USS Anfortas
'Star Trek: The Ship of Fools' 'My Name Is Mudd' by Walt Chmara, as revised by Aaron Agassi This original derivation from the undated intellectual property of Walt Chimara is Copyright 2000 - 2005 by Aaron Agassi, and serves as a demo for utilization of the characters and background of 'Star Trek: The Ship of fools' (as established in 'On a Cruel Sea' the introductory six part mini-series outline) for the enrichment of your own 'Star Trek' fanfic.
Synopsis: USS Anfortas, traveling back in time, must save Harry Mudd from an untimely death, thus assuring that one of their own bridge officers never exists! Walt Chmara wrote the original story as part of his 'Timeship Atlantis' series. I liked it so much, that I stole it, to adapt (and perhaps even improve) as a 'Star Trek: The Ship of Fools' adventure.
find the original version at
http://trekfanfiction.net/fanfic.php?f=00000000329 or
as archived with the Timeship
Atlantis tales at