It's probably clear enough whatever slanders and schemes they want kept secret from me! But what precisely might they have in store for you? We really must compare notes! Let it be our secret...
“If you tell the truth, sooner or later you'll be found out.” — Oscar Wilde
Personally, whether it's been the usual
cyberstalkers hounding me from one forum to the next, or the
picking on me as the newbie, I have long wearied of
stone-deaf monologic malicious
flamers endlessly
repeating themselves in their intrusive provocations and often even dangerous
convoluted contortions of the truth.
And so, as my own concise personal Transactional Antithesis to flaming, in case of relational bullying against me, particularly any defamation too damaging simply to let stand, I maintain this my own personal FAQ of rebuttal, an attempt at appropriate response to typical online virulence, for quick citation of appropriately selected entries by hyperlink with bookmark, instead of becoming drawn and embroiled into the irksome futility of endlessly repeating myself in response.Amusingly, brave as ever they remain behind my back, this strategy of response tends to piss blatant flamers off, and they have never again confronted me so directly since then, with such virulent personal attack! |
A. Yes.
![]() |
Flamers are hostile, repetitive and eventually therefore predictable and somewhat thick, the more so when they are being clever. Flamers cannot be corrected, because they have no interest in accurate information or truth, let alone fairness. Indeed, by the word 'comedy' they only denote: sheer abusive Sadism. The questions, such as they are, as are typically raised by flamers only reflect such a distorted worldview that even straight answers thereto must inexorably come plummeting down the rabbit hole, even in most candid statement of the obvious! |
No, I present hopefully viable
proposals, with
little in the way of claims so far.
A. At least acknowledge me as an honest failure. And one remains a failure until one succeeds. Thus, the condemnation amounts to a paralytic blanket criticism that no undertaking what so ever could ever meet. Should one therefore never strive or risk at all, much less persevere? How then would one ever hope to succeed? I could be worse, a quitter. And there's regret.
A. Inadequacy is well known to be proportional to the gap between one's current situation or circumstances plus power to alter said, and one's desires. And so, manifestly, tautologically, all frustration is inadequacy to situational and circumstances. And frustration is all too common in life. Counter question: But why press the issue?
Q You are smelly and obnoxious! A. What an altruistic public service in disseminating such vital and objective certainty. Who knows: Someone might run into me on a day when their sinuses are all stuffed up, and never realize how smelly I am without you to tell them so! Likewise, some unwary soul, perhaps roaring drunk, in a cheerful mood, or merely happy by disposition, might even have a really great time keeping company with me, and so vitally need you to alert them as to how obnoxious I am! Everyone needs to know how great and wonderful you are for defaming, hounding and harassing the likes of me! Bravo.
A. All guaranteed! Click here.
Q. Are you marketing some get rich scheme? A. No. Quite the contrary, I am seeking to take a dedicated and serious approach to challenging and difficult aspirations, in hopes of receiving any serious response and sustaining in depth discussion and building some salient agenda. Far from quick and easy. This is not a short attention span website. For that, look elsewhere.
Do you seek to profit by cult recruiting? In any case, I advance no dogmatic articles of faith. Neither do I coerce nor beguile anyone. Every assertion or conjecture of mine remains entirely open to the rational scrutiny, logical internal consistency thinking them through for oneself or to discuss with me civilly and seriously, real world observation and experimentation that anyone one may ever care to try, all to stand or fall on their own merits. Hence, Ad Hominem accusation remains malignant, evasive and entirely irrelevant as ever.
Q. Are you a SPAMMER? A. Only by the
most unreasonable and deliberately deceptive definitions of
Q. Then: Why do you respond to so many message posting board threads by pimping your website? A. Should one undertake the bother to check for oneself, it might be discovered how all my hyperlinks in messages posted online, be they to my own pages or citations elsewhere, are each and all strictly topic pertinent. In other words, being stated or suggested that an article hyperlinked howsoever answers whatever question or discourse at hand, discussion of said hyperlinked article becomes implicit. For among other things, FoolQuest.com serves as my personal FAQ and resource toolbox, under continual revision, which I and sometimes others, too! reference freely as many of the same topics and questions, however silly or however fundamental and important, frequently arise again and again, however seriously or however halfbaked. Indeed, there is nothing to scorn as impersonal in the effort that I invest. Quite to the contrary! I simply prefer to utilize recurrent themes of online discussion as opportunity for ongoing correction and improvement to refine each my own FoolQuest.com entries thereupon, and also to better focus upon anything fresh, new and interesting to me as may arise, rather than just repeating myself haphazardly in some callow pretence of spontaneity. Indeed, appealing to Kant's categorical imperative, consider: if more people similarly cultivated and referenced personal notebooks when posting to electronic forums, would that lower or actually raise the level of discourse online?
Q. Is any one page contrived to appear as one thing actually no more that a devious and manipulative lead-in for the covert agenda of another part of the site entirely? A. Do you mean, have I frequently associated one idea with another, discussed the relationship, expounded synergy and then reciprocally reference linked the different topics? Wow! You've caught me, Sherlock!
Q. Are you trying to scam free labor? A. More like I am volunteering free labor of my own, as I often assume the risk of assisting others in development and pursuit of their proposals (and not just my own), on spec., even hard work and long hours without demanding up front fees. True collaboration is a matter of reciprocity. But if this is unsuitable, the matter is negotiable and I might possibly be persuaded and retained to simply charge money.
A. First of all, there has to be some hoped for return to justify the expense and make the proposition viable. And so, presumably this would be for something definitive in advancing my aspirations, and not just any or every sort of services rendered. No single piece of the puzzle is useful without the rest of the picture. It is disastrous to find oneself trapped in the middle, undercapitalized, with no resources remaining to stay the course and ever reach profitability.
Thus, any fee based business model would on actuality go beyond the simple and ordinary purchase transaction of goods and services as a consumer, and somewhat surreptitiously cast me in the rôle, for all intents and purposes, of Venture Capitalist, investing whatever cash I can lay hands on in order to pay anyone else's consultant fees (or whatever) so as to eventually achieve my own hoped for end results. Hence, to evaluate the proposition properly as an investment, I would absolutely require, first, to see a business plan, including cost and revenue and man hours projection and schedules, assumptions, all human resource needs, both in terms of qualification and temperament, etc. Otherwise, just forget it! Moreover, I make no promises nor do I in any way encourage such solicitations. And as for any model of collaboration or participation that turns out to suspiciously resemble Amway style MLM Network Marketing Pyramid schemes, there are plenty of openings for commissioned Sales Reps without actually paying for the "opportunity", indeed boasting all manner of promises and incentives for persistence at door to door or telemarketing or whatever soul destroying sales drudgery, the least of which being to cover reasonable expenses rather than saddling the unwitting, even if there are no wages and only sales commissions. And, no, not me, not interested. I'd go Postal very quickly!
Q. Blah, blah, blah! Won't you only put off any intended audience off with such strident tone and egotistical exhibition of all them high falutin' big wurds and overblown FX gimmickry? A. No.
A. How many deliberate obscurantists of your acquaintance, actually invite collaborative miscommunication repair?
A. Expressing yourself as a true scientific rationalist, a patient and practiced adherent to honest dignified criticism, in order to better help me understand, can you cite, in context objectively and without nasty evasive ridicule, any alleged pseudoscience on my part, and cogently explain how and why the former qualifies indeed as pseudoscience?
Q. Are you bigoted against Paranormalists? A. I don't have a problem merely with outré viewpoints, but, and decidedly, with flagrant Anti-Rationalism. Whereas, on the TV shows, even the UFO abductee characters, however haunted, are still basically reasonable, and accept full responsibility to try to persuade others with whatever the best evidence available, contra-wise, real life true believers are all too oft just the opposite in temperament, endlessly bullying and demanding of others to agree with them as if their due, or at least to abide in tactful silence. And just such a lack of judgment, honesty and self assertion, even if it seems convenient to consensus building and cohesion, is, nevertheless, actually quite counter productive to investigation, creativity, real trust building, problem solving and effective collaboration.
Q. Do you not see that you must not be so mean as to speak so harshly? A. Please always do me the great service as to clearly and precisely set me straight as to any statement of mine ever being untrue or in any way unjust or unwarranted, and to discuss it with me in a lucid, reasonable, rational and dispassionately flameless manner, so that I may know and amend.
Q. Why should I? Is it not enough that you might ever hurt anybody's feelings? A. No, it is not, for such cannot be my sole concern whatsoever. Pity-playing emotional blackmail, peer pressure and agitation are simply no way to appeal to my sympathies.
Q. How do you answer for being such an irredeemably bad person? A. I try not to.
Q. How do you answer for being such an irredeemably bad person? A. In iambic pentameter!
Q. How do you answer for being such an irredeemably bad person? A. By ungratefully casting your tender concern back in your face, even as you weep for my soul... !
Q. How do you answer for being such an irredeemably bad person? A. μῦ! (null and void - so fuck off already!)
Q. How do you answer for being such an irredeemably bad person?
You online bullies and trolls flame on and on, endlessly, hearing nothing and saying nothing, except repetitiously spewing empty the same endless hostility to intimidate others, manipulatively and divisively, the bad driving out the good. If you must insist on making things ugly and personal, and are so plainly not interested in anything anyone else has to contribute and refuse to take things in their intended spirit, neither to offer any help, participation, input, discourse, support, pertinent critique nor cogent debate, then just move along, move along, move along, there is nothing here for you to see here, move along, move along...
Q. How do you answer for being such an irredeemably bad person? A. How do you answer for being such an irredeemably bad person? Q. Stop mimicking me! A. Stop mimicking me! Q. You! A. You!
Q. Who's side should one believe? Your detractors often portray you as a pest or a creep of some sort, ultimately driven off merely by your own fault, while you stand by your own allegation of conniving social exclusion, slander, discriminatory defamation and harassment, dismissing their narrative as sheer self serving. Clearly, someone is lying, but who? A. I can only recount, upon request, to the best of my own knowledge both Empirically and from second hand from others, any of the decidedly calculated dirty tricks and ambush outright, that I have been subjected to even whist entirely minding my own business, and about being consistently stonewalled when I come forward demanding explanation or offering to try to work things out.
Q. Thou lascivious fiend, canst thou not perceive that we are the true champions of virtue, and not merely an underhanded noisy gaggle of self-serving cockblockers? A. Talk about the foxes guarding the chicken coop!
A. If the matter is so important to you, you stupid coward, then the question should be why you have nothing intelligent to contribute, one way or another, on such a burning issue.
Q. Aren't your highfalutin proposed new business models in application of future interaction on the frontiers of ever more advanced automated Sociometry really just all about the sex? A. Indeed, Sigmund Freud said: "Sex is everything."
A. The French for word for labor is 'travail,' literally, suffering. And that, alas, about sums it up, even today, for far to many people. Sloth, then, becomes fairly easy to understand. And if anyone still needs an explanation as to lechery, surely that is a question you should have asked your parents by now! And for fear that I be even remotely so foolish as incorrigible gossips care to make me out, then quick! Run and hide! It might be catching! After all, the only folks who'd ever vouch for me at all, have been unduly influenced by personal experience and direct interaction. And we all know how thinking for oneself will only lead one astray from consensus. But for the record, no, debt is not my paradigm of preference, here. Excepting in so far as I hold that we are all entitled to the pursuit, if, indeed, not any guarantee of attainment, of happiness, peaceably, equal in rights, unmolested, free from bullying and harassment, and beyond this, that anyone may somehow freely shoulder responsibility and initiative striving each in our own way, to help bring about real progress, doing well by doing good, such ongoing improvements to any kind of democratic free market society as will make connections to all that is good in life (hot dates, dream jobs, shared interests, complementary skill sets, helpful connections and much, much more) better accessible to each individual, and better fulfill those strivings which are not only our cherished rights, but the only meaningful sign of life. The beneficial competitiveness of creativity and growth in free markets and societies is generally preferable to the sly, sleazy vampiric and anticompetitive exclusivity of those who quickly slam shut behind them every door that ever was pried open in their own desperate ascension.
Now, why would anyone be against people to aspire and persist, ever doing, being and becoming better, hmm... ? Indeed, just who is it, what Sophomoric malign ubiquitous puerile self anointed gatekeepers, holding themselves so high above their fellow human beings, to judge each of us our worth and worthiness for private happiness or even hope itself? By contrast, what have I ever espoused, save in the hope in progress beneficial to all?
Q. Aren't feelings of persecution by others merely the standard paranoid excuse for personal inadequacy? A. Isn't victim blaming, the castigation of the target of abuse the standard excuse for persecution? Q. There you go again, complaining! A. Oh, pother!
Q. What, yet more of your manifesto-like drivel about bullies in collusion? Are you a Paranoid Conspiracy Theorist?
Q. Put up or shut up! All you proffer are vague generalities!
Q. But is not all nonphysical bullying merely harassment categorically no more than psychological warfare best thwarted and transcended simply by ignoring and blissfully tuning it all out? And aren't cliques exercising constitutionally protected freedom of association, with no wider detrimental impact upon social connectivity to anyone singled out, but hurtful only to those who pathetically pine for their friendship? And isn't bullying after all no more than an individual misbehavior? A. Indeed, exactly as gossip is never anything more onerous nor devious than perfectly innocent freedom of speech, the crucial information of reputation being reliably indispensable in the evaluation of suitability in prospective transactions with strangers, peer pressure being normatively valuable to successful socialization, while abuse of power is entirely another question. --Or a rite of passage, I forget! If it ain't broke, don't fix it! After all, what is so-called "relational bullying" but just another needless pseudo-sociological buzzword? Problem, what problem?
Aside from driving home my point, my intention is to validate the righteous indignation of those who have suffered and been discounted. But yes, distortion of my intentions being ongoing as it clearly is, and the hostility clearly triggered, indeed, who knows what anyone is likely to do or to rationalize? So, yes, a worrisome consideration indeed. Nevertheless, I also remain hopeful that the
options (yes!) in the alternatives both to passive endurance on the one hand and to
erupting violence on the other, that
Q. And what is all that dorky 'Star Trek' crap? A. There's nothing wrong with 'Star Trek' except bad writing. And little ever right about 'Star Trek' that didn't begin from good writing. And if one doesn't care for like 'Star Trek' then one may still brainstorm any of the other subject matter in the fiction writing sections.
Q. "Your pages make my computer act funny!" A. The complainant of the above then refused to elaborate and became increasingly hostile.
Q. But I cannot navigate your frames pages because your buttons are so Esthetically displeasing!
Rather, let the Esthetics of Webdesign be best considered in context. (Note: I couldn't make this one up if I tried. But that was all I was able to dig out of them!)
Q. Why will you not accommodate us? A. Be nice to me! You first!
Copyright Aaron Agassi 2002-2021 updated October 2003
Vlad Tepes was soft on liars!