Taking the design approach to intentional activity: Can happiness be created or engineered?
- “Happiness comes when you believe in what you are doing, know what you are doing, and love what you are doing.” — Brian Tracy
A situation analysis, problem statement, simple forecast of human needs, and the above straightforward proposal for happiness in the greatest effort you'll ever love: This is a solid pitch targeted directly to the all to often so frustrated and underserved deepest of human needs, as best as we currently understand them.
Alienation: When strangers first come into contact, we so desperately strive to conceal our uncertainty and insecurity, keep a game face, and skillfully negotiate the social minefield according to prevailing expectations. How oppressive, Absurdly cagey and demeaning! Make no mistake: If life as we lead it, is ever at all like unto some sort of Existential prison, then we, you and I, are the escape committee! And so, what if instead, in any spirit of democracy in action, one where explicitly consulted about how best to interact, and the crafting of any guiding purposeful agenda? It will be crucial not only to reject the status quo that has failed so many, but to know what we want and to follow through strategically on whatever desired paradigm shift. But even thusly strategizing from scratch evokes a demand for high risk tolerance, even with no initial tangible investment or sacrifice the way that better established, supported and more respectable, conventional and more clearly behaviorally structured approaches such as school, employment or organized religion generally do, let alone that which is called: recreation.
But all increasingly dubious guarantees aside, the key even in doing as we are expected, still turns out to be not really in painting by numbers, so to speak, but in somehow or other turning to one another. And there's the rub. Because in this, so many of us are simply abandoned to our own devices, to glean from subtext, take the hint, and pay heed to our intended rôle models, the most heteronymously inauthentic and eager to please, and emulate their fraudulent sycophancy in the cult of socialization and social skills. But can such ever actually be the reliable life success system that we've all heard so much about? Or can we imagine better? Indeed, what might be your own vision at all, of a more ideal social environment to best meet our various needs of social interaction, by purposeful design? And why ever not? But precisely how would it all work? I'm interested in consulting with you, gentle reader, and I'm asking your opinion. Whatever nebulous powers that be never will.
Unhappiness is typically associated with job dissatisfaction, not particularly liking the locale in which one abides, crass materialistic consumer compensation neurosis, loneliness, wandering focus of brooding in lack of active engagement, long commutes and financial worries. Whereas, entrepreneurial partnership by design, strives at optimal work satisfaction, meaningful optimal reciprocal engagement and value maximization, in full benefit of remote collaboration, under flexible schedule at our own pace. And the hope of making it big nourishes the eventual possibility of long term financial peace of mind.
The cutting edge of Psychological research lately finds itself ever more in closest concurrence with wisdom of the sages of old rediscovered, regarding the very nature of authentic wellbeing that is innately the target of most relevant intrinsic motivation, alas so enshrouded in taboo. For Freud, exaltation from any creative motive, no matter how ostensibly Platonic in sublimated expression or outlet, is called: Eros. Or, if one prefers, Eudemonia anciently names that authentic well being as arising through ones best in active pursuit of excellence living as one's best, or: arête. Hence the grand ambition and prime agenda of FoolQuest.com is engagement with one another in the often heady autonomy aspired to in what it is to be entrepreneurial according to the definition of Bolton, WK and Thompson, JL (2000) ‘Entrepreneurs: Talent, Temperament, Technique’, Elsevier: “a person who habitually creates and innovates to build something of recognized value around perceived opportunities”.
It has long been observed how gifted students amongst their own true gifted peers, suddenly and mysteriously no longer require the great and dubious boon of socialization! In short, perhaps in whatever social context, it might be not only better and wiser, but arguably perhaps even healthier and more natural, actually to study and emulate gifted interaction, then deliberately taken as the new model for an intentional social functionality amongst community of equal peers, in order thereby to improve and enrich life and autonomy support for everyone, than endlessly conniving and bullying to make such a shining great favor of such relentlessly flagrant conditionality and peer pressure "providing structure" aimed only at dumbing down and heteronymizing our best and brightest, all in order to glorify mediocrity.
All manner of celebrated creative entrepreneurial solution finding problem solving groups emerge every day, discovering and hammering out innovative solutions to the challenges of our day and beyond, with unflagging progress towards implementation. Why can't that be us, you and me, gentle reader, together with any others? It can be. Let's! It begins merely with the perseverance of a core group that is at all serious, working steadily to better understand and then to fill the gaps, step by step. And again, the first byproducts will include elevated mood, improved public image making and more effective outreach and networking to cement social connection, and all simply from steadily ongoing discussion and research, even further recruitment as need emerges, all at our own pace, without oversensitivity or passive aggression.
Creative people are perpetually dissatisfied, faliblist, critical, curios, flexible, imaginative, experimental, boredom prone, problem-friendly with the unexpected, therefore enjoying the eustress and sustainable euphoria of creative tension, forthcoming, playful and expressive, hard working and persistent, optimistically and enthusiastically embrace challenge, value their ideas without becoming wedded to them, any first idea being, after all, merely the starting point in the process of fleshing out cross-connections towards challenging assumptions and reframing, ambitiously pushing the envelope and taking fresh and different perspective towards testing great ideas arising to compete in the market place of ideas. For most of all, creative people recognize environments and cultures of respect that reciprocally optimally foster creativity.
- “Philosophers, writers, artists, even scientists, not only need encouragement and an audience, they need constant stimulation from other people. It is almost impossible to think without talking. If Defoe had really lived on a desert island, he could not have written Robinson Crusoe, nor would he have wanted to. Take away freedom of speech, and the creative faculties dry up.”
- — 'Conversation with a Pacifist' by George Orwell
It's not just singles who suffer, left out: The affiliation, however genial, of neighborhood parents with little else in common, is often fallow ground for any deeper connection. And matching couples, demands compatibility by a factor of four. Alas that we have fallen prey to an heteronymous dependency upon the stifling behaviorally structured environments of school and employment, to provide propinquity for forging close and enduring friendships: convenient proximity, repeated unplanned interaction, and a setting for unguarded moments to confide in one another. Hence clichéd social advice typically centers upon recourse to even more arbitrary behavioral structure, such as facilitated by hanging out at the same bars, discos or gyms etc., interminably, or joining and subordinating oneself to various clubs or undertaking the drudgery of volunteer work. But in the alternative, reliance upon spontaneity alone, is futile without actual disposition to spontaneity. For autonomous intrinsically motivated interaction to provide the same and actually better social opportunity, the participants must be responsible and indeed intrinsically motivated to continually reengage one another of their own accord, and to network and exchange social support, all even without behavioral structure of schedule or propinquity for regular chance reencounter. Exactly such scarce initiative, the lost social skill set of autonomy fallen so out of fashion and into such disrepair, is especially crucial, reciprocally, for sustaining any forward momentum, interpersonally. Too long domesticated, then without any routine provided us, we degenerate into such passive, confused and mistrustful sheeple adrift! But more meaningful shared sought for outcome, a genuine purpose rather than mere heteronomy to arbitrary group cohesion, is well known to engage participants in closer attachment.
Being that engagement is the beginning of the state or condition of attachment which is an ongoing, remembered or anticipated and even yearned for state of engagement, hence according to Self-Determination Theory, secure attachment is characterized by attention and responsiveness to one another's needs when turning toward one another to obtain comfort and care. Indeed, prime features of autonomy include initiative being: the forward looking vision and motivation of enterprise and determination that affords any capacity to
begin proactively, or to follow through energetically, with a plan or task, together with the need for meaningful engagement fending off boredom and loneliness. Heteronomy, the ever cagey and calcuating enemy of autonomy, is also the active enemy of engagement and attachment, of transparent agenda, of open passion and interest of every kind. Therefore, bullying which is heteronymous, stifles initiative. Indeed, the social skill sets of heteronomy and autonomy are so entirely different. Heteronymous social skills correlate to the guardedness and control of heteronomy in the first place, and not any unmet needs of the individual. And yet the exhortations to sublimation persist, of the former as the means to the latter. Indeed, that often seems the only game in town!
- Introduction to the FoolQuest.com design exercise
Solution Finding: down to brass tacks Find herein a
n introduction to the FoolQuest.com design exercise extolling a proposed innovative and pioneering new subversive social engineering design process beginning by the investigation of unique individual triggers, arousal and stimulus appetites, so often frustrated and underserved intrinsic social needs so essential to authentic wellbeing. Indeed, whatever most preferred personal interaction, relationship and communication individually most highly valued and that therefore best elevate individual emotional state. Nothing less than individually tailored optimization of social and intellectual stimulus struggle, and thereby the veritable orchestration of your happiness! Any questions? Any objections? Any takers? You are all invited! Gentle reader, I am counting on you! Dare we together take action? As observed of capable and happy people, let's talk more seriously!When all else has failed, what has actually been desired all along? Please: Let's all just stop going with the flow like drift wood! -Or worse, stagnating when the currents and eddies of life pass us by. Let's at least try to move with a purpose. Nor let us each any longer stand alone stunned and bewildered, Abandoned each and all to our own devices. Rather, quite simply, instead of making the aimless learned helplessness of interminably futile and unhappy small talk, let us begin together by engagement in sustained discussion, discussion with purpose, on purpose according to an agenda. - In the words of Henri-Louis Bergson to think like a man of action and act like a man of thought. That might not be what the cool kids are seen doing, but fuck'm anyhow! It remains so disheartening how many people experience the same frustrated yearnings, and yet so utterly fail to find one another and connect, for wont of the wherewithal, the channels and the means.
• The Top 10 Things People Want In Life But Can’t Seem To Get - “I can't get no.”
The question of social engineering and sociopolitical significance in
TRIZ, may prompt, as proposed in a design exercise, an investigation of "ideal" or optimal social conditions and their possible attainability through inventive solution finding and implementation in social engineering much in principle as with mechanical engineering, instead of charting the course ideologically, let alone then blindly staying the course into the inefficiency and failure typical of headlong unchecked massive government social initiatives, or worse, into the brutality and horror visited upon the masses in the name of Utopist social engineering.Social institutions are the formal and informal systems of stable, established or standardized rules or patterns of behavior, mediating interaction and communication, interlocking social rôles and expectations in the complex integral overall construction and stable function of society. Social institutions include the family, education, religion, organizations and economic and political institutions, also laws, customs and even norms, values and sensibilities. Some institutions are more widespread than others, at any given time, even according to whatever the need.
As Karl Popper observed, the engineering of social progress may often depend upon the forging of lasting institutions. But the institutions forged under Utopism partake in all the excesses thereof. Indeed, in the forging of whatever sort of new social institutions, it might make better feasible and prudent sense, as herein proposed, to begin on some more economical immediate and fairly intimate scale, locally, rather than any needlessly impractical and precarious grand social plan as so often characteristic of Utopism; and also with at all more moderate demands upon participants, than the blindly zealous open ended cult dedication typical of Utopist ideology. Indeed, far from virtuous sacrifice and arduous self abnegation ever in striving towards whatever ultimate nigh transcendental aspiration, some or other conceivable "ideal" or optimal human interaction as herein proposed, ought to be even immediately fulfilling: meaningful, engaging, pleasurable and not to mention productive, all in the here and now, notwithstanding any worthy objective for the future.
Begin then, like Socrates, by asking yourself what matters most: When all else has failed, what has actually been desired all along? We all routinely head online for research into all manner of individual personal and collective societal needs, taking action as citizens and consumers. Isn't it high time to apply similar due diligence in all that is actually most intrinsic to wellbeing? It remains so disheartening how many people experience the same frustrated yearnings, and yet so utterly fail to find one another and connect, for wont of the wherewithal, the channels and the means. First of all, loneliness, boredom and unfulfillment are conditions of deprivation, all arising from unmet and underserved intrinsic social stimulus hungers. Moreover, seeing as how appropriate, adequate and respectful social support, is well understood to be among the foremost predictors for success, therefore the prevailing sca
rcity, unavailability, inadequacy and unsuitability of social support such as exists or is at all readily accessible, remains perhaps the foremost among ubiquitous recipes for failure in general. In the words of Arthur H. Vandenberg: “It is less important to redistribute wealth than it is to redistribute opportunity.” Further more, to combat pandemic bullying that so exacerbates every problem, it will be crucial to reach out and systematically break vulnerable isolation and the neglect that so tempts all manner of predation and exploitation. All hence, what is herein propose to do differently is to focus upon better understanding said unmet and underserved intrinsic social stimulus hungers, and only then strategizing in feasibility study, how best instead to bring about their fulfillment, even by such unreasonable measures as tailor designed intentional interpersonal interaction, more responsive to our needs. Indeed, heteronymously reasonable adaptation in order simply to fit in and make do, has been and even by design, so difficult, futile, unwelcoming and unsatisfactory, so dystressfull, boring, lonely and unfulfilling, even when successful on its own cretin superficial terms. Perhaps that sacred cow among prevailing ideologies which may be called: the cult of socialization, should at long last be called to task for its dystressfull limitations and failures and abandoned in favor of any better alternatives. Moreover, as to any alternative, beyond merely abstract consideration and solutions only in principle, must ensue deliberation upon practical specifics in detail of real world implementation. After all, social stimuli trigger or elicit corresponding social response in a veritable cascade of karmic causality in confluence of suitable conditions for corresponding likely outcomes in turn, for good or ill.All hence the design exercise that follows, proceeds by systematically breaking down the present complex solution finding effort into a series of steps in sequence of more focused questions. Each question in turn must be answered in context from any number of possible answers to the previous open ended question. Each objective is only means to larger objectives that must first be defined. All strategy and feasibility study must consider task interdependencies, meaning the the efficient planning, analysis and execution of tasks necessarily scheduled in succession, because each in turn becomes possible only first by completion of prior tasks.
So imagine sitting in during a meeting (or lurking on an online message posting forum) and being invited to join in, as the participants begin by discussing intrinsic human social stimulus hungers, beginning first of all, by seeking to better understand the range of these intrinsic human social stimulus hungers. Any of the participants might then chose one such intrinsic human social stimulus hunger as particularly interesting or pivotal to attaining the others. Then they move on in feasibility study, to explore strategies, evolving as each begins modification of one another's ideas, in imagining what sort of social interaction could actually be contrived, tailor made, towards fulfillment of intrinsic human social stimulus hungers. Common grounds and complementary needs are sought for. Next they move on to define the extensive research and planning in detail, to make any of this more feasible and realistic. Eventually, they even advance towards drafting an
action agenda.Gentle reader, you may even have now have stumbled into exactly such deliberation, and your thoughts are earnestly invited. Creative and happy people talk more seriously together, freely, and with less small talk, deliberating Dialectically in controversy, the exchange of welcome criticism, with capable civility as autonomous equals in optimal reciprocal engagement. The following are suggestions toward a protocol for collaboration in social engineering via Applied Positive Psychology, from development through to execution, of new Eudemonistic proposals in detail and beyond, as often socially expected, mere cursory general discussion of the issues at very best. Alas such prevailing anti-intellectualism and bullying, that anything so weighty and demanding as analytical thinking, feasibility study and and strategic planning is actually so taboo. The toxic and sanctioned perpetual ordeal of socialization, such dystressfully pressuring extrinsic motivation ever in cultivation and evaluation of all important social dexterity, remain such a sacred cow, never challenged in very principle, for all the questions continually begged in their very universal practice by which indeed they are so blithely sanctified. Therefore agreeability and keeping conversation light are so emphatically extolled as the primrose path to popularity and social acceptance for the sheeple. Notwithstanding and all the same, let us instead strive to be more inventive, subversive and disruptively innovative, genuine, better engaged, and unafraid of hard work only so long as it remains fulfilling.
A design exercise in the social engineering
optimization of stimulus struggle The steps involved in the design thinking process are as follows: First, study and more fully understand whatever probortunity at hand; second, explore a wide range of possible solutions; third, iterate extensively through prototyping and testing; and finally, implementation. Of course, in life, testing and implementation are often one and the same. Can design thinking be applied to social engineering? What, isn't it already? Indeed. what little of design thinking is not already actually social engineering? After all, the machines typically created via design thinking, need to be used by people together. Moreover, design thinking need not be restricted to mechanical solutions. What follows shall be a design exercise in the social engineering optimization of stimulus struggle.The invitation to open an subversive and disruptively innovative close collaboration in social engineering for optimizing social and intellectual stimulus struggle, is utterly unique to FoolQuest.com, at least according to the search engines. Even if human needs remain irreducible to basic stimulation, to stimuli, particularly social stimuli, nevertheless such may still serve as trigger and fulcrum to leverage and open the way for all manner of greater results. Readers are herein invited to further more particular and personal analysis, planning and action together, in a step-by-step procedure and process. Personally favored satisfactions are intrinsically motivated and valued. Whatever such satisfactions, being needs gratified rather than frustrated, are comprised of stimulus-response patterns repeated over time, social stimuli of whatever category discovered correspondent with whichever satisfaction, all enfolding in the context of more optimal social stimulus struggle, unconditionally transcending the ideological bankruptcy of coercive and manipulative mendacity of Behavior Modification. A standard simple example of a social stimulus featured within the test environment, in experiments with laboratory mice, is the distracting silhouette of another mouse. But for some reason peer conditioning is the only manner of social stimulus considered in any human context. Why must this be so? What about human shaped silhouettes? Just for example: Would not real or manufactured backlit shadows spilling out from indoors onto the street outside, of people milling about amid the roar of the crowd, or dancing to music, constitute a notably dramatic and evocative human social stimulus? What other ever most sophisticated stimuli are conceivable and for what ever more particular response? What arousal in gratification to what curial and underserved satisfaction? It may be anything common and prevailing, or else something extremely particular and tailored to any specific individual.
The social engineering of optimal stimulus struggle: Stimulus-Response occurs in Motivation Reaction Units. A stimulus is an incident suddenly altering experience of the surrounding environment, a momentary event in any way arousing attention and interest, even thence triggering response. A stimulus so instantly draws attention to itself by such stark contrast with just prior conditions. The sensation, literal or figurative, is immediately different. Can the process by which any said stimulus arises or comes about and garners response in an ongoing social stimulus situation within the social environment or milieu (in the course of what is known as stimulus struggle) be rendered reproducible at will? Is it possible to social engineer better optimization of social stimulus struggle? The concept of intrinsic motivation may be more salient to understanding human nature, but social stimulus appetite may turn out to be useful in the analysis, categorization and reproduction of immediate gratifying events of stimulation. The applicable categories of social stimuli improved in quality and frequency, may better contribute to greater experience of fulfillment of hither to underserved and frustrated satisfactions over the longer term in life.
All manner of strokes are the units of recognition in Transactional Analysis. But positive strokes as such are ruled out in the present exercise, because recognition comes in response, not as an initiating stimulus featured in the social environment. Indeed, conditional strokes are recognition in response to the contribution made in what one does, as in a job well done. And unconditional strokes coming in recognition for who one is, may require the context of acquaintance and relationship, beyond just whatever social environment or situation alone. Needs and values most generally, important as they are, remain broad and not specific, nebulous in terms of any scenario. And conditional strokes are always a great struggle, psychologically and logistically so complicated, in order to deliberately institute in any social context, in setting the scene, or by the crafting of lasting social institutions.
Therefore instead, the fulcrum of social engineering of optimal social stimulus struggle herein, are to be social stimuli featured within the social environment, unavoidably and unconditionally so that the subject need only yield to temptation, and react with no strings attached; a true gift, a seduction to be devoutly consummated! Social stimuli featuring or situated in the social environment, so as to trigger or elicit response and thereby initiate whatever valued mode of interaction, rather than waiting and only coming conditionally only triggered in response to a desired correct behavior. "Motivation-Reaction Units" as dubbed by Dwight Swain, are micro level scene structure, wherein something happened and then someone reacts, stimulus followed by response. And the concept applies no less in real life drama and World-Building. Stimuli prominently feature in an environment, whereas responses are hidden, waiting, for good or ill, to be triggered. We all yearn for an environment responsive to our needs, but plot oriented featuring stimuli are by far simpler to design and to script, implement and direct, than character driven response. Indeed, stimuli featuring in the surrounding environment effectively engage the individual subject, without waiting to be triggered. Hence, for the sake of simplicity and reliability, featuring stimuli will be the focus herein, rather than responsiveness. It is intended that individuals suitably triggered and stimulated, with more readily engage one another more responsively. (Take that any way you like!)
1. When all else has failed, what has actually been desired all along? Heaven is an imagined condition of plenty of whatever has been most scarce in any given life experience. And Heaven on Earth would be any thriving association wherein individual needs are routinely fulfilled rather than frustrated. In 'The Conquest Of Happiness' 'Chapter 1: What makes people unhappy?' Bertrand Russell writes: "The typical unhappy man is one who, having been deprived in youth of some normal satisfaction, has come to value this one kind of satisfaction more than any other" Perhaps Russell is too quick to dismiss as mere fixation, whatever one's favored, most valued and cherished kind of unmet satisfaction. Instead, there might be here an important personal Axiology, relevant self-knowledge of what one craves most dearly. Can such various satisfactions be investigated and categorized, then engineered?
Begin by choosing and categorizing a denied, scarce and therefore prized and frustrated satisfaction of your own. What is the corresponding social stimulus appetite? The crucial difference between a satisfaction as conceived by Russell, and a stimulus appetite or hunger, is that a satisfaction, provided or deprived, takes place even over a life time, whereas a stimulus is an immediate event. Stimulus appetites or hungers are not only intrinsic and innate, but by such token, impulsive. And so: What specific category of social stimulus as we might discover, gentle reader, are for you personally gratifying to whatever aforesaid underserved and frustrated satisfaction? How, in the past, has this kind of stimulus, by whatever happenstance, ever arisen or come about as a feature of whichever social environment or milieu, in the course of what is known as stimulus struggle? And finally, how might whatever discovered category of beneficial social stimulus conceivably be reproduced at will in future? Whereas Sigmund Freud theorized that Pleasure Principle, the natural impulsive drive for pleasure seeking, must be held in check by Reality Principle, caution arising from objectivity, passably good judgment of reality and foreseeable consequences, rather, as G. E. Moore contends, pleasure, to begin with, simply is not an end in and of itself. And it bears mention how the same principle applies no less for optimism, peace of mind or any other congenial mental state or emotional condition. Rather, as G. E. Moore contends, pleasure, not to mention optimism, peace of mind or any other howsoever uplifting mental state or emotional condition, is only a relevant second order indicator of value. And likewise, negative emotion of aversion at all remaining relevant, indicates prophylactic value in prevention or avoidance of howsoever dangerous or deleterious circumstances. Pleasure seeking, so called, is understood by G. E. Moore rather as striving for objectively real beneficial value, merely recognized via subjective anticipation and experience of pleasure. And likewise aversion is but a subjective warning to avoid anything deemed howsoever detrimental. Any prospect of pleasure divorced from beneficial real value and likewise aversion quelled without regard for real adversity, should raise every alarm. However, herein, social stimulus appetite corresponding to frustrated life satisfaction, are likewise expected indeed to remain value loaded and immensely relevant. In Social engineering an intentional social environment for the optimization of social stimulus struggle, first imagine by means of capable drama, "cheating" by just scripting actors in order to produce the intended experience, superficially, much as one might program non player characters in any videogame simulation. Of course, such fraud would remain divorced from relevant value and utility. Therefore then go deeper and commit to the World-Building in earnest, so that no deceit would any longer be required. Indeed, any behavior or interaction such as first may ever conceivably be scripted and faked in mere simulation by actors, may conceivably next instead actually be elicited in earnest by whatever socially engineered situation. And tailoring whatever situation is of essence in designing social environments to satisfy hitherto deprived and personally valued and relevant satisfactions in life. 2. Stimulus hunger or stimulus appetite is the natural and universal craving for stimulation in general. This includes especially social stimuli in specific. Stimulus appetite most generally, let alone social stimulus appetite specifically, is more specific than intrinsic motivation generally. Can the various stimulus appetites be investigated and categorized?
- Spoiler alert! Gentle readers, unmet friends: You may prefer to skip the following examples for now, and instead see what you can each and/or together come up with by yourselves, anything entirely different and uninfluenced.
Candidate frustrated stimulus appetites, real life dramatic core motivating life satisfactions and corresponding proposed intentional social environments include: Creative solution finding and brainstorming in collaboration among equals, deprivation whereof as to be addressed by the project as proposed: Creativity can and Should be Social, on the one hand, of power, capability and freedom towards success through applied creativity, innovative new venture creation (variuos business startup), entrepreneurship for the rest of us, interstitial concurrent synergy, on the other hand, with ongoing unprecidented serious collaborative fiction writing and brainstorming, art for its own joy. Vastly neglected play and playfulness, as to be triggered and cultivated at the imagined theme venue and playspace for all ages: Planet Frolic TM Breakthrough Social Technology: Panacea to a fundamental need, interpersonal perfectly matched compatibility and thereby better relationships and social embedment as to be provided for by means of automated Sociometry. Or even at long last, reversal of the fatal pandemic degenerative condition known only as: aging, thus the eradication of natural death. Hence practical physical immortality called: Emortality, finally in resolution of debilitating mortal terror, "worm at the core of the human condition.".Or indeed, gentle reader, what will be the remedy to your own greatest deprived life satisfaction, and signified by what neglected stimulus appetite?3. To reiterate, a stimulus as most narrowly defined, is quite different from the content of sensation most broadly. A stimulus most narrowly, is not merely any perception or information, even however Empirical. For example, good food tempts all the senses. Marketing and advertising employ no end of stimuli associated with food. But the experience of peeling potatoes might somewhat fail to arouse, one way or the other, very much more than boredom and irritation. And the directions to the cafeteria, useful information as that might be, might not by themselves be all that stimulating at all. A stimulus arouses visceral response, especially appetites and aversions, and most especially appetites for further stimulation. We are all intrinsically motivated by appetites for social stimuli and interaction, and suffer in any deprivation thereof. We are all driven by such intrinsic social appetites, often frustrated and underserved. stimulus struggle is the perpetual striving to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of stimulation and arousal from the environment. And this includes every crucial social stimulus provided by anyone triggering and eliciting response from anyone else within the same social environment or situation, a process so desperately undermined and subverted under heteronomy in the perpetual rat race out in the endless emotional wastelands of the social minefield. A stimulus is an incident suddenly altering experience of the surrounding environment, a momentary event in any way arousing attention and interest, even thence triggering response. A stimulus so instantly draws attention to itself by such stark contrast with just prior conditions. Stimuli may be anything perceived and experienced, however reference to stimuli is generally meant in the sense more of visceral arousal rather than merely cognitive input and information. Indeed the sensation, literal or figurative, is immediately different. This applies no less for social stimuli in specific, than for stimuli in general. The most rudimentary stimulus appetite is event hunger, the craving for interesting events. Hence the most rudimentary social stimulus appetite would be social event hunger, a craving for stimulating occurrences of social interaction. There are many complex aspects of social interaction, but at the most fundamental and obvious level, social interaction remains the exchange of social stimuli and response.
4. All living beings are perpetually engaged in stimulus struggle, which, as in accordance with the Arousal Theory of Motivation, is the name coined by anthropologist Desmond Morris for the perpetual striving of all living things in what we are all doing in every conscious waking moment, being the effort to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of stimulation and arousal from the environment. Everything we do is in order to modify subjective experience thereby altering consciousness. Stimulus struggle is the perpetual striving to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of stimulation and arousal state from the environment. This applies especially to social stimuli in specific, in the same way as to stimuli in general. Hence: social stimulus struggle. Human happiness hinges upon the efficacy of stimulus struggle, particularly of social stimulus struggle, in the attainment and maintenance of optimum kind and degree of stimulation and arousal state from the (social) environment, which is the opposite of boredom (and loneliness).
5. Social engineering is a discipline in social science that refers to efforts to influence particular attitudes and social behaviors as desired in whatever target population great or small, from vast nation states to far smaller working groups and social circles. Social engineering may conceivably focus upon any different aspects of the human condition in society, with any range of objectives. In Social engineering an intentional social environment for the optimization of social stimulus struggle, first imagine cheating by just scripting actors in order to produce the intended experience, superficially. Then go deeper and commit to the World-Building in earnest, so that actors will not be required. Indeed, any behavior or interaction that may ever conceivably be scripted may be elicited by whatever situation. And tailoring whatever situation is of essence in designing social environments to satisfy hither to deprived and personally valued satisfactions in life. A stimulus is an incident suddenly altering experience of the surrounding environment, a momentary event in any way arousing attention and interest, even thence triggering response. A stimulus so instantly draws attention to itself by such stark contrast with just prior conditions. The sensation, literal or figurative, is immediately different. Circumstances and situations of wellbeing are recognizable by their correlation with optimal kind and degree of arousal. We are all intrinsically motivated by appetites for social stimuli and interaction, and suffer in any deprivation thereof. We are all driven by such intrinsic social appetites, often frustrated and underserved. Stimulus struggle is the perpetual striving to regulate, to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of stimulation and arousal from the surrounding environment. And this includes every crucial social stimulus provided by anyone triggering or eliciting response from anyone else within the same social environment. Stimulus appetite begins with incident hunger, the curiosity for momentary interesting experiences, the monads or "atoms" of any stimulus-response exchange of social interaction that is the object of social stimulus appetite in social stimulus struggle so often vastly underserved. Frustrated yearnings in social stimulus struggle may be categorized by corresponding incident hungers and kinds of events of social interaction, in Motivation Reaction Units of stimulus-response exchange, being the "molecules" as it where, of social interaction. The objective is to zero in on some discrete category of stimulus event, elementary yet pivotal towards some conceivable steady stream of interaction correlating with any unique individual life satisfaction, so often frustrated. When all else has failed, what has actually been desired all along? My own happy times, in retrospect all that meaningful or not, have been the most highly entertaining, have been times of optimal stimulus struggle and arousal state. As to the assignment of meaning, perhaps that correlates with Axiological particulars as to the nature of whatever intrinsic motivations fulfilled via the specific stimulus appetites gratified. Among other things, human happiness greatly hinges upon the success of stimulus struggle, particularly of social stimulus struggle. First of all, pleasurable wellbeing is attained during optimal stimulus struggle, particularly social stimulus struggle. Secondly, it may be that more optimal social stimulus struggle remains the true key to life, after all! More optimal social stimulus struggle heightens performance, sustained cooperation and results. More optimal social stimulus struggle is more sociable. Better sustained and more optimal social stimulus struggle is more optimal also for making connection, forging and nurturing relationships and friendship. But more optimal social stimulus struggle is more specific, focused, experiential and observable than more broadly any objective of the better meeting of needs. So understanding social stimulus appetites is important. Scarcity of any particular such gratification is what often defines personally valued life satisfactions. What's yours, gentle reader? And in these terms please, these parameters, because better identifying and understanding the structure of what we want, then may better facilitate recollection and investigation of patterns and causality of howsoever favorable occurrences, and even of reproduction at will by subversive and disruptively innovative social engineering design strategies toward reshaping and enriching the social environment in order to increase and improve any hitherto scarce life satisfaction opportunities. A stimulus is an incident suddenly altering experience of the surrounding environment, a momentary event in any way arousing attention and interest, even thence triggering response. A stimulus so instantly draws attention to itself by such stark contrast with just prior conditions. The sensation, literal or figurative, is immediately different. A social stimulus is such as occurring in the context of interaction between people. Stimulus struggle is the ongoing striving to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of stimulation and arousal, including social stimulation and engagement, from the environment, for staving off boredom and loneliness. We are all motivated by appetites for social stimuli and interaction, and suffer in any deprivation thereof. For subversive and disruptively innovative solution finding, Look for the Solution within the Problem: What are we doing all the time? We are perpetually engaged in stimulus struggle. The problem is unfulfillment: boredom and loneliness, which are best understood in terms of frustrated stimulus struggle. And the solution is fulfillment, which is stimulus struggle triumphant in gratification. The ongoing interaction constituting an ideal society, Heaven on Earth, would be a veritable engine of satisfaction. Such is our objective of design and social engineering. I can't get no -- sa-tis-fac-tion!
Transactional Analysis already deals in improvement and even optimization of the interpersonal exchange of social stimuli, of reciprocal social stimulus struggle. The therapeutic modality of Transactional Analysis seeks to remedy pathological Ulterior transactions or: headgames. And escaping or avoiding the snares and headgames of heteronomy in particular, is a matter of distinct concern in any quest for autonomy. But Transactional Analysis deals not only in the pathology of headgames replete with all manner of control and emotional blackmail or extortion. Indeed, Transactional Analysis is not only a Psychopathology but also a Positive Psychology in so far as that Transactional Analysis not only catalogues and treats headgames, but also investigate and cultivates healthy fulfilling Transaction of social stimulus exchange. Transactional Analysis is a pathology, but an implicit Applied Positive Transactional Analysis promotes forthright and desirable Transaction regardless of pathology. But just how Axiologically comprehensive is Transactional Analysis? The problem of social engineering optimization of the interpersonal exchange of social stimuli, of reciprocal social stimulus struggle, is is irreducible merely to the classification of strokes (verbal or nonverbal, conditional in response to deeds, or unconditional and even unbidden, positive "warm and fuzzy" or negative "prickly") as in Transactional Analysis, much less the Behaviorally simplistic travesty of bogus support groups. There are also Dabrowski's Five Overexcitabilities and their correspondent stimulus appetites, some of them social, just for another example by no means any more comprehensive. The exchange of social stimuli as with stimulus response most generally, may seen as comprising Motivation Reaction Units, the smallest components of cause and effect or action and reaction in the dramatic scene, even in real life drama. Which social stimuli are most important and most scarce in recollection and observation of your own experience, gentle reader? Let us then undertake identification and analysis of crucially underserved intrinsically motivating innate social stimulus appetites of the individual, so crucial because selection among various underserved individual innate social stimulus appetites, provides key focus and context for the investigation of optimally gratifying conditions even in principle. Pleasurable and meaningful memorable individual peek experiences of fulfillment, of optimized stimulus struggle, trigger or elicit in the mind, values of Eudemonia, of whatever is imagined to be best in life, happiness and even of how one might best prefer to be treated by other people. Therefore recollection of those all too rare high points of experience, opportune and desirable occurrences and circumstances of optimal gratification, is very important. For such desirable conditions once better interpreted and understood, may possibly ever be more plentifully reproduced, deliberately. And only thus from sound strategy must then follow any logistics for implementation, ever taking concrete action. Begin then, like Socrates, by asking yourself what matters most: We all routinely head online for research into all manner of individual personal and collective societal needs, taking action as citizens and consumers. Isn't it high time to apply similar due diligence in all that is actually most intrinsic to wellbeing? 1 Know thyself: A stimulus is an incident suddenly altering experience of the surrounding environment, a momentary event in any way arousing attention and interest, even thence triggering response. In the present usage, a stimulus must be more than any experience or Empirical sensory input whatsoever. Indeed, a stimulus so instantly draws attention to itself by such stark contrast with just prior conditions. The sensation, literal or figurative, is immediately different. But a stimulus that any less dramatically stimulates, is just not much of a stimulus. And stimulus struggle is the perpetual striving to regulate, to engage and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of stimulation and arousal, from the environment, for staving off boredom. And social Stimulus struggle is the ongoing striving to regulate, to engage and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of social stimulation and arousal, from the social environment, loneliness. My own happy times, in retrospect all that meaningful or not, have been the most highly entertaining, have been times of optimal stimulus struggle and arousal state. As to the assignment of meaning, perhaps that correlates with Axiological particulars as to the nature of whatever intrinsic motivations gratified via the specific stimulus appetites gratified. Circumstances and situations of wellbeing are signified and made recognizable by their correlation with optimal kind and degree of arousal. We are all intrinsically motivated by appetites for social stimuli and interaction, and suffer in any deprivation thereof. We are all driven by such intrinsic social appetites, often frustrated and underserved. There are no extrinsic reward systems that can ever fill that void. And the first step in preparation towards meeting said needs must be to express them instead of bottling them up forever unexplored. In those most famous words of Socrates: "An unexamined life is not fit to be lived by a human being." Uniquely specific controlling desires, triggering or eliciting all of the urgency and focus of stimulus struggle, are the elements of individually characteristic motivation; all manner of essential drives worthy to to ponder, discover and better understand. Any two or more people who can discuss any and all question of what even makes anything at all interesting or not, how so and why, actually begin to overcome boredom. And if only questions abstractly of the dimensions of loneliness, and also of situation, of concrete circumstances of loneliness, are at all deemed interesting enough to include in discourse, then low and behold, such articulate expression and discovery of loneliness, in any measure may even begin to alleviate said loneliness. Nevertheless, let no salve of bogus support group "sharing" ever suffice to pacify us. Rather, let fearless deliberation only whet the appetite for rigorous feasibility study and strategic planning towards action in close collaboration and even true friendship. So take time and think. Never let urgency press you into rash decisions. Even without any other or further gratification, the very engagement in struggle, just the outlet at all in and of itself, may at all be observed to help stave off the passive and helpless suffering of painful need and deprivation. Among aspects of such struggle, desire in its own right can even be pleasurable. Indeed, desire may inspire solitary intellectual exploration that is also uplifting, or better still, Dialectics together, purposeful and substantive, which therefore begins breaking loneliness. As per Maslow, when the most practicalities of basic survival needs and even comfort have been met, their may at last be resources and attention to spare upon any quest for meaning. At such juncture, perhaps among the strongest controlling desires will always be from among whatever intrinsic social stimulus hungers for human interaction. The questions at hand, of Positive Psychology and authentic wellbeing, should begin to elicit individual values, wishes and vision of Eudemonia, of the best that life can offer, interpersonally, towards interaction of optimal social stimulation.
Would you perhaps agree that in stimulus struggle, we are all driven by intrinsic social needs, motivating stimulus appetites, often frustrated and underserved?
Might you agree, further, that such intrinsic social needs are appetites for whatever most preferred personal interaction, relationship and communication individually that is therefore most highly valued?
Would you further agree that precisely such individually preferred and most highly valued personal interaction, relationship and communication are therefore significantly instrumental in the elevation of individual emotional state?
Would you agree that there are no extrinsic reward systems that can compensate and ever fill that void of deprivation and frustration? Would you agree that robust gratification of intrinsic social stimulus appetites is instrumental to authentic wellbeing?
Would you then agree that an interesting and productive first step in preparation towards better fulfillment of individual frustrated and underserved intrinsic social appetites, might be simply to express and to define such all too often frustrated stimulus appetites and needs more specifically?
But breaking away from point by point howsoever reasoned and therefore expected responses in logically leading Dialectic and instead into surprising open ended Dialectic, what if actually one at all disagrees? Answer: Then whatever else, FoolQuest.com might not appeal as suitable for you personally, gentle gentle reader.
If however, all the above is agreed, then in summation: We are all driven by intrinsic social needs, stimulus appetites, so often frustrated and underserved. And there are no extrinsic reward systems that can compensate and ever fill that void. Therefore the first step in preparation towards meeting individual frustrated and underserved intrinsic social needs, so essential to authentic wellbeing, will be simply to express and to define such all too often frustrated stimulus hungers more specifically, for whatever most preferred personal interaction, relationship and communication individually most highly valued and that therefore best elevate individual emotional state. Indeed, of course, as the saying goes, life is the journey, and not just whatever destination or achievement. And yet, Heaven is an imagined condition of plenty of whatever has been most scarce in any given life experience. And Heaven on Earth would be any thriving association wherein individual needs are routinely fulfilled rather than frustrated. In In 'The Conquest Of Happiness' 'Chapter 1: What makes people unhappy?' Bertrand Russell writes: "The typical unhappy man is one who, having been deprived in youth of some normal satisfaction, has come to value this one kind of satisfaction more than any other" But perhaps Russell is too quick to dismiss as mere fixation, whatever one's favored, most valued and cherished kind of unmet satisfaction. Instead, there might be here an important personal Axiology, relevant self-knowledge of what one craves most dearly. Can such various satisfactions be investigated and categorized and then enineered? Who says that even the most unique and particular individually treasured desire or satisfaction must by that token alone, be something completely esoteric and at best symbolic, sublimation and advertising mystique entirely irrelevant to every other howsoever more cogent and legitimate consideration? Quite the contrary, whatever unique yearning as even to inspire unusual and profound meaningful personal understanding, is often entirely relevant and crucial to all else in life. Knowing what one wants is nothing to be so blithely invalidated under whatever heteronomy. Perhaps before jumping to such dismissive posture or conclusions, further Axiological exploration may be in order after all: How well can we ever hope to understand ourselves? Who are you really, and what do you want most? Those two questions remain most broad. The investigation of any and all favorable circumstances, actual or hypothetical, is to understand and recognize opportunity as arising. In the case at hand, together to cultivate an expert knowledge and understanding regarding each our own needs and desires, the appetites driving stimulus struggle which is the ongoing striving to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of stimulation, including social stimulation, from the environment: What are any of these human needs and desires? Can they even be identified? Or must our deepest truest most Intrinsic motivations remain unknown and forever mysterious? Which from among any broadest range of social stimuli, appetites or satisfactions generally, narrowed down to anything more specific, calls out for selection as as any especially interesting focus? Which appeals to you, gentle reader? Which is your own longed for favorite but chronically deprived satisfaction? The question invites any range of conceivable answers. Select from among any favorite momentary social stimulus appetites and corresponding satisfactions even however starved and deprived over time in life, and then extrapolate: When in the imagination, one yearns for some or other most particular satisfaction and whatever corresponding specific social stimulus appetite, that singular glittering value looming so large, comes to assume all of the luster of the very key to life, expected then to unlock every other path to fulfillment in turn, like dominos falling in a row. Can any particular desire or stimulus sought for from the social environment, truly become the key to life or turning point, in any sort of upward spiral or virtuous cycle, the way one might imagine and passionately yearn for it so to be? Or are all such notions no more than irredeemable pipedream and hand waving? To be most ambitious: Which, if any, of the various intrinsically needed social stimuli in particular, best and most responsively trigger or elicit or systematically catalyze others in turn? Indeed, which, if any such needs in particular, might then be deemed most pivotal, suggesting promise as fulcrum to leverage satisfaction of the others in turn? In individual experience and processing of human interaction, which social stimulus appetites among others, when pursued and gratified, might help liberate the interaction of social stimulus struggle, individually and collectively, into any constructive trajectory towards more overall fulfillment? And how might any such a process ever possibly unfold? Just name any specific social stimulus of which there may be an individual appetite momentarily or ling term satisfaction over time: What might result in any localized milieu or social environment wherein whatever chosen particular variety of social stimuli are to be more adequately exchanged?
- Indeed, such tantalizing probortunity (problem solving opportunity) might tend to present in expanding Gestalt of multiple and varied factors in complex interrelationships comprising a greater whole irreducible merely to any sum of whatever its components. Indeed, real outcomes often result from anything more the likes of karma and confluence of circumstances, than neatly in accordance with plot, sequence and the linearity characteristic of human cognition. How then if at all, might any desired result ever be hoped to actually fall into place? Or is it all just too complicated? Undaunted, human beings have weighed whatever options and decided upon our various preferences via scenario planning however inadequately anticipating alternative possible future outcomes from past experience in the world with one another and of our own motivated reactions thereto, since the very dawning of awareness of action, reaction, cause and effect comprising Motivation Reaction Units of Social Transaction among other events as they fit into any greater and longer picture, and even of duration being: the experienced passage of time itself.
- To wit: What happens in following through even from sheer flights of fantasy into any more rigorous thought experiment and plausibility in imagining, choosing and trying out different conceivable desires and social stimuli, singularly or in combination, for their hypothetical cascade of effects? Or contrariwise, what happens by instead beginning from whatever imagined desired results, conditions or happy ending, of optimized stimulus struggle, and imagining either whatever fortunate events or any deliberate social engineering process, all in reverse, winding back the clock and working backwards towards whatever their conceivable inciting events, happenstantial or deliberate? And either way, what if any cogent Empirical observation of life might then be marshaled in evidentiary support? After all, in recollection people often do cite quite specific factors behind turning points experienced.
- To reiterate: Towards social engineering an intentional social environment for the optimization of social stimulus struggle, first imagine cheating by just scripting actors like non player characters in a videogame simulation, in order thus to produce the intended experience, superficially. Then go deeper and commit to the World-Building in earnest, so that actors will not be required. Indeed, any behavior or interaction that may ever conceivably be scripted may be elicited by whatever situation, more organically. And tailoring whatever situation is of essence in designing social environments first to arouse neglected stimulus appetites, and thence begin to satisfy hither to deprived and personally valued satisfactions in life. A possible step-by-step design procedure is elaborated in further detail in this design exercise.
- When all else has failed, what has actually been desired all along? Simplistic heteronomy to conformism, in craven manipulative exploitation of insecure helpless panic in the face of uncertainty, and in blithe anti-intellectual glorification of an unexamined life as the only straight and narrow path to belonging, assures us that everything we will ever truely need has already been provided for, worry free and without a second thought. Would this were ever actually so! Alas however, that in actuality heteronomy only functions to traumatize, atrophy and undermine all competence, mentality and opportunity for intrinsically fulfilling interaction characteristic of autonomy, obstructing intrinsically fulfilling interaction in life by producing a frustrating and debilitating social minefield with all manner of impossible and discouraging hoops to jump through. And democracy only protects and guarantees freedom of the rugged pursuit of happiness, even howsoever abandoned entirely to ones own devices. But beyond only the most theoretical freedom and the pursuit of happiness only in sheer abstract principle, the Capability Approach is an imperative to better equip and more congenially facilitate real freedom in any practical sense, howsoever as the individual has reason to see fit, towards whatever they may deem important to do or to become in the striving for intrinsically fulfilling interaction in life. And some contribution towards better facilitation of this very quest is broadly the objective for the present design exercise, a unique inquiry in Positive Psychology and strategic application towards the attainment of human flourishing by close collaboration reaching out to one another for the tools we need. And it all begins from thought experiment in the social engineering of optimized social stimulus struggle.
- 2.The next challenge is most generally as to how to put whatever we can have learned above, into practice: Because of all such all too often frustrated and underserved intrinsic social needs even as scrutinized just previously, we all therefore understand how any more suitable social environment or context for meeting said needs, indeed conceivably even at all more systematically, more readily and easily triggers, elicits and brings out ones best, when lonely determination and struggle long fail and the imposition of behavioral structure only exacerbates dystress. The point is to begin by even imagining anything better, even just for its own joy. -But also towards the maximization of every benefit, productively. Let's give it a try together!
- Therefore, the proposed next step will be engagement in convivial free exchange and close collaboration among equals, coming together in thought experiment: Thought experiment wherein each will imagine and begin designing an intentional social environment, situation or setting, optimally tailored for meeting ones own frustrated and underserved impulse hungers of intrinsic social needs. Then let us together pose questions and search for any common ground, compatibility for conceivable synthesis into a concept meeting shared or complementary needs, deliberately.
- The social engineering question to the current agenda: Picture and describe: To the extent that they are understood, how can whatever known favorable circumstances best be cultivated and even duplicated at will? How best might individuals such as ourselves together design, construct and deliberately orchestrate any way of life more conducive to all that we are all missing so? -Perhaps even some "ideal" or optimal tailor made intentional milieu (social environment) for explicit purpose of any such better responsive and optimally fulfilling interaction..
- Towards social engineering an intentional social environment for the optimization of social stimulus struggle, first imagine cheating by just scripting actors like non player characters in videogame simulation, in order thereby to produce the intended experience, superficially. Then go deeper and commit to the World-Building in earnest, so that actors will not be required. Indeed, any behavior or interaction that may ever conceivably be scripted may be elicited by whatever situation, more organically. And tailoring whatever situation is of essence in designing social environments to arouse neglected stimulus appetites and begin to satisfy hither to deprived and personally valued satisfactions in life. A possible step-by-step design procedure is elaborated in further detail in this design exercise.
- 3. If all goes well, with any specific vision of "ideal" or optimal conditions in best fulfillment of intrinsic social stimulus hungers, now at last coming into focus, general strategic questions of implementation may follow, for planning to begin in earnest. Then we might even finally begin at all knowing what to do, even somewhat generally. One thing should remain clear: Even however distantly and impersonally, far ranging influence out into the world at large is often crucial for access to vital resources and connections. But intrinsic social stimulus hungers, so often frustrated and underserved, are not addressed indirectly across however many degrees of separation in the great chain of acquaintanceship. Rather intrinsic social stimulus hungers are gratified via engagement in direct interpersonal interaction, an event more readily occurring in the social context of attachment and relationships, often fostered by participation in proximate immediate social circles most local to one's own person.
- All such typically arise by circumstance and propinquity, conceived even somewhat haphazardly. But occasionally working groups among any other intentional and purposeful collectives, are even thoughtfully crafted, tailor made, devised, recruited and organized intentionally, events are planned, and interaction even cultivated if not actually orchestrated. And to such ends as ever required or desired, from the previous numbered step, we might even dare hope to glean a better and more rounded picture or scenario of all whereof we are so deprived and missing so. Let us examine the nature and substance whereof, in whatever conceivable "ideal" or optimal conditions, situation or circumstances in any detail, ranging from the most intimate and immediate to the most broadly sweeping conditions in society. Wishing alone however, will change nothing, but just leaping into action without deliberation, is often counterproductive, running headlong into problems that should have been better anticipated and thought through beforehand as how best to accomplish any task and achieve its objective.
- Hence, the optimistically projected next social engineering questions to the current agenda, the nuts and bolts, then must concern pertinent needs assessment to the endeavor at hand
- By what implementation strategy best to bring about and then to sustain whatever such "ideal" or optimal conditions in best fulfillment of intrinsic social stimulus hungers?
- What comes first? Can it reasonably be assumed that aforesaid strategic implementation must begin most locally proximate to one's own person, indeed precisely as herein proposed, towards the forging of some intentional community: immediate intentional social circle or group of concerted deliberation and close collaboration? Or else, by what alternative strategy and for what reason at all otherwise? Indeed, as ever applicable and desirable: By what expansion and outreach, how best to organize and network however more widely out into society at large? And to what further end?
- And by what Epistemological Methodology of research, due diligence and uncompromising feasibility study, might viable answers for all the above best be discovered and then developed in order ever to be acted upon and carried out most effectively?
4. If all continues to go well, an action agenda for actually getting things done, must eventually be forged and ratified. Systematic concerted effort at ongoing research, every due diligence and continued feasibility study, will all be necessary, pursuant to further more detailed planning of specific strategic implementation, with cost, effort, difficulty and benefit projections. As tangible objectives emerge, responsibilities must be delegated and interdependent tasks devised, assigned and scheduled.
- Gentle reader, jot down any thoughts of your own and share then. I, for one, am quite interested. Because all of the above is no solitary work sheet exercise as are ubiquitous, but something more rare, an agenda for a Dialectic of strategy and feasibility study into action. So let's talk it over, together. And you might just discover that this is what actually helps, where the usual has been ineffectual and consistently fails. Care to try?
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in order to help draw others into the conversation, or else
for anything too private. Talking about FoolQuest.com anywhere else online instead, will help promotion, but then please be sure to post a backlink thereto from the
- Beware malagenda! To quote Ernest Hemingway: "Never confuse movement with action." Indeed, as Thomas Carlyle said: “Nothing is more terrible than activity without insight." A true cogent and crucial action agenda, beyond mere commotion and busy work, must be intentionally purposeful. And the purpose at hand is nothing less momentous than the satisfaction of intrinsic social needs, so key to wellbeing. And intrinsic social needs are met in social context. But not every social context satisfies. And for many people, satisfactory social context is often nowhere to be found. How then can satisfactory social context be engineered from scratch? -A process and support system for collaboration among equals, that will be not only feasible and operant, but congenial in its own right..
When all else has failed, what has actually been desired all along? Seeking answer to that question might be guided by first striving to analyze and identify underserved and frustrated intrinsic social needs. So, gentle reader: What are you missing so? Alas, exhortations to follow your bliss, are mostly lip service ringing hollow. Picturing life as we might wish it to be, we are then inevitably left to ones own devices in a world where the compliant making do are many, and the free thinking are lonely. For all but a handful of the most capable and resilient, the result is often confusion, frustration, inertia and inadequacy. This is a systematic waste of talent. It does not work because it cannot work, and this is by design. Only actual collaboration among equals, so unheard of, so taboo, can even begin building the missing web of support to afford the realistic wherewithal, transparently, to even begin doing things any differently. And it is to this end that the preceding sequentially numbered agenda points, questions and tasks, are proffered as the Dialectical core agenda of FoolQuest.com embracing the challenge of Eudemonia, for discussion and ratification, particularly towards feasibility study of different proposed possible strategies towards implementation.
- In any productive and congenial Socratic Method, all such superficially plausible but intentionally deceptive and confusing fallacious and specious reasoning and equivocation and perhaps most especially: deliberately ambiguous and presumptively damaging linguistically leading questions such as are deliberately ambiguous so that any answer can be twisted against the one who gives it, are all well out of bounds.
- The Dialectic of Socrates legitimately follows two modes, either logically leading questions in sequence, arguing and double-checking to discover error or disagreement, point by point, in rational polemical persuasion towards an intended conclusion, or else open ended questioning with no preset destination, in free exploration bringing all into question. Leading question may veer off into open ended question at any time, because of an unexpected answer or counter question. The scrutiny by leading question begins by taking any coherent step by step argument, and questioning each point, indeed rephrasing each point as an even rhetorical question. Whereas open ended questioning proceeds by raising any question, and then further questioning each answer or response in turn, in order to expose just how much we take for granted and how little we actually know. This is enlightenment by refutation. Socratic Wisdom is any grasp of the scope of ones own ignorance.
- This method of inquiry is renowned as the dialectical method: the asking of a series of interlocking and progressive logically leading questions. Step by step, by framing every each reasoned argumentative point not as an assertion, but in the form of a question seeking assent, then from forthcoming reply it will be possible for the interlocutor better to discern if the other party clearly follows or agrees. Error detection is also served along with ongoing miscommunication repair and clarification of disagreement. Also, by every inevitable deviation from script, open ended exploration ensues.
- Begin then, like Socrates, by asking yourself what matters most: We all routinely head online for research into all manner of individual personal and collective societal needs, taking action as citizens and consumers. Isn't it high time to apply similar due diligence in all that is actually most intrinsic to wellbeing?
- The preceding social engineering design exercise challenges perspicacity and triggers imagination open Dialectic in order to elicit surprising new answers and strategies. Indeed, the four agenda points of the design exercise while leading in a raft of guiding assumptions and direction, are still open ended in solicitation and cultivation of hitherto entirely undreamt of possibilities. And yet they are also contrived to pave the way, in leading Dialectical prelude, to existing proposals here on FoolQuest.com, especially Creativity Should be Social, conceived as an umbrella for much else.
So: Why aren't the preceding numbered steps of intentional social environment obvious and common practice?Answer: Because the Sheeple so willingly perceive the spectacle presented us all at face value, so blithely accepting that we are all here primarily for competent service within our rôles towards the established grand designs of heteronomy, each and all abandoned to our own devices and taking no autonomous initiative individually in personal lives lead, and never rising up together. Because we are at every turn, systematically and heteronymously propagandized into believing that cooperation is a function of subordination, all for our own good of course, and therefore quite impossible among equals. And that therefore, open resistance is futile because one way or another, autonomy must ever remain secret and solitary. Because we are misguided into priorities not our own and to the expense of intrinsic social needs and compatibility. Because social contract is perceived as something that we simply are born into, not an evolving understanding to be reached between one another in life as it is lead by us each. Because therefore we take the blame individually instead of collectively taking responsibility. It is so easy to miss the obvious because we are discouraged by subtext taboo, first of all from questioning authority or convention via thoughtful analysis and research, or secondly, by taking practical action, and most of all, especially from any autonomous and capable integration thereof. Because the entire malignant malaise of our lives as mapped out for us, is so manipulatively contrived as rationalization and obfuscation diversionary from the truth of ubiquitous norms of skilled incompetence and learned helplessness of heteronomy.In the words of George Orwell: “The main motive for 'nonattachment' is a desire to escape from the pain of living, and above all from love, which, sexual or non-sexual is hard work.” And indeed, is there anything more arduous and less playful than social life, nowadays? And as shall be seen, all, paradoxically, from such depressive dread of seriousness and focus. And as Mark R. J. Lavoie said: “Life dies inside a person when there are no others willing to befriend him.”In truth, crimestop, the bored and uninterested inhibition or taboo barring entry into salient discussion upon matters of obvious concern, can be inspired less by bad faith so much as by simple despair and sense of futility. And only to look around us, there is indeed much to despair and no end of futility. But there may also still be hope. FoolQuest.com seeks the barest beginning in rising to the challenge that lies before us in life. Therefore, in the words of Henri-Louis Bergson: "Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought!"
- Again, Spoiler alert! Gentle readers, unmet friends: You may prefer to skip the following examples for now, and instead see what you can each and/or together come up with by yourselves, anything entirely different and uninfluenced.
Planet Frolic TM in application of the present social engineering design exercise
Spoiler alert! One among different subversive and disruptively innovative proposed solutions, named: Planet Frolic, has already been drafted, to the problem as framed in the present design exercise. You might be interested to learn more about an example of a possible answer, or else you may prefer not to read any further right now, but instead wish to put it off and see what you can each and/or together come up with by yourselves, anything entirely different and uninfluenced.
One proposal in particular, among all imaginable possibilities, in order to in order to define and then satisfy the criteria advanced in the preceding design exercise is Planet Frolic. The intrinsic motivation of play is desperately underserved, especially in adult life, in the joyless and dystressful rat race of social life, and especially in recreation, as so ironically the named.
When all else has failed, what has actually been desired all along?
In answer to the present design exercise, points #1, #2 & #3, of self knowledge gleaned into general application then towards specific vision of "ideal" or optimal conditions, play, playfulnesss, among all other conceivable answers, is selected as social engineering focus of Planet Frolic, wherein it is proffered that not only is the motive of play and playfulness specifically, is indeed an intrinsic social stimulus appetite, and not just an individual characteristic or mode of expression.
This still leaves point #4, the proverbial "nuts & bolts" of crucial due diligence and action agenda perhaps in context of business planning for new venture creation (various business startup).
Planet Frolic TM is presented in full detail, in its own entry.
Creativity Should be Social in application of the present social engineering design exercise
Spoiler alert! Another proposed solution named: Creativity Should be Social, has already been drafted, to the problem as framed in the preceding design exercise. You might be interested to learn more about an example of a possible answer, or else you may prefer not to read any further right now, but instead wish to put it off and see what you can each and/or together come up with by yourselves, anything entirely different and uninfluenced.
When all else has failed, what has actually been desired all along? Another proposal in particular, among all imaginable possibilities, in order to in order to define and then satisfy the criteria advanced in the preceding design exercise is Creativity Should be Social. In answer to point #1 of the present design exercise, creativity among all other conceivable answers, is selected as social engineering focus of Creativity Should be Social, wherein it is proffered that not only is the motive of creativity in specific (and not just, say, curiosity most broadly and more aimlessly) is indeed an intrinsic social stimulus appetite, not just an individual characteristic or mode of expression. Creativity is broadly reducible to corresponding incident hunger driving Motivation Reaction Units of social stimulus-response, thus: An expression of or challenge to creativity, garners attention and exploration, a trigger then eliciting creative or analytical response, some manner of solution or modification. -elementary yet pivotal... Indeed, to quote John Cleese:
“Creativity is not a talent: it's a way of operating.”For creative solution finding remains unique among all other social aptitudes as investigated by Cultural Anthropology. This is because except for creative problem solving and solution finding, all of the social aptitudes as investigated by Cultural Anthropology are hierarchically predictive, meaning that expectations are clear, of response to any social stimulus, merely from relative hierarchical position of those involved. Such is heteronomy. Whereas creative problem solving or better still solution finding, so exceptional on Earth to the human species, so uniquely egalitarian, is observed only in such grand afterthought. But here on FoolQuest.com, the social stimulus of creativity triggering and eliciting engagement in creative exchange and solution finding collaboration, is selected as a lynchpin of autonomy and as shall be seen, also a promising replacement for the rat race, as an avenue towards better and more congenially meeting all manner of other crucial human needs.
Evoking the sociable and shared emotional transport of playfulness that is universal to all mammals, yet even at its most happily serious, interaction in creative exploration and solution finding remains the uniquely human and ebulliently infectious intelligent and egalitarian alternative to the woefully unexamined conventional social life of Homo Domesticus, the domesticated human, entirely predicated upon the all consuming heteronymous toadying aptitude of anticipation to the responses of others as even robotically predicated upon oppressive hierarchical position and distance. For such is the unrelenting jockeying of power relations between oppressors and oppressed, rather than actually relating to one another with the empathy and unguarded reciprocal psychological visibility of self aware and sociable unmet friends. Indeed, in those most famous words of Socrates: ""An unexamined life is not fit to be lived by a human being." Thus the motivation of creativity might be cultivated as catalyst or trigger for elicitation, gratification and fulfillment of a range of other intrinsic stimulus appetites, indeed a true and long sought for key to life.
subversive and disruptively innovative design strategies are herein proposed towards social engineering to reshaping and enrich the social environment in order to increase and improve hitherto all to often scarce, underserved and deprived satisfaction opportunities over time in ones life, specifically creative interaction as key gratification to any wider range of fulfillment as well. All hence in answer to points #2 & #3 of the present design exercise in social engineering, a unique intrinsically fulfilling intentional social interaction is proposed: Creativity Should be Social consisting of three specific interrelated endeavors of collaboration in creative solution finding necessarily into the intermediate and long term. Nevertheless, the exploration and development whereof are socially engineered to become creatively stimulating and thereby socially gratifying for all participants, far more immediately.
This still leaves point #4, the proverbial "nuts & bolts" of crucial due diligence and action agenda, to be accomplished.
Planning Is an application of narrative. Comprehensive well rounded plans consist of interlocking veritable short story collections replete with authentically plausible and accurate concrete specifics, with background information, even an occasional vignette, and task interdependencies, coherent meaningful, trackable, delegated and scheduled. Hence the proposed intentional immediate social circle of Creativity Should be Social is conceived of two related endeavors in collaboration, one more abstract: creative fiction writing co-authorship and imagination, and the other more concrete and entrepreneurial: that of an interdisciplinary embryonic "kitchen table" inception stage or phase think-tank, steering committee and (pre-) incubator for subversive and disruptively innovative new venture creation (various business startup) and (pre-) incubation tasked with feasibility study, implementation strategy, logistics and action agenda as per point #4 of the the present design exercise in the social engineering of optimized social stimulus struggle.
- Plus a third related endeavors in collaboration is conceived: Creativity can be Popular, a concept of a fun and painless creative strategic initiative for facilitating and improving professional and social life and networking for participants, as top priority, while secondarily meeting expanding human resource needs of the other two collaborative endeavors. The notion of Creativity can be Popular is that fun and egalitarian creative exchange and solution finding, can be cultivated a friendlier alternative in autonomy to the cult of socialization and the inherently unfriendly and demanding heteronomy and travail of jumping through hoops on the social minefield for social outreach and networking.
- Creativity Should be Social is presented in full detail in it's own section on FoolQuest.com, wherein the three proposed specific interrelated endeavors of collaboration in creative solution finding are expounded more fully. Why collaboration? Because relationship breaking the dystressful isolation of loneliness, rather than somehow culminating later on in whatever hoped for eventual pay off or extrinsic reward, arises only as a byproduct of intentionally purposeful interaction and/or intentionally substantive communication, which are the only viable beginning, not the objective. Moreover, happy people talk more seriously. Happy people thrive in autonomy, are more productive, prosperous and likely to choose creative activities, deriving fulfillment in meaningful and pleasurable engagement. Happiness comes in in the Menschlichkeit of meeting ones needs for capable interaction with even adequately responsible others, making progress every day. To wit:
When all else fails, what has actually been desired all along?Here's something new to brainstorm: It doesn't even matter, gentle reader, if neither fiction writing nor new venture creation (various business startup) in and of themselves appeal to you, notwithstanding their tremendous fascination. The point is their synergistic power of narrative in the Dialectic agenda setting of value proposition, innovation and strategy for collaboration and social support, applicable no matter ones heart's desires.
But why these two fields of collaborative endeavor in particular? Towards what positive outcome or experience? Answer: Because the pure creativity, art for art's sake, of fiction writing is versatile and accessible, while innovation, being applied creativity, is effectively advanced in business planning of new venture creation (various business startup) exploring feasibility in solution finding striving towards disruptive life changing actionable strategy and implementation. Because of the taboo synergy in bridging the abstract and the concrete, pure creativity and innovation, each richly feeding into the other. Does that power sound fun, convivial and productive to you, gentle reader?
As the saying goes: “A good friend knows all your stories. A best friend helped you create them.” And in the words of Friedrich Nietzsche: “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.” But perhaps most importantly,as John Cleese expounds: “Creativity is not a talent: it's a way of operating.”
- So many of us dream of together sharing freedom, discovery, independence and creativity. How then, in very principle, might human interaction and social life better fill its disastrously abrogated function? And by what conceivable practical implementation? And where to start? Breaking isolation must begin Dialectically, only by together setting agenda for the desperately missing and needed happily serious strategic conversation in quest of fulfillment. Much as with Transactional Analysis, if whatever prevailing mode of social interaction remains inadequate to fulfillment, some experience of any better more fulfilling mode of social interaction must must be devised, put into practice and rendered accessible. And likewise to that end, if as so often the case, wide scale reform will not be immediately feasible, then some smaller group of participants must assemble and collaborate.
- Many are the dreary conventional heteronymous alternatives one way or another deplored and condemned here on FoolQuest.com. But those who do embrace the values of autonomy and social creativity, yet for whatever reason reject flat out both fiction writing and new venture creation (various business startup), if not collaboration as such, are invited to return to and complete the design exercise in social engineering towards optimization of social stimulus struggle from whatever ones own deprived and therefore most cherished life satisfactions and whatever corresponding more immediate social stimulus appetites. What could be better to the purpose at hand, than collaborative fiction writing and new venture creation (various business startup)? What would better serve as an umbrella for whatever our objectives? Surprise me!
Or is Cryonics the answer?
Spoiler alert! A another very different approach in solution finding, not for the faint of heart, follows. You might be interested to learn more about an example of a possible answer, or else you may prefer not to read any further right now, but instead wish to put it off and see what you can each and/or together come up with by yourselves, anything entirely different and uninfluenced.
As in accordance with the Arousal Theory of Motivation, all living beings are perpetually engaged in stimulus struggle, which is the name coined by anthropologist Desmond Morris for the perpetual striving of all living things, to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of stimulation and arousal from the environment. Everything that we do is in order to modify subjective experience thereby altering consciousness. And this includes the uptake of groundbreaking new ideas such as Emortalism, a radical alteration in perspective upon the human condition.
FoolQuest.com remains the subversive website, the action salon online, of social engineering towards optimal social stimulus struggle, meaning the intentional design of social stimuli featuring in the surrounding environment, in order to more optimally engage individuals with one another. meaning the intentional selection of social stimuli featuring in the surrounding environment, in order to more optimally engage individuals with one another. But what are the key social stimuli to be situated within a social environment, most conducive to optimal social stimulus struggle? As according to experimental data in support of Terror Management Theory, how about reminders of mortality? Perhaps for best results, the key stimuli to be introduced into the surrounding environment, have to do with overt or subliminal reminders of death! But how can that be? Especially given, as shall be seen, the tremendous strife and destruction brought about in society all because of human consciousness of mortality and therefore coping lunacy of terror management .
For subversive and disruptively innovative solution finding, Look for the Solution within the Problem: According to Terror Management Theory, coping with mortality is the prime motivation behind the development of human culture, for good or ill, throughout history up until the present day. /Groundbreaking psychological experiments have revealed how constant reminders of mortality featuring within the surrounding social environment, trigger and secretly motivate all manner of antisocial hostility in society. But terror management also raises the most poignant hope, routinely bringing out not only the worst in the individual and in society alike, but also just sometimes the best in sympathy and compassion, hence presenting the germ of any remedy, finding indeed the Solution within the Problem. Secretly terrified people are readily pandered to manipulated into ganging up along lines of membership in perceived cultural collective identity and lashing out at out another and anything different, or else, especially given any germ of autonomy and democracy, the very same dystress may serve to to prompt and motivate the most inclusive constructive outreach to one another in sympathy and compassion. Hence, both our damnation and our redemption are each to be discovered in the same mortal terror. Hence Terror Management Theory offers the solution within the problem: The same reminders of mortality exploited by damages to foment such strife, can also be used to out our best together.
And one conceivable method follows:
Spoiler alert! Anther solution, to reiterate, not for the faint of heart, follows. You might be interested to learn more about an example of a possible answer, or else you may prefer not to read any further right now, but instead wish to put it off and see what you can each and/or together come up with by yourselves, anything entirely different and uninfluenced.
As in accordance with the Arousal Theory of Motivation,
all living beings are perpetually engaged in stimulus struggle, which is the name coined by anthropologist Desmond Morris for the perpetual striving of all living things, to regulate, to obtain and maintain, the optimum kind and degree of stimulation and arousal from the environment. Everything that we do is in order to modify subjective experience thereby altering consciousness.
Project Kriosgrad is a proposal advancing the notion of Integrated Recovery, an subversive and disruptively innovative solution via realization of the best potential, in that aspect of human nature under the human condition that has been named: terror management.
- When all else has failed, what has actually been desired all along?
- The terror management solution finding consistent with Emortalism is that nothing less will do than the overthrow of biological destiny and life free from the shadow of death.
- For subversive and disruptively innovative solution finding, Look for the Solution within the Problem: Organ donation and Cryonics, Neurosuspension particularly, each so squeamish on their own, can become reciprocally redeeming: Integrated Recovery is a first concept of close coordination between Cryonics, organ donation, transplant medicine and more, under the PR principle of Mitzvah Squared, a concept of healthy reciprocity in idea that organ donors well deserve Cryonic Neurosuspension and their own chance at survival in appreciation of the lives they save. Cryonic Neurosuspension thus would serve to incentivize post mortem cadaverous/organ and tissue donors, who might otherwise remain on the fence, even much as organ donors are much admired and approved of. Mitzvah Squared and Integrated Recovery will thereby also counter the widespread virulently scornful bigotry against such impiety as to defy human mortality and the will of God. Mitzvah Squared is an intentional reminder of mortality designed to elicit the will to live via the best outreach in sympathy and compassion, the benevolent bright side of terror management, instead of the destructive dark side of terror management, consisting as that does, of the worst insular judgmental bigotry, enmity, Absurd atrocity and Deathism, all from frightened refuge taken in the consolation of continuity under collective identity.
- What does the future hold? In the words of Paul Raven: “Science Fiction isn’t dying at all; it’s metastasizing!” Consider the eradication of obesity and of natural death by aging, just as hither to with Polio. It won't be the end of the world, because, as it turns out, both the eradication of obesity and the eradication of natural death by aging will each do by far more, in the immediate term, in the conservation of vast resources, than to expend any additional resources. The the cost of pandemic obesity, and the cost of aging all the more so, economically and environmentally, are each so vast. The dividend with their eradication will therefore be tremendous, and the added expense of a growing but slim, trim and youthfully healthy undying population, far less costly. What then will be the social impact? Why, we'll all be gorgeous indefinitely! What will result in terms of social stimulus struggle? And whither Cryonics? Even after the eradication of aging, which is by far the leading cause of death, Cryonics will remain desirable as the fallback in case of death by mishap from external causes. But in the here in now, the vastly unnerved need of Cryonics, like death itself, is no contingency, but an eventuality. Pending the aging cure, Cryonics still has even a far larger and more profound rôle to play, so vastly underserved, as it turns out, even more than is already obvious, in Mitzvah Squared and Integrated Recovery integral to Project Kriosgrad as proposed.
Social Technology proposals here on FoolQuest.com
If it’s free, then you are the product. Said the naughty nurse at the sperm bank. Like that’s a bad thing? Be the product! As long as there will be value in return.
Among various subversive and disruptively innovative project proposals in Social Entrepreneurship showcased here on FoolQuest.com, automated Sociometry and Project Kriosgrad are two entirely different business models nevertheless bearing in common strategy of offering transformative services to the public that urgently need to be universal and free of charge in order to function broadly as necessary in society, all at comparably negligible cost from tremendous profit potential in the range of lucrative fee and commission based service byproducts, with the empathy and deep human understanding for reframing commerce for innovation of whole new areas for growth.
Project Kriosgrad is a new business model in Cryonics, leveraging technologies set to reshape the very human condition. Automated Sociometry as proposed, remains subversive and disruptively innovative for meeting all manner of social needs and mitigating all manner social needs by means of sophisticated profiling and matching recommendations, interaction and introductions. CliqueBustersTM is a protocol of intervention specifically addressing pandemic bullying. And Planet Frolic TM is a proposal for the design and operation of an uplifting physical play space for all ages.
All the above remain embryonic first concept proposals, far from implementation, whereas, already in practice and highly successful in Israel, Rotating Moderation, in simplified Parliamentary Rules of Order and variation upon the Dialectic of Socrates, is a method for group moderation, a workshop of sorts, an outreach no less than a portable instant democratic social institution, to be implemented in planning, solution finding, decision making, education, learning, study, and other group sessions. In the here and now, Rotating Moderation, already such a disruptive innovation, may be one possible strategic solution to the challenge of outreach toward happiness to be found in autonomy and capability as brought to bear amid serious conversation and collaboration among equals meeting individual and communal needs for capable interaction and agenda setting with even adequately responsible others, in true spirit of friendship and honesty, making progress every day as a real mensch.
Important variant and more indirect approaches to the optimization of stimulus struggle are also showcased and explored here on FoolQuest.com Situationism and Psychogeography are theories of stimulus in human civilization, for good or ill, in terms of physical surroundings automated Sociometry remains an embryonic first concept stage proposal of optimized social stimulus struggle and more, via sophisticated computerized personality profiling and matching for compatibility in the forging of relationships and extended social circles. But already in practice with notable success in Israel, Rotating Moderation, in simplified Parliamentary Rules of Order and variation upon the Dialectic of Socrates, is a method for group moderation, a workshop of sorts, an outreach no less than a portable instant democratic social institution, to be implemented in planning, solution finding, decision making, education, learning, study, and other group sessions.
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