Genre: Tentacle Hentai Nunsploitation Tag line: A friskier date movie! / Appalling: Everyone will want to see it!
Note: Our feature presentation: 'Vampirella: the Redeemer' is preceded by our short subject: 'Pedo Panic'
Teaser: Triennia Robins finishes her initial sketch of Vampirella according to the description supplied by Jim Warren, and hands it to him. In return, Warren passes her the telephone receiver, for her to explain to none other than Frank Frazetta on the other end. Cut to: As his Mom clucks disapprovingly, an adolescent male discovers the premier issue of 'Vampirella' on the news stand comics rack. As the lad sucks back a sudden nose need, the camera zooms in to the cover art work then coming to vibrant life! A montage follows, of black and white classic Jose Gonzales Vampirella comics pages, super imposed over Jose Gonzalez himself at the easel, working with a model for Vampirella, of whom he is plainly enamored, transitioning into the opening credits sequence, striking up the 'Vampirella' theme:
[For tenor or baritone, except for the second verse refrain for alto or even soprano choral]
Cut to: Establishing shot of Castle Amfortas, 'the Whispering Castle', in Transylvania.
Inside a chapel, a woman costumed as Vampirella, is shot death with an arrow. The chapel is part of the castle. Outside in the graveyard of the Whispering Vastle, a priest, Adam Van Helsing, and a nun, Abrial, are performing crime scene investigation on a skeleton also costumed as Vampirella.
Adam and Abrial enter the chapel to examine the gruesome freshly impaled bodies, as others bear witness, all realizing that this carnage has taken place only momentarily and right under their very noses. "Costume notwithstanding" declares Adam in relief, "She's not Vampirella. None of them are. I think that they are or were the Vampirellas, admirers of Vampirella seeking to tap into her power in order help them to stem the Rising Darkness. Dracula resents them, laying claim to Vampirella all to himself." "But why then are we ourselves all still alive?" "To drive home the point."
Meanwhile, in the town across the lake from the Whispering Castle, Biker Bitch, the Captain of the Guard, wasting no time, arrives, careening in and screeching her car to a halt, and takes a high vantage point surveying the lake, acquiring her target, a waiting a row boat aproacvhing the shore.
... Where Tiffany is summarily captured, paraded about, and subject to erotic public humiliation.
... Eventually Tiffany is brought to Biker Bitch, waiting with a fetching change of atire. Tiffany clenches up in fright! "I have an assignment for you and that formidable love-muscle of yours, actually vital national security" announces Biker Bitch, hand cuffing and then ramming helpless Tiffany, then deftly dethatching the brutal strap-on, adding a quick smack to the buttocks, as Biker pitch tosses Tiffany, stripped naked, into the trunk the unmarked sports car: "Keep this sacred relic lingam, in safe keeping for the Fisher King, and tell no one, my treasure buried in yours."
Meanwhile, throughout the village, the roundup proceeds smoothly...
As the guards are notorious for playing favorites, some guests arrive at the Whispering Castle more comfortably than others.
To Tiffany's astonishment, the trunk pops open, for a terrified young girl, naked bound and gagged, to be thrown in with Tiffany. Her hair smells of lilacs. Biker Bitch explains to one of her subordinate guards: As planned, Tiffany, knowing that they'd never get far together, forgoes what would be for her by herself an easy escape, rather than abandon the poor girl.
Tiffany, winded, grovels naked on the grass in the graveyard of the Whispering Castle, captive of His Royal Majesty Amfortas, the Fisher King. They struggle, sweating and breathless.
"Remember after that little mishap of yours, getting up on the wrong side of bed?"
Amfortas thrusts and withdraws, trailing lubrication out to irrigate Tiffany's sphincter pulsing in quivering anticipation, before plunging in anew. Winded and rasping, short only of passing out, struggling Tiffany protests: "I know that you can feel the ill wind rising, Milord. Let's all make ourselves scarce while the getting is still good!"
"I know just how to shut you up. Mind your breathing. You'll know when I'm about to cum, when I jam it right down your throat. Swallow every drop, bitch!" So saying, her caresses her throat, with practiced dexterity, while holding her nose as he thrusts. But suddenly, Amfortas, wracked with spasm, remains unable to ejaculate. By dint of will he slaps Tiffany in the face, startling her into opening her jaw in order to remove the ring gag. Two housemaids look on, intently eating cherries, spitting out the pits, and then presenting the Cherie stems tied in knots, on the tips of their tongues. But by then Amfortas is apoplectic, lying helpless and tumescent. "Lick your lips!" he demands. "Then say: yummy!" demands the Fisher King, withdrawing the ring gag. "Yummy!" declares Tiffany, inching over to stricken Amfortas, with a feather light flick of her tongue to the royal member, followed by a puff of breath, before swallowing whole. A nurse standing by video taping and taking notes, observes: "He's only getting worse." The two house maids, also still observing, practice Tiffany's agile tongue contortions most studiously. "You could just try kissing me." whispers Tiffany, hoarsely. "You won't" answers the king. "But you can try." "You where more pleasing silent!" roars Anfortas, reapplying the ring gag.
Cut to: Inside the Whispering Castle, Karma, The Queen, is jubilant: "Oh Tiffany, thank the Good Lord and praise be to Sweet Jesus, for your safe return and recovery, our precious Tiffany!"
Meanwhile, a strangely cobra cowled enormous boa constrictor, Leong Naja, coils down from the chandelier above, to whisper in the ear of Amphortas, who nodding thoughtfully, orders a lockdown of the castle, and for his children to be sent away to safety. "I shall assemble the retinue for travel, Majesty!" barks the captain of the guard. Just then, Tiffany on the floor, bolt up in to a sitting position, the coins falling off from her eyes, declaring: "No, in secret and incognito! " Replies Ledonh Naga: "Itsy is already long gone. How many time have we already played this out before? Quick get that accursed laptop into the mail and advance the plot!"
Cut to: Framed
publicity posters on the wall in the
dark and empty waiting room of the
locked Styx Media offices, touting: 'Vampirella's
Cavalcade of Taboo'. A poster of the
Amazing Pendragon and his lovely
assistant, Vampirella, has recently been
thumbtacked onto the inside of the
office door. Whereas the walls of the
more private back office, are festooned
with pictures and blueprints of the
Whispering Castle. But oil portraits of
Cousins Creepy And Eerie hang in places
of honor. A crumpled photo page of the
Crypt Keeper is taped over the dart
board on the door.
No sooner returning to the gloomy Styx Media office suite, boots and jewelry in hand, then a delivery boy, finding the door ajar, enters: "Is Ms. Vampirella here?" "Who wants to know?" answers Vampirella, out from the gloom, disguising her voice, basso profondo. "I have a package delivery. Please take it!" pleads the delivery boy, tremulously.
Vampirella then turns discretely to adjust the straps, swapping coverage over her breasts and tossing back her flowing raven tresses to reveal the signature little starched white collar, slips on her jewelry and jumps into her boots.
But striking a
pose draping her hand so as to obscure
the absence of the little yellow bat
emblem emblem at the plunging crotch of
her crimson loin strap, from wearing the
outfit inside out, then Vampirella
notices the roughness of protruding
stubble. "Yuck, five o'clock shadow."
mutters Vampirella to herself, quickly
dry shaving herself smooth with a flick
of her long enamel red razor-sharp
nails, in the process revealing a
glimpse beneath the scanty coverage:
Yes, under the yellow bat emblem, a rema Only then does Vampirella turn again, with flourish, presenting herself anew. But the delivery boy remains somewhat confused and conflicted. Quickly, Vamirella runs a drop of the fluid from the vial, onto her hand and over her scalp, willing her disheveled tresses into a flowing tapered main. The delivery boy is then greatly relieved. "Thank Heavens it's you! Sign here." Trembling, the delivery boy proffers the smoking half size laptop with a clipboard and quill for Vampirella to sign for it. But the quill is dry, and no ink well has been proffered. Understanding immediately, Vampirella jabs the quill into her own palm, signing in blood. The delivery boy winces apologetically, dutifully presenting Vampirella with a literal invitation on a silver platter. As Pendragon arrives, he is quite pleased to see the silver platter remaining behind on a little flower stand, as the delivery boy, duty done, beats a hasty retreat.
Cut to: Emmette, Emme, Ette, or: Itsy, now a young school girl sits at her desk in class. Flashing back, Itsy broods upon her shameful terrified helpless violation, encircled by powerful constraining tentacles winding up beneath the little pleated skirt of her school uniform!
Distracted, queasy and doodling crude and disturbing depictions of Vampirella and tableaus of grasping tentacled attacks, Itsy becomes sick and lets loose with gut wrenching coughing, as, to the consternation of the schoolmarm and the sneering disgust and reprobation of her classmates, a weird grub like mass of squirming tentacles emerges from her body, dropping out from beneath the little pleated skirt of her school uniform, the one that Vampi loved to borrow when she posed for Itsy to draw her.
Cut to: a discrete and private space within a larger structure. Weeping and cries of pain and the percussion of the lash, echo from somewhere just beyond. "I have always adored the legend of our order, Adam van Helsing. It holds a special place for me, I can relate." "Indeed?" "Sometimes I even dare imagine that my own kind might have been the Imps of our legend. The depth of the Earth are our natural abode, yet my kind like the legendary Imps, find ourselves drawn to the human world under the sky." "But you were pure. I am ashamed to admit that we moral men and women were your corruptors." "Nevertheless, Paladin Commander, we are a quick study. We are apt pupils of your human condition. That is our nature innately, so do not be too quick to paint us all as entirely naïve sweet jelly." "I wouldn't dream of it!"
"For that matter, like the Imps corrupting yet exalting the Matriarch and her Brides of Christ, we too are changeable and androgynous when that amuses us." "I take your thrust!!!" "Thus endeth the lesson: Beware, the enemy is wily and beguiling." admonished the slime mold. "I must return to the Whispering Castle before I am missed." And with that, the slime girl collapses into an amorphous blob, seeping out through the plaster between the stones in the wall. So, why did she bother to dress again, first? The evening gown and high heels lies in a bubbling puddle on the stone floor, the scent of her perfume mixing with that of her own natural mildew. Adam sneezes, violently!
Just beyond the discrete antechamber, Itsy and several of her classmates are getting caned en mass, lined in a row. Says one to the other: "I don't see why we should suffer for her sake! What have we done?" "Shut up. What has she done in the first place? Hasn't she suffered enough?" "Well, I guess this is better than honor killing." Grumbles another. Interjects an older girl: "The Fisher King is debauched, arrogant, and baits the Nospheratu."
This remark clearly upsets Itsy. The older girl continues: "Something must be done. This time, I mean it. Come first light, I'm off to take up vows with the Leather Nuns, if only they'll have me. Then I will be exempt from corporeal punishment."
"Our exemption from chastity and mortification is not meant as an incentive. You'll be honor bound, for life and limb, to heed the call and take up arms against the forces of darkness!"
"Jeopardy and hardship with purpose, at least, instead of petty suffering with no point. So who's with me?" "Brave talk from pink bottoms!" the on looking Mother Superior of the Leather Nuns mocks them. But the Mother Superior's attention is divided, focused also upon the visiting Reverend Mother who leads the Leather Nuns is the ceremonial blessing of their new Paladin Commander, Adam van Helsing.
"Don't be so quick to exchange your little burdens for an ongoing suicide mission." adds the Reverend Mother "The Mother Superior bestows upon you God's mercy. Discipline is love! You must learn faith and obedience." Cries out Itsy: "Prophesy is nigh: Vampirella the redeemer is coming to penetrate the Whispering Castle and vanquish the Great Perverited Cephalopod! Ow! Ow! Owwww!!!"
"Stop!" commands the Reverend Mother. And there is an immediate halt in corporeal punishment. "Confession is good for the soul: Truthfully, why are they being so strict with you, girl?" "Second offense at least, as they see it." admits Itsy. "Oh?"
To the astonished amusement of the Reverend Mother, and the angry embarrassment of the Mother Superior, Itsy, collapsing sprawled out in a daze on the tiled floor of the cathedral, lights up and takes a drag, and coughing violently, tosses aside the but in disgust, and continues her confession:
"In my own defense, I was a little over excited at the time." Why?" "That nice boy I roofied and smuggled into the dorm had so much trouble with his disguise. He was found out!" "And?" "I think I also got dosed, a little." "Why do you say that?" "I had a wicked crush all along, on that cute biology teacher, and I think got him fired! He does smell nice. And so sincere! I know that I can be impulsive at the best of times." "True, enough." "well, you could say that I broke down and confessed myself to him in class. I think He took it with mixed feelings." "Indeed!"
"Well, okay, one time I did dye my hair shocking pink. And the rug matched the drapes!" ![]() ![]()
says post to the forum,
she means it!
you have failed to raise the number of posts to the forum!