The purpose of this page is to direct the site visitor
to such up to date information regarding the prospect of new business venture
creation to help implement CASA as has been made public.
Passive/covert aggressive profile (unmatchable?)
One must join in order to gain access to the archives. But the (renamed) CASAZoo group is public, and membership is open. And so, the inconvenience entailed in "lurking" will be minimal.
("Lurking" is an expression meaning to review or follow a forum without posting thereto, at least until one may later be so inclined.)
The post archive is still not that long. And so, I hope that this will help to abate any confusion and put to rest any misleading gossip.
In case any problems with access arise, at such time I will provide a simple mirror of the post archives from my own records.
Copyright 2002 by Aaron Agassi - Last updated on May 16