Silly Billy, Modulus Fashion Lab fetish
fashion designer, says:
"Party down with buxom Playboy Playmate Tammi Ellynmarler at Cannes !"
Silly Billy's outrageous Publicity
Stunt for the Cannes Film Festival!
Playboy Playmate and actress Tammi
Ellynmarler http://wilkeyphoto.com/tammi/default.htm
is off to the Cannes Film Festival IN May
, cast
against type to portray The Unknown Model, in an outrageous
Publicity Stunt Happening to promote Silly Billy's Modulus
Fashion Lab TM http://www.billy.nu/
fetish fashion on the photo frenzied topless Rivera beaches!
As the unsuspecting porno starlet beach bunnies all parade
topless for photo opportunities on the beach, our Tammi will
mount an hilarious improvisational guerilla performance art
parody ambush, clad head to toe in a Modulus
custom spandex Rose
Body Suit with thong, wig, glasses, and
fluorescent shocking pink faux
Let's see who garners more press!
Party down with Playboy Playmate Tammi Ellynmarler, at
Cannes !
Yes, it's hard work on the sunny Rivera beaches mocking big time
porno chicks before those manic media shutter bugs, but Tammi's
evenings remain free! And the vivacious Playboy Girls of South
Beach sensation has got to be seen, and people to meet! And for
that, she needs to crash those all important Film Industry
parties at the Cannes
Film Festival !
Yes, gorgeous Tammi needs your help!
So, if you have wrangled an invite to any of those all important
industry parties, then you could make the scene with our favorite
Playboy Playmate on your arm! Go ahead and invite Tammi to
accompany you.
She might just say: Yes!
Contact info:
Silly Billy, fetish fashion designer, the Modulus Fashion Lab
Position open for documentary film maker(s) to cover our Tammi's antics!
c/o Crazed Guerilla publicist, Aaron Agassi
Check out all the myriad wild projects on http://www.FoolQuest.com
Cannes party invitations to:
Playboy Playmate Tammi Ellynmarler, A.K.A. the Unknown Model:
Available for photo and runway modelling