With thanks for the original source video from Pat Jackson's Podium
Added in white titling to the above embedded video: Rendered from inadequate and literalistic translations and information into lyrically serviceable English that perhaps even scans to the melody, 'Ride on Shooting Star' by the pillows the J-Pop musical closing credits theme to the anime 'FLCL' (Fooly Cooly/furi kuri). Find also right on this webpage, annotations and bibliography. |
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FLCL (Fooly Cooly/furikuri) is hands down the best anime ever, 'The Wonder Years' on acid or 'Lolita' as might have been written by Salmon Rushdie, with childhood innocence shattered by confident and guilelessly inept parenting, loose women, high strangeness, fighting robots, and all with uncommon literary depth peppered with nigh Jittlovian data streams of dazzling SFX, lightening action and rapid fire off beat nerd humor. Life changing! |
Note: In the famous words of Leonardo da Vinci: "Art is never finished, only abandoned." Since 2001, the only changes to this page have been in formatting maintenance, such as the ongoing correction of outdated hyperlinks and such. -That is, until May 16 of 2017, substituting in the lyrics "beguiling" for "enthralling" which as yet remains in the video version.
This page including the language editing for this metered poetical English language rendering of 'Ride on Shooting Star' lyrics that might even scan to the music, plus annotations, is copyright 2003 - 2017 by Aaron Agassi, derivative and under ongoing revision from sources on the Web as they have turned up:
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2003 - 2017 by Aaron Agassi