With the ambition of new venture creation and expansion all from scratch, the FoolQuest.com pre-incubator begins in seeking out to bring together aspiring entrepreneurs and activists for brainstorming new ideas and developing all manner of promising notions, from embryonic first concepts, through business planning and qualified Management Team recruitment, all the way to implementation. Futurists, aspiring Activists and Entrepreneurs, this index of way, way "outside the box" project proposals may pique your interest, not only in cutting edge Technological and Social Entrepreneurship but also alternative Grass Roots Politics, bully-proofing strategies, and so much more!
There is even an application form for those seeking participation opportunity to help get things off the ground, or else/also (fair is fair, after all...), reciprocally, to solicit my collaboration in whatever your own vision.
Indeed, much of the collaborative effort showcased on this site has been initiated from the proposals of others. So, don't be shy!
workshop serves several more related purposes, as a gateway to a selection of
open ongoing collaborative fiction writing projects with linked message posting
forums for your input. However, these are not the usual silly add-on stories, but
an invitation to participate in genuinely
and writing and extensively rewriting real quality fiction, seriously.
Also included are extensive resources, both Onsite and linked Offsite, for fiction writing, both main stream and Science Fiction, beginning with the fundamentals, and also guides to collaboration, creativity, brainstorming, problem solving and decision making, also generally omni-purpose to real world issues and problems and not only as applies to creative fiction writing in specific.
As such, all the above serves, also, both as the syllabus for a free open Online ongoing workshop, and as my standing public application as prospective writing partner, creative consultant and group coordinator.
Philosophical miscellanea:
Copyright 2003 - 2012 by Aaron Agassi