? Plenty! And all the while, as Edward Snowden so penetratingly observes, oppressors who restrict our options, then pretend that we consent. Indeed, to quote Senator Elizabeth Warren: “Others have said it before me. If you don't have a seat at the table, you're probably on the menu.” Alas that all so very far from any pursuit of happiness and meaning of life, for all so many, socially constructed conformity upon all whatever known and even howsoever reputable, constrained, defined well traveled readily available but unfulfilling sore travail, institutionalized and prepackaged conventional life and career paths, remains so vastly disappointing, pointlessly arduous, futile and meaningless. In short: Existentially Absurd formal education, employment, religion and every other folly or granfaloon. Indeed all such sore travail, abandoned as we are, each and all, to our own devices, ill equipped and isolated from any true collaboration among equals, and all thereby set up for failure in anything truly meaningful. There remains all therefore, in any alternative so vastly underserved, no less vast and frustrated yearnings of so many, for some or other unparalleled positive experience of any life less ordinary. But instead, only meager consolation to be had in socially approved and inculcated coping methods of oppressively irrelevant Terrible Trivium and unthreatening but interminably vapid small talk. What better then can be done instead? Let's talk! Yet again to reiterate, let us come together in Dialectical collaboration among equals brainstorming towards creative solution finding. Indeed:
The path to action through every pitfall of inaction A Transactional Analysis of implementation in very principle Even if all goes well, how fruitful whatever hoped for results of all as in the preceding? What comes next? To quote Frederick Law Olmsted: “After all is said and done, much is said and little is done.” Alas, for as Benjamin Disraeli declares: “Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action.” Indeed, outside of social and intellectual stimulus struggle and collaborative creativity simply for its own joy intrinsically, the entire extrinsic, instrumental and relevant power and purpose of creative solution finding and feasibility study, one way or another, constituted after all, entirely from communication, deliberation, research and feasibility study together, indeed all talk, can only be thereby to discover and develop options at any point in due course, then at last to begin taking action. Indeed, if all goes well, eventual implementation and success. Indeed, the subsequent organization of whatever sequence of activities: networking, mobilization of resources and capability into an intentional social environment suitable in order to create value for candidate participants, stakeholders and prospective investors all alike. Because as in the words of Henry Ford: “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” Yes, in endless possibility of beginning even from (pre-)incubation in the most embryonic first concept inception or: "kitchen table" stage or phase of new venture creation (various business startup), through recruitment, management team formation, business or project planning and feasibility study, indeed if all goes well, through successive rounds of Venture Capitalization and all the way to successful implementation and marketing. Embarkation thus, proceeding at our own pace, upon the all too uncertain real life Hero's Journey, forging true friendship attempting anything really cool together. Because, as Aesop tells us: Slow and steady wins the race! All of which, throughout, must entail task interdependency. And task interdependency refers to circumstances wherein any particular tasks must be accomplished first, and in a timely manner at all on schedule, in order for other tasks to even become possible in turn, and then accomplished. And thus opening the way for whatever successive tasks in turn. Indeed, efficiently in any timely manner. Indeed, a single point failure, is any single thing as typically among many, that needs to happen, to go off without a hitch, or else the entire endeavor fails along with it. And as it turns out, even without rigid time management and efficiency, task and interpersonal interdependency yet obtains all the more in proactive initiative taking shape to meet new challenges. Therefore beyond whatever mere solitary division of labor, participants wisely and in good faith, must embrace responsibility and altruism toward one another reinforced under a culture of helping. Indeed actually providing no less than a five to one ratio in favor of positive experiences, even in the form of frequently exchanging even small positive acts, in order thereby to outweigh and overcome the entirely lucid survival adapted vigilance of negativity bias. Indeed, task interdependency, under paradigm shift of collaboration among equals in in creative solution finding, let alone then together taking action, must require of each participant superordination in their specialty or expertise when ever they need assistance or cooperation, but reciprocally, subordination whenever another participant likewise requires cooperation or assistance. Optimally, the entire venture must revolve around you, every time you need something, face a problem, or recognize an opportunity; and likewise, reciprocally, the entire venture must revolve around each participant in turn, any time at all, they need something, particularly from any other participant including you, in facing a problem or rising to opportunity. Indeed, all too often, task interdependency and single point failure. A work ethic of respectful, trustworthy, capable and gregarious professionalism amid Do-It-Ourselves entrepreneurship for the rest of us. Like The Three Musketeers: “All for one, and one for all!” Or else, all for naught. Alas, not everyone willingly agrees with the above, even as most obvious. All manner of flagrant sophistry abounds. Indeed beware the very antithesis of all such above virtue, devious cross-purpose of malice, friction and folly! Sadly, all such ever untrustworthy ubiquitous malignancy must be completely anticipated in full readiness. Indeed, always, before going any further, perpetually pay heed to the 15 purported signs of actual trustworthiness and creditable Menschlichkeit, remaining ever wary of the 18 Easy Ways to Destroy trust. Then cleave to those who demonstrate the former, while ceasing to depend upon those displaying the latter. Bullying passive hostility, unreliability and betrayal must be expected and prepared for, undefeated and without rancor. In real world drama, there will always be a Mordred or a Judas among us. Don't be discouraged. Only expect them, and just let them disqualify themselves. Then cleave to true friends as the treasure that they can be. Whatever obstacles must be confronted. Issues must be dealt with openly and with maturity. Or else, ways must be found to pick up whatever the slack, without missing a beat. Otherwise, collaboration will fail as participants, discouraged, drift apart. Instead, in order to maintain cohesion, participants in earnest must commiserate and support one another in occasion of crisis and betrayal. Moreover, even entirely barring all such undue ill will and flagrantly excessive poor judgment, alas to quote Robert Burns: “The best laid schemes o' mice an' men / Gang aft a-gley.” (Go often awry.) For in the famous words of Helmuth von Moltke the Elder, noted disciple of Carl von Clausewitz: “No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy.” -nor, for that matter, whatever other sort of antagonist, true to life dramatic obstacle or complication. And that is why, to quote Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower: “Plans are nothing, planning is everything.” For plans remain static, but the Dialectic exploration of the planning process, of necessity becomes ever more dynamic, connective and informative. And participants together gain far greater scope of insight and rapport building, than any meager wisdom in whatever fixed ideas and even the best work product. Indeed, as widely attributed to Alan Lakein: “Failing to plan, is planning to fail.” For as per summary aggregation of the notoriously alliterative multiple p's: Properly Purposeful Pre-Planning and Prior Preparation Prevents Preemptive Production of Painfully Piss Poor Performance. And disruptive innovation pivots upon new mistakes instead of ever the same old ones. Even despite all due and comprehensive contingency planning for every foreseeable possibility. Indeed rapid fire serial failure until, at last, if ever, success.
Copyright 2015 - 2024 by Aaron Agassi