The following is a proposal. No promises or guarantees are expressed or implied. Only assessments and goals. All statements made here in must stand or fall on their own merits, and are presented to aid in the formulation, for each reader, of an opinion of their own, freely expressible.
In so far as this document expresses objectives that we are committed to, it still, however, represents no binding commitments to anyone else. Any existent or future contracts and guarantees what so ever are simply not dealt with here in, and are or will be a matter for entirely separate documentation.
In so far as this document constitutes a prediction or prognosis, it is our best effort. But this document is not a promise by anyone to anyone else. Only the prospect in and of it self may be deemed promising. Such is hoped.
A serious problem is that Media needs promotion and a market testing methodology to be valuable, and consumers find it difficult to differentiate between websites and find Media Content to match their tastes and interests so that Content Creators can market their works to distributors.
Technology for interaction on the frontiers of automated Sociometry will better enable Media Content creators, distributors, investors, and entertainment-seeking Internet users to exchange value Online, to market-test film, TV, video, and music pilots by releasing them Online. Customers purchasing whatever equity in a venture will become small investors, owning fractional units, by the purchase, in advance, of a finished viewing of the completed work, either by broadband Online, or at screened at a local Venue franchise.Members will also have Online access to see weekly video coverage of production, interviews, and interact with the Content Creators and Talent. And if a project ever exceeds a certain minimum profit margin, the members, as small investors, will receive dividends. Media ventures may even go public.
Another tie in to
further help integrate Marketing and Promotion with Development, will be
Online writing
Market testing on
the frontiers of
Sociometry generate
data for the analysis market interests and customer preferences. Members
will also generated good word of mouth by using
technological tools.
The market-selected
works will be released online directly to broadband customers, and the
traditional rights will be sold or leased to distributors domestically and
worldwide for box office, video, and cable/satellite dish/networks. Also
merchandising, cross-promotion, product placement and other tie-ins.
Existing (?) competition:
There is a start-up by the name of FILMTHEM.com
that has filed an abstract
on venturevortex.com